40 timely tips that can save your life: list, description

40 timely tips that can save your life: list, description

In difficult situations, you can not always navigate what to do. From this article you will learn how to save your life in emergency situations.

No one is safe from troubles, injuries in everyday life or at work, and other large and small disasters. But there are situations in which there is a direct threat to life. Perhaps these tips will be remembered in a critical situation and will help to safely get out of a bad situation.

Tips that will save life: if you attack you

  • If you were attacked in the elevator cabin, without wasting time, press all the buttons indiscriminately. If the dispatcher or the waiting elevator, the neighbors notice such a random flickering of a light indicator, they may well understand that something extraordinary happened, and measures will take.
  • You return home and understand that someone is following youAnd his intentions are clearly not kind? Quickly throw things out of your handbag that they say about you, in the course of your movement: credit card, documents, notebook. So your location will be determined faster.
Leave things along the route
Leave things along the route
  • If you are p they drove an armed attack, and the police are already in a hurry to help, your task is to stay in the maximum distance from the head of the criminal. As a rule, the sight of a police weapon is directed in the face of the attacker, therefore, in order not to accidentally suffer with a possible shooting, try to be as far as possible.
  • If you are in yours the apartment climbed the criminal, use any chance to get into the kitchen - there is knives, hammers, aerosols And other useful things in order to fight back.
  • Be sure to look at number of the car (including a taxi) before sitting in it. If suddenly the driver’s behavior seems suspicious to you, call your loved ones and say that you are already going and ask you to meet by naming the car number. Let your interlocutor not understand anything, but the driver will know that he is “under the sight”.
  • If as a result attack you got a knife woundAnd the knife remained in the wound - do not try to pull it out. You can further increase bleeding, so let doctors do this.
When attacking
When attacking
  • In case of attack on the street, you can try defend With the help of ordinary key, holding it in his hand like a knife. These are important tips that will save life,after all, now a fairly high criminogenic level.

Tips that will save life: how Avoid emergency situations driving?

  • If yours the car goes under water, do not immediately try to open the door. Strong pressure of water will not allow you to swim out of the cabin. You have a little time to focus, unfasten the seat belts and slightly open the window to water entered the salon slowly. Now you can open the door and get out.

If the car has not yet plunged into the water, you need to quickly get through the window. Be sure to carry any heavy object or tool in the cabin to break the window if it suddenly jams it.

  • Emotions behind the wheel distract attention from the road, so never enter into a skirmish, especially for trifles. Passengers should not provoke too emotionally unrestrained drivers, from the conflict not far to the assault. It seems to be a trifle, but it is real advice that will save life, not only yours, but also passengers.
  • Forget about the phone during the trip. Even with the fastest reaction, you can not have time to make a maneuver in time if you get, for example, into the "blind zone".
The phone is banned
The phone is banned
  • This is indeed The concept of "blind zone" Both pedestrians and those who move in a bicycle or moped should know. The driver simply will not see you on time if you begin, for example, to cross the road in the immediate vicinity of the moving car. This advice, which will save life, is very important to take into account. Since because of "Blind zones"very often accidents occur.
  • If a plastic bottle filled with water lies in the cabin so that direct sunlight falls on it, it can turn in a convex lens, and this is fraught with a fire. Therefore, do not put the bottles near the glasses of the car.
  • Do not put your legs on the surface of the dashboard. In the event of an accident, a sharp opening of the airbag can result in injuries, up to fractures. These are important tips that will save lifeon the way you need to remember, given the fact that the number of drivers of both sexes has increased significantly, as well as emergency situations.

Tips that will save life: Safe flight

  • Going to your place in the cabin, count, How many rows are the next way out of you. If suddenly there is a need for evacuation, and the visibility is insufficient (this may be, for example, in conditions of fire on board), your guideline will be passed. Listen to this advice that will save life You are with a plane crash.
Count the ranks before the exit
Count the ranks before the exit
  • Do not think inflate a life jacket in the cabin of the aircraft. It expands to huge sizes and you simply cannot get to the exit in it.

Tips that will save life: for safe trips and travels

  • Determine where the north is If there is no compass, you can use the usual branches. Insert it into the ground and look at the shadow discarded by it, fixing this point. After a quarter of an hour, mark the place where the shadow is now falling, and connect the points. Stand on the line of the connection with the left side to the first mark - in front of you are north. It can also be done by looking at the bark of trees.
Instead of a compass
Instead of a compass
On the bark
On the bark
  • Stuck in snow drifts, do not try to quench with snow. In addition to the fact that there are many harmful impurities in it, you will spend a large amount of energy to warm up after such a cold “drink”.
  • To catch fish in the absence of a float, You can use the swab by tying the edges so that the air does not come out.
  • When scratch or wounds, obtained in an unfamiliar area, do not wash the place of injuries with water from a nearby stream, lake, rivers. Water may contain any pathogens.
  • Ordinary condom In extreme conditions, it can be an excellent “cover” for matches or phone, preserving them from getting wet.
Protection against getting wet
Protection against getting wet
  • If you get into a snowdrift and can’t imagine where the top is and where the bottom is, and where you should move, ordinary saliva will come to the rescue. Right at the mouth, make a hole and feel free to spit. Track where the saliva flows (of course, it flows down) and get out in the opposite direction. Remember the given advice that will save life Fans of ski leisure.
  • You lost orientation in an unfamiliar forest? Select one side with which you will go around the trees (either on the left or right), and move only in this way. This will exclude walking in an infinite circle.
  • If you find yourself in conditions where there is no access to water, try to eat less. The salt contained in food saturates the blood, and the brain receives additional signals of the need for fluid, even more increasing thirst.
  • If you Starked in the forest, as antiseptic You can use it pine resin. It will help in a stop of minor bleeding and disinfect the wound. Also, with the help of resin, you can pull out fragments or splinters, applying it to the wounds-foreign objects themselves will come out in a day or two.

These main ones tips that will save lifethe journey is very important, because in nature we all love to relax. And travels are able to present unexpected surprises.

Tips that will save life, h the toobs do not suffer in spontaneous and technogenic disasters

  • If you are in open water space, you can save you pants. Tie the pants with a knot and, holding the belt, hit the water with trousers. The air that falls into the leg will make them a kind of “inflatable circle”.
  • During the fire to get out of the room It is best crawling, because there is more oxygen below and a relatively low temperature. Since the fires are quite frequent, this advice that will save lifeIt is important to remember.
  • If you happened get out of the water of the drowningBe sure to deliver it to the nearest medical institution, where his lungs will be saved from the remnants of the water that got into them.
Save and deliver to the hospital
Save and deliver to the hospital
  • Getting into a strong current ("Explosive"), do not try to immediately go towards the coast. First move in the direction perpendicular to the flow of water, and then diagonally.
  • If a a hurricane rages outside, By strength, comparable to the real tornado, do not hide from it under the bridge, because Statistics indicate that their collapse is the most frequent phenomenon. Also, do not open the windows if the element has raged.
  • Once in the radius of the explosionBe sure to open your mouth so as not to sacrifice with drum memos. Be careful and attentive - there may be more than one explosive device.
  • If a during cooking, you have a frying panThrow a little soda on the fire. So you can do if the flame is not very large.
  • These are simple tips that will save life,since, at first glance, safe, natural gifts can lead to disaster with negligent behavior.

General advice that will save life

  • Do every day with boisting expanderTo make the hands stronger, this will help you when you need strong hands.
  • Remember only two three -digit telephone numbers: 112 and 911 (there is a redirection from it), and you can call rescuers even if a SIM card is not inserted into the phone, there is no network, and in some models-and with a sowing battery.
Important numbers
Important numbers
  • It is important to listen to this The advice that will save the life of a person whose condition worsened on the street.Firstly, do not become a yawn from the crowd. Usually the time required for emergency care is spent only because of universal confusion and panic. Take control in your own hands, determine the assistant from the crowd, give him clear instructions: call an ambulance, help stop bleeding, hold your head, etc.
  • At heart attack In anticipation of an ambulance, make deep breaths and exhale. So it will be easier for the heart to pump blood.
Need to know
Need to know
  • In the case of a burn In extreme cases, you can use vinegar by diluting it with water and making a compress. The same method will help in the event of a burn from contact with a jellyfish.
  • Do not go down the stairs, put your hands in your pockets. In the event that you stumble, you will not be able to maintain balance. If the fall is inevitable, you can protect your head with your hands.
  • Put one or two bills in the phone cover or hide under its lid. If your wallet becomes the prey of a pocket thief, you will at least be able to get home.
  • Useful tips that will save life Very simple for memorization, moreover, they are extremely important. We are faced with many similar situations repeatedly in life, and knowledge of useful information will help to quickly save the situation.

Signs that can save life

  • Pay attention to the carbonated drink in your glass. If you see that air bubbles accumulate in the center of the vessel, then a thunderstorm is approaching and security measures should be taken. The bubbling edges of the glass speak of good weather.
  • The impending bad weather is well predicted by birds. Swallows are especially sensitive to changes: their low flight speaks of imminent rain, high-the wind will rise, and flights up and down portend a storm.

Life is an unpredictable thing and it is not known where danger awaits us. Therefore, it is important to study and remember the main tips that will save life Not only yours, but also your loved ones or just surrounding people.

Video: Tips for saving life

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