11 Lunar day: full characteristic, ritual of the day - what can and what can not be done?

11 Lunar day: full characteristic, ritual of the day - what can and what can not be done?

You will consider this topic 11 lunar day.

The lunar month concentrates the days in itself, both with passive and very active cosmic energy. 11 lunar day is a very powerful day, the so -called "peak" of energy. Its saturation in this time period is extremely high, so absolutely any solution carries great power.

What is possible and what should not be done on 11 lunar knocks: a complete characteristic

  • It is very important to direct this force to create something new and useful, it is necessary to engage in Only positive affairs.Since there is a risk of wrapping this energy against yourself: if you cannot control it, it will begin to control you. Do not forget about caution,all matters should be accompanied by vigilance.
  • Energy 11 lunar day can compare with a fiery sword,which rewards a person with power, insurmountable strength and unambiguous gain. But all this can be obtained if you have enough strength to hold the sword in your hands. Indeed, due to inexperience, this energy can be directed to destruction, and not to creation.
  • Energy of 11 lunar days protects Angel Bel- The guardian of the sky. This is an angel of reverent love and a strong connection of two souls. The guardian angel will give you deep feelings of love, sexual attraction and emotional satisfaction.
  • Features of 11 lunar days:
    • the most energetically strong day;
    • the symbol is a sword of fire, a crown or a fiery snake, as well as a labyrinth and a ridge;
    • this day goes well with Thursday;
    • reinforce the cosmic energy of green and emerald colors;
    • the precious stones of the 11th lunar day are carnelian, fiery opal and hematite.
Fiery sword as a symbol of the day
Fiery sword as a symbol of the day

Work and business on 11 lunar day

  • 11 lunar days are great for a long -planned repair or construction.However, it is necessary to clearly determine the deadlines for such work so that the project ends successfully.
  • If you have the character of a leader - Success awaits you in all endeavors.It's time to expand the election campaign for politicians. And athletes - the beginning of the career will be successful. On this day, it is tending to experience a huge wave of enthusiasm.
  • It is also important to bring the act that has begun to the end and there is no doubt in your decisions. You can’t reduce the step You must be bold and stubborn in your endeavors.
    • Everything that was started on this day is fueled by cosmic strength and energy. Therefore, it is important to give all the best to give all moral and physical forces. And the reward for this is a tremendous success.
  • This day is extremely favorable for any financial transactions and active solutions in work. If you have some difficult issue-this is the perfect day to solve it. A little perseverance and courage - and success in your hands. All concluded contacts, contracts and transactions on this day will be successful. It is only important to believe in the target.
  • It is also a suitable time To take a new position or work to work. Therefore, it is necessary to show activity, initiative, that is, to be given to the fully chosen case.
    • You can take risk, but only with faith in success. Preparations for the steps that you are going to take are no less important, it is worth carefully considering each action.
Another symbol that guarantees success
Another symbol that guarantees success

How do the 11 lunar day affect well -being and health?

  • 11 lunar day - Time for active sports. Running tournaments, hiking, visiting the pool or cycling will benefit. In the classroom, you can safely raise the load, learn new techniques and techniques. You can start the next level of habits that you have introduced at the beginning of the month. Do not spend this day lying on the couch, as you will deprive your body of cosmic energy.
  • Passive attitude on 11 lunar day can provoke diseases, which will subsequently develop into chronic conditions. Today it is useful to take water procedures, use a lot of liquids and juices, and reduce the consumption of harmful and fatty products.
  • Astrologers also recommend Turn from drinking alcoholic beverages,since this can lead to injuries and injuries. 11 lunar days are suitable only for those who do not take alcohol.
  • A favorable day for establishing a diet, new diet or starvation. Attempts to lose weight or bring themselves to the form will have a positive result.
  • 11 lunar day - The right time to visit the doctor.The treatment will be good, but it is important to responsibly approach the choice of a specialist.
Follow your back, because the ridge is a weak place
Follow your back, because the ridge is a weak place

Marriage and relationship on 11 lunar day

  • On such a day, marriage is worth only those who are absolutely confident in their partner.Only paramas, completely trusting and loving each other, will the wedding bring happiness and prosperity.
    • However, if you have at least the slightest doubt, at least the shadow of uncertainty, you should not hold the wedding ceremony. After all, there are big chances that you will be disappointed in family life.
    • It is not worth marriage to couples that do not live harmoniously, adhere to different life principles and views.
  • 11 lunar day gives a person with aggravated sexual energy, And astrologers recommend that she completely surrender to her. This day is for temperamental, passionate and unpredictable sex. But it is important to make love with a person with whom you have a special spiritual connection.
    • Otherwise, this can provoke unpleasant sensations, up to pain in the head or back.
  • Initiative must be shown to partners together, and not expect it only from the second half. On this day, passivity in relations is contraindicated, it is necessary to express activity in love joys. On this day A large amount of sex has a positive effect on well -being, Fills the body with vital energy.
To conclude marriage, come only with great confidence
To conclude marriage, come only with great confidence

Birth and conception in 11 lunar days

  • People born on this day, endowed with cosmic power, which promises them to be the happiest. They donated colossal intellectual abilities, they will also be very talented. Such people are funny, energetic, have every chance to achieve great success, both in personal life and in entrepreneurship.
  • The perfect day for conceiving a boy - 11 lunar days. The kid will be endowed with great willpower, activity and big heart.

Can I cut your hair for 11 lunar days?

  • This is one of those days when not only a haircut and painting, but also a curl, and any cosmetic procedures will benefit you. Cutting the curls, you charge the body with a new force and improve the work of all organs. It is also noted that the hair begins to grow faster.
You can easily cut your hair with ease
You can easily cut your hair with ease

What are dreams about 11 lunar days?

  • The dreams you will see on this day, Reflect your harmony with the outside world and your internal principles.And they will tell you what place you occupy in the universe, in society.
    • If in a dream you take active steps and actions, change the circumstances - this means that you do everything right. And you live in the same rhythm with the world.
    • If you are limited to life circumstances in a dream, you cannot solve any issues-you should reconsider your views on life, change the vector of movement. You need to be more active and show more initiative.
    • If in your dreams you are the initiator of some destructive actions, this is a signal that you have taken too much responsibility and obligations. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to solve this problem, otherwise this may lead to the fact that “block”.
Dreams suggest your harmony with the environment
Dreams suggest your harmony with the environment

Ritual 11 Lunar Day

  • The key body of this day is spine,therefore, it is worth paying special attention to him. After all, problems with the back prevent the exchange of energy with the universe, which exhausts your body.
  • To relax and restore the spine It is recommended to perform "breathing with the spine".This exercise perfectly relieves voltage from the overloaded back.
    • To do this, you need to lie on a flat surface, relax and start breathing. Imagine your spine in the form of a tube along which oxygen and energy moves.
    • We focus on breathing, making slow breaths and exhalations. You must feel how the clamped muscles relax. Continue the exercise for 10-15 minutes.

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