7 secrets of a successful career. A professional career plan

7 secrets of a successful career. A professional career plan

The desire to become a successful person, self -sufficient and naturally wealthy is inherent in each of us. How to start a way to a big business, realize your plans and dreams? Let's discuss.

Many almost from a kindergarten dream of a successful career, not even knowing exactly what it is. But we are sure that being successful means to be rich. Good car, house, beautiful life, fame. Years pass and there is an opportunity to plunge into this alluring reality. That's just for this you need to know exactly what is the road so that the odious plans do not turn into disappointment.

7 secrets of a successful career - how to build a career?

  1. Counted for the choice of an educational institution
  2. The most serious attitude to the educational process
  3. Practical consolidation of knowledge
  4. The first "adult" work
  5. Continuous advanced training
  6. The desire to move forward
  7. Sociability and ability to build business relations

Building a successful career begins with the choice of an educational institution. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only your desires, but also natural talent, even if it does not appear fully. There are modern techniques that can help to reveal the possibilities and determine the right orientation in the choice of the institute.

The most serious attitude towards studying at the chosen institute. If the goal is to build a career, you need to simultaneously master a couple of disciplines that will help in the future. If possible, try to get into the program for international students' exchange. A trip abroad can be a successful springboard in creating a business in the future.

The next stage is a practice, the search for which needs to be started long before receiving a diploma. In addition, it will be possible to show their first skills to establish business contacts.

But the most important step will be the first place of work. Here you have to make every effort. The selected company should not only be prestigious, but also promising. Only then it will be possible to connect your future with her.

In order not to become an inconspicuous, ordinary office worker, one must not forget about further education, do not lag behind progressive technologies. The choice of creative and non -banal solutions will necessarily lead to the fact that the leadership will appreciate the ability of its young employee.

It is necessary to pay attention to themselves, not to be afraid that colleagues will be behind. You are building your career, but you should not underestimate the command work. It may happen that colleagues in the present will become subordinates in the future.

Never stop there. Everyone around you should know that you have grandiose plans and a great desire to overcome all the steps of the career ladder.

Successful career rules

  • Perform your professional duties by 200% or more. From the very first day, not only to show yourself a qualified specialist, but also to become one in fact
  • To be as sociable as possible, but clearly observe subordination, otherwise you can make an enemy in the person of the boss. Try to make sure that friendly relations do not interfere with service
  • To be able to quickly make decisions, there is no doubt if it becomes possible to show yourself. It is possible that exactly such a step is expected from a young employee in order to entrust him with a higher post
  • Away to discard stupid stubbornness and be honest with yourself and others. Always recognize errors, if any. But with one “but” - not only to recognize, but also be sure to correct them. Then not only subordinates, but also leaders will respect

Important! If you feel dissatisfaction from work, you understand that this is not yours, that the selected area of \u200b\u200bactivity is not interesting to you, you should not waste time. While young, master new opportunities and continue to look for yourself. Sometimes a few years spent on this will become much more useful than all life at tedious work.

Building a career of the manager

The ability to become a manager only appears among leaders. This is the main, but not the only factor. Society is important, the ability to get along with the team and find a way out of difficult situations.

At the beginning of the manager’s career, take the entire workflow at the beginning of the career. It is necessary to organize everything so that each department, each employee performs his function as efficiently as possible.

You are a manager, not an accountant, personnel officer or warehouse manager. But everything that happens in the company should be under your control. Particular attention should be paid to the set of staff, since it is the team, coordinated and friendly, that is the basis of a successful business and career growth of the manager.

Secrets of a successful career of a leader - career planning

Each company has unspoken rules that the whole team tries to follow. From the first day of work, it would be nice to find out all these subtleties in order to use them profitable in the future. It would be nice to talk about this with the leader, to make it clear that you want to share the values \u200b\u200bof the company. This will not go unnoticed, which will help to get an increase in the future. You can call this the first step.

There should be no shame to show your abilities. Your professionalism, firmness, the ability to understand people will allow you to take first place in the list of candidates for a senior post.
For a good leader, the issue of prestige and success is knowledge of foreign languages. It is much more effective to negotiate with foreign partners.

Career construction - career growth at work

  • Be an undoubted professional. This is the key to successful career growth
  • Apply innovation in self -development, do not focus only on your duties
  • Honesty with business partners put in the first place. The quality is quite rare, unfortunately, but this will bear fruit and colleagues will reciprocate
  • Personal ambitions do not put above the interests of the company, but these parameters must be observed without fanaticism

How to establish your life - a professional career

  • Many wondered why some did everything, while others live in the office as ordinary employees. Although the inclinations were at the same level at the beginning of professional activity. And the possibilities are approximately the same
  • The problem is that the career will go up only for those who strive for this and tries to make maximum efforts
  • To improve life and succeed, you need to radically change your worldview. Set a goal, draw a beautiful future and feel free to go forward. If necessary, then leave the old job, since you are already used to perceive you as a "gray mouse"
  • Some psychologists advise creating a collage of desires. This will work as a message from fate, and will help to achieve what you want. You need to draw or stick on a large sheet of paper image of what you dream
  • Do not reject the most daring desires - if it is a car, then the most expensive, if rest, then only in the best resorts in the world. Family, prosperity, a lot of money, let all this will be depicted on the collage

But the main action is selfless work. Not at the half of strength, but with full dedication. And when some pictures from the collage will come true, the realization that you are a winner will come. Luck is always on the side of the one who believes in it.

Work and career - success in the career

Career success often depends on external factors. Relations with the boss did not work out initially. This happens quite often, especially if the chef realized that your leadership qualities can become a threat to him.

You can tactfully correct the situation, make it clear that you do not need his position, that you prefer your career in fairly. If this does not work, then you will have to look for another job, since the increase on this will remain a pipe dream.

Friendly relations with employees of competing companies can cause problems at some period of time. Especially if this becomes known to the authorities. Cruel, but for the success of your career you will have to either hide or make a choice.

Regional director - how to become a director?

The regional director runs one of the branches of the main company. To take such a post, you need to have experience in a leadership, and not necessarily in the same field of activity.

Director is a purely technical position. You can be an excellent leader who came from outside, but you can’t do without a thorough study of the specifics of production in the future.

To become a director is much easier for those who have good recommendations. And of course, complete compliance with the specified requirements. If everything goes away in this regard, then at the interview you need to show yourself from the best side. To express your interest in the success of the company and to maximize the higher management.

Work as the director of the store - how to make a resume of the manager?

Getting the position of manager or director of the store is increasing significantly, if you make up the right resume.

  • Specifically indicate which position will suit you and in what field of trade
  • Their data - surname, name, patronymic, age, place of residence and contacts by which you can contact you
  • Education - the name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty
  • Additional training - if there is
  • Previous jobs - in detail, indicating the posts and achievements
  • Functional responsibilities in which you are strong
  • Language knowledge
  • Knowledge of the computer - at what level
  • Personal qualities, hobbies, hobbies

If desired, you can specify additional information if you consider it appropriate. More complete information will help the employer to establish himself in his choice. But without excessive zeal, resume is business information, not a work of art.

Successful career of a woman

It is more difficult for a woman to achieve career growth. And for this you need to make more efforts than a man. The head of any company calculates several years in advance when considering the candidacy of a new employee. And even if you do not plan to go on maternity leave, the boss understands that sooner or later it will happen. So it will be needed to replace and spend the resources of the training of new personnel. Why would he need these troubles?

A woman with a grown child has more opportunities. But even in this case, no one is safe from hospital and other unforeseen circumstances.

There is only one way out - to present your knowledge, skills and talents so that the leader does not have a shadow of doubt. There should be a clear answer to all questions. The interview to turn into a presentation of their business qualities, non -standard thinking and female charm, which men, fortunately, are deprived of.

The boss simply will be obliged not to take into account the alleged period of absence, runs and other points, if only to get such a valuable employee.

Further career is little distinguishable from the professional growth of a man, although it has some advantages. The woman is more intuitive. It can correctly combine mathematical pragmatism and natural flair, and this is the most expensive quality in business.

Where to place a resume?

  • The resume is compiled, but where to place it so that it does not hang on a dead resource. For this, there are ads and sites about work. You need to pay attention to the attendance of these resources and choose those that take leading places in this regard
  • To be on the first pages, many sites offer to pay for a VIP month. It is not expensive, but it can significantly speed up the search for work.
  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the regional ownership of the sites. It is foolish to place a resume on the resource of Novgorod if you are going to find a job in Moscow
  • Social networks in search of work are very popular. The client base is so extensive that you can safely hope for a positive result. There are special groups in which they are placed as a resume of applicants, so announcements from employers

Important! To accommodate the resume, select the maximum number of sites. Then the search time will be reduced and you will quickly get the desired job.

Avito resume - the right resume to work, how to place on the site?

One of the popular sites for placing resumes is rightfully considered Avito. It is to this resource that they are addressed primarily for a variety of reasons. In addition, there is quite simple functionality, just take a few steps.
  1. Registration indicating the phone number and email
  2. The selection of the section - "work" - placement of resumes
  3. Filling the provided form with the placement of personal photos (not necessarily)

Previously, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the resource so as not to be remote for violations. Fill all the windows of the form in detail and follow the clues.

This form will appear on the Avito page after choosing the section:


How to make a career: tips and reviews

Many women have achieved amazing results and universal recognition thanks to the problems that they had to face personally. And the children did not obscure, even helped their mothers.

Daria Puhaeva, creator of the jewelry brand

  • Caring for children, a large house - all this did not allow to leave the family for a long time. But what about work, with a career, because for this you will have to be outside the family for a long time. A friend who prompted a successful business plan helped. Together we created a new brand - pendants with figures for boys and girls. Perhaps this is exactly the fact that I would not mind buying, which means others too. I am satisfied with my life and new work, and most importantly, my children are always there.
Lida Danilova - author of children's books

  • Before the birth of a child, I didn’t even think about my career, and after my life changed dramatically. The daughter became my main inspirer. Thanks to her, two of my books were seen, and I'm not going to stop. And it all started with the fact that I uploaded a photo on the social network. These were our family evenings on which we were engaged in creativity. Now I have a publisher and many new projects.
Victoria Krasilshchikova - Creator of the Information Service

  • In the past, I am a marketer, so I knew how to organize a new business from scratch. For many, it remains a mystery how I have time for everything, because three children take a lot of time. The opening of the project occurred on the eve of the birth of a third baby. Everything that I do is devoted to children, because my service helps to organize their leisure. My children not only inspire the conquest of new peaks, but are also the main critics.

To become successful and building a career is not as easy as it might seem. But each person has so much strength that he can turn mountains. It is only necessary to direct this potential along the right path and a successful career will become a reality.

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