Anorexia - what is this disease? The first signs of anorexia in girls, women, men and adolescents and consequences

Anorexia - what is this disease? The first signs of anorexia in girls, women, men and adolescents and consequences

To the question of what anorexia is, everyone can answer. However, not everyone is given alone to cope with this painful condition. After all, the ailment can be both a consequence of another, more serious physical disease, and a harbinger of a complex mental disorder.

Anorexia is A complex of symptoms of improper eating behavior, which is a real danger to human life.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of full nutrition in ensuring the normal operation of all subsystems and body organs.

How do people get anorexia? The reasons

Factors provoking the disease can be divided into: independent, cultivated and not conscious.

At the same time, certain types of disorders are formed from the variety of conditions of maturation of the disease.

Anorexia is an insidious disease!
Anorexia is an insidious disease!

Basic causes of anorexia:

  • poor heredity;
  • improper care and upbringing;
  • the harmful influence of society;
  • surgical and oncological diseases;
  • psychiatric disorders.

IMPORTANT: How people get anorexia? They simply cease to take a sufficient amount of food for normal life.

They are hindered, for example, pain or the absence of individual organs. They can form destructive subconscious reflexes that are difficult to control. Their worldview is rather categorical than rational: in judgments about the appearance and social role of a person, extremes are traced.

Symptoms of anorexia. How to protect yourself from a dangerous disease?

Physical signs of constant malnutrition are monstrous.

The lack of professional treatment for many years can lead to irreversible changes in metabolic processes and almost complete disappearance of the immune system.

Anorexia gives himself right away!
Anorexia gives himself right away!

Symptoms of anorexia Easily recognizable:

  • loss of muscle and brain mass;
  • osteoporosis and bone fractures;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • heart arrhythmia and bradycardia;
  • the pallor and dryness of the skin;
  • hair loss, change in nail structure;
  • vomiting and intestinal obstruction.

IMPORTANT: How to protect yourself from a dangerous disease? Exclude the possibility of programming the unconscious reactions of your body by anyone. Try to match only your type of ideal complexion.

Combating anorexia is incredibly difficult!
Combating anorexia is incredibly difficult!

Types of anorexia: primary anorexia

Violation of the feeding regime in childhood can cause significant deviations of physical development.

Inappropriate actions include not only non -compliance with food schedules, but also feeding: excess, violent, inedible products.

IMPORTANT: Primary anorexia It grows entirely from the formed reflexes of rejection of food.

A decrease in the excitability of the food center with the monotony of products or excessive feeding of sweets also leads to the occurrence of problems with weight in the future.

Anorexia overtakes in childhood!
Anorexia overtakes in childhood!

Types of anorexia: nervous anorexia

This complex of food deviations is mainly subject to female persons at the age of 14-20 years.

The key manifestation of the disorder is manic obsession with weight loss.

The goal is achieved using a simple set of actions:

  • vomiting;
  • intestinal washing with enemas;
  • following hard diets;
  • taking drugs that reduce appetite;
  • exhausting physical exercises;
  • reception of strong anoretics, diuretics, laxatives and fat burners.

    Anorexia nervous leaves no chance for adolescents!
    Anorexia nervous leaves no chance for adolescents!

Although anorexia nervous And it is a serious illness, timely correction of human behavioral motives helps to curb it quickly.

Types of anorexia: medicinal anorexia

Refusal of food can be caused by the intake of specific therapeutic agents. At the same time, the purpose of taking drugs will have no connection with weight loss issues.

Some pharmacy forms for the treatment of asthma, allergies and heart diseases, as well as painkillers and antitumor compounds can provoke the development of this type of disease.

Medical drugs are not only treated, but also form anorexia!
Medical drugs are not only treated, but also form anorexia!

Medicinal anorexia It is also found in many drug addicts. Frequent irritation of pleasure receptors in the brain significantly dulls the food reflex.

Types of anorexia: mental anorexia

The evolution of this deviation is accompanied by bright mental reactions. Among others:

  • increased anxiety and fear of everything new;
  • experience of guilt;
  • indecision and vulnerability;
  • loss of self -control, affective conditions;
  • suicidal syndrome.

Important: according to many doctors, mental anorexia - One of the manifestations of symptoms of schizophrenia. The suffering such ailment separates their inner self from the outer shell, experiencing double feelings for the body: love and hatred at the same time.

Anorexia: photos of girls

Glossy magazines and television have always had a great influence on the formation of adolescents behavior. Does the beauty of victims require?

Stupid or beautiful?
Stupid or beautiful?

Bringing themselves to excessive thinness, girls are trying to live in a normal rhythm. But this rarely comes out.

You are not at all the same!

It is almost impossible to curb anorexia yourself. Biochemical processes in the body give a strong failure.

The struggle will be cruel!
The struggle will be cruel!

Many patients have difficulties with an adequate assessment of the size of their own body. Excessive thinness seems attractive to them.

A skinny girl is unattractive!
A skinny girl is unattractive!

Addiction to weight loss sometimes unites people. At the same time, the probability of an early aggravation of the condition in all recently friends increases sharply.

Anorexics are also friends!
Anorexics are also friends!

Anorexia: photos of girls They do not leave anyone indifferent. However, they cause exclusively pity.

It is difficult to look at these photos without tears!
It is difficult to look at these photos without tears!

Getting out of a painful state and becoming “ordinary” is not easy. Medical complications are unlikely to be bypassed.

How to return to a normal life?
How to return to a normal life?
Anorexia - what is it?
Anorexia - what is it?

Pregnancy with anorexia

Long -term medical practice rejects the possibility of normal formation and development of the fetus in a mother, who has long limiting herself in nutrition. The very probability of getting pregnant with such a woman strives for zero.

The lack of necessary microelements necessary to ensure the sexual function of the microelements is completely stopped by the reproductive cycle.

Miraculously formed pregnancy with anorexia It passes extremely difficult, with a constant threat of miscarriage or death of the mother.

Take a normal child with anorexia? Forget about it!
Take a normal child with anorexia? Forget about it!

Important: a exhausted girl is never born healthy children.

Anorexia at the guys: photo

The male half of humanity rarely suffers from eating disorders. Against the background of schizophrenia, chronic depression or alcohol abuse, nervous or mental anorexia at the guys. A photoLocated below, present evidence of symptoms.

Anorexia in guys can have a sharp current!
Anorexia in guys can have a sharp current!

Problems similar to female: loss of muscle mass and sagging of the skin.

Appearance gives out an -orexic man!
Appearance gives out an -orexic man!

In adult men, a painful condition usually occurs against the background of serious physical ailments.

Serious diseases give a serious anorexia!
Serious diseases give a serious anorexia!

Treatment of anorexia

Within the framework of getting rid of food disorders, the implemented help can be divided into conditionally into medication and psychological. For example, inpatients of enteric nutrition and psychotropes help patients overcome the borderline conditions of physical and mental exhaustion. And the fight against complications implies a mandatory general strengthening treatment in the form:

  • glucose and vitamin therapy;
  • correction with antacids and enzymes;
  • recovery by nootropics and anileptics;
  • reinforcements with hypotensive and anti -enemic dosage forms.

IMPORTANT: Treatment of anorexia It is impossible without high -quality psychotherapy. Experts identify and correct thinking errors, expand the behavior system, and help to establish lost interpersonal ties.

Anorexia: before and after

Delivering the patient from pathological conviction in the defect of the body is one of the priority tasks of psychologists in the process of treating anorexia nervous.

Seeing yourself in your own beauty!
Seeing yourself in your own beauty!

An adequate perception of body parameters and a true assessment of the degree of weight loss indicate the onset of the phase of mental recovery.

Many have already recovered! and how are you?
Many have already recovered! And how are you?

Fading anorexia before and after Medication looks completely different.

Every day of delayed treatment leads to irreversible consequences for internal organs.

Belated treatment is life -threatening!
Belated treatment is life -threatening!

Not formed motivation for recovery is a direct road to relapse.

Correction measures should not be terminated previously the deadlines.

Reviews are among the anorexics!

Anorexia: tips and reviews

The experience of ill, their loved ones and doctors of various specialties is certainly important for clarifying the real dangers of the disease.

The video below is presented, tips and reviews on the treatment of anorexia.

Caratic stage is no longer treated. When more than 50% of weight is lost, the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed and convulsions progress, there is practically no one to save. Do not lose an invaluable time that can be spent on preserving life!

Anorexia - painful thinness

Painful thinness is abnormal! Save your loved ones until it became too late!

Anorexia - 60% of those who applied for professional help are completely cured
Anorexia - 60% of those who applied for professional help are completely cured

Exposing statistics: 60% of those who have contacted professional help are completely cured. In 20%, relapses are possible.

Anorexia treatment will only help if there is an incentive in life
Anorexia treatment will only help if there is an incentive in life

Treatment will help only if there is an incentive in life. You can’t get out without it.

Anorexia - do not go into the extremes
Anorexia - do not go into the extremes

Atrophied brain is not the best gift from youth. Do not go into the extremes. The hunger strike does not lead to anything good!

Anorexia: no good hunger strikes
Anorexia: no good hunger strikes

It is probably difficult to resist the temptation to prove your superiority to the world. However, no one thinks about the painful starvation. Be careful with desires and attentive to your health.

Anorexia: It is probably difficult to resist the temptation to prove your superiority to the world. However, no one thinks about the painful starvation
Anorexia: It is probably difficult to resist the temptation to prove your superiority to the world. However, no one thinks about the painful starvation

Video: Treatment of anorexia nervous

Video: anorexia - you can't lose weight!

Video: anorexia

Video: Treatment of anorexia in EMS. The story of the patient after therapy

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  1. Anorexia is what has accumulated in the intestines after fasting. There is all the garbage that accumulates in the intestines after any fasting or health system. After each starvation or health system, you need to do an enema, when fasting, the body begins to work as a vacuum cleaner, pumping everything that has accumulated and transmitted to the past Packing. This is a poisonous substance-causing dysbiosis. If you can’t drive this garbage, it will not be possible, since these substances cause dysbiosis and everything that falls from food begins to turn into poison and food simply goes into diarrhea without getting into the body. These substances are so poisonous, since this garbage was on a lot of generation, passing it to it and adding its garbage to it. Musor consists of alcohol residues, smoking and pills and many other things that are not food. Make an enema start to eat properly and the body will begin to bloom again and gain their weight. Those who do not believe in this garbage can check its presence by passing on any of 1 3 systems and within two weeks you will see how it comes out and smells like you are in a table of pills. The clisms are created for this so that they do not get used to them at least once a year. Only not with micro enemas but with large ordinary circles with hoses that the enema would be effective and carefully cleanse, it is necessary to add to the water mug or a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice of a tablespoon or adding a glass of morning urine to a mug of water and a pose to choose the knees -the time of the enema is also more deeply water and more thoroughly water and more carefully Clean the intestines

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