36 years of marriage: What is the wedding, what is it called? What to give parents, friends, spouses, for a agate wedding for 36 years? Congratulations on the anniversary of the agate wedding 36 years old parents, friends are beautiful, touching in verses and prose

36 years of marriage: What is the wedding, what is it called? What to give parents, friends, spouses, for a agate wedding for 36 years? Congratulations on the anniversary of the agate wedding 36 years old parents, friends are beautiful, touching in verses and prose

The article offers you congratulations for a "agate" wedding for parents and close friends.

Why is a wedding of 36 years of marriage called an agate wedding? Why aren't they noted 36 years of marriage?

The couple, living 36 years in marriage, celebrates their anniversary called "Agatute Wedding". This date is practically not celebrated, because upon its achievement it is no longer customary to “roll the celebration” every year. Nevertheless, couples are still preserved, ready to solemnly celebrate every anniversary, as a new stage of relations.

Many people believe that 36 years of marriage should not be celebrated at all, as this will serve as a bad sign. However, this feature depends on how superstitious and in which country they live in. Here, for example, in Europe and America, 36 years of marriage are not called a “agate wedding” at all, but a “wedding of bone porcelain”. This material for spouses should symbolize strength and simultaneous fragility. Surprisingly, bone porcelain, like marriage, can be translucent in the light and strong, as confidence and fidelity that came over the years. Abroad, the anniversary is celebrated modestly.

Interesting: in Russia it has long been customary to celebrate only round dates of marriage and therefore the 36th anniversary was quite rare. Only some sources called this wedding "Agatova".

What is Agate associated with? This stone is considered semiprecious and it is customary to characterize it as a stone bringing prosperity and wealth. It is worth noting such stone features as a fortress, because Agat is really very resistant to damage. This agate is compared with relations in the 36th year of life: they are durable, but can “let cracks” if “strength tests” do not pass.

Over 36 marital years, the family, like agate, gains prosperity and knows how to wealth (both material and spiritual: children, grandchildren, communications). An interesting fact is that the agate stone has several types of shades and color, which are manifested by bizarre patterns and abstractions. So each marriage is individual in its own way.

This anniversary also has a psychological point of view. In particular, experts (family psychologists) advise a couple to go through a special test, where each spouses should consider Agatha patterns and build an associative series of what they will see there. This test is done separately, and the results are then compared. Those spouses who gave similar answers can be proud of durable and strong relationships that I can not destroy any life problems.

Interesting: the French call the 36th anniversary of the wedding "Musliminova". Muslin is just a type of fabric, but not everyone could afford it before and only to members of royal families sewed clothes from Muslin. Muslin requires special care as a fabric, because if this is not done, it will lose its attractive appearance. So the married couple should take care of preserving their union, caring for him and respecting each other.

Agat is a symbol of the marriage union in 36 years of family life
Agat is a symbol of the marriage union in 36 years of family life

How to celebrate a agate wedding?

Since the 36th anniversary of the wedding is not customary to celebrate, the date should be held in the family circle or spouse alone with each other. A large feast, as the sign says, will bring a discord and negativity to the family, and therefore it is better to limit yourself to a modest dinner or travel. Nevertheless, gifts “from pure heart”, which you can present to you on this day close and friends, should be accepted as congratulations and wishes.

Options for how to mark the anniversary:

  • Go to the cinema, circus, concert or theater- This is an interesting option for a joint pastime, which is so rare with a couple who has lived 36 years in marriage. You should be distracted from household problems and devote time only to each other. Choose the concert, film or performance that both of you like or the event that you have long dreamed of visiting.
  • Go to the zoo -a great alternative to visiting theater or cinema. Here the spouses, already at the “prestigious” age, will be able to forget about their problems and years, look at life around, get a positive charge of energy from animals and pleasant impressions.
  • Visit the exhibition -we are talking about periodicals that come to the city: modern, art, art exhibitions. Buy tickets in advance and on the day of the anniversary go to this event, as for “social evening”.
  • Go on a trip- This version of the celebration of the anniversary offers you a lot of interesting options: from traveling to a neighboring city, to traveling abroad. The choice of the route depends solely on preferences and financial issues.
  • Gather children and grandchildren at dinner -a simple and very popular way to celebrate the 36th anniversary of marriage. For this, parents should independently or with the help of children to organize a table with many treats and spend an evening for family conversations.
  • Give each other a romantic evening -a good option for a "age" married couple. A man should independently offer his wife a date in a cafe or restaurant. A bouquet of gifts and compliments will not be superfluous.
  • Sit in nature -a wonderful alternative to a family dinner at the table. Nature allows you to conduct an organized or spontaneous picnic with children and grandchildren.
How to note a agate wedding?
How to note the "agate" wedding?

What to give for a wedding for 36 years to a family of friends: gift ideas

It is not necessary to be invited to the celebration in order to give close friends a gift in honor of an agate wedding. You can make it only because you want to give spouses pleasant emotions, as well as a festive sensation. Since the date is not marked, the gift can be modest and symbolic.


  • Vase -a good gift and a symbol of marriage, which can be strong and fragile at the same time. You should also listen to the fact that giving an empty vase is a bad sign, so fill it with sweets, a soft toy, a card or something else. As an option, you can bring a vase with a bouquet of flowers already placed in it.
  • Service -this gift is universal for any occasion. You can give any set of cups and plates, which you consider necessary. The dishes are always useful in everyday life and will be able to please the spouses. As an option, you can give paired cups with the wishes, photos or images.
  • Salennik -you can give not just a beautiful dish for the festive table, but something that the spouses still did not have: a multi -storey plate for desserts, candy, breadwinner, fruit. The choice of such a gift option in a modern store is very large.
  • Frame -a small and very pleasant gift. In the photo frame, you can put a joint photo of the couple in advance (you can take it on social networks or ask relatives). Such a gift will necessarily be put up in a prominent place and will always be associated with the date.
  • Book -the gift is good, but only if you know the tastes and preferences of the couple. A large culinary book, an encyclopedia, a reference or a favorite forgotten artistic novel of a couple is useful. Choose a book in tight binding.
  • Casket -the choice of caskets today is impressive with variety. You can purchase a box of different materials and for different purposes: storage of personal things, money, jewelry, papers, cigars, keys of many other things.
  • Painting -if your acquaintances love and respect art, they will surely be pleased with the picture of the same panel. You can hang it in a prominent place and it will always cause pleasant associations among the spouses. Choose a picture, focusing on the interior of the room.
  • Key -an interesting gift that is necessarily useful. This is a kind of box or hanger with keys for keys, which will keep the personal belongings of the spouses organized and in order.
  • Figurine -the choice of this gift depends on how much the spouses like to collect figurines and what significance they have for them.
  • Lamp -you can purchase a table lamp, a night lamp or a floor lamp as a gift. Such a gift is very affordable in terms of value and always brings pleasant emotions. In addition, the lamp is necessary!
  • Plant -you can present an adult plant that can now be purchased at any flower store. A flower or a plant will be able to complement the home greenhouse of spouses and give them pleasant emotions. You can buy ficus, palm trees, orchid, anthurium and other beautiful plants.
Gifts for the couple
Gifts for the couple

What to give for a wedding for 36 years to parents: gift ideas

Children should definitely congratulate their parents on such an anniversary. In addition to pleasant words, you can choose symbolic gifts that will mean a lot: your love, respect, devotion.

Gift options:

  • Home textiles -a universal gift that is always by the way. You can give anything: a set of bedding, a bath or kitchen, curtains, tablecloths and napkins. You can choose decorative pillowcases, sofa pillows or pillows “letters” from which a family surname, the word “love” or other ideas will be composed.
  • Small household appliances -such a gift can be very necessary, its choice depends on the need: toaster, mixer, combine, tape recorder.
  • Gift "for the soul" -give your parents the opportunity to relax when visiting an exhibition or gallery, tickets for an interesting concert or in a movie. You can also purchase a subscription to visit the “beauty zone” in the cabin, where parents will massage and cosmetic procedures.
  • Gift "For Health" -we are talking about things that can improve or control the health of parents: visiting specialists, treatment courses, sanatoriums or material gifts: massagers, tonometers, orthopedic shoes
  • A symbolic gift -we are talking about a gift made of symbolic material - from agate. It can be a small figurine or box decorated with stones.
  • Video -creative children will be able to make a whole full -length film from a series of photos or videos, which will tell about the history of the family to this day.
  • Paired t -shirts -an interesting gift for a couple with a sense of humor. Such T -shirts can serve spouses as homemade clothes or resting for relaxation.
Gifts to parents in honor of an agate wedding
Gifts to parents in honor of an agate wedding

What to give for a wedding for 36 years to wife from her husband: Gift ideas

  • Earrings with agate -beautiful decoration for every day and for the holiday. Depending on the design, the product can be pretentious or modest.
  • Agatha ring -the ring is always a symbolic gift for spouses. The ring with a agate will bring harmony and love to the relationship.
  • Agatha beads -beautiful jewelry for a woman "tastefully." The symbol of the anniversary will bring good luck to the family and love to the couple.
  • Agate bracelet -like beads, this gift is very symbolic in honor of the anniversary.
  • AGATOM CULE -if a woman is very whimsical for the choice of jewelry, the pendant can be an excellent alternative. It can be hung on a chain at will.
  • Heart -pendant- A beautiful gift from a man in love who wants to admit his sincere feelings.
  • Agate casket -this decorative item, which will decorate the house or become a convenient item for storing personal things.
  • AGATOM A brooch -a classic jewelry that looks great on women "aged."

What to give for a wedding for 36 years to a husband from his wife: Gift ideas

  • Trick with agate -a personal accessory that can always be carried with you. The symbol of the anniversary must necessarily bring good luck to a person and fret to the family.
  • Table figurine with agate -a man who regularly works at the table can often observe a symbolic figurine that will definitely give inspiration, positive and good mood.
  • A table clock -it will also be useful to a business man who, every time when looking at the clock, will recall his beloved spouse who gave them.
  • Table Organizer -this is a special module with a glass for pencils, a calendar holder, books and notebook stands.
  • Belt, suspenders, tie (any accessory) -such a gift will be pleasant if necessary. Carefully approach the choice of this gift so that your man must like it.
  • Book or Diary -if you give a book, it is important to guess with a type of literature. On the other hand, a notebook and a diary are a good gift in any case.
Gift options for agate wedding
Gift options for agate wedding

Beautiful congratulations on a 36 -year -old agency wedding in verses and prose

Dear friends! Thank you for inviting your modest celebration Wedding anniversary. We wish you to live more than one year in a happy family life, to delight us with our successes and achievements, the sincerity of feelings and devotion.

Our beloved! How bright and clear today is, so joyful and easy We are in the soul. We wish you strong love for many years, which, as if a blossomed bud, will bloom and fragrant, delight with color and an incredibly sweet aroma.

Expensive! Today we want to congratulate you on the wedding that is called To be called "Agatova". Let, like this stone, your life will be painted with a riot of colors, will be strong and reliable, precious and unique!

Beautiful today you are friends,
Happy and friendly family!
Thank you for inviting the holiday
And inspired with their bright feeling!

Grape wine is sparkling,
Gentle warmth comes from you,
We are glad to wish you today
Sadness, offense and sorrows do not know!

Agatute wedding on the threshold,
You walked together more than the same way,
Passed happily, proudly and easy
Finding each other was very lucky!

The table set and treats, darkness,
We wish you only good and good,
Let life take its confident step,
Your union will not separate life and fear.

We want to raise a glass with you,
Shout to you “bitterly!” To hear the whole hall,
For 36 years you have become big
A beautiful powerful and friendly family!

You have beautiful, kind children,
They are your happiness and sun that shines.
Live happily, live for happiness,
Let your works be not in vain!

How joyful it is to look at your pair,
You met once and not without reason
You started to put the family
Now everyone is happy in her today!

There are only one warm eye around relatives,
Perhaps someone will say "lucky"
But we know that the family is your work,
She is stronger than theories and sciences.

Thanks for the reception and for the good,
What does your marriage give daily
You and I are so calm and easy
You are the happiest, probably!

Modest agate anniversary,
But you are beautiful and today you are happy
We congratulate you on a strong love,
May grandchildren regularly delight you, kids!

Congratulations on the anniversary
Congratulations on the anniversary

Beautiful and touching congratulations on a 36 -year -old agate wedding for parents in verses and prose

The best thing we have in our life is parents! Thank you for good An example and the strong love that they gave us from an early age and with which they went hand in hand in life. You are our happiness, live for many more years, so that far from once we celebrate your anniversary and rejoice at your feeling!

Thank you, parents, that every year you invite us to your anniversary Weddings! We are glad to share a table with you and this event. We thank you to good and affection that you gave us and who taught us to be good people. Love each other for many more years, inspire us!

Parents, on your example, we built our family happiness. Thanks You, dad and mom, for all good deeds and words. We wish you to be always young, live to a gold and even diamond wedding! Be joyful, be cheerful, be healthy!

My parents are for me for an example,
They instilled in me kindness and faith,
They taught me to love me happily
They inspired a strong marriage and feelings!

Today is a holiday, let it not be great,
But your faces shine with happiness,
I so want the holiday to repeat
So that a year after year could have fun!

Anniversary with a sign of Agatha,
How great it is to congratulate you!
The young once married
We came to you only happiness to wish!

We want to share a holiday with you,
Congratulate on a fabulous, good day,
May loneliness not touch you,
Let life be a sweet dream for you!

Parents have a holiday today -
The anniversary of the wedding and love,
Let all life be painted with paints,
Let bright lights sparkle!

Our strong, happy family -
Symbol of the holiday and this anniversary,
Let there be neither envy nor evil in her,
May everyone be friendly and everyone is one!

You have agate anniversary
Pleases the radiance of good eyes
So I want to live for many more years
In the happiness of the family, do not know evil and troubles!

You have taught us parents,
Laugh, enjoy life!
Thank you, our inspirers,
For the light, love and kind thought!

Accept us as a gift
Wishes from the heart.
Let life be a sweet fairy tale
And all days will be good!

We have great joy today -
Parents anniversary!
And you can't find you better,
Live, relatives, happily!


Beautiful and touching congratulations on an agate wedding of 36 years for her husband from his wife in verses and prose

My favorite! Thank you for your support and love! I'm so glad that one day You decided to connect life with me! You have always been a strong wall to me, behind which I could hide, with a big hot heart with which I could warm up!

Expensive! Congratulations on the "agatova" anniversary! May our marriage be like that The same is strong, like this beautiful stone. I want to wish you great health so that you can delight me for many more years for a row!

Beautiful husband, my dear,
Warm and fun with you!
We celebrate the anniversary
Friends, children we invite everyone!

Thank you, my husband is dear
For the fact that you are gold to me!
I'm behind you, like behind a wall
You are the best and only mine!

How lucky I am with my husband
How joyful next to him!
36 good years easy,
They flew by as a moment!

My husband is beautiful, smart and kind,
He does not look at me strictly,
He gave me a happy marriage,
He loves me with terrible power!

Thanks for the love of love,
We are nearby - this is not a coincidence at all,
The heavens brought us and God introduced us,
All in order to create a family with you!

How dear to your heart is to my heart,
I will not give you, beloved, to anyone!
You are the best friend in the world and my companion, you are
My life was and will be happy with you!

Our agency is anniversary
I came to congratulate on the holiday of love,
You are my dear and faithful man,
Thank you for brightening my days!

How fun and joyful for me to live in the world,
With me a husband, with me grandchildren, children
And happiness gave me my husband,
He is the best, most faithful friend in the world!

In the 36th year of our life
There are only good thoughts in my head,
I gained family happiness with you
Where is my every day, like a fabulous holiday!

We have lived together for 36 years,
With you, happiness and wealth made it,
During this time, we became similar
During this time, you became very important to me!

Congratulations for her husband
Congratulations for her husband

Beautiful and touching congratulations on an agate wedding of 36 years for a wife from a husband in verses and prose

Darling! Long and fairy -tale 36 years we live for each other. Thank you, That all this time you remain for me by a joyful ray of light and only for your sake I am ready to try, perform exploits, strive forward!

Expensive! On our life calendar today is a “agate” anniversary Weddings. I want to sincerely and ardently congratulate this event, wish for good and joyful events in our family life!

Beautiful, beloved wife,
I love you so much all these years.
I'm sure you are God's God,
To give me tenderness and freedom!,

You are joy in my life and support,
You gave me love, dream, hope.
Thank you for 36 years to a row
Was my well -deserved reward!

I congratulate you on the anniversary
What measures our term of love.
I will try to be a man for you
What will protect you from longing.

I will try to be a protection for you
And better the support in the world,
Thank you, my life is very beautiful!
Thank you, children are pleasing to the heart!

I did not know what it is
Happiness, joy, family and love.
And now my life is like a sea
What excites blood in my body!

I look at you with my soul
You are my muse all these years
I am so happy next to you
I am warm and in the cold season!

Let you and I be all right,
Evil will never touch us.
Let love be sugar, sweet,
It will be in the heart and in the body warm!

You are beautiful, like a bright agate,
You are my soul 36 years old
I catch your gaze gently,
You give me your affectionate trace!

Thank you, my faithful
That so many good years
You lived only for me
Give me happiness and love to me the light!

Thank you dear,
That you could make me happy.
I'm ready to turn all the mountains for you,
I am ready for you to believe in my family and happiness!

Congratulations for the wife
Congratulations for the wife

Cool congratulations on an agute wedding 36 years old, congratulations for SMS, short congratulations

We lived together like an eternity
Endlessness gave each other happiness,
Let happiness glow like a raysy sun,
Love let ours be bright and pure!

We want to congratulate you today
Wish for prosperity, love,
May everything be fine with you
We only wish you good!

Like it or not, you are happy!
Good, beautiful today,
All because you note
You are that love that is very strong!

You have great happiness
Which gives today's holiday
Thank you, our beloved people
We will remember your loyalty!

Few who know how beautiful Agate,
Today he is your charm from trouble
Let him protect you for many years to a row,
Gives a dream!

Your marriage is fragrant like a bouquet
Beautiful roses of saturated color.
Let him please many, many years,
Let him give you a feeling of summer!

Like a beautiful fairy tale stone
Your marriage shines and pleases the eye.
May there be no separation between you,
Let it be happily, gently, fine!

You won’t look at you without a smile:
You are cute, kind, joyful.
May children give you only joy,
And you will never be sad!

You have beautiful children and grandchildren,
They are the merit of your family.
Let the marriage not touch sadness and separation,
Let you have a lot of love!

Smile, spouses, happily
Let everything be fine with you.
Your marriage is joyful, strong, beautiful,
Let it be easy for you in the future!

Video: "Video congratulations on the agate wedding of a married couple"

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