2 groups of planets of the solar system. How do the planets of the solar system differ among themselves?

2 groups of planets of the solar system. How do the planets of the solar system differ among themselves?

Classification of planets of the solar system, similarities and differences in groups.

The solar system is quite complicated and consists of two groups of planets. In the center of the system is a huge bright star - the sun around which the other objects are rotated. In this article we will talk about two groups of planets, and consider their main differences.

Classification of the planets of the solar system


  • Earth group. The fact is that the planets of the earth's group are closest to the Sun, because they have a small mass and size, but a fairly high density. These planets are based on silicon compounds, as well as iron. Basically, they all have an iron core, and other more distant layers. In general, we can say that their surface is solid, and there are very few satellites of the planets, there are only 4 of them. And the temperature on these planets is the highest, because there is a minimum remoteness from the sun. This group includes Mars, Venus, Earth and Mercury.
  • The second group of planets is giants. They are often called ice giants or gas. The fact is that their atmosphere is significantly different from the planets of the earth's group. At the same time, the sizes of the giant planets are simply huge. They have 98 satellites, and a stronger magnetic field than the planets of the earth's group. Mostly these bodies are made of various gases, such as methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide. We can say that their surface is neither hard nor liquid. Because the gas has different density, depending on the remoteness from the center. This group includes Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Such a division is due to different remoteness from the sun, physical properties and a mass of celestial bodies. Moreover, between the planets of the earth's group and giants there is a ring of asteroids and cosmic dust, which, as it were, shares two groups.


How do two groups of planets of the solar system differ among themselves?

Giant planets were formed due to the interaction of gas masses with cosmic dust. The most interesting thing is that just solid inclusions, such as silicates and iron, there are practically no giants on the planets. There are a small amount of them. Basically, giants are nothing more than ice balls formed due to gas compression. Life on such planets is almost impossible because of the structure and lack of conditions suitable for life.

The fact is that the closest to the Earth are the planet of the earth's group. Because they have a solid surface, and also consist of silicon and iron joints. At the same time, the atmosphere differs significantly from the earthly one.

Approximate scheme
Approximate scheme

What group does Pluto belong to?

One of the planets of the solar system, which does not apply to any group, is Pluto. Because it does not completely rotate around the sun. This planet has a satellite Haron. Thus, a certain relationship between Pluto and Haron is obtained. Initially, it was believed that there were no celestial bodies near Pluto. But in 1990, with the help of a powerful telescope, a small bulge was discovered on the surface of Pluto.

Over time, they began to consider this phenomenon and found that Pluto and Haron are completely different planets that are at a relatively small distance from each other. In this case, they move relative to each other, the relationship of these two planets is observed. Since then, Pluto began not to be considered a planet of the earth's group, but by a dwarf planet. This became possible in 2006, when large -scale studies of the planets of the solar system were carried out.

Pluto and Haron
Pluto and Haron

It was found that the mass of Haron is not much less than the mass of Pluto. The center of gravity of this binary system is not in the area of \u200b\u200bone of the two planets, but somewhere in the middle, that is, between these planets. Studies conducted in 2012 prove that Pluto and Haron are moving relative to each other, in some kind of peculiar dance. Thus, this is a binary system that works for each other. In this symbiosis, two bodies are interconnected.

In 2006, the concept of a double planet was not accepted, so it is not worth calling so Pluto and Haron. This name can be considered unofficial, because this information is not included in the list of approved classification. If the relationship of these systems is later proved, which is unique and the only one in the solar system, then Pluto and Kharon will be considered a double planet. The surface of Pluto contains nitrogen and hydrogen, as well as ammonia compounds. When Pluto approaches the Sun, the atmosphere becomes gaseous. At the distance, it freezes, a peculiar sediment falls out. The atmosphere on Pluto is not suitable for life.


As you can see, with the invention of new technologies and study in the field of astrology, knowledge becomes more extensive. Therefore, the classification of sunny planets, as well as other systems, changes. Perhaps, after a certain amount of time, our planet will also be considered some special, and not enter the solar system.

Video: Solar system groups

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