5 life hacks for passengers who will not be described in Russian Railways

5 life hacks for passengers who will not be described in Russian Railways

Ways to save Russian Railways.

There are many interesting life hacks that can be used during a trip on Russian railways. They will not be told about them at the box office. In this article, we will try to understand the useful life hacks of Russian Railways, as well as talk about how to save Russian citizens and foreigners while traveling.

Interesting facts about Russian Railways that will make the trip more comfortable and cheaper

  • During planting, one error in the ticket in the surname and in the passport number is allowed. Therefore, if you accidentally introduced your last name on the Internet, you were mistaken in one letter, do not be upset. All the same, they will let on the train.
  • If necessary, the conductor is obliged to raise luggage to the train at your request. Accordingly, you do not have to independently drag the bag into the car.
  • If you did not get the lower shelf, only the upper ones, note that the luggage compartments at the bottom of the train are designed for passengers who use exclusively lower shelves. Therefore, if you are not allowed, you will have to drag the luggage to the very top of the car, that is, into the compartments that are at the very top.
  • If you did not have time to purchase a ticket, do not be upset. A great option for purchasing a ticket is to purchase 24 hours before the train is sent, and 2 hours. In almost 80% of cases at this time there are tickets. The fact is that in many directions the company holds a certain number of tickets to the extreme case, and then throws out their free sale.
  • Buy tickets in advance by early booking. This will help you save up to 50%. Now almost all the sappsans who work in different directions, there is an action. When buying tickets there and back, you save 20% of the total cost. We advise you to buy two tickets at once, on the return trip as well.
  • Quite often it happens that there are no tickets on the way from the intermediate station, so do not hesitate to break through the initial and end point of the train in the program. Quite often, the company first tries to sell tickets that follow from the starting to the final point, and only then gives a small part to the intermediate direction. Do not worry, usually the ticket price is not particularly different, and sometimes even cheaper than along the path from the intermediate station.
  • If the train delay was more than 4 hours, you must feed you. If it was more than 12 hours, then the food will be 2 one. If the delay is about 24 hours, you should feed you three times, and at the expense of the company.
  • If you accidentally arrived at the station for a couple of hours earlier than the specified time, and there is a train that travels earlier in the direction given to you, then you can go to the cashier and, if there are free places, go to this train and leave. At the same time, the box office will simply make a note on your ticket.
Railways tickets
Railways tickets

5 Lifehakov Russian Railways for passengers who will not be talked about

Few passengers know that in most Russian Railways wagons you can take a shower. Such a service is available in all trains of improved type, it is sappsans, as well as in most ordinary trains. The cost of such a service is 150 rubles. At the same time, you need to negotiate with the guide or the head of the train, you are unlikely to be refused this. In addition, you can purchase a set of towels for an additional fee, as well as disposable slippers.

If you are traveling on the upper shelf, you are required to provide special limiters or seat belts. For free, the conductor must give you hot and cold water, access to the outlet. At your request, you must lay the bed. This is also included in the services and cost of the ticket.


Life hacks of Russian Railways, which few know about:

  1. If you are late for the train, you can return the money. Within 3 to 15 hours after the train departure, you will need to write an appropriate application to the railway box office, and wait for compensation. If you are late or could not come due to some kind of illness, then you will need to provide a certificate from 3 to 15 days in the period of 3 to 15 days that you were sick, as well as an appropriate statement. The full cost of the trip will be returned to you.
  2. Please note that the cost of a trip is significantly different from the time you purchase a ticket. This is especially important when buying sappan tickets. The fact is that if you purchase tickets 60 days before the trip, then their cost will be 2 times lower than if you do it two or three days before the departure of the composition. Therefore, try to book places in advance and buy a ticket. This will help you save a decent amount of money.
  3. Seasonal discounts take place. In certain days and periods, the ticket price can be overstated or vice versa, decrease. The most expensive are tickets in the summer, as well as during the winter, spring and autumn holidays. When most often people go with their children to one of the resorts of our country. Russian Railways uses this, raising the cost of tickets a little. The margin can be up to 15%, but if the company goes to you, then the savings are significant.
  4. There is an interesting feature in Sapsan. If you have a birthday in 7 days, then you can buy a ticket for half price. In addition, you can take three more friends with you. Thus, the trip will cost you 2 times cheaper. It is imperative to provide a passport and say about a birthday so that tickets are issued at a reduced price. It is also worth noting that some wagons have sockets. In the compartment, this is between the third and seventh coupe.
  5. There are also sockets for charging phones near boys. We do not advise charging a mobile device using such outlets, because the voltage in them may not be particularly stable. You just ruin your technique, so we advise you to use Pavverbank.
On the platform
On the platform

Life hacks of Russian Railways for saving when buying tickets

The situation with international class tickets is very unusual. For example, in the direction of Moscow-Tallin. The cost of the reserved seat is about 6,000 rubles. Quite expensive, so many purchase plane tickets. But there are several options to save almost 3 times. Buy a Moscow-Ivangorod ticket, and then on the same train Ivangorod-Tallin. You will be surprised, but the cost will decrease by 2 times. You can generally transfer to a sedentary train, since the distance is a little more than 3 hours. Savings will be even more. There are many such interesting Life hacks of Russian Railways associated with the cost of tickets.

Express train
Express train

Tips for dog owners and cyclists

For lovers who travel with pets, it will be useful to find out several Life hacks of Russian Railways:

  • If you have a pet, you leave to rest for a long time, you should take it with it
  • In this case, you will have to draw up all the documents for the dog, provide vaccination documents that your dog is not contagious. You need to put on a muzzle, collar and leash
  • At the same time, it is imperative to buy a separate place with a domestic animal. If the dog is large, then you will have to redeem all the compartment so as not to cause inconvenience to other passengers
  • This is certainly not very cheap, but you can’t transport animals differently

Please note that you can travel with bicycles. This is especially true for people going to relax in mountain massifs and conquer the tops on bicycles. For such transport, you will have to draw up a permits.

In all reserved seats there is a compartment on top, in which you can put up to 4 bicycles in one department. Therefore, a trip with a bicycle can be quite comfortable. It can also be handed over to baggage, but it will have to be disassembled so that the length of the bicycle does not exceed 1.8 m.

Dog on the train
Dog on the train

As you can see, there are many options for saving on tickets. Use our life hacks and make the trip more comfortable.

Video: Russian Railways Lifehacks

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