38 years of marriage: What is the wedding, what is it called? What to give parents, friends, for a mercury wedding? Congratulations on a mercury wedding to parents, friends: beautiful, touching, funny in verses and prose

38 years of marriage: What is the wedding, what is it called? What to give parents, friends, for a mercury wedding? Congratulations on a mercury wedding to parents, friends: beautiful, touching, funny in verses and prose

The article will tell you about the features of the celebration of a "mercury" wedding and offer congratulations to loved ones in honor of this holiday.

Why is a wedding of 38 years of marriage called mercury?

In the 38th year of marriage, the couple triumphs their anniversary of the wedding, which is called "mercury." The name of this date is very interesting and unusual. Like any anniversary, this one has also a symbolic name, because over 38 years of marriage, the husband and wife gain relations of incredible strength and flexibility (mercury - “liquid” metal).

Many couples do not strive to meet violently and celebrate a “mercury wedding”, because very soon the 40th anniversary and it is better to spend your strength on it. Others consider the celebration of the 38th anniversary of a bad sign that will bring a discord to the family and take harmony. There is no accurate statement on this subject, but one belief exists for sure - to celebrate any anniversary in the circle of friends and relatives.

How to note:

  • Behind family dinner -the easiest, most popular and pleasant way not only to spend good time with the family, but also to recall the past 38 years of happy marriage. At such a dinner, you should definitely invite children with grandchildren, parents, brothers and sisters, close friends.
  • In the cafe -we are not talking about a rented banquet hall with a toastmaster and musicians (if you have the means and you have a great desire to celebrate the anniversary of this - please!), And about a joint dinner with people's sweet hearts. The advantage of this option is that you do not have to cook and plan a menu yourself, and then wash the dishes for a long time.
  • Outdoors -the easiest but most fun and even useful way to spend time. You can choose any place for a picnic: lake, forest, park. In nature, you can cook food on fire, engage in active games, competitions.
  • On a trip -this method suggests that the celebration of the anniversary will occur only by the couple itself or a couple with children and grandchildren (depending on where you can go and how expensive the journey itself will cost). You can go anywhere: on the sea, on a hiking route along a rocky area (if health allows), to a tourist trip with tents, to an old city with sights, to another country.
  • Romantically -a couple can take a break from everyday life, everyday life and worries, changing their atmosphere and devoting time only to each other. To do this, you can rent a room in an expensive hotel or just plan a romantic dinner, pleasant gifts, surprises, bouquets of flowers, champagne, delicate words.
Mercury anniversary
Mercury anniversary

What to give for a wedding anniversary 38 years to parents: Gift ideas

Children are obligatory guests at the holiday of wedding, because they are symbols of continuation of the genus, family, love. Children and grandchildren are what spouses live in marriage live in. But to come to this event, even if it is limited to a simple tea party with a cake, you can’t empty -handed. You should definitely bring a gift with yourself, which does not have to be expensive.

Important: a gift for a mercury wedding is quite problematic, because products from this metal are very dangerous for health, and a classic mercury thermometer is too simple and banal as a gift for this occasion. Therefore, pay attention to any gifts that symbolize love, happiness, comfort and comfort, or they will simply be useful to a couple in everyday life.

Gift options:

  • Kitchen appliances -personal items such as a blender, a multicooker, a bread maker, a toaster, a mixer, a microwave oven and others, greatly simplify the life of people, especially if a married couple is already “aged”. Give your parents what will certainly save their strength and time in the kitchen so that they can relax more and devote time to each other.
  • Home equipment -just like a kitchen technique, it may become a necessity: a new TV, a tablet or computer, phone, tape recorder, music columns, even Wi-Fi router.
  • Home textiles -such gifts are universal and always needed, because textiles have the ability to wear out, so pick up: bedding, blankets, rugs, sofa pillows and pillowcases, robes, clothes for sleep and rest, bath towels, for the bathroom, hands and face, as well as a lot of things Other.
  • Souvenirs -these are symbolic gifts with a great meaning for the family: angels, figurines, ashtrays, stands, caskets and chests for storing personal belongings, key holders, organizers on the table, wall clocks and paintings.
  • Gifts "for the soul" -if you want to make it pleasant to your parents, give them tickets for a concert or performance of a musical ensemble, to the theater or opera that they wanted to visit, but something interfered with them all the time. Thus, you give a gift that will allow spouses to spend time not only with pleasure, but also with each other.
  • Gifts "For Beauty and Health" -we are talking about a subscription in a spa zone or a beauty salon, where you can agree in advance about all types of procedures: massage, Stone-therapy, pedicure and manicure, wraps, peeling, mud baths.
  • DIY gifts -if you are strong in creativity, and you also know what exactly will do to please your parents, try to surprise them with a painting painted with your own hands or, for example, make a photo collage for them, in which your family will be captured during all of your 38 years . A very big effect is has a video clip or a film shot and mounted.
Gift options to parents
Gift options to parents

What to give for a wedding anniversary of 38 years to a family of friends: gift ideas

If you were invited to the celebration of the "mercury anniversary", prepare gifts to spouses who can please them:

  • Glass -this category of gifts is a very large selection: decorative vases, vases for flowers, salad bowls, candy, fruit, fruit, ashtrays, sets of glasses and cups, plates, glass figurines.
  • Tableware -gift sets of service for every day and for holidays. You can choose tea and tableware, instrument sets, custards and coffee pots.
  • Symbolic gifts -those who talk about love and happy family life: figurines with in love silhouettes, hearts, inscriptions, for example, "happy together"
  • Photo frames -it will come in handy for happy family photos, photos of a couple, children and grandchildren.
  • Photo album -such a thing is always necessary for those who like to “collect” memories.
  • Lamp or floor lamp -not only a decorative item, but also a symbol of heat, comfort, home hearth.
  • Decor item -any beautiful things for the home: paintings, hinged jewelry, shelves, stands, figures.
  • Personal things -settings for personal use pair: bath accessories, home clothes, textiles.
  • Flowers (home), plants -bouquets or plants in pots that can delight the spouses for many years in a row.
  • Gift cards -if it is difficult for you to choose a pleasant and desired gift to the couple yourself, purchase a gift card in any modern store and the spouses will be able to decide for themselves what exactly they would like to purchase for this amount.
Ideas for congratulations on a mercury wedding anniversary
Ideas for congratulations on the "mercury" wedding anniversary

Beautiful and touching congratulations with a mercury wedding of 38 years for parents in verses and prose

Our beloved parents! Thank you for every year you remember that you need to celebrate our birthday Family, your brother and the starting point of reference of marital happiness! Let the years fly, but in our eyes you remain the same young and happy as you are in wedding photographs, our children's memories and words of loved ones! Live for many more years and continue to delight us!

You, parents, our inspiration and incentive to move on, forward, to excellence and happiness! Through so many difficult years you went through all the problems together, holding the hand and remembering all the promised oaths before God. On the day of your "mercury" anniversary, we wish you to be even stronger, more confident, more powerful, nicer to each other! Never grieve and do not give each other to be sad!

They decided to congratulate you together
So that everyone has a reason for fun.
You need happiness in your personal life,
More good to you, inspiration!

Let the holiday sparkle fun
Let it be joyful in the soul
Gathered here, we are not in vain,
And divide love in the family!

Blessed, parents,
You give us meanings to live and believe,
That our fortress is a house, the center of the monastery,
Where is mom and dad, and doors are always open to us!

We have fun at the "mercury" wedding
And we drink for the feelings of the "young",
Let the good happen
Let you not eat everyday life!

We came not in vain for the holiday
Brought flowers with them,
We want to give you joy
Let dreams come true!

There is no better holiday in the world
Than the holiday of true love,
Let the sun shine brightly in the sky
And gives you his rays.

Your feeling is compared to the sun,
Your tenderness is like a morning breeze,
Smiling go around the light,
Do not lower your head down!

Mom and dad, beloved people,
Gave us life, love and warmth,
Mercury wedding came, let everything be
In your life, you only have good!

In your eyes reflected
My life is from the first day
Until now, all dreams come true
After all, you love me very much!

I wish you happiness, parents,
So that the road is your into the distance
Very light, you are winners
And sorrow will not touch you in life!

Beautiful words to parents on the anniversary
Beautiful words to parents on the anniversary

Beautiful congratulations with a mercury wedding of 38 years of friends in verses and prose

Dear (surname spouses)! Thanks for the trust and invitation to such A personal, wonderful holiday, like your wedding anniversary. You are so beautiful, so in love and happy that you want to be not only next to you, but to be you. Never be discouraged because of everyday problems, resentments and a squabble, appreciate the time spent together and inspire each other for many more years!

We wish you good health that will allow you to love each other There are still a lot of happy years. You have carried your bright feeling through the year and we are sincerely proud of you! Do not be discouraged due to temporary difficulties, household problems and years, you live in your children and grandchildren, which means that your love will be eternal!

Be always a support for each other,
Alien do not listen to conversations
Appreciate marital warmth,
Let everything be good for you!

Give in, spouses, any whims,
After all, this life flies through the years with a whistle,
It will be too late to regret and cry,
Remembering the happiness that was once.

We wish you another 38 years,
So that you live for a long time, give light,
So that the joy in the hearts smiles at everyone,
So that your love drives away the problems!

You are our best friends
There are a lot of good, bright years,
We know you so good
And we believe in your feelings.

You are an ideal family
Listen from us advice:
Do not forget about love
So that you are not sad!

You gave the world to this
Beautiful children, happy grandchildren,
Carry with a smile in the white light you,
Your love and hold hands!

Years have not spoiled you a gram,
The husband became wiser, the wife became better,
Let everything be the same after many years,
Let your marriage be in the sun, gives light!

You continue to delight us very much
Pamper beautiful with your love,
You give a holiday and happiness to us,
Let it be lucky only in life!

Let's drink a glass for happiness,
And a glass for love,
So that the holiday is not in vain
I worried about blood in our veins!

Let a modest holiday, he is great,
He appeared a happy day,
He arose from the love of two,
We want not to stop!

Let the red wine pour
Let it intoxicate and dope!
It only celebrates love
And inspires everyone for love!

Beautiful words to friends on the day of wedding anniversary
Beautiful words to friends on the day of wedding anniversary

Beautiful congratulations on a mercury wedding of 38 years to each other spouses in verses and prose

Today is the anniversary anniversary, but I want from all my heart To congratulate you, my beloved, on the holiday of our love! Let it be easy, joyful and happily in our marriage. Let the ardor of feelings not subside for many more years in a row, let him give us strength to live and believe that we have passed this path not in vain. Thank you, spouse, for our children, thanks for your beauty and devotion.

You are not just my husband, after 38 years of marriage, I realized that you are my best friend and second half! Like a faithful companion, you have been helping me to live for many years and all this time I was happy. Thank you, my dear, that you always protect me, always substitute your courageous shoulder and never complain about difficulties. I love you sincerely and hotly still and I will not stop doing this until the end of my days!

Beloved by my heart,
You will not compare with anyone, my dear.
I am happiness to anyone
I will not give it back, because I am happy!

Thank you, affectionate you are mine
That 38 long years,
You were with all your heart and soul
I shared the light with me!

My man, my faithful husband,
My dear, blessed,
You gave me so many happiness in my life
That my life was like a holiday!

Only God alone knows
How I love you with my soul
That from love in my heart is crowded,
That I am always and everywhere with you.

I will talk to everyone for a long time
That you are the best in the world
I will say thanks and hurry to repeat
For me you are water, the sun, the sea and the wind!

My wife is the meaning of life
You fill me from the inside
You seem to illuminate thoughts as if the sun
You will pick up all my problems!

The wife is true, beautiful,
So tender, beloved,
You are my inspiration
You are a bright holiday and love!

We have passed with you for many years,
Held right by the hands
Life seemed to me a sweet dream,
Now we have both children and grandchildren.

How to admit your love
After all, there are few ordinary words to me,
I want to take off high from the ground
So that the sky shouts to you:

"I love you!", "You are my love!",
Do not be sad that the years have passed instantly
As before, you excite blood,
Despite life, the weather!

Video: "Mercury wedding, 38 years old"

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