39 years of marriage: What is the wedding, what is it called? What to give parents, friends, spouses, for a fortress wedding for 39 years? Congratulations on the anniversary of the fortress wedding 39 years old parents, friends are beautiful, touching in verses and prose

39 years of marriage: What is the wedding, what is it called? What to give parents, friends, spouses, for a fortress wedding for 39 years? Congratulations on the anniversary of the fortress wedding 39 years old parents, friends are beautiful, touching in verses and prose

The article offers you many options for congratulations to spouses, parents and close to the "fortress" wedding anniversary.

Why is a wedding of 39 years of marriage a fortress wedding?

After 39 years of life in marriage, the spouses celebrate their "fortress" wedding anniversary. This is a big and very joyful event for the whole family, which requires celebration and mental congratulations. The name of this anniversary is very symbolic and it is associated with such a material as crepe.

Creation is a very unusual fabric. It is dense enough and it is impossible to break it. So marriage for 39 years of life is a strong union. The threads of the crepe in the material are so interconnected as many events in the relationship between husband and wife. Together they are a strong canvas called "Family". Creation is as different as marriage in 39 years. The material is very appreciated for the complexity of your texture, which you can no longer find in other fabrics.

Important: “Fortress” anniversary is called upon to return the spouses to the spouses and remind them that they are appreciated in each other. As a crew, a marriage union should be warm, soft and reliable, give an example to its descendants and inspire each other for further life.

What is the meaning of the fortress anniversary?
What is the meaning of the fortress anniversary?

Is it possible to celebrate the fortress anniversary of the wedding? Ideas for celebration. Options for cakes for a fortress wedding

The fortress is significant, but still it is rarely celebrated with a grand scale and magnificent. All because all forces should be left for the next anniversary 40 years of marriage. Most often, the couple prefers to celebrate the “fortress” anniversary and only close relatives in the circle: children, grandchildren, best friends. A quiet family holiday will only contribute to the strengthening of relations, their harmony and family happiness.

There are no features of the celebration of the anniversary and traditions. You can note this event in any format: an organized event in a cafe, an open air picnic, a modest dinner or a romantic journey. On this day, it is customary to accept congratulations and gifts from those who want to make a couple pleasantly. Depending on what means of the couple have, you can independently organize a holiday evening or hire a professional toastmate.

Important: the cake takes far from the last place in the organization and conduct of the anniversary. Modern confectionery art allows you to order a dessert of any taste (chocolate, fruit, creamy, milk, caramel, berry cake), but also of any shape.

Options and ideas for the cake on the "fortress" anniversary:

Cake with recognition
Cake with recognition
Chocolate cake with a digit
Chocolate cake with a digit
Wedding photo cake
Wedding photo cake
Cake with decor
Cake with decor
Fruit and glaze
Fruit and glaze
Original idea: pancake cake
Original idea: pancake cake
Cake with decor of fresh flowers
Cake with decor of fresh flowers
Home cake with decor
Home cake with decor

What to give for a wedding for 39 years to parents: gift ideas

Gifts that children and grandchildren give special attention to special attention. These are people closest to the spouses and therefore you should choose gifts with special attention and care.

What can be given to parents:

  • Festive cake -this is a beautiful and relevant gift, even if parents do not celebrate their anniversary (you can always drink tea with a cake). The cake can be soveted on your own or from a professional confectioner.
  • Fortress -a symbolic gift for a married couple on the day of the anniversary. A tablecloth, curtains, clothes, sofa decorative pillows, soft toys and other souvenirs can be made of crepe.
  • Souvenirs -it can be any decorative products for the home: decorations on walls and furniture figurines, stands, caskets, paintings and panels. It is important to choose exactly the thing that parents will like and fit perfectly into the atmosphere of the house.
  • Books or albums -any literature that your parents can get involved will be a good and pleasant gift. If they do not read books, select albums, notebooks, diaries, culinary collections.
  • Dishes and glass -a good and desired gift for a married couple at any age. Daily or holiday sets are useful for covering tables, family holidays: plates, tea and coffee sets.
  • Home textiles -the best gift to a couple, which will always give pleasant emotions. Choose sets of bedding, towels, bedspreads, rugs and pillowcases.
  • Home or bathrobes -they will be able to warm the couple on cool days, become an integral part of home comfort. Choose high -quality robes made of one material in one color so that the couple looks organically.
Gift options for parents
Gift options for parents

What to give for a wedding for 39 years to a family of friends: gift ideas

If you were invited to the anniversary of the “Fortress” wedding, you should come to visit at all empty -handed. Prepare, albeit not expensive, but pleasant to the heart and significant gifts.


  • Fortable tablecloth -this is a good gift for the couple, as it has a symbolic meaning. The gift should bring to spouses harmony in relationships and way to family life. If you have not found a fortress, you can choose a tablecloth from any other material.
  • Plaid -a good gift for those who love and appreciate home comfort. The blanket can be for a bed or small size for a sofa. You can also choose a rug for rest in nature.
  • Plant -a good “modest” gift that is always nice to get for any reason. It can be a small money tree, orchid, ficus.
  • Set for the bath -if the couple likes to visit the bathhouse, then sets and cosmetics for the bath will be very relevant.
  • Set for travel and outdoor activities -we are talking about sets for barbecue, picnic, fire breeding, drinking alcoholic beverages, rugs and tents, backpacks and bags.
  • Icons -suitable for a couple believing in God. Icons always bring peace and way to the family, house, relationship. It’s good if you can consecrate icons in the church or choose personalized ones.
  • Souvenirs -any symbolic and souvenir gifts for home and souls: figurines, plates, hinged jewelry, caskets and chests, baskets, bags, candlesticks, candles and much more.
How to please loved ones on the fortress anniversary of the wedding?
How to please loved ones on the "fortress" wedding anniversary?

What to give for a wedding for 39 years to a family of a beloved wife from her husband: Gift ideas


  • Piece of clothing -if your spouse needs some kind of wardrobe item, you can please him with a beautiful and high-quality gift: shirt, trousers, shoes, hat, anything!
  • Accessory -the choice of such a gift should depend on what object your spouse is not enough: a belt, a tie, clothespins for a tie of suspenders, watches, a cutter or something else.
  • Bag -the choice of this item depends on what exactly your man does. If he is a business person, he needs a briefcase if he loves to travel - a backpack. If he often moves around the city or is on trips, he will like a compact waist bag or a barricet.
  • Souvenir -it is suitable for those men who are engaged in collecting or simply articularly treated with figurines, caskets, boxes for storing things.
  • Something for a hobby-the choice of a gift depends on your husband’s hobby: fishing, hunting, collecting, drawing, music.
  • Diary -a good choice of a gift for a person who loves to keep his thoughts “is in order” and often writes something.
  • Personal items -you can choose anything: a set of cosmetics, a razor or a razor machine, a handbag for storing remedies for yourself, home clothes or clothes for sleeping.
Gifts for the spouse: Ideas
Gifts for the spouse: Ideas

What to give for a wedding for 39 years to a family beloved husband from his wife: Gift ideas


  • Cosmetics -a gift that women always like. Choose an expensive cosmetics kit for yourself (it is quite difficult to choose decorative cosmetics) and give it with the words “to maintain natural beauty”.
  • Accessories -gifts that always "delight the female heart." Choose what your spouse does not have: an expensive bag, stylish watch, an expensive chiffon scarf or scarf, shoes, hat or glasses.
  • Decoration -it is not only about expensive jewelry, but also about a spectacular beautiful jewelry: earrings, bracelets, necklaces and brooches. Choose high -quality sets that will decorate your beloved on a holiday or ordinary day.
  • Shoes or clothes -such a gift should be purchased only based on the preferences of your beloved.
  • Bouquet of flowers -a universal gift that women always like. He always shows a woman male love and devotion. Give preference to beautiful red roses, they are a symbol of love and passion.
  • Visiting the salon -if you want to please a woman and give her a moment of pleasure, purchase a subscription for her in a beauty or massage salon. Here she will definitely spend time with pleasure for the soul and body.
  • Personal verses -a gift of real romance that not every man can afford to do. Write your own verses on a gift postcard or in a personal intimate letter.
Gift options for your beloved spouse
Gift options for your beloved spouse

Beautiful and touching congratulations on the fortress wedding 39 years for parents in verses and prose

Our dear! Today we all have a reason to rejoice, your love is exactly 39 years. We gathered at a modest holiday to have another wonderful opportunity to admire mom and dad. Do not be sad about anything, you are beautiful, you are still young and you still have a long happy life path ahead!

Mother and father! For so many years in a row you are nearby, together and you love each other! We wish you only prosperous things, successful plans, undertakings and events in life! We are your support that is ready to help at any moment. Be the happiest, you deserve your happiness!

For 39 years of life together, you have lived a lot of joy and a lot of happiness, Dear Parents! I would like to thank you for easily and happily carried any burden, raised successful children, and help with your grandchildren. We wish you just as carefree and joyfully survive to the great -grandchildren and celebrate their wedding anniversary!

Let the path of life reach out
For many more years to come,
Let all the thoughts be easy,
That fill the sky.

We wish you love happy
Which fills from the inside,
That every time, everything with renewed vigor,
All of his own gives you a spell.

We congratulate you sincerely
After all, 39 years have passed.
You have just become perfect
Nothing has changed you!

Live, rejoice, dream,
Give affection and flowers,
And never offend
For each other for the fuss!

You have lived together for 39 years
Soul in the soul, for each other,
The love feat was accomplished
Through all problems and ailments.

Thank you for perfection
and perfect love,
What gives peace, dream, bliss,
It tastes like sugar, not salt!

Our beloved parents,
You are the inspirational angels
You are guardians of our souls
Your love we are all viewers.

Thank you for affectionate years
You all wrapped a fairy tale
And kind, clear eyes
You illuminated the world with fairy tales!

Today love is exactly 39,
Perhaps others do not believe in love,
But we are observing an excellent example,
Which turns the family into a fairy tale!

Live for a very long time together,
Yes, years are flying and making noise like songs,
But you still remain young,
After all, happiness for you is the most important reason.

Poems to parents on the anniversary
Poems to parents on the anniversary

Beautiful congratulations on the fortress wedding 39 years old for friends in verses and prose

Dear friends! Your love is our pride, because having such feelings is Real value for the modern world. Live for many more years “soul to soul”. Let children and grandchildren inspire you, do not be upset about trifles and never quarrel.

Not everyone is ready to live for a loved one 39 years old, but you were able to! This The merit is your pride. Bring her on your life path with a high head. Keep each other by the hand, believe in a miracle, believe in happiness, believe in love until the end of your days!

Love like you, our dear friends, we wish all your children and grandchildren! May you always be calm and joyful, happy and cheerful. Do not pursue about years, because life with such a large and strong family is always filled with events!

You are beautiful not only externally,
You have a beautiful soul.
Filled with love and hope
Love, that these years have lived!

Bring it proudly like an order
And celebrate, of course, every year!
Let it be in life - the most important reason
Always move forward happily!

Swentrally congratulations on the event,
You have love for us, dear ones, not a discovery ...
We know for sure - you are created as if for each other,
You are kind, happy and faithful spouses!

Your love is kind, tender
Today is solemnly celebrating
His anniversary is Fortress
And with you, dear, we rejoice!

Let it be very durable
Let it be very strong,
Not confused problems,
Beautiful, like a strong fabric!

Life has been a lot behind,
But know that you still have a lot
Success and events ahead,
After all, 39 years are still “beginning”.

This is the beginning of angelic love
These are families of roots and family began,
You have so many grandchildren's weddings to survive,
There will also be a lot of nervous!

Live easily, rejoice at success,
That every day children bring, grandchildren to the house.
Appreciate your person,
What has become a support and wall for you.

It can be difficult to find a person
That his life will give no doubt
But you found a good sign,
She brought you a lot of completions!

Live peacefully for another 39 years,
Least. You can and more!
Let the light pleasing to you the light of the sun,
Let life be mysterious, good!

Congratulations on the anniversary
Poems to spouses

Beautiful congratulations on a fortress wedding 39 years old for a wife from a husband in verses and prose

Having passed with you 39 years in life, I understand how lucky I was with this wife. Thank you, dear, that I found in me all the kindest qualities and turned a blind eye for so many years! I am so happy to be with you and so upset that our life is not infinite. It’s easy for me and I want to live forever!

Honey, for 39 years you have been around and always helped me, always loved and Every day I pleased with its beauty! Thank you, dear, for the fact that she always believed in me and gave wise advice, helped to cope with difficult life situations.

Without you, dear, I would never be so successful and happy. Thank you For all the tenderness and faith that you instilled at me for more than 39 years. On the day of our anniversary, I want to say that our marriage is just your merit.

Beloved as a clear light,
She inspires me
There are a lot of good and happy years
And without her how to live - I do not know.

Our anniversary is strong,
We have lived for many years
But our love is kind, strong,
And she is no better in the world!

I look into your eyes amber
And as if there weren't those years
And as if the years are all sad
They disappeared, as if at night the light.

You are young, believe me, dear,
With all my heart, body and soul,
Your features are always beautiful,
I want to be with you forever!

Yes, not round date today,
And we are not young, our eyes are old,
But we are happy, like 40 years, once,
Or rather 39 years ago.

I congratulate us with love and marriage anniversary,
Let the years fly, they are only time,
I love you with a huge, faithful force
And love only slows down the shooter.

Forter anniversary of feelings,
Without which in the soul so empty,
Let it be like a dense and reliable crepe
Our marriage has been pleasing to us for many more years!

Not everyone can celebrate such
Love of love and a big date,
Thank you, love, you gave me
Over the years of the Union there is a lot of good!

I kiss your lips sweet,
As if young, I am again and vigorous,
These years they seem to me a fairy tale
What came into my life good!

I give you a bouquet of red roses,
You don't give me bitter tears,
Years have passed, but I love it stronger
Your eyes, that everything is nicer to me!

Congratulations for the spouse
Congratulations for the spouse

Beautiful congratulations on a fortress wedding 39 years old for her husband from his wife in verses and prose

Only women know how important it is and it is necessary to have strong in life, The right shoulder! Thank you, dear, that for 39 years you protected me, defended me and believed in me. You are my main life happiness and I was madly lucky that 39 years ago, it was you who became my husband!

You are not only my husband, you are a faithful and devoted companion for me for 39 years contract. I am happy to wake up and fall asleep next to you. I am happy to be your wife. For all these years, I have never regretted that you are my husband and my only "second half."

Today our love is 39! She, like another family member, every day He lives with us: wakes up, sitting down at the table breakfast, goes with us in life and goes to bed in one bed. Thank you, dear spouse, that I was always the ideal of a man for me!

Nobody will replace your eyes on your eye,
You are the one who, even on a gloomy day, only positively believes.
You are a husband, husband, my companion, faithful friend,
Let's not let each other warm your hands!

You gave me everything: home, love, children,
Taught to look at life more confidently, bolder,
You smiled at me only 39 years old
And I kept devotion in response!

Thank you, husband, for faith in my strength,
For every day lived with me,
You made my life beautiful and beautiful,
And you never threw a shadow at her!

You are alone for me in the universe,
You are smart, kind, gentle, beautiful.
I am always perfect with you,
In the universe and in the world alone!

Thank you, my good husband,
What am I, how you shine the sun,
I am sincerely with my heart with you
And you faithfully believe in it.

Mutuality always saved us
From many quarrels and insults,
I became happy with you
You loved me so much!

You are joy, you are the sea, you are the wind
You are air, you are the meaning of everything.
One for me in the world, you
My unearthly love!

My husband is already 39 years old,
My husband is a star that gives a bright light,
He is a faithful and beautiful life companion,
He is what our marriage makes happy!

To have such a husband is just happiness!
The days with him are lived together not in vain,
Thank you, dear, for all your efforts,
I would not know such love without you!

We have a strong anniversary of you,
For such a long time, marriage inspired us.
But our love has become very strong,
And only because you were nearby.

Congratulations for the spouse
For a man

Beautiful congratulations on the fortress wedding 39 years old for grandparents from grandchildren in verses and prose

Dear grandparents! We still do not know such love as yours. But, Looking at you, I so want to believe that such love is still alive and exists next to us. We sincerely congratulate you and thank you for giving life to our family, our parents, to us.

Thank you, our grandparents, over 39 years of a joint happy life. You For us, a vivid example of devotion and sincerity. Just because we have it, we know who to go to and what “second halves” should be sought in life. Rejoice us with your union for many happy years!

Once we called you simply: "Baba", "grandfather",
A lot of good years have passed since then,
Today is the holiday of your tender, cute feelings,
Without them, our world would be whining and empty!

Thank you, granny and grandfather,
That you are always cheerful, always on the positive
You are the most dear to us,
And you are the happiest in the world!

We congratulate you on the anniversary
Her symbol is durable, soft and beautiful crepe,
Let your feeling not lose strength
And through life it has been led by a lot of years!

Today my grandmother has become a bride,
Today the grandfather is the groom "One hundred percent",
And the table is not covered with pancakes with pancakes,
And champagne sparkling, which is tastier!

We congratulate you sincerely, our relatives,
May your whole life be good,
You know, in the world you are more beautiful all couples,
We wish you more benefits and good!

You are the ideal of love, probably
Not young, but very modern!
Thank you, grandparents,
That the marriage was stored very carefully!

Today is the anniversary of the 39 years happy,
It is proud of it, as a merit and a victory,
In the eyes we read your tender and beautiful,
That you are still beautiful pores are more in love with everyone in the world!

You are a symbol of faith and love
You carried it through the years,
Today is a holiday for the soul,
Relatives, how good you are!

Thank you, grandparents,
That you are always with the soul with us,
Let your forty forty
Fill life with love and dreams!

Your love is our compass in life,
You inspire, give thoughts,
Let your forty anniversary
Will give many more years happy!

Congratulations for grandparents
In verse

Cool congratulations on the fortress wedding 39 years old

You don't count the shooter move,
The years were left behind
But now, on the contrary,
Years only of happiness ahead!

Let your eyes not be sad,
Do not let up upset tears
You have an anniversary! The beauty!
Let you have a lot of dreams!

Smile, young
Let her youth go away
You are daring guys
We wish you good!

There is no more beautiful you,
Kinder than the eye, nicer, clearer!
Let a lot of good, bright years,
You are protected by soft crepe!

Grandmother - beauty,
Grandfather, a gentleman,
Everyone likes your union
Good changes!

Today is the anniversary of the remote
She is already "adult" already
All 39 years old, not knowing
Grief in the soul.

We gathered at the table set,
Champagne wines inhaled the sweetness,
Only so that you, relatives,
To desire love, good and joy!

You have such kind eyes
Let them not know the sorrow, they do not know tears
Let them always be joyful,
Let everything they dream of!

Will be fun today
Like a wedding in the yard!
Let the soul be free,
May she live in good!

You are a young soul today,
You are young today.
You are warm with happiness and love
You are an ideal of dreams today!

Video: "Fortress anniversary of the parents"

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