7 actors who were orphans

7 actors who were orphans

In this article we will see famous actors that we were able to achieve significant heights in the world of cinema, despite the childhood spent without parents.

TV screens give us the opportunity to contemplate the successes of famous actors. But only by studying in more detail the biographies of famous people, you understand that many have been laid the thorny path to glory. And some did not even know the warmth and affection of the mother or strict instructions of the father. It is hard to believe that some actors who grew up orphans were able to achieve such tremendous success, no matter what. Therefore, we offer to look at famous actors without parents to take an example of an incredible power of the spirit.

7 famous actors who were orphans

The loss of a loved one is a great grief. And even for a child, this is a great shock. After all, he loses the main wings that become an important support in life. Of course, not all parents abandon all, sometimes life sends a strong test - takes the life of the most dear people. But the actors who were orphans were able to survive and even achieve envious heights that their parents could be proud of them.

The standard of a strong man and conqueror of female hearts - Pierce Brosnan was left to his parents

  • The future James Bond earned his role since childhood. The circumstances helped the boy grow up with a real man. Without his father’s upbringing, he remained about a year when he left his family. Mother left her son under the auspices of her grandparents. After their death, Pierce Brosnan lived with his native aunt.
  • But in speed, the boy went to the boarding house of the Catholic Church, where he went to school. The upbringing there was, to put it mildly, strict. The students experienced frequent bodily punishments. When the guy was 11 years old, he was taken by his mother, who had already married. Pierce still recalls his childhood with trembling.
  • At the age of 16, Brosnan laid the foundation in his future profession and became a student of the St. Maritin Center London College of Arts. But Glory came only at 42, where he found out the world about the incredible James Bond.
Perhaps a hard childhood and made a real man out of him
Perhaps a hard childhood and made a real man out of him

Stanislav Sadalsky was in the boarding school from the age of 12

  • The actor lost a seriously ill mother when he reached the age of twelve. The second parent, who is commonly called his father, was frightened by responsibility and determined his sons in the boarding school. Subsequently, Stanislav’s relationship did not work out with him, since he could not forgive his father’s act. And life with him in childhood passed in fear due to beatings.
  • Already at the age of 16, the boy tried his acting skills at the Moscow Theater School. Schukina. But an obstacle was an anomaly of the bite, which was noticed by the teachers, and, thereby, scattered the guy’s dreams for a whole year.
  • Having worked out the period of time at the factory tokar, he tries his happiness in GITIS. There he is noticed by the artist of the Moscow Art Theater - Grigory Konsky, saying such words: "This drawback can be made with dignity." And he was right. As a student, Sadalsky began his acting career, which covered more than 100 roles of cinema and theater.
The main thing applies to humor
The main thing applies to humor

The famous actor of Roman Stephen King - Jack Nicholson lived for a long time in the illusions of deception

  • Jack cherished himself with the hopes that his parents were his grandfather and grandmother. He considered his mother for a long time as an older sister. The whole truth about his real origin was revealed when Jack was 36 years old, in 1974. And this was presented by a curious journalist who got to the bottom of the truth.
  • I did not have a chance to feel anger for their parents. Since the real mother Gene died 11 years ago from cancer, and three years later (in 1970), his grandmother Estelle also died. Therefore, it did not work out to find out the name of the father. But life replaced the sadness of great take -off, because in 1975 Nicholson received his first Oscar and dizzying fame.
Apparently, from childhood, the actor was prepared for the theater, because in the family everyone played his role
Apparently, from childhood, the actor was prepared for the theater, because in the family everyone played his role

Actor Evgeny Shirikov as a director about his life in the short tape "I live"

  • At the age of 11, Shirikova’s mother dies, and the father at that time is in places of imprisonment. So he gets into the boarding school of the city of Sokol. This boarding school turned out to be one of the exemplary institutions. To avoid the fulfillment of the nonsense, they tried to use orphans in various extracurricular activities. Evgeny Shirikov, taking advantage of this position, visits the dramatic studio of the House of Children's Creativity and continues to play sports.
  • His goal since childhood is to become a military man, but the teacher of skill N.V. Maltseva notices an acting and vocal talent in the boy. Thanks to her instructions, the guy is transferred to an orphanage to Vologda. From there begins the active preparation of the guy for his future. By the way, Eugene graduated from a school with a red outlet.
  • For a long time he was not attracted to the world of cinema, because he was focused on the musical theater. And his first step was in the role of the director in 2013 about the children of the orphan or I live. Eugene in this film conveyed his own emotions that he had to experience in childhood. And a year later he got his first role. At the moment, there are only 13 works of the actor.
A striking example that life directs with its invisible hand in the right direction
A striking example that life directs with its invisible hand in the right direction

Luito Ray is an American who lived in the foster family of Italians

  • From the boy, relatives were forced to refuse due to the inability to feed the baby immediately after childbirth. But six months later, a wealthy Italian couple adopted him and another girl. So Ray received a full -fledged family in one day.
  • The young man purposefully went to the actor’s career and even graduated from the dramatic department of the university in Miami. At 24, in 1978, he got his first role in the cinema, and in 1990, at the age of 36, Ray received great fame for the film "Glorious Guys". After that, the actor played more than 100 outstanding roles.
By the way, such a cold -blooded man voiced the cartoon.
By the way, such a cold -blooded man voiced anxora in the cartoon "Sponge Bob Square Pants"

The orphanage was a podium for the career of Peter Logachev

  • Peter was born in 1985 in a full family, but at the age of two the boy loses his father. This becomes the cause of living in a boarding school, since the mother did not cope with upbringing due to malaise. Peter's stay in the orphanage entails an interest in the theater studio. After all, this is the only way he found salvation and joy.
  • The head of the studio - L. Gladilina, made great contribution. After all, it was she who prepared the guy and his documents for the theater university. Already at 23, Peter received the main role and a wide start in his career, which has already covered more than 20 films.
It seems that the actor took a slight start, but before that fate has conducted endurance testing
It seems that the actor took a slight start, but before that fate has conducted endurance testing

Dzhango Liberated star Jamie Fox adheres to the motto - not to keep resentment in his heart

  • Native parents of the boy at the age of age refused him, handing him to the shelter. Initially, the name Jamie was Eric Marlon Bishop, but in his student years he took the pseudonym. From the shelter he was taken by the family of a teacher and a warehouse worker. The new family paid great attention to religion, but it was the foster grandmother who gave the impetus to show business.
  • The most amazing thing is that after many years Jamie found his mother and made contact with her. But for this it took him a lot of time. Moreover, Jamie adheres to the theory that it is impossible to keep anger or resentment in himself. After all, this corrodes a person from the inside. But the mother did not really want to turn the past. The father does not want to communicate with him.
  • After 2005, the actor began to increase the shooting schedule, while he played roles in fairly bright action. The actor is not known about the personal life of the actor, but he brought up one daughter on his own, but in general he treats his children with great trepidation.
Inner optimism helped the actor from the stand-up
Inner optimism helped the actor from the stand-up

Video: Celebrities who were orphans

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