Alena and Elena: One name, or not? What is the difference between the names Elena and Alena?

Alena and Elena: One name, or not? What is the difference between the names Elena and Alena?

What do you think Alena and Elena - is this one name? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Among the huge assortment of female names are the names Elena and Alena. Due to these names, various disputes arise very often. Many believe that Alena and Elena are one name, but some people claim that they are completely different.

Alena and Elena: One name or not?

When you hear the name "Alena", it may seem that now a girl from a fairy tale or a girl with round cheeks, depicted on the cover of chocolate tiles, will come out. What is Alena?

  • The name Alena is the modified name Elena. If translated from Greek, then it means sunlight, torch. But scientists argue that these names are considered completely different, since they have different roots.
  • Alena is an ancient Russian name. In ancient times, “Alens” called warlike tribes that lived in the Russian Federation. A sword with fire was considered a symbol of these tribes. In addition, the pagans Alena was the goddess of the morning dawn. Ordinary people called girls with that name of the Oleins. A little later, the Russian name Alena became very common among the people.
Elena or Alena
Elena or Alena
  • Name Elenait came to people thanks to Greek language. It translates "sunlight." The name began to be especially popular after the baptism of Russia occurred. The peak of popularity named after the 20th century. Both rich and ordinary people loved the name.
  • At the moment, this name is considered a rather popular option, and therefore from time to time the name Elena occupies one of the leading positions. All because it has a beautiful meaning and sounds beautiful. Elena's name is in harmony with each surname and various patronymics.

What is the difference between the names Elena and Alena?

Philologists say that Alena is a certain name that occurred on behalf of Elena after colloquial fatigue. All because the name itself has a great age. Alena’s name is so old that scientists still do not know how it is correctly deciphered.

We call Elena or Alena
We call Elena or Alena

There are several variations:

  • Alena is a ray of sun or light. This version is the most ideal.
  • Hellenes. So the Greeks called themselves. This version of the name is considered quite dubious, and therefore often people discard it.
  • Reed torch. This phrase is written as follows ἑλάνη. However, this form is also not confirmed.

In the 80s of the last century, these names were officially allowed to record in the documents. In other words, Alena and Elena are completely different names that often use people.

Many girls are offended if they are called not Alens, but by Elena. It may be that these names sound differently. If you begin to understand these names, then they are considered different forms of the same name. Therefore, one can safely call Alena Elena, and vice versa. But from a legal point of view - these names are considered different, even though they have the roots.

Video: Value name Elena

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