15 Hard love tips that work effectively!

15 Hard love tips that work effectively!

In this topic, we will talk about effective love rules.

A lot has been written about love! And, it would seem, all the tips that could be given about how to find it, and most importantly - how to save, have already been found. And here it is impossible to come up with something new. After all, poets, writers, scriptwriters, psychologists and other personalities worked on this for many centuries.

Nevertheless, let's try to return to this topic again, since time does not stand still. Perhaps it is these tips that will turn out to be important for someone and will help to maintain someone's relationship. Each of us dreams of being happy and beloved, but sometimes it becomes impossible. Therefore, we offer you a list of love tips that I will help put the right verdict in your connection.

Love yourself, and the rest will fit!
Love yourself, and the rest will fit!

Love advice for those in the "active" search

  1. Always be yourself! And always enjoy life! Yes, you need to accept yourself as we are. And it is certainly necessary to be proud of yourself, despite any life problems, difficulties and obstacles in your path. If you need yourself as you came to this world - you will need others!
  2. Your half - It becomes yours from the first minute of communication, at first glance!It is yours even before you met-it was this mental connection that combined your paths. If you do not feel this during the first date, moreover - You feel discomfort when being next to this person, nothing will change either on the second date, nor in the third, or at subsequent meetings. You are strangers - and you should not waste time. Moreover, keep in mind the fact that each of us betrays ourselves in the best way in the first minutes.
  3. Lower the high bar! Expand for a relationship and just start talking. This is the only way to distinguish the present from the fake, sincerity from falsehood. The establishment of a high bar, especially beautiful, successful women, looking for a couple “by themselves”, very often speaks of unpreparedness for relationships, about fear of them. It’s so easy not to feel, skip “your” half, or even worse - over the time when this game is tired, seriously mistaken in the choice.
  4. Throw away an obsessive idea from your head, at all costs to get married! Give up dubious dreams of a veil, a doll on the hood and the wedding ring on the finger. All this, by and large, is not so important. And the more you think about it, the further you go from the main need of a normal person - just love. Only this need can attract a mutual feeling, and not a dream of a registry office.
  5. Give up dating with married men! These relations, as a rule, do not lead to anything and, except for the in vain lost years, they do not promise anything. Married men never get acquainted with the aim of acquiring another wife. And add to this a component of a greater desire for marriage, then a very unmarked mixture will come out.
Do not chase marriage!
Do not chase marriage!

Love tips for those who already have a relationship

  1. If you and a man have long been together, but no proposal comes from him, ask a direct and concrete question - why? Hearing in response that He is not ready to create a family and start children - say goodbye!This is not your man and you most likely never become yours. Moreover, do not hold on to relations for more than 3 years. This already speaks for uncertainty in you, as in your soul mate.
  2. Develop, work on yourself and conquer new borders! And it doesn’t matter what stage your relationship is at or you have a long life together - You should always be interesting to him! If you are sitting at home, do exclusively farming, then remember - no matter how delicious your borsch is, no matter how snow -white his shirt in the morning, sooner or later he will get tired!
  3. And if he suddenly tired of you, disappointed in something, Stopped to like - part!Do not torment yourself with remorse. Do not be afraid to stay alone. But do not hope that everything will return if the feelings are passed. Just part - it will be more honest and better for you both.
  4. Do not try to redo it! It's impossible. If you love, take it as it is, with all the advantages, disadvantages and “cockroaches in your head”. If you can’t, then this is not your man.
  5. Do not demand any sacrifice and do not make sacrifices! This is not about love. You are either well together as you are, or you should not be together. The third is not given, and no one owes anything to sacrifice. If you force yourself to a relationship that do not suit you, then they will only tighten painful time.And even more so, do not stay for the sake of something except yourself. You will be unhappy in a relationship - they are generally and all related members will not have joy!
Do not bend!
Do not bend!

General love tips

  1. Never try to play and seem who you really are.It will not work for a long time to do it all the same. Moreover, you should not "stand on tiptoe" for the sake of the second half. And disappointment after he sees you real and decides to leave, it will be much more painful. In comparison, if no relationship had developed at all.
  2. Love yourself as a whole, not for individual parts of the body! Only in this way can you love another person and count on a mutual feeling, and together you can achieve harmony in a relationship. By the way, a note - Uncertain women of women notice men at first glance. And they either immediately push them away, or cause a desire to suppress.
  3. Love should be healthy and happy! Therefore, run from suffering, from experiences and torment. They are not worth spending their lives on this. And always hold on to the priority that next to a man tears should be only from happiness. And you can pull a load for two on yourself both alone, and only for yourself. The man should be good and comfortable!
  4. His attitude towards you is a mirror of his soul. Appreciate the soul that makes you happy and run from the one that brings suffering! But at the same time, the second one will soon follow. You can forgive, but no more than 1 time!Otherwise, this is already cyclical suffering, which you yourself have chosen.
  5. Respect is the key to all relations!Do not even try to start a relationship where you do not feel mutual respect! Moreover, this aspect concerns all the spheres of life. Do not be afraid to talk about your desires - he must be considered with them if he really appreciates you and respects you. But do not forget that A self -respecting person, respects others!
You will feel your person
You will feel your person

Video: 13 female love rules and love

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