Angelica or Angela: different names or not? Can Angelina call Angela?

Angelica or Angela: different names or not? Can Angelina call Angela?

The connection between the female names Angelica, Angelina and Angela. Is the last short form of the previous two?

Everything that surrounds a person has its own name. And if we don’t know him for sure, we come up with in our own way.

However, often our ignorance, the lack of desire to understand deeper in the essence of the issue lead to unpleasant situations when we emphasize our ignorance, and not at all erudite, the breadth of the horizons.

Similar moments often arise with the names and the use of their diminutive forms.

As an example, we dwell on the consideration of the relationship between Angelica and Angela.

Angelica or Angela: different names or not, how to call it correctly?

Mysterious Angelica in the autumn forest with a flute in her hands
mysterious Angelica in the autumn forest with a flute in her hands

To answer this question, let's deal with the origin of the names and the practice of using their short forms.

In the vastness of Runet, you will find opposite opinions regarding the name of Angelica Angela. Some prove that short is an analogue of a long one. The second - that they are completely different.

The origin of the name Angelica is Latin from Angelos. The values \u200b\u200bare as follows:

  • angelic
  • belonging to the angel
  • like an angel
  • bulletin, Herald, Angel

The last value is also present for the name of Angela.

Among the diminutive forms of the name under consideration are widespread:

  • Lika
  • Lina
  • Zelika

In other words, relying on the etymology of names, we note:

  • Angelica is an adjective, the characteristic of the object
  • Angela is a noun, the name of the object

Although both names have the same root. But they received distribution in different countries.

In addition, the vibrational impact from the pronunciation of the name on its owner has different power and quality. Thus, we fuel those character traits and inclinations that the girl’s parents subconsciously wished to develop.

Can Angelina call Angela?

Fashionable and confident Angelina leafing through the magazine
fashionable and confident Angelina leafing through the magazine

Despite the similarity of sound and a single root, these names are different.

The name Angelina was formed from the male angel. Nowadays, there are many options for the sound of Angelina in different countries. The letter “g” appears in the name instead of “g” or the title changes to “e”.

Among the affectionate short variants of the name Angelina you will find and:

  • Nina
  • Alina
  • Gelu
  • Gel
  • Lina

However, not Angela.

Therefore, be careful when contacting a girl with the name of Angelina. She may be offended if you call her Angela.

We examined the differences in some female names such as Angelica, Angelina and Angela. It was established that they all have one root, but slightly different meanings and the practice of using their affectionate short forms.

Be educated and speak prompted!

Video: The meaning of the name Angela

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