22 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

22 lunar day: full characteristic - what can and what can not be done?

In this topic, we will consider 22 lunar days.

The lunar calendar is based on the synodic month, when our companion acts as the main guideline. This is the oldest calendar that has not lost its relevance to this day. It is not for nothing that our ancestors tried to organize their lives, deeds and important events, depending on the influence of the moon. Therefore, in this topic we will analyze the characteristic of 22 lunar days.

What can and what can not be done for 22 lunar days: a complete characteristic

  • This phase segment for gaining wisdom and philosophical contemplation. Therefore, it is given to us to know the sacred meaning of many things, the essence of the events occurring around us, gaining deep knowledge.
    • On this day, unprecedented creative capabilities are revealed, the abilities for spiritual update appear, stunning solutions to complex problems arise and insight often comes. On this day it is useful to be alone with you.
  • And it is not at all surprising that the symbol acts Wise elephant, Ganesha or books.
  • Information comes from everywhere, and sometimes completely unexpected. Because of what astrologers call this day a “golden key”, which is also considered an additional symbol of the day. Try to spend it in the creative atmosphere of your office, at the computer, in the library or any other place that has the creative process and gain new knowledge.
    • But an empty pastime, which we often spend due to technical development, will extremely undesirable to reflect on the restart of your energy level. You will lose that possible creative impetus.
  • But on this day you should not only receive, but also give. If a person is ready share your secret knowledge,wise tips, then the mind releases a place for new, even more important information.
  • No wonder in ancient times spiritual mentors tried to gather students around them that day. Today is also perfect For communication with children.Talk to them about the structure of this world, about spiritual values, tell interesting stories from life or wise parables. This day has mutual understanding and spiritual proximity with its child.
  • This day is a golden mean between spiritual and material aspects. But any thoughts in this lunar phase should be aimed at good and creation.All words should be sincere, and actions - to commit for good and from a pure heart.
There are several characters
There are several characters

Important: any insincerity, “black” thoughts and unkind actions can turn into a tragedy for a person. This period is most suitable for solving complex problems that have not been solved for years. Try to direct your thoughts to this.

The main characteristics of the day:

  • calm and measured period, the elements of which is a tree;
  • black and all shades of red colors have good luck on this day;
  • the number of the day is 4;
  • strong energy in the southeast direction;
  • strong connection with Monday;
  • stones of the well -being of this day - amber, blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade;
  • the patron is - Ergiba. This is an angel of half the way that gives us bold ideas and inspiration. And also gives good luck in business and art.
Focus on good deeds!
Focus on good deeds!

Business and finances for 22 lunar days

  • This is not the best day for new undertakings, but to finish long -standing plans is strongly recommended. In general, people of science and business are not offended on this day - they unexpectedly A brilliant thought or a non -standard solution may come. Many scientific discoveries happened on this day.
    • Also, we do not forget that the elephant Ganesh carries material prosperity and wealth. But he needs to be “appeased” to receive such gifts of fate.
  • Therefore, 22 days - This is the perfect time for charity. The more you give it on this day, the more you will return to you. But everything should be sincere and with love, without self -interest and negativity in the soul.
  • 22 lunar days are especially favorable For creative people- Writers, musicians, sculptors. The works created on this day often become true masterpieces of art.
    • But artists are not recommended for artists on this day. They can carry both positive and negative energy, so it’s better not to take risks.
    • The needlewoman should use today's inspiration to create unusual work. Do not restrain yourself and plunge into a creative flight.
Do not be afraid to go on the road
Do not be afraid to go on the road
  • On this day you can also Go on a trip and any business trips.A visit to new places, acquaintance with new people, new interesting communication - all this is under the auspices of the wise elephant.
  • In this lunar segment it is worth listening to its mentors, talking to higher officials. It is very good to attend courses or any classes for advanced training. Do not skimp on the transfer of your skills!
  • The day is favorable for purchases. Especially those that are associated with health, spiritual enrichment, acquisition of new knowledge.
    • Moreover, Indian practice recommends that this day perform any trade operations. They will be useful for both the buyer and for the selling side.
  • But from large and important operations in the field of business or acquisition it is better to refrain. All possible risks need to be weighed very carefully!
Learn and pass experience to others!
Change knowledge!

How do 22 lunar days affect health and well -being?

  • It should be noted that many people on this day Expressed.This is not scary, because obtaining new knowledge and rethinking life often leads to sad thoughts, and the awareness of the scale of this update comes later. But it is important not to aggravate attention and focus on the positive side.
  • 22 lunar day - perfect time for meditationand other spiritual practices. This period is favorable for predictions or even just for plans for the future. But the cards on this day cannot be picked up at all.
  • On this day, you should take care of those who suffer from diseases musculoskeletal system,especially the spine and hip joints. Avoid sudden movements, do not overload yourself physically. A weak area is the sacrum and the lower part of the vertebra.
  • Today is favorable for the brain, not the body! All diseases that began on this day proceed hard and with serious complications. But You can visit the dentist on this day.
  • Therefore, pay attention to 22 cycles of your nutrition. It is best if you give up heavy, fatty, harmful and fried food. And ideally - become For one day, a vegetarian,if you are not.
  • Sweets are useful on this day, since they are necessary for proper brain function.
  • But for alcohol and any bad habits during this period, a taboo! But the day is favorable to combat them.
Meditation time
Take a break for meditation, but don't stop

Is it possible to cut your hair for 22 lunar day?

  • Any creative flight of fantasy is welcome on this day. Therefore, all cosmetic procedures are not only possible, but even need to be done. A good day for mastering new knowledge in the field of manicure and pedicure, as well as eyelash extensions.
  • The same goes for a haircut - she Extremely favorablefor your body and the curls themselves. Hair dyeing is allowed even in bright and unusual colors. But keep in mind, cutting your hair - this phase will slow down their growth.
  • But use this ability - Carry out hair removal!

Marriage and relationship on 22 lunar day

  • This lunar phase Favorable for marriage and wedding.But on one condition that future spouses value the spiritual above the material component! In this case, they can create a strong, happy family based on spiritual values, mutual respect and love. And in the process of living together, both must develop spiritually. If this does not happen, the marriage is doomed, but it will not be possible to save it.
  • If you want relations to switch to a serious stage, then Do not have a first date on this day!But the proposal to make is allowed if you have a spiritual connection.
  • Also useful on this day sex of sex- Calm, gentle, without frills. But with a prerequisite, albeit a strange condition - after sex, lovers need to arrange a feast and preferably directly in the same place where the sacrament of love took place.
Take a step on the grunts of your soul mate!
Take a step to meet your soul mate!

What will be the child, conceived or born for 22 lunar days?

  • A child, conceived for 22 lunar days, From childhood it will be wise and capable of learning. He will study all his life and easily absorb information. Friendliness and diplomacy combined with adamance and unshakability in principles - these are its distinctive features. An ideal day for conception of future seer and astrologers.
  • Born personalities on this day endowed with mind, wisdom and foresight. They are able to see what is not available to others. But sometimes they are not devoid of cynicism and arrogance. They can become great sages and guardians of truth if they can constantly develop spiritually and will be slopes to altruism. They live to a very old age.

What do dreams say for 22 lunar days?

  • It is advisable to remember the dreams on this day and try to decipher. Since they all indicate obstacles and Give tipsin overcoming them on the life path.
  • But it is worth interpreting them correctly, because every detail is important. And yet - sometimes we see in the signs what we wish. It is important to set aside your wishes aside in order to correctly catch the signals.

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