8 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

8 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

In this topic, we will consider 8 lunar days.

The moon has a tremendous influence on all living and not inanimate on the planet. And also directly affects the mental and physical condition of people, on our behavior and well -being. Some people are more amenable to this influence, while others are less, but in any case to ignore the signs of the universe and the change of lunar phases is not worth it. Therefore, in this material we will analyze the 8 lunar day.

What are 8 lunar days: a complete characteristic

Every lunar day carries its energy and has its own talismans. And knowing about the characteristics of each of them, you can greatly facilitate your life and turn any current situation for your own good. Some days of the lunar calendar bear positive energy and contribute to a favorable solution to problems, and on some days it is worth behaving extremely carefully and attentive to everything that happens. Let's take a look at the “character” of 8 lunar days.

  • This phase of the lunar calendar charged with positive energy,promotes degeneration and spiritual purification. And also prepares radical changes and transformations.
  • On this day you can feel A great desire to change your life and become better.It is precisely such transformations that occur in our body at the level of cells and tissues, so for us these changes are not noticeable.
    • And for those people who want to start their lives from the “clean leaf”, it is important not to miss this day. And it is worth paying attention to the signs of fate, as well as engage in your own “rebirth”.
  • Symbol of the day - Phoenix,which symbolizes degeneration and heat. As well as additional symbols are a butterfly, a peacock and a casket with treasures. They talk about a new life, the flight of the soul and the transformation.
  • Element - the fire,what gives us impulsiveness, desire and desire for the better, will and vital energy. But this period also covers Earth,as reliability, strength, tradition.
  • Favorable color - red,abstracting with passion and desire for power, and blackcolor. By the way, it is on the 8th lunar day that the last color symbolizes wisdom, which will allow you to better understand itself.
  • The most good number - This is 8, What is associated with infinity, immortality and freedom. Such a symbol especially helps to develop in the creative industry. Of course, drawing an eight on the forehead is not necessary. It is simply necessary to pay attention to the small signs of fate. It is on this day that the number 8 promises happiness and joyful changes in life.
  • Successful stones of this day are considered: grenade helps to bring and streamline thoughts, and chrysolite,which brings good luck, as well as Uravotovit and Olivin.

Important: this is the first day of the second phase that rushes to the full moon.

Infinite degeneration
Infinite immortality

What can and what can not be done on 8 lunar days?

  • This day is designed to repent and healing your soul, knowledge of the inner "I".But before starting actions and transformations, it is worth finding and achieving harmony with yourself.
    • For example, if you could not forgive yourself for any misconduct, it simply makes no sense to go to church for repentance. It is necessary to initially realize your sin and let it go.
  • Forgiveit is necessary not only yourself, but also others. Even if you can’t forgive a person, you can just wish him good. And ask the universe to let go of the situation. All grievances, fears and experiences should be left behind.
  • Many people on this day may experience strange excitement and experience. There is nothing terrible about this, the main thing is Do not let negative thoughts into your head. Thus, the Universe “plays” with us, throws temptations and tests. Only complete harmony with itself will help to withstand negative influence and become stronger.
  • Energy 8 lunar days inclines To internal work on oneself.For complete cleansing, you need to conduct an introspection of your life and actions, but in no case should you scold yourself.
  • Take your misconduct as experience. And unnecessary experiences and remorse will not allow Clean your mind and soul from negative impact.Therefore, starting life from a "new sheet" will not work.

It is also worth refraining on this day from such acts as:

  • it is better to avoid disputes, and conflicts are completely suppressed at the root;
  • show caution when working with fire or electricity, And best of all - avoid them. This does not apply to candlelight meditation, but the right mood is also necessary here. By the way, a bad sign is considered if you burn or go out the candle with meditations;
  • it is undesirable to work on Earth. That is, dig, transplant, and especially plow the garden. For this day, small housework is perfect, for example, having seized clothes or easy cleaning;
  • it is better to postpone funny entertainment in noisy companies. Of course, this does not mean that you need to avoid celebration at all. But it is better to celebrate the holiday with a small feast in the company of the closest friends and without fanaticism;
  • treat carefully to all living things - do not press insects, do not drive spiders from home, do not scold pets. Also Do not eat animal food.

Such acts will go for the benefit:

  • early awakening, along with the sun, will allow him to be fed with life -giving energy, which will maintain such a difficult day;
  • do not sit at home, but boldly Send on a trip.Any new information or meeting can radically change your life for the better;
  • keep calm, Show flexibility for any changes. Even if they seem to you not the most promising. If you succumb to the surges of emotions, this can lead to mental disorders.
Let go and forgive the old grievances and sins!
Let go and forgive the old grievances and sins!

Business and financial sphere for 8 lunar days

  • 8 lunar days give business people a second chance. If you could not sign some contract for a long time or agree with new partners, then that very time has come. This applies to any other investments and acts in the field of business.
  • If you decide change the type of activityor change the work is also a favorable time. Of course, this does not mean that in a new place you are waiting with outstretched arms. But if you have long been tormented by doubts about your activity, you should listen to your inner desires and take measures.
  • It is worth remembering The more you invest, the more recoil will be. Therefore, if you want to establish your financial situation, you need to try as much as possible and work hard on this day. Everything will happen slowly, and not as you want, but all your deeds will bear fruit. This day is especially favorable for attracting and acquaintance with new partners and employees.
  • So that it does not happen on this day, take it like Divine lesson,experience or even an exam. The Universe may provide you with trials that will prepare for new changes and changes in life. Remember that nothing happens in our world just like that.
  • It is on 8 lunar day that you can understand what you want from your life, correctly prioritize and understand yourself. It is worth noting that if you do not engage in work on yourself On this day, all accumulated negative can splash out at any other moment.
Use this chance
Use this chance

How do the 8 lunar day affect human health?

  • "Under blow" on this day it becomes liver and stomach.Therefore, it is worth listening to your well -being and be careful with your nutrition, especially if you have diseases of these organs.
  • In any case, you should not take alcohol, smoke and overeat.
  • Do not allow any disease on this day, because It will be difficult to cure it.
  • You can do today manufacturing medicinal decoctions and infusions,it is best if they are multicomponent. Such drugs contribute to calm and strengthening health. Also, on 8 lunar days, it is advisable to engage in cleansing the stomach and intestines.
  • Often on this day the nervous system suffers. They will help you calm down meditation or contrast shower. If you feel excitement or tension, you need to relax and spend the day in a calm atmosphere with your favorite book and hot tea.
    • During the day, you need to wash yourself with sacred water. It is also worth avoiding emotionally unbalanced people who can negatively affect your well -being.
  • On 8 lunar day The rebirth occurs not only internal, but also external. Therefore, if you want to lose weight for a long time, and the reflection in the mirror is not at all happy, the day of the change has occurred. It is today that it is worth doing not only sports, but to pay attention to your food.
    • Eat vegetables and fruits more, but it is better to exclude meat and fish products. Also, therapeutic massages will only benefit you and allow you to get rid of extra pounds.
    • But do not wait for cardinal changes by the end of the day. 8 lunar days are charged with powerful energy, which gives strength and exposure, which contributes to an easy start for new undertakings. It is important to remember that all internal transformations should begin only after complete mental purification.
Change habits - change yourself
Change habits - change yourself

How does the 8 lunar day affect relationships and family origin?

  • Marriageon this day, happiness and luck will bring only for an active couple, which is always ready for sharp changes and an active lifestyle. If one of the partners is not an active person, it is better to transfer the wedding day to another time. Otherwise, marriage will not be crowned with happiness and longevity.
    • In general, it is undesirable to marry that day. Especially if the couple dreams of a calm and measured marital life, then they definitely should not marry that day. People who have engaged on a 8 lunar day are waiting for a rich and stormy life, full of changes in both good and bad.
  • To the sacrament of the wedding On this day, it is also worth it with caution. The marriage will be crowned with success and happiness for partners only if people went to this for a long time and have pure, sincere intentions. Between people married on this day, complete understanding will reign. And most importantly - they will live a happy life together without significant shocks and failures.
  • Sexit also requires caution, as well as tenderness. On this day, it is better to surrender to caresses and theoretical knowledge in each other's knowledge.
  • But then such a period d is great for dates,first or subsequent, as well as any manifestation of romance!
Favorable day for conception
Favorable day for conception

Conception and birth on 8 lunar day

  • Born people On this day they do not have excellent external data, but they have a brilliant mind and well -developed memory. In addition, such people are very hardworking, honest and conscientious. Namely, these qualities in them love and appreciate others.
    • Such people have a fairly simple and easy character. They easily forgive and accept any changes in life, which contributes to rapid career growth. Such people are able to “reborn”, so the profession of an actor or artist is perfect for them.
  • Conceived personalities In this phase they will have a bright and rich life. Glory and travel will keep up with them. But they will always need to work on their development and self -improvement. Often subject to mood swings and despondency. Therefore, it is important for parents to raise confidence, determination and willpower in the child.

Can I cut your hair for 8 lunar days?

  • This day shown for transformations.Hair haircut helps to extend life and cleanse from its sins. And any cosmetic procedures will give impetus to improve and direction energy in the proper direction.
  • It is useful to straighten the hair. After all, even strands are better attracted to positive energy. But you should refuse coloring!
Do not miss the dream signals
Do not miss the dream signals

What do dreams say for 8 lunar days?

  • Pay attention to what you dreamed about. It can be any dreams and unrealized desires that you have forgotten about for a long time. Or which you need to embody in your life.
  • Also on this day a hint of your current position may come in a dream. Pay attention to the details and sensations after sleep. Perhaps you need to change something.
    • If you see open and clear open spaces, then you are ready for changes. You just need to decide in reality.
    • If in a dream you fall into closed spaces, dead end situations or traps, then you still need to work on yourself in order to prepare for changes.
    • But the fire warns of a possible difficult situation in the future.

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