20 rules of female etiquette. How to behave a girl in society?

20 rules of female etiquette. How to behave a girl in society?

It's never too late to do self -education. If you decide to fundamentally change your behavior and become stylish and modern, then you need to learn the basic rules of etiquette and learn good manners.

  • Harmony of the soul, body and mind. Such a harmonious combination allows you to be happy, which most representatives of the beautiful half of humanity dreams of
  • Each of them wants to love and be loved, to engage in interesting business, to feel self -respect and have a good reputation in society. But all this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. There is great work and hard work on yourself
  • To become a real lady is not an easy matter. To do this, it is not enough to dress well, to have a beautiful and well -groomed appearance and do what you love. It is necessary to have an internal charm, which will allow you to attract interest in your personality
  • Often it happens when outwardly a beautiful girl becomes not interesting literally after 5 minutes of dialogue with her. While not very attractive in appearance, while a fairly self -confident girl is able to position the attention of others. She is polite, modest, knows how to properly support the conversation, has good manners in behavior
  • Good behaviors cannot go unnoticed. However, in modern life, it is extremely rare to meet a morally and spiritually strong personality, especially among young people. Therefore, it is never too late to engage in self -education. And about how to learn good manners of a girl, we will consider in the article

The girl's bad manners

First of all, let's look at what behaviors will never make a girl - a real lady. So, bad manners.

  • Increased curiosity in communication
  • Gossip with friends
  • Humiliation of the personality of the interlocutor
  • Yabedism in the team
  • Meanness
  • Vulgarity and rudeness
  • Complacency

This is only a short list of those manners that must be literally “etched” from your character. And you need to start this process immediately.

Etiquette of an adult girl

A cultural person is, first of all, politeness and tact. To educate such qualities, it is necessary to learn how to clearly monitor your emotions and thoughts, that is, control yourself. For example, you are walking in the park, and suddenly someone nearby swept at all pairs, and accidentally pushed you to the side. Naturally, the first thought that comes to your head at a subconscious level is a strong indignation. And precisely at this moment, you must control so that your emotions do not go into action, and gross words after the person who had pushed you are not “flying” from your lips.

Important: you must learn to calmly and slowly perceive everything that happens around you. This will allow not to commit rash acts.

Now think about what behavior can annoy people. This list, most likely, will turn out to be quite impressive, so you can list them on a sheet of paper. Highness, loud laughter, mat, the smell of alcohol, etc. Work to ensure that there are no such moments in your behavior.

Follow how cultural people behave in society, on the street, in public transport. Try to instill such character traits for yourself. Be modest, do not argue in those situations where this issue does not concern you. Do not show that you are smarter, more beautiful and modern than your interlocutor. Remember that politeness and modesty at all times decorated a person.

Etiquette for a girl of the 21st century. Etiquette of a modern girl

Now let's talk in more detail about how a modern girl should behave in society, at work, visiting, in communicating with her man, with friends, we will consider the girl’s etiquette and decent behavior.

Speech etiquette for a girl

To begin, perhaps, with the fact that speech etiquette for a girl is not a simple game of memorized phrases. You need to learn how to communicate correctly with people in order to arrange an interlocutor. This does not need special knowledge. It is enough that your speech is filled with politeness to the interlocutor. When choosing a form of greeting, fill it with feelings, do not forget to show with all your appearance that a meeting with a person is really pleasant for you. You can say hello in different ways: kisses, handshakes or just a kind word. The main thing is that it is heard to those to whom it is addressed, and not to everyone around. Do not pause at the meeting.

Never be afraid to say hello first, even if you have an unfamiliar man. Remember that the one who is better brought up is the first to greet.

Video: Features of speech etiquette

  • Suppose you were invited to visit. No need to follow the rules that say that "guests are always late." This is not cultural. Moreover, such behavior is nothing more than disrespect for the owners of the house
  • By the way, a cultural girl will not allow herself to be late for a business meeting, to the theater, cinema and even to meet her friend or work colleague
  • Entering the house, be sure to say hello to all the guests of the first. Do not check the rooms to the question of cleanliness and run with your eyes from one item of the interior to another. Girls with good manners cannot afford such behavior
  • While visiting, try not to talk on the phone. If someone called you at this time, politely ask the guests and step aside. Explain to the interlocutor that you are now visiting and as soon as you get rid of, you will certainly call him back

  • Do not look at the clock often - this can show the owners that you are not interested in them, and you are in a hurry to leave.

Etiquette Rules for a girl on a date

  • If a correctly educated girl with good manners does not allow herself to be late for a visit, to work or at a business meeting, then with a date the situation is a little different. But, this is a kind of exception to the rules
  • Nevertheless, why the rules of etiquette recommend that the girl be a little late for a meeting with a guy. It is believed that this is a kind of prevention for a man
  • While he is waiting for a meeting with the girl he liked, he has the opportunity to weigh everything again, to be alone with his thoughts and intentions
  • But, you can only be late for a date slightly. If the guy will wait for you through Chur for a long time, then it can interpret it as neglect of him

  • If you have the first date, and of course the guy shows you with a lot of compliments, then you should not tell him what efforts you make to look like this, where and how much you bought this outfit or mobile phone, etc. Remember the speech etiquette for the girl and its basic rules.

Never call the guy yourself after the first date - he must show interest in you.

Clothing etiquette for a girl

As the saying goes: "They meet on clothes - they are escorted by the mind." This stereotype has firmly entered our lives and at all times did not lose its relevance. The girl’s properly selected wardrobe indicates the level of her upbringing.

Important: clothing should always correspond to the atmosphere of the event and its situation. A well -educated girl will allow herself to appear at a secular round with bright makeup and in a short leather skirt.

  • Clothing should be beautiful. This rule applies not only to the wardrobe, which is intended to enter society, but also for home
  • A correctly educated girl will not allow herself to be in a house in an untidy dressing gown or a night shirt, even if expensive
  • Home clothing should be comfortable, simple, tidy and beautiful. You should always look beautiful and well -groomed to take a sudden guest at any time or go outside

  • Another rule is to educate a sense of tact and taste. Those girls who put on a lot of jewelry look defiant. There is one unwritten rule - to wear no more than 13 jewelry. These include bracelets, earrings, chains, bright inserts, buttons, belts, etc.

An elegant woman is a good posture that implies a straight back, gently lowered shoulders, a lifted stomach, straight legs in the knees, a raised chin and a slightly bent at the elbows.

Rules of etiquette in a restaurant for a girl

Sooner or later, in the life of a girl comes the moment when she is invited to dinner at a restaurant. Restaurant etiquette rules begin directly at the door of the institution. The first man always enters the restaurant, who approaches the submit and is interested in the presence of free places. He must push the chair for the girl and help her sit down.

  • At the restaurant table, you need to sit with a flat wall, do not lean and not throw your foot out on the foot. Never apply makeup during lunch and do not communicate on the phone, except if you receive an important call. An order is a man’s lot. A lady can only express her wish and consult a man
  • In addition to the fact that a well -educated girl knows what style of clothing to give preference and how to apply makeup correctly, in the restaurant you will need knowledge of how to correctly attach your handbag and umbrella
  • What do the rules of etiquette say in this case? If you have a clutch, then you can put it on the table or on a nearby empty chair. The same applies to small handbags. But with more voluminous accessories, you need to behave correctly - to put them on public display, at least not tactful. If possible, then hang the bag on the back of the chair. Otherwise, you can remove it under the table so that it does not interfere with you
  • Entering the room, immediately close your umbrella, even if it is wet. You can not leave an open umbrella at the entrance that in this way it will dry better. Each restaurant, in this case, provide special accessories that allow you to leave umbrellas in them - use this

How to take gifts to a girl? How should a girlfriend behave in a relationship?

  • If you have a boyfriend, then behave with him the way you would like him to behave with you. Remember that first of all, the guy wants to see femininity, understanding and beauty in his chosen one
  • Lightness and ease in behavior always attract a man, regardless of what status and age he is. Give him the opportunity to feel stronger next to you. But giving it the palm of the championship, do not lose your own dignity
  • Learn to say the word "thank you" correctly! So it is instructed in society that a man should delight his woman with gifts. And on how you accept its gift, it depends on how often you will receive them
  • What a sin to hide, modern women have forgotten how to accept gifts in such a way as to inspire a man to do this as often as possible. Many of the women are limited to dry “thank you”, or the maximum - a kiss on the cheek
  • But you must make your man also be able to feel the joy of this event. He is little than dry gratitude. He dreams of seeing delight in your eyes, joyful and sincere emotions

  • Express gratitude to many pleasant and warm words and do not forget to note its exquisite taste even if you are not really in particular delight

Rules of business etiquette at work

A set of laws called etiquette exists not only in secular life, but also in a business environment. This is a kind of pass to the world of business people and the standard of communication. It is customary to judge a person in his affairs, behavior and the ability to build the right relationship in the business sphere.

Therefore, compliance with the rules of business etiquette at work plays a significant role. You can speak endlessly on this occasion, but we will try to briefly describe the most important etiquette rules:

1. Time-money. This refers to punctuality, respect for the interlocutor and his time. Not a single person will establish a relationship between those who do not know how to plan their working day, sort urgent and important affairs and not keep the course of all events under control

2. competent speech and business style. Business speech should be structured and without lyrical digressions. It is unacceptable to use introductory words, parasitic words, repetitions and parodies-this is a taboo. The same rule applies to the business style of writing

3. Dress code. A neat hairstyle, business style of clothing and correctly selected jewelry

4. Order on the desktop - order in the head

5. Workplace for work. It is not permissible to spend working time on gossip, empty conversations and chatter on the phone

6. Be able to listen and hear. Business etiquette provides to hear its opponent, and not just listen to it

7. A healthy atmosphere within the team, the basis of which is considered good and even relations between colleagues, goodwill and timely assistance if necessary

8. Compliance with telephone etiquette. Telephone negotiations in modern society are able to establish relations between competitors, and negotiate correctly and timely. To communicate by phone during working hours is permissible only for business purposes. Personal telephone calls are acceptable only in case of emergency

Rules for the etiquette of calls

Telephone calls have its own time, as actually and the business. A well -educated person will not allow himself to disturb his friend with a phone call earlier than 8 a.m. and later than 10 pm, with the exception if this call is not agreed with him in advance.

  • The rules of etiquette dictate, if mobile communications breaks off during the conversation, then you need to call back to someone who called the first time
  • If you communicate on the phone with a stranger, be sure to contact him on "you"
  • Having called on the phone, be sure to say hello and introduce yourself. In the process of communication, use only impersonal forms. It is not ethical to contact the subscriber with such words as “girl”, “young man”, “woman”
  • Be sure to respond to service calls during the first three signals. If you call you, it is not customary to wait for the call for more than six beeps. Business conversation cannot last more than 5 minutes
  • In the event that you assume a longer conversation, be sure to ask the subscriber if he has the opportunity to give you 20-30 minutes, for example
  • If you are in a restaurant, then remove your mobile phone in a bag or pocket. Never laid it on the table
  • Not culturally write messages or “sit” on a social network while communicating with a real interlocutor
  • Never answer calls from someone else's phone

Rules of etiquette for a girl in society

The rules of conduct in society should be observed not only by the girl, but all of her surrounding. It is known that society affects the character of a person. Therefore, if you decide to learn good manners, then you cannot part with them in any society, regardless of its level.

A decent girl will not allow herself to “fall face in the mud in an honest company,” but on the contrary, she will conquer those around her manners, appearance and education.

  • Never answer the greeting “Good afternoon” with a short word - “Good
    Behave restrained, polite and kindly
  • When leaving the room, try to hold the door to the one who follows you
  • If the rules of etiquette in society allow the girl to be in the room in a hat and gloves, then winter mittens and a hat must be removed for sure
  • The rules of etiquette prohibit everyone, without exception, fading, loudly speaking, discussing, laughing and gossiping

Rules of etiquette for a girl in the company

Video: How to communicate beautifully? Rules of etiquette

Rules for the etiquette of girls with parents

Sooner or later, in life, every girl comes the moment when the guy introduces her to his parents. It is always exciting for the girl and she is trying in every possible way to make the best impression of herself. But do not overdo it!

  • The rules of etiquette recommend remaining itself, behave calmly and culturally
  • Do not show your parents their excitement, but you do not need to hide it, randomly twisting the ring on your finger, straightening their hairstyle
  • At the first acquaintance, you should not take on the initiative of the conversation - behave modestly and correctly, sincerely answer the questions of your parents. Try not to talk about yourself if you are not asked about it
  • Stretch a glass of alcohol at the table for the whole evening and do not succumb to the tricks of the future father -in -law water alcohol
  • Do not refuse treats. Moreover, admire their taste
  • Do not bring any animals as a gift. It is also not customary to give perfume, linen and cosmetics until you really get acquainted with your parents' taste
  • Do not sit late. When leaving, be sure to invite the groom's parents to visit in response
  • Simplicity and naturalness are the main rule of a modern and correctly educated girl. First of all, you need to respect yourself and be yourself. Then you do not have to hide your complexes, laugh loudly in the theater or cinema, avoid communication with your loved ones
  • Simply, if something surprises you-surprise if you are happy-smile! But for yourself, not for others. Then others will be able to immediately notice this cute creature, with a bright and clean face, open, kind and educated

How to learn good manners of a girl?
Rules of social life for a girl

In conclusion, let's list 20 rules of female etiquette.

  1. Be always tidy and neat
    2. Do not put on more than 13 jewelry, including bright buttons
    3. Do not conduct conversation about money, health, politics and religion at the table
    4. Do not go on a visit without a call
    5. Do not dry the umbrella in the open form in the office, visiting and restaurant
    6. Do not use cellophane bags from a supermarket as a bag
    7. Do not put the bag on the knees or on your chair
    8. A ladies' handbag for a lady, not for men
    9. Do not be indoors in a hat and mittens
    10. The elevator always includes the first man, and the one who stands closer to the door comes out
    11. Do not discuss people who are not present in the company
    12. Contact people over 12 years old
    13. Before opening the door of the room, be sure to knock
    14. Do not put a mobile phone on the table in a public place
    15. Do not write an SMS message during a conversation with a real interlocutor
    16. In the concert hall or in the cinema, face the seated
    17. You can not laugh loudly and declare all the best that you are on a diet
    18. Follow the speech etiquette
    19. The restaurant calculates the one who pronounces the phrase "I invite you"
    20. Be punctual and open for conversation

Etiquette rules - how to make an unforgettable impression

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Comments K. article

  1. I’ll be careful with behavior in society

  2. I am also surprised how girls dance and sing in shorts among dressed men, and in the hall even elderly people approve of this clap it. Is it possible to advertise the whole world?!

  3. Thank you)

  4. thanks a lot

  5. thanks a lot

  6. Thank you very much 🙂

  7. hello my name is Tatyana, even though I was 13 years old about how to become a "princess" after watching some cartoons. Sometimes I even had to blush because of my “long tongue”. Thank you so much for this article I will try to listen to the etiquette and fulfill my dream

  8. Thanks a lot )

  9. Nowadays, few people follow the rule of etiquette and I am no exception, I often play silent only I answer questions but I do not ask. Each etiquette is different, behave as you consider faithful and necessary, be yourself

  10. Thank you for the timely tips.

  11. I want how to behave this right lol

  12. And um why the "ladies' bag is only for a woman
    If I’ll say a man and want to buy it for myself, it will be not culturally?
    Now the 21st century and thalence around the world ...

  13. Thank you for the useful information.

  14. Thank you very much for the article, I am very pleased that there are still people who value and bring to others the natural values \u200b\u200bof human life, which are forgotten and disappeared. I enjoyed reading the article and asked my daughter, read.

  15. Great article and if the author is a woman, then she is from high society! As a wise person was once said ”If you are at least once about the woman’s wool’s ausion, you will never go to sales”! If you interpret this in competently and simple form, you will give the woman the opportunity to meet the car from the best society and get much more than to start women on the desires and powder) in women of this level and men corresponding to, and if it is educated and educated, then a man will be her level, and as a rule and better! Paul will have an interesting performance, the faint of heart does not look, but it will come to normal people and laugh from the heart! Girls be cultural and modestly modest - this is the only thing that is interesting for successful and smart men! Lips and tattoos - looks funny and hard filtered)

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