15 golden rules of a well-groomed woman: a checklist of care

15 golden rules of a well-groomed woman: a checklist of care

As always, to be well-groomed: the checks of the care of yourself. From makeup to the selection of a wardrobe

The appearance of a woman is a business card in any society. We have prepared ready-made checklists and 15 gold rules, thanks to which you can always look perfect and spend a minimum of time on this.

Why do you need checklists of caring for yourself?

Thanks to modern innovations, it has become much easier to maintain themselves in a well -groomed state, but women complain of high standards complete with a lack of time. Yes, indeed, women today have a household, engage in raising children, and also work, lead an active social life and often travel. In this rhythm it is easy to go astray, and then it is difficult to return to the full care of yourself again, especially if it has not been vaccinated since childhood.

This article with checklists of caring for themselves was created for women who are busy 24/7. However, they want to look well -groomed, luxurious women, from whom they do not want to look away.

So, for starters, let's decide what the term of a well -groomed woman implies that he absorbs:

  • A clean, well -groomed face with makeup on occasion (there may be a light daytime, or there may be carefully retouched contouring);
  • Well -groomed, dyed, laid hair without sung ends and faded strands;
  • Well -groomed hands and feet with neat fresh manicure and pedicure;
  • A fit energetic body;
  • Shining look and good mood;
  • Stylish, fashionable wardrobe.

From this we can conclude that the image of a well -groomed woman consists not only of makeup and manicure, but also with the lifestyle of a woman, the result of which has a response of everyday life. Particular attention should be paid to the mother of daughters, as they are a vivid example that will go to life with the girl. And as soon as the baby grows up, she also needs to be accustomed to daily care of herself.

And in order to not grab every day for everything and do not keep up with anything, there are checklists. These are visualized lists of cases, thanks to which it is easier to take care of yourself, since everything is systematized and understandable.

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 1: Systematization gives an understanding of goals, regular execution gives an ideal constant result.

Check list of caring for yourself: where to get the 25th hour in a day to care for yourself?

Very often you can hear: yes the checklist of care for myself is good, but where can I get the 25th hour in a day to take care of myself? And then innovative technologies go to the rescue. No, we do not know how to stop the time, but we know how to curb it and force it to work for ourselves.

In our article, as on the Internet, there are many ready -made standard checks of sheets of caring for themselves, but given our individual needs, they are not always relevant. Therefore, you can independently make your checklist in the simplest program, and how to do it in the above video lesson.

Video: How to create a checklist? Step-by-step instruction

Now let's move on to the most important thing-the search for the 25th hour to care for ourselves. Of course, we are joking, but there are a number of cosmetics and procedures, as well as devices that can significantly save time. It is not necessary to resort to them to everyone at the same time and today, but you can draw up a plan for the next year. If you are an opponent of one or another tool, just miss and consider those that are acceptable to you, we are all individual.

  • Makeup. It is he who takes the mass of precious morning time. Consider the options for permanent makeup, which lasts from 6 months to several years. A light everyday make -up in the form of eyebrows, shooter and fresh gentle lips - an ideal solution to save 91 hours a year (if the makeup takes about 15 minutes a day);
  • For those who do not dare to be tattooed, well -groomed eyebrows for a month gives a broovist. Coloring + biofixation and you do not return to the issue of eyebrows up to 8 weeks!
  • Freeded eyelashes or lamination of your long ones is a great way to forget about mascara for a month;
  • Laser epilation solves the issue of extra hair for years. And for those who are still convinced that it is expensive - summarize the cost of razors, blades, stumps for shaving and creams after;
  • Gel polish, building etc. solves the issue of neat manicure and pedicure for 3-4 weeks;
  • Massage - A mandatory procedure for a woman. But sometimes there is no time, neither the strength, nor the budget for hikes in massage salons. Today the market offers chic options for massagers for home use. Particularly good compact options that can be taken with you even in a car and do a massage so far, for example, you are standing in a traffic jam. Did you know that the tightened muscles of the cervical-brothel zone are wrinkles, lowering the oval of the face, as well as migraines and chronic fatigue?;
  • Sport - A mandatory component of the life of a well -groomed woman. But no one forces to buy expensive subscription to the fitness center. For starters, morning charges and, for example, a bar are good. For more advanced, but busy girls, you can try fast cardio or 4-minute tobata training. This requires a little space and fresh air. Can you find 5 minutes for health?
  • Wardrobe. Many of us with secret envy look at stylishly and fashionably dressed girls, and at the same time the cabinets themselves are lit up irrelevant and at the same time almost new clothes. Check out the term capsule wardrobe - it will save time, budget and strength, and also help to look always stylish and fashionable.

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 2: if you can simplify something, we simplify, if you have the opportunity to perform a long existing procedure for caring for yourself-be sure to take the opportunity-time is invaluable.

Video: How always to be well -groomed and beautiful? The secrets of beauty

Check list of care-basic

Immediately warn that the checklists of the departure for ourselves are an infinite number, and they are selected for specific goals and objectives. One hangs on the cabinet door, one in the bathroom, one on the refrigerator, and one more in the bedroom or place where it is convenient to engage in sports exercises. Check liners of caring for themselves are not rules, but only calls to action that can be changed depending on changes in goals.

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 3: Start and end our day with a contrast shower. It works better than lifting.

Basic check sheet of care
Basic check sheet of care

Please note that on this checklist all procedures relate exclusively to the basic issues. Here you will not find makeup, sports or selection of a wardrobe. At the same time, this basic checklist of care can only be supplemented, since everything prescribed in it is the necessary minimum of each girl.

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 4: Remember that caring for yourself is a manifestation of self -love. You show love for loved ones, spending time on ironing, cleaning, cooking, etc. Show love for yourself by caring for your body.

Let's look at each of the four zones of the checklist:

  • Daily procedures Relate to morning and evening. That is, points from this list need to be completed twice a day;
  • Weekly procedures It is necessary to do once a week. But this does not mean that once a week you need to allocate all day to care for yourself (we understand that if you had it, you would hardly look for checklists). For example, you do peeling or face scrub on Monday, and followed by a moisturizing mask, on Wednesday the mask is nutritious, and cleaning on Saturday. Thus, within a week you will devote a minimum of time, and get the maximum result. By the way, by applying the mask you can safely move around the house and deal with home questions, while the magic formulas saturate your skin. On the remaining free days, you can distribute the rest of the procedures so that they fit perfectly on your day;
  • Two weeks It can be significantly reduced if you use tips in the previous section;
  • Monthly procedures - It's like gifts, for good work for a month. By the way, a meeting with girlfriends can not be appointed not in a cafe, but in a spa or bath, and chat, and take care of your body.

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 5: cleansing plus skin moisturizing twice a day - well -groomed skin 24/7/365.

And another checklist with a lot of utility, from duties, to inspiring ideas.

Basic check sheet of care
Basic check sheet of care

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 6: Without correctly selected cosmetics, it is impossible to take care of yourself fully. Visit at least once a cosmetologist, voice your financial capabilities, and he will select optimal cosmetics to you. It is important not quantity, but quality and regularity.

And another checklist is a clean form for those who want to draw up an individual action plan.

Template check checkpoint
Template check checkpoint

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 7: Adjust the checklists under your daily schedule so that they complement the day, and not annoy, distracting from important things.

Check list of care: water regime and nutrition

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 8: enough water consumption, as well as settled nutrition - a well -groomed body and face until old age.

As you know, there is no beauty, energy, and an elementary desire to live and enjoy life without health. We left for you two ready-made checklists of caring for ourselves from the inside, which will help to instill in daily habits.

Check leaf care sheet: drink water
Check leaf care sheet: drink water

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 9: The menu for a week will free several hours to care for himself, and besides will help to come to a healthy diet for the whole family.

And a checklist that will help to come to proper nutrition.

Check leaf care sheet: food habits
Check leaf care sheet: food habits

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 10: stop eating 3 hours before bedtime and the stomach will say thank you. And after him, the freshened clean skin.

Check list of care: sleep

A full sleep cannot be overestimated. But with age, many women forget about a strong dream and a full opportunity to sleep. They accuse everyone and everything, but most often 99% are to blame themselves. These are gadgets in bed, and watching films before bedtime, and finding out relationships with her husband, and the most terrible one is an attempt to distribute the family budget before bedtime.

But the classic of chronic lack of sleep is not a regulated dream. With this checklist, you can adjust your dream in a month. It is enough to go to bed at the same time (after recording the time of leaving the bed) and, waking up, make an appropriate entry. You will not believe at the beginning, but paper control is disciplined perfectly!

Check leaf care sheet: sleep
Check leaf care sheet: sleep

This checklist of care is one of the best means of good sleep at night and vigor during the day.

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 11: A full sleep is the best energy throughout life.

Check list of care: Sports

At the beginning of this section, I should admit - most of us are not accustomed to sports and there are many prejudices about physical exertion inside us:

  • The gym makes the female figure masculine;
  • Only bored housewives and young girls can deal with yoga;
  • Sport remains somewhere in his youth, it is not for adults;
  • The athletes are boring and in general, to go in for sports - to abandon a fun pastime and noisy feasts.

We are dependent on those constants that we received in childhood. A parent who did not go in for sports himself gave at a subconscious level an understanding that it should not be wasting time. A check for caring for itself in physical development will help to overcome thinking.

Check leaf care sheet: Sports
Check leaf care sheet: Sports

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 12: Sports are fun, sports - it is interesting, sports can be practiced always and everywhere. Physical activity should give joy, so pick up the exercises for your desires. Someone is ready to do exercises and stretching, and someone likes to dance, someone is easier to go on a run, and someone loves to swim.

Check leaf care sheet: bar for 30 days
Check leaf care sheet: bar for 30 days
Check leaf care sheet: a bar for 30 days
Check leaf care sheet: a bar for 30 days

Look for solutions, not excuses. For example, you like to swim, but there are no pools nearby, and it turns out only in the summer. In the winter time, prepare checks on the bar, squats or sit on the twine. Temporary measures to maintain the body in tone until the bathing season comes.

Sports check leaf for a month
Sports check leaf for a month

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 13: Kegel's exercises are the best way to extend the tone of his female part of the body.

Check list of care for yourself: wardrobe

It is impossible to imagine a well -groomed, stylish woman in a stretched T -shirt, in a dress that has gone out of fashion, and other similar things. A well -groomed woman always looks “from a needle” and it seems that a stylist is hiding in her closet, picking up stylish and fresh images. Not at all, it works, as in other cases, a checklist of care for oneself and its wardrobe.

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 14: spirits, like accessories, can change throughout the year. In summer, light, and in winter more saturated. Sunglasses - all year round, but the design should change and be relevant to the general image. Accessories are able to radically change the appearance - learn to wear large jewelry, scarves and stoles.

Check Liszt Care for itself: Wardrobe
Check Liszt Care for itself: Wardrobe

The above checklist should constantly hang on the doors of the wardrobe and once a month you need to go through it. In the first months, you will most likely stop at each point, but for 3-4 months you will run through your eyes and stop only at 1-3 points.

Rule of a well -groomed woman No. 15: if you want to save a budget, your personal time, a place in the closet and always look perfect - study the issue of a capsule wardrobe. This will clean the space and systematize things so that no more than 20 seconds will take the choice of clothes.

Check list of care: Health

The older we become, the more often, ailments overcome us. How much time per year do we spend on the treatment of diseases that can be prevented by visiting a doctor in time? Yes, there is no extra time in the day. But if you support the body healthy, you will probably free yourself for yourself for a few hours a week for relaxation and your care procedures. And if this checklist is applied to all family members, you can also additionally save money for travel, instead of going to the pharmacy.

Check leaf of visiting doctors and testing analyzes
Check leaf of visiting doctors and testing analyzes

As you can see, thanks to the crushed and systematized submission of checklists of care, it will not be difficult to accommodate innovations in your life, especially if there is a desire. And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video with basic daily care.

Video: Consisting for oneself: Simple and budget

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Comments K. article

  1. I would turn on the 16th rule, it is necessary to take collagen! This is straight by the mast-HEV, in truth. My skin is soft and smooth with him, without wrinkles. I always choose sea from Evalar, I trust them with quality, and there is vitamin C into the composition for better assimilation. I order in the online store, it’s more convenient. For every woman an indispensable supplement))

  2. Check lines are a very useful and simply indispensable thing for any woman. You read and perform, read and perform. True, it is easier to assemble yourself in a bunch. Thank you, I'll take it into service.

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