5 of the best cosmetics for lips care. What means should not be used regularly for the lips?

5 of the best cosmetics for lips care. What means should not be used regularly for the lips?

If you dream of beautiful and well -groomed lips, then this article is exactly for you. She will introduce you to the most useful care products.

Absolutely every woman in any situation strives to remain well -groomed and beautiful. And in order for the girl to always be sure of her had to devote a lot of time to her face. She should follow her hair, manicure, pedicure, skin cover, and, of course, with her lips.

After all, not entirely proper care of the lips can make them dry and cracked. And if a woman will not eliminate the problems for a long time, it is likely that after some time they will lose not only an attractive appearance, but also a form.

What cosmetics should be used for the lips?

We all know that the dermatological cover on the lips is quite thin and tender. It does not have a fat layer, does not emit sweat and therefore quickly dry and peel off.

Therefore, if you notice the slightest irritation on the skin, then, without putting it in a long box, take the necessary measures. Moreover, now you can do it quite quickly. In pharmacies and cosmetics stores, products are sold that will quickly make your sponges red and juicy.

Funds needed for care:
• cleansing. They must be used every day. For these purposes, you can use milk, lotion or nutrient creams. You can also sometimes use peeling products. But to care for lips, you need to choose a less aggressive cosmetics. Piling should have the most minimal effect on the skin
• Moisturizing and nutrients. Do not forget to go outside, apply hygienic lipstick to the skin. If the epidermis dry out during the day, then the procedure must be repeated. Also do not forget about the balm. They will help to make the lips soft and shiny
• Protective. This function is performed by decorative cosmetics. But since such funds, with regular use, clog pores, you must be able to apply them correctly. Before applying decorative lipstick, treat your lips with a hygienic tool

Lip gloss: which one to choose? What should be in the composition

Modern fashionistas love shine for his ability to attract attention to beautiful and juicy lips. But if you want your sponges not only beautiful, but also healthy, then give preference to quality tools. If they are made strictly according to technology, then Lanolin, Vaseline, wax, paraffin, vegetable oils, as well as vitamins A, E and V. will necessarily be present in their composition

Conscientious manufacturers add components of exclusively plant origin to such a cosmetic product. High -quality shine after application should cover the skin with a thin, homogeneous film, if not so, then it is better not to use it.

Bloss selection criteria:
• should not contain lumps and grains
• Choose a thick consistency
• Pay attention to the expiration date
• packaging should not even have the slightest damage

Lipstick: Correct lipstick

Now in specialized stores you can find a cosmetic product of absolutely any color. And most often, the fair sex is precisely this criterion and pay attention in the first place.

Of course, the color plays one of the main roles, because it should be ideally suited under the tone of the face or dress. But if you want your mouth to always look perfect, then buying lipstick, pay attention not only to its color.

Choice recommendations:
• Pay attention to the type and composition
• Carefully take tone selection
• Do not forget about the shape and size of your lips
• it will be better if there is no glycerol in the composition of the cosmetic product

Lip balms: Suitable for both children and adults

Most people do not really understand how the balm differs from hygienic lipstick. And some people think that it suits children exclusively. But those who are very seriously approaching lips care that this tool is quite effectively taken by skin problems. The balm has quite high healing properties, thanks to which it softens, moisturizes and smoothes the skin.

High -quality shine consists of such components:
• natural wax base
• vegetable oils
• Vitamins
• Plant extracts
• Ultraviolet filters

Hygienic lipstick: Classics of the genre! Save your lips in any weather

Since hygienic lipstick should effectively moisturize and nourish the skin, then its choice must be approached with all responsibility. The composition of a quality product should have a variety of vitamins, bee wax and vegetable oils.

But in addition to these ingredients, manufacturers add to cosmetic products and other components. Unfortunately, they do not always have a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

Components that should not be in the lipstick:
• Silicone oil
• Salicylic acid
• glycerin
• various kinds of fragrances

Lip cream: Why is it needed?

All of us can find a cream for hands, legs, face and body, but units have a lips care for lips. For many representatives of the fair sex, the care of the lip ends with the application of lipstick. Of course, hygienic lipstick may well solve some problems, but she is unlikely to correct complex defects. For these purposes, you need to use a special cream. It will moisturize well, restore elasticity and blood circulation.

Components of high -quality cream:
• green tea extract
• caffeine
• Grape seed oil
• Wheat germ oil
• Aloe vera extract
• Allantoin
• Lactic acid

Application of other lips beauty: Shi oil and coconut oil

Of course, ready -made cosmetics eliminate skin problems very well. But since there are a lot of components in their composition, it may happen that one of them will cause allergic rashes. In this case, girls have to look for an alternative to purchased lipstick or balm.

Means that can be used to care:
• Shea Butter. Due to the fact that it penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis, the oil softens dry skin, removes peeling, prevents the weathing and makes the skin with soft and velvet
• Coconut oil. The composition of this product has laurin, myiristine and oleic acids. They restore the natural properties of dermatological covers, normalize the acid-base balance of the skin, and also contribute to the rapid healing of cracks

What cosmetics can harm the lips?

To care for our lips, we use advertised balms, lipsticks and creams. Having heard and read about the beneficial properties of cosmetics, we run to the store and buy your favorite remedy.

And how surprised we are when the miracle does not happen, and the balm does not help us get rid of problems. Most often this is due to the fact that its composition contains not quite useful components.
Harmful substances:
• Parabene
• propylene glycol
• Butiled hydroxyanisol

When to start to care for the lips? Video

It is necessary to take care of the lips at any age and at any time of the year. Dermatological cover is equally exposed to negative effects in winter and in summer. And if you want your lips to remain beautiful as long as possible and do not lose your shape, then do not forget to give them at least a couple of minutes every day.

Video: How to care for lips?

Care rules:
• Protect from temperature fluctuations. Before entering the street, apply cosmetics on the epidermis that have a moisturizing and nutritious effect
• Buy the highest quality lipstick. Since this tool is on the lips enough for a long time, it will be better if it contains only natural components
• Do cleaning procedures. This procedure gently removes the old skin and makes the lips a little brighter. But if you do not want to harm yourself even more, then use the tools made on the basis of fruit extracts for peeling
• Massage the lips. Massage can be done with your hands or an ice cube. With such actions you increase the influx of Krova, thereby you can make the skin more fresh

Cosmetics for lip beauty: tips and reviews

But in addition to ready -made cosmetics for lips care, you can also use home -made cosmetics. Sometimes it helps to cope with defects faster than store products. But the most important advantage of such funds is accessibility. Indeed, most often ordinary products are used to treat skin problems.
Products that can be used for care:
• Lemon juice
• honey
• Alay juice
• chamomile
• calendula

Veronica: My body does not tolerate cosmetics quite poorly. It would seem that I buy a quality tool, and an allergic rash everything appears exactly. Therefore, I am very attentive to the choice of decorative lipstick, and I make a peeling tool exclusively with my own hands.

Anastasia: It seems to me that it is easier for very busy people to go to a store or pharmacy and buy everything you need to care and treatment. I constantly buy cosmetics of one company. I like the price, quality and most importantly the effect that it has.

Video: lips care in the fall and zma

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  1. If the skin is dry on the lips, it is advisable to moisturize it with Videstim. This pharmacy ointment containing vitamin A. perfectly eliminates dryness and even heals microcracks.

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