April - what is the zodiac sign? April 20 - 21 - what is the zodiac sign: Aries or Taurus?

April - what is the zodiac sign? April 20 - 21 - what is the zodiac sign: Aries or Taurus?

What is the zodiac sign dominated by April? What signs of the zodiac belong to people born on April 20 and 21?

This article will be dedicated to the second month of spring - April, as well as the signs of the zodiac dominating this month.

April: What is the zodiac sign and its characteristic for men?

  • Aries sign - from March 21 to April 20
  • Taurus sign - from April 21 to May 21
April man
April man

April man

  • April is dissected into two unequal parts with two paired codes of the zodiac - Aries and Taurus. However, despite their belonging to quite similar animals, these two signs radically vary among themselves.
  • Men Aries are very energetic, focused, narcissistic and self-confident natures. They love to rule, and do not tolerate power over themselves. Only Aries Mozhchina itself is an authority for itself. Only his opinion is the only correct for him and the rest. Moreover, often this zodiac sign really manages to convince others in their rightness and impose their point of view.
  • However, not always imaginary self-confidence is a true character trait of a male man. Often behind this screen, he hides self -doubt, complexes and a bunch of doubts.
  • Men Aries are quite dreamy and live in their reality. They set themselves and other just remarkable tasks and even do not want to hear about the impossibility of their implementation. Often, their dreams are really unfulfilled, and in order to at least take a step towards them Aries should only listen to the wise advice. But this is not the sign that will listen to someone there-he has his own vision of everything and he does not intend to retreat from him. And at least one man-naval man would follow at least one advice, could get less bumps.
  • As for the disappointments and life failures, their zodiac sign is much easier than the rest. While other signs will move away from a disastrous business, Aries will already step on the following rake.
  • Men Aries are very hot-tempered natures. Enough the slightest disobedience or disagreement with their opinion, and they immediately become irritable and evil. This, so negative, the line of Aries’s character compensates for his soul with their background, sociability and goodwill. In addition, this sign can be charged with the energy and inspiration of anyone.
  • With age, the Aries man revises his frankness and directness. He begins to approach more carefully to every step, act and word. His eyes, at the same time, open on his unreal, unrealistic dreams. Over time, they are replaced by more mundane, feasible desires.
Aries man April
Aries man April
  • In family relationships, male people are also used to keeping the palm. Their companions should understand who they contacted, and dutifully withstand all those angry antics and scandals to which Aries are so accustomed to.
  • The reward for the wife of Aries will be his quick departure and a change of anger to mercy. Another invaluable dignity of this zodiac sign can be called simply puppy devotion and sensitive custody of their loved ones.
  • Aries-male love is not a secret feeling that he will bear and hide from everyone for a long time. Feeling something to the woman, the representative of this zodiac sign will immediately dumb her with his sensations and require a response. However, this is all the salt. Having answered reciprocity too quickly, the lady risks losing the affection of Aries, which will quickly fall out as quickly as it falls in love. At the same time, tightening the process of recognizing her feelings, she can also push her admirer away from herself. An ideal model of behavior is at first to build a little out of yourself, having launched flirt and coquetry, and then completely surrender to feelings.
  • Beloved Movishina should be a prominent lady, always looking good. Her appearance should delight, both her chosen one and others. At the same time, you should not open all the secrets of your beauty to your narrowed - he should not know how much effort it costs.
  • Having loving, Aries-male will not delay the moment of parting, since pretense and lies is burden to him. Most likely, he will immediately invite his chosen one to part, while offering a fuel-free good compensation.
  • Having convicted his beloved in treason, the Aries man will not be silent-he will immediately express his suspicions and tear off the relationship. His pride will not allow him to be deceived, because it is he who should be the master of the situation, and not someone else.
  • Men Aries are considered amazing lovers, although sometimes they are able to doubt their male power. Often these doubts are absolutely not justified and far -fetched. Perhaps for this reason, this sign of the zodiac very often chooses the modest and uncertain girls in sexual partners. Only with them does he feel his greatness and domination even more.
April man-Taurus
April man-Taurus

April man-Taurus

  • Men-Tales are used to leading a measured, leisurely lifestyle. They never fuss and are in no hurry. To make them do something faster-the task is absolutely impossible. Representatives of this sign will never fulfill anything from under the stick.
  • However, in spite of such a calm, non-lifting life, men-male never need anything. They love comfort and enough money. The Taurus family will never feel in any need- its head will make everything possible from him for this. This indicates a high working capacity and desire of this sign.
  • A Taurus man loves to relax in nature with active or moderate activities
  • In the house of Taurus, wealth, cleanliness and comfort should reign.
  • Men-Tels are very family and reliable people. Therefore, the fair sex simply dreams of dragging them down the aisle. However, this is not so simple. No female trick will help the woman do this until Taurus himself decides it. He will see through the woman, and will not pay attention to all her things if she does not impress him.
  • The man-man can hardly be called amorous, but if this wonderful feeling overtakes him, he will stop at anything. The representative of this sign will besiege his chosen one with gifts and compliments, while all his actions will be saturated with unexpected care and trepidation.
Taurus male born in April
Taurus male born in April
  • The man-Taurus will simply idolize his women (wife, daughter, mother). These women will rarely be denied chic purchases and new things. For that, he, Taurus, lives in this world, to allow his gentle creatures to feel like a stone wall.
  • Men-Tels are considered faithful life partners, and from their second halves they require the same. However, their chosen ones sometimes have a hard time, since these owners are also incredibly jealous and can ourselves inflate treason where it is not at all. If Taurus's jealousy is uninvited, then its offenders will have a hard time.
  • At the same time, a Taurus man very rarely limits his intimate relationships of just one partner in his life.
  • A man-man is unlikely to call a big artist in sex-he does not need a special diversity. However, thanks to his sensuality and tenderness, he is able to give the true pleasure of his chosen one.
  • A companion of the life of a male woman can become an attractive, smart, well-mannered and interesting woman. At the same time, she should also be a good mistress and a passionate mistress.
  • In a society of unfamiliar or strangers, a Taurus man will feel constrained and is unlikely to be able to be located. But as soon as he falls into the circle of his relatives and friends, he can not be recognized - he will immediately turn into a storehouse of knowledge, humor and charm.

April: What is the zodiac sign for women?

April woman
April woman
  • Aries sign - from March 21 to April 20
  • Taurus sign - from April 21 to May 21

April woman-Aries (01-April 20)

  • On women born in April, regardless of what sign of the zodiac they belong to - Aries or Taurus, the imprint that dominates the planet of Venus will always be noticeable.
  • A naughty woman is a continuous flow of energy and actions. She never sits idle, she is always visible and audible everywhere.
  • A naughty woman is a self-confident, conceited person with a thick-tooth rod inside. Sometimes it seems that she can do everything for herself and for others. At the same time, she will never fulfill someone’s commands or expect help from someone and, in principle, can not.
  • The strong, masculine character of a woman-Herus does not give her rest day or night. How demanding it relates to herself, she is just as demanding on others, and even more so to subordinates. An insatiable thirst for control and omnipotence pushes it regularly to monitor the work of others.
  • In the family of a woman, the head can only be the head and no one else. Despite her dominant position, she is a good mother and mistress.
  • A companion of a woman-Hosta should be strong in spirit and physically a man, allowing his beloved to remain independent and regularly admiring her. Very often, representatives of this sign do not find that worthy, and therefore lead a bachelor lifestyle. At the same time, they manage to be happy and harmonious.
April woman
April woman
  • Male women prefer masculine to female society-only among representatives of the strong half of humanity they feel, as at ease. Such a company is completely not alien to men, since they find worthy interlocutors in the ladies.
  • In a love relationship, women-Hostes do not give up the reins of government-they will never allow a man to choose-the choice always remains only behind them. They fascinate their victim for a long time, conquer and only then allow her to be chosen.
  • Despite all the masculinity of her character, a woman-man loves and appreciates romance in a relationship. She needs constant manifestations of feelings - she should know that she is the most beloved and the most beautiful. Her chosen one needs to be repeated regularly about this. At the same time, a woman-man herself will not run into compliments-not in her manner to ask someone.
  • For a woman, there is nothing worse than requests, pity and humiliation. She will never allow herself to experience a compassionate look, she will never ask anyone, and, moreover, she will not beg for anything.
  • Aries woman is a faithful, reliable ally and partner. From her chosen one, she will demand the same. Cheating or fleeting flirting will not pass by her all -seeing eye. Sometimes the pseudo-changes of the representative of this sign invent themselves, due to the characteristic of them, often completely unfounded, jealousy.
  • In intimate intimacy, female-people are not inferior to their leading positions-they are used to accepting gifts, and not to waste them. However, this happens only in random, unstable connections. The woman-child will be of her true chosen one with all the efforts to have and appeal.
  • Speaking out, then a woman, as a rule, are loners. It is difficult for them to find the man who will be worthy of them. In their way, they often come across weak, powerless men requiring custody and affection. Such options for these women certainly will not suit.
Born woman born in April
Born woman born in April

Taurus woman born in April (April 21-30)

  • A Taurus woman is the limit of the dreams of every man. Its positive qualities are simply not counted, but you can still try to do it.
  • Women-Tels are always surrounded by a large number of friends, friends and relatives. All this happens by virtue of their unsurpassed ability to conduct a conversation - they always carefully listen to their interlocutor, give practical advice and try to smooth out uneven corners in the conversation.
  • Women-Tales have just a limitless sense of humor, while they try not to offend people with their jokes.
  • At the meeting, a woman-Taurus will always be warmly and openly smiles that he simply cannot but bribe anyone.
  • Thanks to their amazing beauty, a sense of style in clothes and a well-groomed figure, women-women will never leave indifferent a single man. But these ladies choose only the best - beautiful, prominent and wealthy men in satellites. Yes, the financial situation of the representative of the stronger sex will always play an important role for a woman-woman, because she loves beautiful courtship, expensive gifts and unusual confessions.
April woman-Taurus
April woman-Taurus
  • Women-Tales are beautiful mistresses and caring mothers. Cosiness, purity, harmony and style always reigns in their house. In their mothers, the children of Taurus always see an experienced adviser and confident support. As a rule, female women become a friend for their children-even in adolescence, their offspring have great respect and love for them.
  • Women-Turners always control themselves-they are very difficult to get out of themselves. For all comments in their direction, they will either humbly be silent, or give reasonable reproaches. However, if you regularly and groundlessly make attacks towards the representatives of this zodiac sign, you can run into rudeness and get into a very dangerous enemy in their face.
  • Women-Tels, despite all their ideal, still have one weakness-jealousy. They can tolerate suspicions of flirting from their chosen ones. However, their patience is not forever - if the representative of this sign gets tired of her sense of jealousy or it is confirmed, then their companion will have to go through all the circles of hell - perhaps there is no sign, more fierce and merciless in anger.
  • Having an aesthetic taste and craving for art, female women do not tolerate bad taste in sex. Making love with such a woman should be impeccable and carry a whole range of pleasure. At the same time, Taurus partner will also experience simply indescribable sensations. If a man is not capable of giving such emotions, then he is not on the way with the representative of this sign.
  • Women-Tels are polygamous. They can get along simultaneously with several partners and cherish relationships with each of them. But if such a woman loves sincere, selfless love, then she can become a model of fidelity and monogamy.

April 20 - zodiac sign: Aries or Taurus?

What is the zodiac sign of April 20?
What is the zodiac sign of April 20?
  • Born on April 20, people belong to the zodiac sign - Aries.
  • The border of Aries and Taurus made such people rather complex personalities. They are inherent in unreal exactingness to themselves and others. Born on April 20, Aries can, as it seems to them absolutely reasonably, offend weak, powerless people.
  • The straightforwardness and truthfulness of Aries very often repels others from them. Salvation in this situation is only the touching and sentimentality of this zodiac sign, able to erase all the negative impression of their behavior.
  • Born on April 20 - Very purposeful and assertive people. They always go to their goal, regardless of their faces and, Rush all obstacles.
  • Leadership and responsibility for their subordinates often play a cruel joke with them - others respect them, but do not understand their relatives.
  • Such seemingly incompatible qualities, such as pragmatism and romanticism, make these people attractive to society.
  • Aries, born on April 20, have simply remarkable willpower and energy. Having stumbled or finding themselves at the very bottom, they do not give up, and with triple zeal take up the conquest of the previous and new peaks.

April 21 - what is the zodiac sign: Aries or Taurus?

What is the zodiac sign of April 21?
What is the zodiac sign of April 21?
  • On April 21, the era of the dominance of the zodiac sign - Taurus begins.
  • People, born 21 April, are endowed with simply unrealistic abilities, willpower, energy and perseverance. They are able to achieve success in everything that would not undertake.
  • There is born on April 21, and one little weakness is addiction to delicious food. In this pleasure, they can not deny themselves.
  • Another quality of Taurus, not their most loved ones, is their need for long sleep and mandatory rest after shock days. Only in this way can Taurus restore strength and charge with energy.
  • The women who were born on April 21, in their young years, completely devote themselves to the family. Only in adulthood do they begin to experience a desire for self -realization and career growth.
  • Taurus, born 21 April, too selective in their contacts - they tend to choose in close people only as whole, self -confident and reliable natures as they themselves. Peremolos and bragging to them are not fellow travelers.
  • Born on April 21 People, as a rule, occupy leading positions, rotate in the highest circles and bake about their reputation and authority.
  • Taurus, born on April 21, are good companions in stressful situations - they remain cold -blooded and sensibly thinking. However, in conditions of strict conflict, it is extremely difficult to predict their behavior.

Zodiac sign Aries: video

Zodiac sign Taurus: Video

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