Aloe - Instructions for use

Aloe - Instructions for use

In this article, we will discuss all aspects of the use of Aloe.

Instructions on application

  • A drug « Aloe» contains such substance how antrakhinon, per check whom possesses great biologically stimulating remedy. Except togo a drug is good antioxidant, because how it has in composition vitamins FROM, vitamins groups AT and E
  • « Aloe» acts how immunostimulator, it has anti -inflammatory and antiallergenic action. it good preventive means against seasonal inflammatory diseases, per check antivirus and anti -inflammatory actions
  • A drug wide used for cosmetological goals, good cleanses skin from acne rash and beneficial influences on the her general condition.
    So the same this is medicinal means improves work Gastrointestinal tract (digestion, uplings useful substances, vitamins and trace elements)
  • He beneficial affects on the dissolution and display salts from kidneys and biliary bubbles
  • « Aloe» good affects on the vision and microquuulation eyes at infectious diseases organs vision

Indications to application

« Aloe» shown accept in the following cases:
AT combined treatment at colds and inflammatory diseases and for them prevention
Diseases skin pokov, wearing inflammatory or infectious character in chronic or acute form them manifestations
Dermatitis and deramtoses different genesis (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema)
Gastroenteritis and gastritis
Chronic pathology Gastrointestinal tract
Inflammatory diseases intestines
How preventive means in treatment ulcerative diseases
At stomatitis, inflammatory diseases oral cavities
At long not healing infeced wounds in composition multicomponent treatment
For treatment in composition combined treatment inflammatory diseases organs vision and at developing myopia
AT complex treatment asthma and tuberculosis lungs

Given medicinal means found wide spectrum use at many pathologies and cosmetological problems.

How acts Aloe

On the today day reliable not clear mechanism actions given drug, but m but individuals components scientists identified.

Aloe in form gel it has in composition substance, which it has softening actionsubstance bradikininaz,. Relieves from feel itching magnesium lactate. A drug it has vasodilating action, what allows improve local circulation  and those most increase speed healing damaged site.

results research so the same testify about bactericidal action drug, about his antifungal and antivirus action. Aloe it prevents reproduction malicious microorganisms.

Forms release

« Aloe» it has lots of form release:
Juice fresh aloe
Gel Aloe Faith
Liquid extract (ampoules)
For everyone forms there is mine spectrum application.

Juice Aloe

Juice plants Aloe use at gastritis and gastroenteritis inside, in time constipation and enterocolites. Externally juice found own application at sharp purulent or chronic infectious diseases skin pokov.

Syrup Aloe

Syrup applied at anemia, with disadvantage gland in blood different genesis.

Gel Aloe Faith

Gel Aloe Faith use at burn diseases, for prevention lesions skin ray therapy, at inflammatory diseases mucous membranes and skin pokov.

Liquid extract Aloe

Liquid extract Aloe assign at inflammation prostate glands, at inflammation gynecological aspect, inflammatory diseases systems breath , organs Gastrointestinal tract, organs vision. Injections Aloe apply for stimulation immune systems.

Aloe in tablets

Aloe in tablet form assign for treatment myopathic choriooretinitis and in multicapodanent treatment myopia.

Aloe: way application and dosage

AT form juice Aloe applied per half an hour before reception food inside on one spoon three times in day, juice apply how lotions externally. Well treatment it is from 14 before 30 days.

Syrup Aloe assign inside on half or on 1 tea spoon, dissolving in quarters glasses water on the 1 reception on the length from 14 days before 30 days.

Gel Aloe Faith at ray therapy recommended apply after  irradiation on the skin covers amazed zones. AT therapeutic goalson the places defeat thin layer 3 times in day, putting above gauze bandage. For gynecological treatment recommended apply gel on the places defeat 2 times in day.

Liquid extract assign injection on 1 ml before 4 injections in day, in dependencies from volume inflammatory process. Children before 5 years dose it is 0.3 ml, older 5 years in dose 0.5 ml. Well treatment it is from 30 before 50 injections. Repeat chickens can after 23 months.

Aloe in tablets accept inside per 30 min before food on 1 tablet 4 times in day. Well it lasts 1 month, repeat well treatment can after 3 monthfloor of the year.

Aloe contraindications

Application contraindicated in case:
Allergic reactions on the components medicines
in period bearing pregnancy
AT period feeding
At sharp diseases intestines
At predisposition to diarrhea

Before beginning reception drug necessarily contact per consultation to for treating doctor.

Aloe overdose

The only thing what can mark at excess doses drugthis is gain such side effects how diarrhea or manifestation allergic reactions.

Analogs aloe

Not direct similar analogue given drug, replace his can only complex vitamins, antibiotics, antiseptics and immunity. There is various variations given funds, title which depends from firmsmanufacturer:
Wood syrup Aloe
Extract aloe
Aloe extractDarnitsa
Vitamins Gamma (syrup)


  1. At application medicinal funds Aloe Faith externally in form ointments side effects practically not observed, but in case deterioration states or appearance itching necessary stop usage liniment. At this special processing the site not requires
  2. Not use a drug in treatment postoperative seams. it surely extend time them healing
    Juice medicinal plants maybe to be not enough cleaned and have in your own composition not big amount components fiber plants, which maybe provide laxative effect. AT case appearance sensations spasms intestines and liquid chair, reception juice need straightaway stop
  3. Necessarily consult with doctor, if you you have related diseases, at which it is necessary constant reception others medicinal funds (reducing content sahara in blood, diuretics, heart drugs, steroid medicinal funds)
  4. It is forbidden start off reception drug inside patients, having violation rhythm hearts, sugar diabetes, patients having pathology kidneys or hearts

Video: Aloe-cheat, medicine, cosmetics

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