2 ways how to sew a butterfly tie with your own hands: patterns, photos, ideas

2 ways how to sew a butterfly tie with your own hands: patterns, photos, ideas

In this topic, we will consider master classes on how to sew a butterfly.

Such an accessory is increasingly entering our lives, bringing notes of brightness not only to important events, but even to everyday routine. Moreover, not only men, but also women, complementing their image, can now wear a butterfly. And we want to share the labor process with you how to sew a butterfly tie yourself.

We sew a butterfly tie: bilateral classic dawn

We suggest that you consider a two -way version of the butterfly. If you want to perform it in one color, then just make patterns from one material. By the way, it will not necessarily need to tie it every time. For some simplification and adjustment of the length of the rim, a fastener will be provided. But first of all, you need to prepare a pattern.

  • So, Decide on the version of the butterfly itself, more precisely with its shape. We offer you the most popular options.
Possible forms
A variety of forms
  • Now let's start building a pattern. We offer the first option. But do not forget about your necessary measurements. After all, the butterfly should be in the literal sense of the word in size.
We determine from the size
We determine the size
  • We make our drawing. If you need to reduce the butterfly slightly, then immediately adjust it at the drawing stage. By the way, since you will build a pattern on a real scale, these sketches are quite suitable for the first fitting.
  • Do not forget what you need Considering the consumption of fabric to the seams themselves, plus a millimeter decrease will also occur during the outline of the product.Therefore, immediately calculate this in the drawing!
We are building the drawing already registration of allowances for the seams
We are building the drawing already registration of allowances for the seams
  • You make a second part with a short belt. You can simply bend the paper when transferring lines. In this matter, accuracy is very important, so the stencil is well attached to the ironed fabric using pins or attach a small load. Although the first method is more reliable, since it practically eliminates the sliding of the materials. But sometimes the fabric, for example, Atlas, does not allow or requires a minimum number of punctures. Then it is better to use the load.
  • Do not forget that we need two details from different colors with a long and short tail.
We transfer to the fabric
We transfer to the fabric
  • If you have a fairly dense fabric, then it is not necessary to strengthen it additionally. But we strongly do not recommend using a too rough canvas. It is not so easy to work with it, and even when turning the product, the corners will not be so even and sharp. That's why We work with understudy! But do not forget that he 2-3 mm should be more than the detail itself. Immediately consider this when transferring lines.
  • You can use any of its appearance. It is more convenient to use on an adhesive basis. In this case, it will be necessary to just iron the canvas. But do not forget that they can be on glue on both sides, so do not stick to an iron. If you do not have an understudy, you can use its inexpensive analogue with non -woven.
Do not forget about understudy
Do not forget about understudy
  • Fold each part with the front side corresponding size. That is, red with a black detail, in our case, fold along the length of the belt. By the way, if you do not have a dublerin on glue, but requires a line, then to one of the details you also fasten it from the wrong side.
  • We pass the line as close as possible to the edge, Fighting them well with pins. Ideally, even throw black stitches. Do not forget that maximum accuracy is important in this matter.

Important: note that we need to leave a hole in order to turn out the part. It is more convenient to do this from the wide side. Therefore, we do not stitch a few centimeters, as shown in the lower figure.

Do not forget about the hole
Do not forget about the hole

And one more important point - before turning, the indicated corners are cut. For the severity of the corners, cut off the excess fabric around the perimeter, make the sections in the corners. But work carefully so as not to damage the line.

We make cuts in the corners and stocks on the spinners
We make cuts in the corners and stocks on the spinners
  • We turn the part, Trying to open the corners themselves as much as possible. Make draft stitches to stitch the stitched part around the perimeter of the stitching seam. At the same time, we pass our opening for turning. But you can sew it with a hidden seam.
We pass the finishing seam
We pass the finishing seam
  • But we must interconnect these two details. At the same time, there is no need for everyday tie, if you can use the hook. On a short tail, you just need to put on the same hook, wrap the edge literally 0.5-1 cm and walk with a hidden seam or a sigzag stitch, or even a regular line several times for efficiency.
  • Regulator It is dressed on a long tail and requires a little more red tape. More precisely, a skillful bend of the canvas. Therefore, follow the instructions below.
We fasten the fastener
We fasten the fastener
  • We connect the details among themselves. If necessary, adjust the belt. This time the details should already be on the same level.
We check the evenness of the parties
We check the evenness of the parties
  • When we fastened our narrow strips, we can start tying. We cannot miss this step. Since in our time not everyone is not what can, but at all has no idea, How to tie a butterfly tie.
We tie it correctly
We tie it correctly
  • And our butterfly is ready! You can make several color variations.
The final view in different interpretations
The final view in different interpretations

Video: How to sew a bilateral bow tie?

We offer a simple and quick option on how to sew a bow tie tie

This method allows you to perform any size and style of the butterfly, as well as make it from any material. The only condition is that the fabric should not stretch, since the canvas should keep the shape well. The consumption of the material is minimal - about 30 cm by 15, and if desired, you can make a combination of residues.

  • This time we propose to consider a more everyday option, so Cut the rectangle dimensions 28 cm + 2 on seams and 13 cm. We will need jumper, Therefore, you make it with dimensions 4 by 7 cm. Keep in mind that it is necessary to take Dublerin. It is more convenient if it is on an adhesive basis.
  • Keep in mind that its size also needs to be slightly reduced by 3-5 mm. If you use an adhesive basis, then iron the canvas in advance. As an option, you can create a double butterfly, thereby excluding the material for resistance, which we will consider in our example.
  • Do not forget what will be needed Prepare a tape, braid, base or a cut of fabric About 48-50 cm by 2.5-4 cm. If you sew out of the canvas, then the width should be the maximum indicator, because you will need to be folded in half. You can take a tape or base according to a minimum criterion, that is, 2-2.5 cm.
  • Fold all the details with the face and flash with a simple line. Be sure to iron all the sides, opening the seams. And only after that you turn the canvas on the front side. If you miss this step, then the bends from the seams can be irregularly.
Each seam is ironed!
Each seam is ironed!
  • Now you need to combine in the circle of parts. You can do this on a typewriter by making a seam from the wrong side. The material can also be ironed at the edges, about 1 cm in each direction. And you can cut it almost to the very basis, but this method is suitable for non -playing materials. As the easiest way is to walk with a secret manual seam along the edges of the product.
We make a connecting seam
We make a connecting seam
We hide the seam
We hide the seam
  • We make our braid. In our case, this is a long and narrow segment of the fabric, which we sewed in half. But whatever the tape you take, you need to attach the fastener and the regulator, sewing to the details.
We make a regulatory braid
We make a regulatory braid
  • In our model, the butterfly consists of two parts that will be applied one on one. Gather each rectangle in folds, that they will beautifully form a bend, and we dress a jumper. If you did not sew it, like the rest of the details, then sew it directly on the bange with a hand.
We sew a jumper
We sew a jumper
  • We dress the tape through the jumper. By the way, if the base of the hook or regulator is too wide, then it is better to sew it at the final stage.
We stretch the tape
We stretch the tape
  • And our butterfly is ready! If desired, you can make details from different colors. At the same time, it will be no less interesting if the upper bow will be slightly smaller.
As an option
As an option

Video: How easy it is to sew a butterfly tie?

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