20 things that you can’t look at. What can not be looked at?

20 things that you can’t look at. What can not be looked at?

Things that you can’t look at. Superstition and logical justification. Believe in superstition or not?

Most superstitions carry a simple meaning, justifying the ban. In childhood, we were often told that if you scatter salt, then a quarrel will happen in the house. We did not know where it came from, but sacredly believed that it was true. In ancient times, salt was a rare product, and negligence with it could cause the indignation of her parents. Therefore, it came to us the belief that the scattered salt to the quarrel.

There are a lot of similar superstitions. Some of them are true, others are invented in order to wean a child from bad habits. For example, you can’t eat with a knife, because then you will become angry. It is dangerous from a knife, because you can get hurt, and this will lead to anger.

Why can't you look at a sleeping child?

They say that you can’t look at a child who sleeps so that he does not dream of bad dreams. In another interpretation, they voiced the opportunity to harm the psyche of the child. There is a share of truth in this.

Sleeping baby

We always feel the view of another person on ourselves. You have repeatedly encountered a feeling that one of the passers-by was looking at your back, literally drilling it. These sensations are associated with the exchange of energy fields.

When the child is sleeping, and they look at him, he cannot determine who looks at him, but feels good attention. This causes inner anxiety and violates the child’s calm sleep. It is not recommended to look at the child during sleep so that he has a good rest and sleep.

In addition, if the child wakes up from nervous excitement and sees that they look at him, he can be frightened. Even if he recognizes you, he will think that something happened to him and begins to worry. Often in children, after such stress, the appearance of uncontrolled urination is noted.

Why can't you look at the newborn?

In our country, it is customary not to show a newborn for the first 40 days. It is believed that at this time the guardian angel in the baby is too weak and cannot protect the child from the evil eye. At this time, only his parents can be looked at the child.


The truth here lies in the physiology of man. When the child was in the womb, he perceived the world completely differently and did not see anything that he had to see and feel now. For a child, this is stress. Strangers, especially those who lean closely, can frighten the baby.

In order for the child to develop well mentally and physically, at first it should be protected from the attention of strangers.

Why can't you look at the child through the head or from the head?

In the traditions of our country, a memorial for the deceased is adopted by the deceased when his relatives are at the head of the head. Therefore, the look at the child through the head or from the head is subconsciously perceived as a look at the deceased person.

At the head of the child

The child must see a person who looks at him in order to correctly perceive sounds and reality. When a person stands behind his head, the child hears, but does not see. This creates internal discomfort, which can be expressed by crying or other disorder.

Why can't you look through your head?

If you look at the child through his head, he is mechanically trying to find a person's gaze. Since he cannot yet understand his head and correctly understand the world in such an angle, the baby can develop strabismus and a misunderstanding of reality.

Why can't you look in the mirror up to a year?

A small child cannot be accustomed to the mirror only because he is really interested. The mirror is a rather fragile and dangerous object. It is forbidden to watch so as not to cause a child to reach for a mirror, to look at it. At night, ordinary windows are exactly the same mirrors for the child, and if he begins to rest against them, and even worse, throw objects, trouble can happen.

The child looks in the mirror

All other superstitions that the child sees his past lives to a year, can see his old age and other heresy have no reason.

It is better not to look at the child in the mirror for security purposes. However, this warning should not be understood as an absolute ban. Sometimes it is worth showing the baby his reflection, you just need to do this not so often.

Why should you not look at the fire for pregnant women?

According to a common superstition, if the pregnant woman looks at the fire, then she will have a child with dark spots on the skin. Considering the issue from a medical point of view, this seems unlikely.


It is more like the truth that the fire is a disaster, which is sometimes accompanied by victims of people. In pregnant women, such a surge of emotions can affect the state of nervousness. Additional unrest, moreover, such strong can affect the health of the developing fetus.

Why should you not look at pregnant women at the deceased?

From early childhood, we are afraid of everything related to death. For religious reasons, the care of dead relatives in the cemetery is considered a charitable business. However, we are still afraid of this place, connecting it with death and the other world.

They say that if you look at the deceased during pregnancy, a miscarriage may happen. Only really superstitious people believe in this. In fact, the truth lies in the same unrest that are associated with the funeral. Pregnant women can only catch the eye of close people. This causes a large storm of emotions, which can negatively affect the health of the fetus.

Everything that causes strong unrest and stress negatively affects the future child. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended not to visit the funeral, even the closest people.

Why shouldn't pregnant women watch horrors?

Horror films are generally undesirable to watch. Previously, there was no such direction in the film industry at all. It appeared along with the development of the damage of the new generation. Speaking in simple language, horror films convey a negative background that nourishes our personal fears and drowses them.

The family watches the film

Films of horrors usually like those who want to suppress their inner fear. But here it does not work, such a wedge can not be chosen with such a wedge. No matter how much you are familiar with horror films, during pregnancy it is worth abandoning them due to the negative impact on your psychological state.

Films of horrors keep the viewer in suspense and make you start trembling at the most unpleasant moments. Such emotions precisely harm the development of the child. That is why you should not watch horrors during pregnancy.

Why can't children watch horrors?

Children under the age of 17 form their mental state every day. The experienced emotions, shocks and events inevitably affect the child. Even if the child externally manifests itself in peace and, it seems immune to the horrors, what he saw is deposited in his subconscious memory and often awakens during sleep.

After such a dream, the child wakes up not rested and broken. It is difficult for him to tie a yesterday’s horror film and today's state, he again goes to receive additional emotions of his beloved genre and falls into a vicious circle, which gradually draws him. The apotheosis of this condition can be a mental disorder. Increased nervousness and a sense of depression are more common.

Why can't you look into the eyes of the wolf?

The belief says that if you look into the eyes of a dying wolf, you can see your death. We all know that the wolf is a dangerous animal, a predator. These animals can easily break a person. There were cases when the wolf attacked a man. In addition, wolves rarely go alone. To meet a wolf in the forest means to run into a flock of wolves.

The look of a wild wolf

Like any animal from predators, a gaze directed directly into the eyes, the wolf perceives as aggression. At predators, it is customary to look into each other before the fight. By the slightest movement, animals determine when to attack. Such a game in the "peepers" can last a very long time. This is laid in them by nature at the level of instincts.

If you meet a wolf and look into his eyes, then most likely he will take you for his enemy and try to attack as soon as you look away or move.

Why can't a cat look into the eyes?

Since the time of ancient Egypt, cats have been endowed with mystical abilities. In those days, cats were elevated to the rank of deity and considered them sacred animals. Since then, it has come to us belief that the cat can glue misfortune if she does not like the way you look at her. Therefore, people try not to look a cat directly into the eyes.

The look of a cat

Additionally, you can take into account the natural predation of cats, which, like wolves, can perceive a direct look, as a sign of aggression. In the best case, the cat will simply hit the paw, in the worst can jump into the face.

What is characteristic, cats are well versed, where their people are, where are strangers. Therefore, they forgive the owners and allow you to look into the eyes with impunity. When meeting with an unfamiliar cat on the street, it is better to give her a sliding gaze covering her entire figure, without the concentration of a concentrated look directly into her eyes.

Why can't you look into the eyes of the reflection?

Superstition says, if you look into the eyes of your reflection for a long time, you can go crazy. In practice, this has never met. But you should not look into your eyes only because you will get tired, and your eyes will hurt after. The eye is an amazing organ of a person who can be examined for a very long time.

Its reflection in the mirror

An unblinking look in its reflection in search of depth increases the tension of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. At the same time, there is no natural moisture, so the eyes begin to hurt. This happens with prolonged communication with the computer monitor.

Why can't you look in the mirror when you cry?

If you believe this superstition, a person who looked at himself in the mirror during crying, calls for troubles and troubles. They say that you can cry all your life. They associate this with the display of your severe mental state at the time of crying.

A girl who cries

If we consider the issue from a psychological point of view, then in the mirror we remember ourselves and each time, thinking about what is happening to us, display the visible portrait that we remember most.

Crying is always caused during a negative emotion, which is enhanced by the internal state. This image, seen in the mirror, remains in our memory for a long time at a subconscious level. And we remember it every time again and again, thus programming all our future for negativity.

Why can't you look in the mirror at night? Answer

Some superstitions come up simply to scare. This applies to this. If you look at the mirror at night, you can see evil spirits. At the same time, the longer you look, the more they will eat energy. Of course, this refers to the look in the mirror without the light on.

Horrors that are visible in the mirror

In fact, if you look in the mirror at night, and even after sleep, you can see the outlines of the displaying objects in the dark, and then the imagination will draw all the most unpleasant. These negative emotions, especially if a person believes in superstition, gives rise to a bad and even panic mood, which affects health and well -being.

Why can't you look at someone else's mirror?

The mirror leaves the imprint of the fate of its owner, so looking into someone else's mirror, you can adopt the rock of another person, while inevitably bad. Good things are not transmitted through the mirror. So the superstition says.

In fact, each mirror displays a person differently. Those to which we are used to, that is, our mirrors make us more beautiful. If you look at someone else's mirror, you can see yourself older or less beautiful. This unpleasant imprint remains in consciousness and harms in further life.

Why can't you look at the quartz lamp?

Everything is simple here, the quartz lamp can cause physical harm to the eyes. The quartz lamp is a mercury gas -discharge lamp and quartz glass. It publishes a large and aggressive glow, which is used to treat arthritis, ulcers and other diseases.

quartz lamp

Long -term visual contact with the glow of a quartz lamp can lead to a burn of the eyes. Therefore, you can not look at the quartz lamp, and even more so, under it to sunbathe. It is used only as prescribed by a doctor under the supervision of a physician.

Why can't you look at welding?

Bright welding fire

When a welding arc appears, a large charge of energy is released with an ultraviolet component, which can lead to a burn of the eyes. In the slang of welders, this phenomenon is called "catching a bunny." In total, four degrees of burns are distinguished:

  • eye redness;
  • cornea erosion;
  • matte coating of the cornea;
  • necrosis of the tissues of the eye.

The light from welding can damage the eyes, as a result of which a person completely loses vision. The first stage is characterized by acute pain in the eyes for several days. You can look at welding only through personal protective equipment, which are specially designed for this.

Why can't you look at the eclipse?

The sun gives powerful radiation, which is harmful to the eyes. Such a bright glow cannot be transferred with impunity. The cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye is inflamed and blushes. This leads to a significant deterioration in vision and the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

Solar eclipse

The eclipse occurs gradually. The moon passes between the Sun and the Earth at a great distance, so we see this process very slow. At the same time, part of the sun still shines and negatively affects the eyes. You can look at the eclipse only with the help of special devices.

Why can't you look at the full moon on the full moon?

The moon is attributed to a lot of mystical. In all art books and films, the most sinister events are precisely in the full moon. They say that the light of the full moon has strong influence and can make especially susceptible people walk in a dream.

Full moon

Previously, people were very afraid of the moonlight and did not even raise their heads up in the full moon, so as not to glue the misfortune on themselves. This fear was passed down from generation to generation and reached our time. There is no real evidence base of the negative or positive influence of the moonlight. However, it is known that people with mental deviations feel an order of magnitude worse during the full moon.

Why can't you watch the news?

It is known that good and positive news is less interesting to people, so television channels seek to show more excursions that raise the channel rating. On the other hand, there is really a lot of negativity in the world.

Mom and daughter are watching news

Immediately after watching the news, a person has an unpleasant precipitate inside after the caused shock from all the troubles that he heard. This makes a person unhappy and predicts his entire future day, as unfavorable.

Why can't you watch TV for babies?

For the same reason, negative emotions, the TV should not watch infants. At their age, children absorb not only the external presentation, but also the emotions and nature of the transmission. Do not fill the child with a negative that pours from the TV.

In conclusion, it should be said that in most cases predicted superstitions come true, but not according to some mystical forecasts, but due to simple logic. To save yourself from the negative impact of superstitions, you should open your heart of religion and seek help from God.

Video: Priest Maxim Kaskun: conversation about superstitions, fortune telling, witchcraft

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