5 ways to knit a circular scarf with knitting needles: diagrams, description

5 ways to knit a circular scarf with knitting needles: diagrams, description

We bring to your attention 5 master classes to create a circular scarf.

The scarf is not just a winter attribute, which warms our throat from frosts, but also brings a highlight to each image. Recently, circular scarves that are very simple to create with your own hands are especially popular. Therefore, we offer you several options to knit a circular scarf with knitting needles.

How to knit a circular scarf with knitting needles: description, diagrams

First of all, we will separate that there are several types of circular scarf. The most popular models:

  • this is a scarf chomut. It stands out by the fact that it has two turns. In this case, it can also be used to cover the head;
  • and a scarf snood. A little shorter, because it has only one revolution. But it can also be used to cover the head due to sufficient width.

The creation system itself can be:

  • on circular knitting needles, which will help create a scarf without a seam;
  • and ordinary viscous on two knitting needles, when the ends are connected by the seam loop into the loop;
  • it is also provided Connection using brooches, buttons or buttons. It all depends on your imagination and desire. After all, such elements can also be decorative.

The first and easiest way to knit a circular scarf

Clamp with an elastic band
Clamp with an elastic band

1.5 skein of the acrylic thread (in one skein of 350 m yarn) and knitting needles are necessary.

  • Give 50 loops Any method convenient for you. We remove the first hem, the last in each row - we knit only the wrong side. But our advice: if you knit the first loop of the front, then the edge will be more even and tight.
  • The first row is knitting with an ordinary elastic band 1 to 1. But keep in mind - knit the front loops behind the front wall of the loop, like a cross!
  • From the second row you start to do already Volume elastic band:
    • remove the first loop (or knit the usual front by the back wall of the loop);
    • the second loop is also facial. But she Fit by the loop of the previous row. That is, you just sink and insert the knitting needle into the lower front loop behind the back wall. It turns out, as if you knit two loops together, but in an upright position;
    • the next loop, as it should be according to the scheme, goes wrong. Knit it in the usual way.
  • Repeat so to the end of the row! And each row is knitted according to the same scheme.
Scheme of volumetric rubber band with crochets
Scheme of volumetric rubber band with crochets

On this amount of yarn, 130 cm of the scarf comes out, which is enough for two skeins. You can make less or tie the remaining yarn by getting a longer version of the model. We sew the edges with the thread by the thread by the “loop to the loop” method. That is, we capture one loop (both walls) from the initial edge and remove one loop from the final edge, which is still on the spoke.

Important: Do not tighten the loops much! Otherwise, they are simply unattractive and unnecessarily pulled out.

Video: How to knit a circular scarf made of white yarn with a voluminous elastic band?

The second option is how to tie a circular scarf: mentholnic sophistication with double braids

Menthol unusual circular scarf
Menthol unusual circular scarf

Important: this circular scarf has the edges that are knitted according to the scheme of a hollow cord or I-Cord! That is, you knit the first three loops with facials, but not right behind the back thread, but crosswise behind the front wall. At the same time, neither the first nor the last loop is removed and always knitting the front! On the wrong side, the first and last loops of our hollow cord are not knitted, just removed! When turning the work, you capture the thread in the usual way, as expected, knitting a crossed facial loop.

For this circular scarf, we need 400 g of yarn, ideally a merino wool, and the knitting needles with a width of 8 mm. The height of the product is 21.5 cm, the length is 174 cm. An additional needle and hook No. 8 will also be required.

The start of work and a set of loops:

To dial 35 loops, 3 first and 3 last loops are used to create a hollow cord. To knit for such a length of the product, 32 repetition of the pattern from 1 to 8 row. To connect the knitting needles, you need to hook the first row on an additional thread. After work, dissolve it to combine the edges by the “loop into the loop” method. But you can fasten them with your method. Just closing the loops, without bloating the trial row and using an additional thread.

Important: do not forget that you start and end the work with 3 hinge cord with 3 loops!

Let's start with abbreviations:

  • C4V- Remove 2 loops at work. Knit 2 persons. and then knit the loops with an additional knitting needle;
  • C4f- 2 loops are removed before work. Also knit 2 persons. and then knit the loops from the additional knitting needle with the front;
  • C4VR- 2 loops for an additional knitting needle at work. 2 persons. loops; 1 out., 1 persons. with additional knitting needles;
  • C4Fr- 2 loops before work. 1 persons., 1 out.; 2 persons. hinges with add. knitting needles;
  • C4vi- 2 loops at work on an additional knitting needle. 2 persons., 2 out of an additional knitting needle;
  • C4Fi- 2 loops before work. 2 out., 2 persons. with additional knitting needles.

Pattern "Iris"

  • It is knitted according to the scheme: 1 out., 1 persons., Repeating from beginning to end in each row. That is, in the place of the wrong loop in the second row will be front and vice versa.

Spit pattern

This pattern has a more complex scheme:

  • first row - 1 out., C4v, 4 out., 2 persons., Iris pattern on 7 loops, 2 persons., 4 out., C4f, 1 out.;
  • 2 row - 1 persons., 4 out., 4 persons, 2 out., “Iris” on 7 loops, 2 out., 4 persons., 4 out., 1 persons.;
  • 3 row - 1 out., 4 persons., 2 out., C4VR, 7 loops of the Iris pattern, C4FR, 2 out., 4 persons., 1 out.;
  • 4 row - 1 persons., 4 out, 2 persons., 2 out., “Iris” on 11 loops, 2 out., 2 persons., 4 out., 1 persons.;
  • 5 row - 1 out., C4v, C4v, “Iris” 11 p., C4F, C4F, 1 out.;
  • 6 row - 1 persons., 8 out., 11 loops of Irisa, 8 out., 1 persons.;
  • 7 row - 1 out., 2 persons., C4vi, C4fi, “Iris” on 7 loops, C4vi, C4Fi, 2 persons., 1 out.;
  • 8 row - 1 persons., 4 out., 4 persons., 2 out., “Iris” 7 p., 2 out., 4 persons., 4 out., 1 persons.

Video: How to make beautiful edges of a circular scarf or how to knit a hollow i-cord cord?

How to knit a circular scarf-jumper with a pearl pattern without a seam?

Iris snood
Iris snood

For this model, 2 skeins of 150 g of alpaca yarn is needed. It is warm enough, soft and has a good thickness of the thread, which will help create a voluminous clamp. The knitting needles are required No. 9 and always circular, at least 80-100 cm!

Important: be sure to measure the density of knitting before a set of loops. Measurements must be taken after washing and drying the sample.

  • There should be approximately 8 loops 10 cm, because the thread is quite thick. We make a calculation of the necessary size of the scarf:
    • in 1 cm, 0.8 loops are obtained. We divided 8 p. By 10 cm;
    • if we want 140 cm of the scarf in length, then we need to dial 0.8*140 \u003d 112 loops; For 145 cm, 116 loops are already needed; and for 150 cm - 120 loops;
    • and do not forget about 1 connecting loop.
  • When typing loops, you need to leave approximately 6.5 m yarns free. After all, you need to recruit a lot, therefore, the threads need a proper amount.
  • We put on the row counter or fasten the pin to Mark the beginning of a row. Start with the front loop, then the wrong side goes and in this order continue to our marks. In fact, this is the second name of the pattern "Iris".
Iris or rice pattern
Iris or rice pattern

Important: for a more beautiful shape of the front loop, knit it with a crossed way - behind the front wall!

  • Do each row in a checkerboard pattern. That is, in place of the front loop, make the wrong side and vice versa.
  • Please note that for knitting a circular scarf The ends when the thread ends, we do not connect. And just apply to the old thread, approximately at the level of 5-7 cm and knit with a double thread. One loop is enough, but for a better guarantee-you can walk 2-3 loops. After the old thread, we just leave it. By the way, a new thread should also have a tail. Then you simply hide these ends in knitting lines.
  • Continue to knit 40 rows like that. The last row is reported to close the loops. By the way, look so that you have enough thread! In our example, 1 row takes 6 m. Therefore, it does not hurt to measure the end of the thread at the end.
  • Close the loops in the usual way Strongly not tightening. That is, immediately grab 2 loops by the front wall. Then put on the resulting loop back and again knit two loops together with the front.
A few more approximate schemes for a circular scarf
A few more approximate schemes for a circular scarf
  • And a small advice is a loop that will turn out from the binding of two loops, it is better to even delay a little. Then this edge will be elastic.
  • We will cover the last loop. Put it through the last loop of the previous row and stretch the resulting loop on the front side. Through them, stretch the cut thread and take it to the wrong side. Very carefully, but tightly tighten the knot! Next, we just hide under the arches of the loops on the wrong side. You do the same with the ends that came from the connection of two threads.

Video: A circular scarf without a seam!

We knit a narrow openwork circular scarf along the pattern "Leaves"

Scarf with leaves
Scarf with leaves

This option is suitable for a quick creation of a scarf, because it eliminates any twisting. That is, it has a simple form. The dimensions of the approximate scarf are 30 cm in width and 35 cm in height. At the same time, 1 skein in 100 g. The alleged yarn - merinos will be enough. The number of the spokes is 4. If you knit too tightly, then take a little more.

  • The figure is required A set of loops that will be equal to 15 plus 1 connecting loop. As a result, 121 loops are obtained, since the repetition of the report in a circle is 8 times.
  • The first row must be knitted with the wrong loops to create a beautiful relief. We knit on such a pattern of 4 more rows. Next, you need to follow the scheme.
  • We do not scare, due to crochet, the slope of the loops that you knit together, and will bend in the right direction.
  • Repeat the report from beginning to end. In this case, you continue the scheme in a checkerboard pattern to create other leaves that will smoothly go to the next tier. Also continue until the desired height. In total, 6 repetitions will be required. If desired, you can increase the quantity.
  • Close the loops in the usual way without tightening the thread.
Another version of a scarf with leaves
Another version of a scarf with leaves

Video: How to knit an openwork circular scarf?

How to knit a two -tone circular scarf?

Two -color scarf
Two -color scarf

We offer the easiest option to create an unusual and at the same time simple snood or clamp. You can do in another way - just when knitting with a canvas or in a circle, replace the thread with another color in an equal number of rows. As a rule, one scarf is not enough for one scarf. But it depends on the meter of the skein itself and on your yarn. For example, a thin thread requires more consumption.

As an option. You can just alternate colors
As an option, you can just alternate colors
  • We will knit on circular knitting needles ordinary elastic band. But due to the change of color contrast, a very unusual effect and a bright highlight of your image will be created.
  • We consider the right number of loops, as we proposed in the option with a “pearl” pattern. But keep in mind that the elastic band stretch more and not as tight as “Iris”. But the thickness of the yarn is also taken into account. Therefore, be sure to miscalculate the density of knitting. For example, you get 10 loops by 10 cm. Then for 100 cm of the length of the clamp you will need 100 loops. Plus 1 connecting loop.

Important: but there must be an even number of loops!

  • Gather loops, for example, gray. The first row begins with a thread, which the hinges were collected. Start with the front loop, but here You do not knit the wrong side, but remove it, while making a cloak.
  • So you continue until the end of the row, alternating the front and removed yaw loops. And keep in mind - knit the front loops behind the front wall. And do not forget to celebrate the beginning of the row with the marker.
  • And a small hint - the correctness of the loops will say about the correctness of your set. After the front loop, the wrong one should always go. Therefore, a row you must finish the removed crochet loop.
  • You also do not tie the second thread, but simply insert into knitting, leaving a tail of 5-8 cm.
  • Start with the front loop. But throw, for example, a pink new thread and Take it off the first front loop. That is, You are now not knitting the facial loops. But the wrong ones knit along with the crochet set by the method. That is, the wrong way. Also do it until the end of the row.
    • That is, with a gray thread, you knit front loops with crochet facing, and pink - the purl loops with crochet.
Another suitable scheme
Another suitable scheme
  • And repeat the desired scarf height according to this scheme. Ideally, close the color with which they started.
  • And another recommendation - knit the connecting loop tightly so that there are no holes or stretch marks.
  • Close the loops a little other scheme. You knit the first loop, as be the front, and the second - the wrong one. And now immediately pull the first loop through the second. The third loop, respectively, knit the front. But you pull the wrong side on top. And so you continue until the closing of the row.

Video: How to knit the snood with knitting needles with a two -tone elastic band?

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