19 things in the apartment that give out the bad taste of its owners

19 things in the apartment that give out the bad taste of its owners

Today, there are no strict rules on the interior that every owner of the apartment must follow. The variety of styles and decor is so great that it would simply be impossible to mention all the details in books on design art.

However, there are still several common nuances that will help improve the appearance of any housing, regardless of the preferences of the owner. Sometimes even one insignificant detail can change the overall impression of the apartment and its owner for the better or worse.

TOP-19 things in the apartment that give out the bad taste of its owners

These 19 tips will help you understand how to avoid the presence of things in the apartment that give out the bad taste of its owners, or correct existing mistakes when arranging an apartment.

Thematic rooms

  • Most often, the rooms made in the theme of the sea, the life of a superhero or a fairy-tale character, parents make children in order to feel like part of something unusual. And thus, every day being among the riot of bright colors and unusual objects, developed. Unfortunately, this option of a children's room gives out a bad taste of its owners.
  • The thing is that children in such a room spend a lot of time not only during the day, but also at night. At night, the body of both adults and children should rest and gain strength for a new day. While the daytime thematic room is a good idea, the evening one begins to harm, preventing the brain from distracting and resting.
  • A good alternative in this case are lightbut not too bright colors in the child’s room without a small pattern on the walls.
  • You can develop a child with the help of various bright toys and booksthat in the evening you need to hide in a box or put in a closet away from the eyes.
Thematic overload
Thematic overload

The predominance of dim and very dark shades

  • As a rule, most people fall from extreme to extreme selecting colors for decorating an apartment. Some owners believe that the predominance of bright colors in furniture and on the walls will spoil their housing and it is worth completely abandoning them, filling the apartment with only faded shades.
  • In fact, the main role is played by proportions. You can use absolutely all colors and shades, combining them correctly.
  • If the walls are painted in light or pastel shades, it is necessary to choose dark and brightly saturated furniture.
  • In a situation where the walls have bright deep colors, furniture of light shades will look good against their background.
Do not create grayness around you
Do not create grayness around you

Decorative plaster and stucco

  • Today, the original relief of gypsum on the ceiling and walls will not surprise anyone. Many lovers of unusual and modern technologies decided to use the stucco molding method in their apartments, which, as it turned out, was not so new.
  • This technology was invented and used by builders in the creation of the famous Egyptian palaces for the pharaohs.
  • Not only is this method of decorating walls cannot be called modern, it is also not practical. A week later, during general cleaning, each housewife will face the problem of washing.
  • Particles of dust and dirt are able to score a relief surface so hard that no detergent can cope with them, even the strongest and most expensive.
It is very difficult to achieve cleanliness after time
It is very difficult to achieve cleanliness after time
Such stucco molding should stay in the palaces
Such stucco molding should stay in the palaces

The effect of the curb

  • The border strip of wallpaper, which most often was the transition from the bottom of the wall to the upper, was very popular among the inhabitants of the older generation because of their practicality. This separation served both decor and necessity.
  • In the 70s, it was customary to flood the upper part of the kitchen annually, on the ceiling of which a burning of food was often gathered for a year. In order not to change the wallpaper each time and not remove the tile from the walls, used a combination of wallpaper and lime.
  • Today, with the appearance of hoods in modern apartments, there is no more such need and the whole kitchen can be arranged in the same style using wallpaper or paint.
  • If you still want to supplement and decorate the wallpaper, it is best to opt for decorative skirting boards, which, if necessary, can be washed.
Such borders are no longer needed
Such borders are no longer needed

Quotes and posters on the walls

  • In times when there was no access to the Internet, the walls of the room filled with various posters with images of their favorite characters and their successful quotes allowed to express themselves.
  • Today, for this need, there are many social networks, so this method of creative has ceased to look fashionable. It is best to opt for a classic design or choose vintage posters that perfectly fit into the interior.
Such posters are no longer in fashion
Such posters are no longer in fashion
It is considered tasteless
It is considered tasteless


  • Having a full -length mirror in the apartment today is a necessity. It is very important for each person before leaving the house to check how he looks in order to supplement their outfit, if necessary, or fix the shortcomings.
  • However, when, in pursuit of fashion, the owner of the apartment begins to furnish the entire territory with many mirrors and glass products, the house ceases to be home. The apartment begins to seem like a gym and also becomes life -threatening.
  • If you are a lover of shine, the best option would be to make a glass most of the balcony. Such a project will make the main part of the apartment safe for life, and at the same time satisfy taste preferences.
Loads space
Loads space

Empty shelves and excess furniture

  • Before buying a cabinet and pin to the walls of the “reserve” shelves, you must rationally consider whether you have so many things that need to fill them.
  • A large amount of furniture visually reduces the dimensions of the room and will take off an extra time during cleaning. In addition, empty shelves themselves always look stupid and inappropriate.
  • In the case when empty places are already available, it is better to fill them with small decor items such as: figurines, books and vases.
Not rational and tasteless
Not rational and tasteless

Useless things

  • Even if you have a large spacious apartment, you should not fill it with things that are just dear, like memory and will never be used again. Such items simply take place and spoil the overall impression of the house, reminiscent of the warehouse.
  • If you are sorry to throw them away, then they can be presented or given to those who need them.
Such things only clutter up space
Such things only clutter up space

Photos within and picture copies

  • Today, when progress does not stand still, everyone can store expensive photos on a computer or phone. The same applies to images of paintings written by great artists. There is no more sense in decorating the walls with photos and paintings.
  • For connoisseurs of painting, a good idea will be to buy or order a real picture from a living artist, which will become an exclusive element in the decor.
Copies of paintings give out the bad taste of the owner of the apartment
Copies of paintings give out the bad taste of the owner of the apartment
Such frames and photos should be hidden in them
Such frames and photos should be hidden in them

Small carpets and tracks

  • Waking up in the morning and rising from the bed, I want to put my legs not on the cold floor, but on a warm carpet that will give a good start to the day.
  • Earlier, due to the complexity of service, the owners of the cold floors bought several types of carpets and paths at once to cover the entire floor and change from time to time. Visually, such a decor did not look in the best way.
  • Today, washing vacuum cleaners appeared on sale, which are able to get into the most inaccessible corners of the apartment. Therefore, you can safely, without difficulties in servicing, purchase one carpet for each room that will give a feeling of a holistic composition.
Such a variety of carpets in one room gives out the bad taste of the owner of the house
Such a variety of carpets in one room gives out the bad taste of the owner of the house

Synthetic bedding

  • Sleep is one of the most important parts of our lives. It is very important that a person can relax during sleep and gain energy, which is enough until the end of the next day. Bed linen in this process plays an important role. The most important thing is that underwear is natural and pleasant to the touch.
  • Natural linen is more expensive than synthetics, but this is a good contribution to your health.
  • Artificial material, despite the fact that it does not lose external attractiveness for a long time, begins to irritate the skin, which can interrupt the dream with unpleasant sensations. Synthetic underwear is a good alternative only for one -time use in emergency situations.
Such linen looks cheap and tasteless
Such linen looks cheap and tasteless

Installations from curtains

  • Times have passed when voluminous drapery and decoration of curtains was the subject of chic and luxury. Today, curtains even from the most expensive materials will look ridiculous and will give out the bad taste of the owners.
  • Modern world designers urge everyone to choose light materials for curtains and curtains that can pass air and ventilate the room.
This should be abandoned
This should be abandoned
Choose minimalism
Choose minimalism

White lamps and neon lamps

  • For some reason, most people consider white color a sign of wealth and comfort, so they prefer to buy lamps, floor lamps and lampshades of this shade. However, often the opposite, the first impression that these objects cause is a sign of cheapness.
  • The same feeling awakens neon light. In addition, white color, in the total mass, is immediately able to identify and emphasize the disadvantages of the general situation and even imperfection of the skin of the owner of the apartment.
  • As for neon light, in general this is a bad option for the home, since over time the eyes will begin to get tired.
  • It is best for the home and premises in which you need to have a long period, choose lamps with a soft and warm section. It is such a combination that will be neutrally perceived by the eye and as a bonus environmental environment will seem more beautiful.
Cheap is a room
Cheap is a room

Plastic furniture and dishes

  • Plastic tables, chairs, one -time forks, spoons, glasses are the greatest find for cafes and fast food points, but not for the house. No matter how beautiful the furniture and dishes made of plastic, they are not able to replace the real ones.
  • If on a festive evening to serve the guests and drinks not in a beautiful service, but in one -time dishes and force them to sit on plastic chairs, most likely these guests will not deliver to you the second time.
  • A good option for using one -time dishes and plastic furniture are the moments of the outbreak to nature. In this case, there is no need to lead a lot of fighting dishes and heavy furniture from the city.
Only for entry to nature, with compulsory cleaning
Only for entry to nature, with compulsory cleaning
Do not use in the house
Do not use in the house

Magnets on the refrigerator

  • At a time when there were no opportunities for frequent trips abroad, at least a small part of the resort wanted to take home. The way out of the situation at that time was the purchase of souvenirs in the form of magnets on the refrigerator. They were brought not only for themselves, but also given to relatives and friends.
  • Today, the doors of refrigerators hung with magnetics look like a relic of the past.
  • In order to feel pleasant memories again, you do not need to look at the refrigerator, you need to buy a ticket for a trip for the next rest.
Replace this with a live trip, not vacuumers
Replace this with a live trip, not vacuumers

Complex decor laid out of tiles in the bathroom

  • A large combination of colors in the bathroom makes it visually smaller, and in a situation of incorrectly selected shades, just funny.
  • It is best to dwell on one color of light tone and in the case of a great desire to dilute it with several transitions of similar shades.
Complex decoration
Complex decoration

A bulky shower cabin

  • Many people set large bathrooms or showers in which there are many functions, buying for advertising.
  • Having small dimensions, neither a bath nor a shower cabin becomes worse from this. But in this way a place is released where you can pinch the shelf for hygiene products or install a washing machine. This option will be a good idea for small rooms.
Choose light models
Choose light models

Toilet rug

  • A small rug with a recess, located in most houses near the toilet, has long been recognized as a symbol of tastelessness and violation of hygiene norms.
  • Most famous designers require to immediately replace it with a rectangular one, which will lie nearby near the bath or shower.
Requires replacement
Requires replacement


  • Designs that simulate arches are very popular in decorating modern rooms. Increasingly, apartment owners ask architects and designers to make at least one such transition in order to take photos against their background.
  • However, not many residents think that such a project is successful only in houses and apartments with a large area. In a narrow opening, the false arch looks inappropriately and unsuccessful.
  • For small rooms, a good element of the passage between the rooms will be a door that will serve as a decor.
Better to do only in large rooms
Better to do only in large rooms

In situations where you noticed shortcomings in the design of your apartment, but still do not know how to fix them, the best decision would be to consult with a professional in the field of design and interior. A specialist, due to his experience and knowledge, will help you choose the best options for improving the interior in your housing.

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