13 signs that you have the best husband, the most loving husband, that the husband is happy in marriage. Are there any good men: signs, test

13 signs that you have the best husband, the most loving husband, that the husband is happy in marriage. Are there any good men: signs, test

The article describes signs by which you can determine how ideal your relationship is, how good your father is.

The material of the article will tell you if your husband is good, whether your relationship is harmonious and what character traits of a man should alert his future second half.

Are there any good men: signs, test

Having fallen in love, it is difficult to determine whether the alliance with this man will bring you happiness. But if it is honest with yourself and analyze which of the following statements concern your loved one, the answer will come by itself.

So, such qualities are characterized by a good man:

  • Respect for the beautiful half of humanity. And this respect applies not only to his mother, but also to a beloved woman. About his colleagues, neighbors, former classmates and even former girls, he does not speak bad, in extreme cases, expresses his thoughts as correctly as possible. Otherwise, it is likely that after the first omissword, your man will pour in the streams of battle on you, discussing your relationship with outsiders. Can you trust such a man?
A good husband does not cease to surprise his beloved
A good husband does not cease to surprise his beloved
  • He does not blame the second half of his failures, does not provoke a feeling of guilt in her and does not depreciate any of her achievements. There is a category of men who are constantly unhappy with their woman. They don't like how she cooks. They make it clear in every possible way that the second half is not particularly smart, that she should learn to speak. Gradually, a woman will learn the fact that she does not shine with beauty, that a mistress from her is an useless, an interlocutor is boring. If a man hints that a woman is not worthy of him, then it is worth thinking about parting: he will constantly look for shortcomings in the second half and accuse her of his problems. And there will be a lot of them because of the low self-esteem and the desire to raise it, humiliating the one who is nearby.
  • He respects the parents of his beloved woman: he tries to fulfill his mother’s requests, is interested in her father’s hobbies, communicates with them. The unwillingness to communicate with the parents of their woman, and attempts to discuss their shortcomings are considered anxious bells. A man must realize that parents raised and raised his woman with a smart man and beauty.
Signs of a good husband
Signs of a good husband
  • He is not stingy, but does not sleep to the right and left. Leaves tips to the waiters and do not skimp on gifts.
  • He respect the service personnel with respect: to the waitress, the cleaner in the office, to the janitor.
  • He listens to the opinion of his second half, carefully listens to arguments and does not follow the common expression “I am a man, so I'm right!”.
With a good husband, you can always have an interesting time
With a good husband, you can always have an interesting time, you won't get bored with him
  • He recognizes his mistakes.
  • He does not refuse to help his woman: he will meet her late from work, go for pills in the middle of the night and transport her mother’s things to another apartment. He himself notices the problems of his lady of the heart and solves them without words.
  • He is able to solve household issues on his own: cooks food, washes dishes, supports cleanliness. Offers his help.
A good husband is ready to share home hassle with his soul mate
A good husband is ready to share home hassle with his soul mate

The test will help you decide whether your relationship will be as romantic as at the beginning of the candy-bouquet period.

You know, if he promised that in the summer you will go on vacation to a specific place, then:
A) no doubt, it will be;
B) Perhaps the choice of the resort will change, and friends will join you;
C) any unforeseen circumstances can violate your plans.
What does he usually give you?
A) different pleasant little things;
B) clothes and jewelry;
C) flowers.
When you quarrel, he:
A) threatens a break in relations;
B) starts with reproaches “You never ...”, “You always ...”, “You again ...”;
C) is trying to find a compromise.
Saying goodbye to you before leaving, your man is sure:
A) hug and kiss;
B) capture garbage;
C) will give advice what to do until he is.
What is on the screensaver of his phone?
A) the background selected by the manufacturer of the gadget;
B) your photo;
C) the car of his dreams.
Without the knowledge of your chosen one, you spent a significant part of the common budget for him on a gift. What do you think will be his reaction?
A) sincerely delight: in life there should be a place for the holiday, and we will still earn money, etc.;
B) will evaluate the surprise, but will remind you that without its knowledge, common money cannot be spent;
C) will roll up a small scandal, but then it will still be happy with the gift.
Does he tell you about his problems?
A) No, he believes that I still can’t help;
B) sometimes, and only about not very serious, so that you do not worry;
C) is always divided and can ask for advice.

A good husband always eats what the spouse prepares
A good husband always eats what the spouse prepares

In the company of friends who have children, he:
A) immediately begins to play with them;
B) indifferent to any “mimmi”;
C) Talks to them on an equal footing.
Imagine that your chosen one won a million hryvnias in the lottery. Who will he call first?
A) me, because we will spend money together;
B) mom, she is the closest person;
C) a friend, you have to boast.
If your man was a song, then what?
A) "Real Colonel";
B) “Dad maybe dad can do anything!”;
C) "I am a lone tramp of Casanov's love."

We count points
1. A - 3, b - 0, c - 2
2. a - 0, b - 3, c - 1
3. a - 1, b - 0, c - 3
4. a - 3, b - 0, c - 2
5. a - 0, b - 2, c - 2
6. a - 3, b - 2, c - 0
7. a - 0, b - 2, c - 3
8. a - 3, b - 0, c - 1
9. a - 2, b - 2, c - 1
10. a - 2, b - 2, c - 2

Kisses and bodily contact indicate a warm relationship
Kisses and bodily contact speak of warm relationships
  • 0 - 10 points:
    Your man combines spiritual ease and ability to stand firmly on earth. He is charming, open, but at the same time he is well versed in the staircase of bank deposits and knows how best to dispose of finances. True, a little conservative. He believes that the spouse should be responsible for the house and life, and his task should be provided by the family. And it provides. But this is his conservatism ...
  • 11 - 18 points:
    Oh, how lucky you are, you can call your friends and brag, because your real man is also a real friend. It’s not scary to get involved in a mortgage with this, and fly to Safari into wild Africa. And how much he will be a wonderful father! The only thing: sometimes it can be harsh and stubborn.
  • 19 - 30 points:
    Wise women say that a man should not be a) boring, b) scary and c) ashamed. And it is necessary - it was such a wonderful type that met you on the path of life. You are interested in with him in the company and at home, and even silently watch TV - and that is interesting! True, such family evenings may not happen so often. Real men - they are usually also leaders by nature: work, self -realization, financial success will always be a priority. And you just need to accept it. On the other hand, if he had not been like that, you would not have love him, right?

13 signs that you have the best husband, the most loving husband, that my husband is happy in marriage

Good husbands do not grow on trees! If the characteristic of your spouse corresponds to the signs described below, then you can be sure: you got the best husband!

Do you have a good husband
Signs that the husband is happy in marriage
  • A man continues to delight you with small gifts and pleasant surprises: he can give flowers for no reason or arrange a romantic surprise. In a word, it conquers your heart, as in the first days of acquaintance.
  • He trusts the opinion of his second half. The husband considers you the main adviser in matters of everyday life and even work. Be sure: you will make important decisions only together.
  • He can praise you in front of his friends. But this does not occur.
  • Banal household problems fall on his shoulders.
  • In order not to upset you once again, he does not forget to lower the toilet cover.
  • He continues to hold your hand, wherever you go: for the dinner, to your parents or for purchases. This is a kind of manifestation of the concern of a loving man.
Happy husband
Happy husband trusts the opinion of his second half, consults with her
  • He is not interested in other women, even if very attractive, because you are the only and best for him! If your spouse regularly buys erotic magazines, then you should forget about the ideal relationship with this man.
  • He puts up with the fact that periodically you turn into an evil beast. The spouse perfectly understands what caused by hormonal explosions.
  • He takes on part of household chores and does not make a housekeeper out of you: he helps with cleaning, washing, washing dishes.
A good husband does not turn his beloved woman into a housekeeper
A good husband does not turn his beloved woman into a housekeeper
  • He sincerely laughs when you joke. Joint fun brings together and makes you appreciate each other even more.
  • You can always count on his help. The spouse makes maximum efforts in any business for the sake of his household.
  • He eats the dinner you offer, even if you are not a chef. A loving spouse will not show if the food was overlapped or tasteless.
  • He is ready to become better for you and is constantly working on himself.
A good husband is ready to become better for your beloved
A good husband is ready to become better for your beloved

Test is a good husband: signs of an ideal husband

Having familiarized yourself with the signs of an ideal husband, you can decide how justified your expectations are regarding the chosen one.

  • he is responsible, you can always count on his help
  • he is responsible for the consequences of his actions
  • he does not lose his head during difficult situations, knows how to control himself
  • it is purposeful and will not go helplessly with the flow
  • he knows how to forgive and empathize
  • he knows how to be gentle and kind
  • he does not force his soul mate to report for every penny spent
Test is a good husband: signs of an ideal husband

Video: how to choose a husband correctly: how to find a good husband and not make a mistake in choosing

Does her husband love: signs of love for his wife - Psychology

Upon learning of the rules of male love, you can determine how strong and sincere your spouse's feelings are for you.

  • A man in love is experiencing a sexual attraction to his second half. But this is not equivalent to physical proximity, which is not a sign of love or a special warm attitude of a man to the representative of the fair sex. Therefore, the presence of intercourse does not guarantee the presence of love.
The presence of intimate relationships
The presence of intercourse does not mean the presence of love
  • A loving man strive to establish a mental connection with his chosen one: he is looking for common interests, strive to make friends (this is manifested by calls, communication through social networks).
  • A man who loves you does not consider the invasion of his personal space a restriction of his freedom. If a man let you into his personal life, then you become part of this very life.
A man in love lets the woman into his personal space
If a man let you into his personal life, then you become part of this very life
  • A loving man is ready to give in to his soulmate, to correct himself and even abandon the familiar things for him. If only a smile shone on the face of his beloved!
  • A man takes care of his lady of the heart: helps her, solves her problems on his own, takes responsibility, takes care of her future life.
Loving man
A loving man takes care of his lady's heart
  • Strives to give the joy of his beloved.
  • A loving man protects his beloved from resentment and pain, and does not cause resentment consciously.

The indifference of a man to your problems, insults speaks of the absence of love. Continuing such a relationship is pointless.

The indifference of a man is an alarming sign: do not continue relations with him
The indifference of men is an alarming sign: do not continue relations with him

Signs of a good father

If you want your child to have a good father, then pay attention to whether your man has the following qualities:

  • Who should the child contact in the event of a bicycle breakdown or your favorite toy? Of course, to dad. A good father is a craftsman with golden hands, which is able to eliminate any breakdown in the house.
  • A good father does not adhere to the old fashion, but understands that the world is constantly changing. He, together with children, uses various technical innovations and social media.
  • He is in no hurry with conclusions and prohibitions, but tries to understand why children do this and not otherwise.
  • He knows when to discharge an awkward situation with an appropriate joke. You don't get bored with him.
  • He believes in the success of his children is ready to invest money in their hobbies.
  • With him you can discuss everything and get advice. He will understand and learn about the first troubles, because he shows fatherly care and wisdom.
  • He respects his wife.
  • He does not humiliate when he tries to prove his case, but speaks calmly and strictly.
  • I do not want to upset him with bad behavior.
  • If he promised something, he will definitely fulfill.
  • Father is interested in in the company of his child. He goes to school competitions, participates in games.
Signs of a good father
Signs of a good father

Signs of an ideal couple

8 signs of an ideal couple:

  • a man kisses his lady of the heart, going to the robot and returning home
  • he constantly keeps in touch with his beloved: even when he is very busy, he will find time to call home
  • leaving on a business trip, a loving husband misses his soulmate, and therefore calls her more often than usual
  • he trusts his wife
  • he says simple words: “I love you” several times a day
  • over the years, his love does not weaken
  • he shares domestic troubles with his beloved
  • he supports his soul mate at a difficult time for her, when the mental pain is strong
Ideal couple
Signs of an ideal couple

Video: Good father - who is it? - The male. Manual

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