15 ideas of beautiful soft toys with your own hands. How is it easier to sew a soft toy?

15 ideas of beautiful soft toys with your own hands. How is it easier to sew a soft toy?

DIY toys: simple master classes, best patterns, interesting ideas.

As the Great Coco Chanel said, “Handing things, this is a luxury. It is not necessary for everyone to have them. Anyone who wants to have them makes them himself or pays the master for his work. ”

Fleece bunny
Fleece bunny

Soft toy is the first association of a plush children's bear. But after all, the concept of a soft toy is much larger. This is Tilda’s interior toy, and funny toys in the car, and much more. This article contains a variety of types of soft toys, as well as techniques for their implementation and step-by-step master classes.


Types of soft toys with your own hands

Such toys can be divided into several subspecies: for children and adults, interior, with practical use (for example, needlers).

Toy on the Christmas tree
Toy on the Christmas tree

Toys can also be divided by the type of material used: fur, from cotton or linen fabrics, from felt, from fantasy tissues.

Folk toys
Folk toys

Of particular popularity today folk toys, as well as soft toys made in national needlework techniques again found.

DIY soft toy

A fur toy, created by your own hands, is especially warm and beautiful. For sewing it, you can use both natural and artificial fur. With artificial, of course, it is much easier to work, but deciding to sew a toy from natural fur, you will get a unique author's toy! First you need to decide on the pattern of the toy, the more the finished product, the easier it will be in work. Small details are especially hard to be given to beginners.

Fur Bunny
Fur Bunny

Circle the details and cut with a margin of 0.5 cm per seam. Unlike fabric in working with fur, scissors are best not to use. If there is no special tailor knife, use a sharp stationery knife. Cut with sharp short movements, do not hang the knife deep so as not to cut the fur.

Fur hares
Fur hares

Sew the fur, it is necessary to apply two front sides to each other and correcting the fur out. Having sewed the toy, it is necessary to leave a small hole through which the toy is turned and filled with a filler. Previously, toys were stuffed with cotton wool, pieces of tissue residues.

But such a stuffing dries for a very long time when washing and often after cleaning the toy was thrown out only because the stuffing was not ground and mold appeared inside. Modern fillers are made of synthetic materials (synthetic winterizer and others), which quickly and well dry, do not go astray and retain their shape. Having stuffed it, it remains to sew a hidden seam.

Secret seam
Secret seam

The last stroke - eyes, nose and mouth. You can make it yourself, or you can buy ready -made accessories in the store.


Video: offended cat / soft toy with your own hands

Video: warm cats toy, master class soft toy

Do -it -yourself soft toy

Today, felt toys are the most popular in children's master classes and needlework. But they appeared not so long ago, and there is even an exact date of their appearance.

Margaret Steiff
Margaret Steiff and her first dolls

The enterprising German Margaret Steiff gave the idea in a magazine for housewives to sew a soft toy with your own hands from felt. In the journal, Margaret published a pattern and a detailed master class. But in the note she reported exactly where you can buy a felt for such toys.

Such a move in 1879 allowed to establish the empire of toys in just a few years. The nuance was that the toys were sewn at the factory, and the workpieces for toys were sold, which could be sewn on their own. She left the empire for children and grandchildren, and gave the world a fashion for a soft toy.

Fetra puppy
Fetra puppy

Master class felt dog

Fetter puppy diagram
Fetter puppy diagram

It will take: brown, white and black felt, scissors, a needle with a thread, beads or eyes for toys and a gun with hot glue.

Fetra puppy Step 1
Fetra puppy Step 1

We print out the pattern, cut out and sew it with step by step every detail.

Fetra puppy Step 2
Fetra puppy Step 2

Depending on the type of seam, you can create completely different textures of the toy.

Fetra puppy Step 3
Fetra puppy Step 3

If the parts are interconnected by glue, the toy can only be cleaned with a dry way. When getting wet, the parts will be disconnected.

Fetra puppy Step 4
Fetra puppy Step 4
Fetra puppy Step 5
Fetra puppy Step 5

DIY soft toys from fabric

Fabric toys appeared much earlier than felt. But with the advent of fur and plush toys, they were unjustly forgotten for a while. With the advent of plastic, even children's toys made of fabric came out of everyday life. But today, with a new wave of popularity for manual work, popularity for a fabric toy has again revived. The most popular interior toy today is Tilda.


When looking at Tilda’s doll, there is a feeling that the roots of this toy go far in the Middle Ages. By no means. The appearance of Tilda was in the 90s of the last century young designer Tony Finnanger. The girl was full of ideas and Tilda turned out to be one of the many ideas. Today, without it, it is impossible to imagine a gentle, home interior. And the craftswomen around the world are simply in love with the idea of \u200b\u200bTony and create prototypes to their taste.

Tilde angels
Tilde angels

Video: Master class Tilda

DIY Soft toys: chicken, fox, horse, penguin, pig and others

With the advent of crumbs, I want to change the world for the better, at home to create a special atmosphere. And the child - he is perfection itself, and so I want him to play unique toys filled with mother's love.

DIY toys - simple. We have collected master classes of a variety of toys-jacks from a variety of materials. Note that children are pulling in their mouths up to 2 years. Therefore, the material should be natural, preferably without pile. Wonderful fur toys are best given in the third year of life.

Fetra chicken
Fetra chicken
Pattern of chicken
Pattern of chicken

The pattern of chicken, it can be sewn as for the baby and invest toys-yaiki. And you can create a miracle basket for Easter.

Video: Learning to sew the author’s soft textile toy of the elephant

Fox pattern.

Fox pattern
Fox pattern

Pattern of the horse.

Pattern of the horse
Pattern of the horse


Video: how to sew a finger toy penguin

Pattern of the pig aleft.

Patter of the pig
Patter of the pig


Pattern of the giraffe and his company.

Patter of a cheerful giraffe
Patter of a cheerful giraffe
Flower elephant pattern
Flower elephant pattern
Fox pattern
Fox pattern

DIY mignon soft toy

DIY mignon soft toy
DIY mignon soft toy

With the release of the cartoon, the ugly world toys has changed forever. Yes, everyone, as before, love bears, but at the sight of Milas Minions, kids and adults are delighted. At exhibitions, the toys are the first to diverge. Want to sew yourself for yourself? Easy peasy! It remains to choose a beloved hero to his baby.

Video: Master Class Sew Mignon

DIY soft soft toys

Simple pattern of the elephant
Simple pattern of the elephant

For beginners, many details may seem too complicated and the desire to create gradually disappears. For beginners, we picked up simple patterns, which children will also cope with the connection. These patterns are especially relevant in creativity lessons in schools.

A simple hedgehog pattern
A simple hedgehog pattern
A simple dachshund pattern
A simple dachshund pattern

Bouquets of soft toys with your own hands photo

Bouquets of soft toys of a bear
Bouquets of soft toys of a bear

Nature defenders fought for a long time with the sale of fresh flowers, until someone introduced bouquets of sweets or toys into fashion. Now this world trend is so popular that in some countries the sale of fresh flowers has doubled.

Bouquets of soft toys kitty
Bouquets of soft toys kitty

Gathered for the holiday? Make a bouquet of soft toys yourself! This is a unique gift that will take an honorable place in the birthday bedroom for a long time.

Video: Bouquet of toys. Master class for beginners

DIY soft toys

Toy pillow Garfield
Toy pillow Garfield

Well, having touched on the world of toys, it is impossible not to remember about the toys-pods that fill the sofas of all needlewomen. These are beloved gizmos, both families and guests. Please note that by crouching on the sofa few people will hold back not to reach out and touch the half-toy. And the kids are happy to travel with their favorite soft toys, falling asleep under the noise of the road.



Video: toy pillow owl

Video: Pechvork "toy-podshka"

Flat soft toys with your own hands

Flat soft toys with your own hands
Flat soft toys with your own hands

Flat toys are the simplest in performing, most often performed from felt. But there are various variations. Such toys attract a prostate and laconicism of the cut, interesting textures and the ability to take with you everywhere.

Video: DIY soft toys. Master class, sew the cats

DIY soft toys patterns for beginners

Beginning needlewomen do not have to spend a lot of funds on shreds and tools. Sometimes simple tights or socks are enough to create beauty.

We also collected the simplest patterns for beginners.

The simplest patterns of toys for beginners kitten
The simplest patterns of toys for beginners kitten
The simplest patterns of toys for beginners
The simplest patterns of toys for beginners


DIY Soft toy patterns: hare, cat, pig peppa, monkey, owl, mixes, mouse, frog

Hippo pattern
Hippo pattern
A monkey
A monkey

And in conclusion, a selection of animated toys with your own hands made in simple techniques.

Patter of Helou Kitty
Patter of Helou Kitty
Peppe pattern
Peppe pattern
Smeshariki pattern
Smeshariki pattern

Video: Soft toy "Bunny from a sock"

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  1. 🖒😊

  2. how should Smesharik be ??

  3. The torso consists of a ball of 6 parts. There is a quantity on each part, on that wedge with the eyes and costs 6 details. You do the face alone and the rest is just like that.

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