100 best horror films - a selection of films of chilling souls, a brief characteristic, the main characters

100 best horror films - a selection of films of chilling souls, a brief characteristic, the main characters

In your life there is not enough adrenaline, then we offer to view horror films from the proposed hundreds.

The horrors can rightly be considered one of the most popular cinema genres. The history of horror films originates in the distant 1890s. It should be noted that the distinctive features of this genre of cinema are fear, experiences, the feeling that something bad will happen in the film in the near future. But, despite such characteristics, I must say that such films have a very interesting plot and a rather unpredictable denouement.

TOP-100 best horror films

We present your attention to the top 100 of the best films related to the horror genre.

  1. "Expelled the devil." The premiere of this film took place for a long time - in 1973, despite this, even today, the horror movie does not lose its popularity. In the lead roles of Ellen Berstin, Max von Syudov, Linda Blair and others.

According to the plot, all actions unfold around the family of a popular actress. Her daughter changes before her eyes, the girl’s behavior does not lend itself to any explanation. Doctors, priests and mother herself put forward different causes of what is happening. Which of them will be right?

  1. "Shine". In the lead roles, Jack Nicholson, Shelley Dulwl, Danny Lloyd and others starred.

Events take place at the Overluk Hotel, which is built in a very interesting place - a cemetery. Since in winter the hotel did not accept visitors, only a watchman remained on its territory. Jack Torrans and his family decided to work in this hotel, however, their predecessors finished their work quite poorly-the head of the family dealt with the family, and then killed himself, and all this because of loneliness, which are doomed to everyone who remains to winter in the hotel . Will Jack can withstand 5 months of loneliness with his family?

  1. "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". This film is very popular, it took place in 1974 in the lead roles of Marilyn Burns, Allen Danziger, Paul A. Partane and others.

According to the plot, a young girl with her brother and their friends heads to Texas in order to check if the vandals have spoiled the grave of their grandfather. Arriving at the place, the company decided to look at the grandfather’s farm, next to which there is another very strange and terribly looking farm. The bones and skin of people and animals decorate it, well, and lives on that farm a completely strange family with obvious deviations and the desire to kill.

  1. "Jaws." In the lead roles of Roy Shader, Robert Show, Richard Dreyfuss.

Events develop on a quiet resort island. However, the peace of this place is violated by a bloodthirsty shark that kills people daily. The brave hunter for sharks, together with the assembled team, will try to catch and destroy this monster, but will they be able to resist the fraud-cereal?

  1. "The night of the living dead." Duine Jones, Judith O’Day, Karl Hardman and others starred in the lead roles.

Events unfold in a very quiet place - in the cemetery. The family, consisting of a brother and sisters, came to this suburban place, and nothing portended troubles, until they were attacked by incomprehensible creatures, outwardly similar to the living dead. The girl manages to hide in the house standing not far from this terrible place, in the same place she meets the rest of the people hiding from the dead. What awaits them next, will everyone remain alive? The plot of the film is very unpredictable.

  1. "Kerry." In the main roles of this horror film, Sissy Spaceck, Piper Lori, Amy Irving and others starred.

The main character of the film is the quiet and harmless at first glance girl Kerry, who for a long time was abused by peers and older people. After some time, the girl began to notice in herself an incomprehensible power, which will soon help her deal with her offenders

  1. "Now don't look." In the lead roles, Donald Saserland, Julie Christie, Hilary Mason and others starred.

The family of backsters knew the greatest grief - they buried their own daughter. In order to forget and start a new life, the spouse agrees to work in Venice. Unfortunately, these changes in the life of the family have not become positive, the spouses will regret more than once that they decided on this move.

  1. Halloween. Donald plezens, Jamie Lee Curtis, Nancy Kays and others starred in the lead roles.

The main character of the film is a mentally ill guy who brutally killed his sister 15 years ago on all saints. Having run away from the hospital on the same day, but 15 years later, the guy decided to repeat the bloody murder. Can someone interfere with him? Viewers ask this question to themselves until the denouement.

  1. "Psycho". In the lead roles, Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin starred.

The plot of the film is very interesting and unpredictable. Events unfold around a young young lady who has a connection with a divorced man who does not want to build a serious relationship. Not knowing how to solve the current problem with such a man, the girl decides to steal a large amount of money and flight from the city. Finding a refuge in a motel, the girl turns out to be a hostage to its owner.

  1. "Hysteria". The Genesis Rodriguez, Topher Grace, Patrishia Clarkson and others starred in the lead roles.

The main character of the film is a young guy with mental abnormalities undergoing treatment in a specialized institution. After some time, a guy is given a little freedom of action, he is sent to live in an old house for a month, where he lived in childhood. The key to his freedom is a month of life in this house without any incidents. However, not everything is so simple, from the very first minutes of his stay in the house, strange things are happening with him. Something incomprehensible and inexplicable is happening around.

  1. "Children's Eater." In the lead roles, Kite Bliss, Colin P. Cratchly, Jason Martin and others starred.

Events unfold in the house of parkers, where a young girl comes for the night as a nanny for a boy Lucas. It turns out that the boy is terribly afraid of the darkness and what lies in the closet. The nanny is almost sure that all this fear is just Lucas's fiction. But is it?

  1. "Paranormal." In the lead roles of Kalley Ernandes, Justin Benson, Emily Monthegue and others.

The main characters of the film are 2 brothers who were previously members of the sect. After a while, the guys decided to visit their friends who remained in this sect, prompted them to such a decision of the video received from them. Arriving at the place, the brothers find out that none of the friends sent them a video, and the area in which they are located is strange and with paranormal phenomena.

  1. "Devil's lair." Starring Julie Harris, Claire Bloom, Richard Johnson and others.

Events take place in an old and terrible house that categorically does not want to accept new residents. All who lived in it died under mysterious circumstances. A doctor and a team from his assistants wanted to understand this interesting and at the same time terrifying business.

  1. "American werewolf in London." In the lead roles of David noton, Jenny Agatter, Griffin Dann and others.

Events take place in England. 2 tourists at night go to deaf and terrible places with bad fame, without listening to the warnings of local residents. This campaign turns around by the fact that the guys turn - one to the ghost, the other to the werewolf.

  1. "The dawn of the dead." Starring David Emji, Ken Fori, Scott H. Rayiniger and others.

The film-continuation of the picture "The Night of the Living Dead." The 4th guys managed to escape with a helicopter. They have no choice but to land on the cover of the store, because there are food and essential things there. Unfortunately, the store turned out to be a haven for a huge number of dead. But they will not be the only problem of the survivors - one of the comrades will turn to zombies.

  1. "Suspiria." In the lead roles of Jessica Harper, Stefania Kazini, Flavio Buchchi and others.

The main heroine of the film is the girl Suzy, who goes to Germany for training at the ballet school. Upon arrival, Suzy is not allowed into the building, and she becomes an eyewitness to how a young girl runs away from there. A little later, Susie learns that that night the very girl was brutally killed. Having settled in a boarding house with a ballet scale, Suzy begins to actively engage in, but he feels that something happens around and, despite all the obstacles, tries to find out what exactly.

  1. "Omen". In the lead roles of Gregory Pek, Lee Remik, David Warner and others.

Events unfold around the family of Robert Thorne. His wife gives birth to a dead baby and in order to hide from her this terrible news Robert decides to adopt a strange boy, whose birth does not know anything. Over time, it becomes clear that the child is not quite ordinary, strange things are happening around him, people die.

  1. "Fly". Starring Jeff Goldblum, Gina Davis, John Getz and others.

In the title role, a scientist who studies the problems of teleportation. He can already boast of successful experiments in this area, but still wants more and decides to become experimental during such an experiment. A fly flies into the camera at the time of this action, and the life of the scientist completely changes, he turns into a different creature.

  1. "Birds". In the lead roles, the genus Taylor, Jessica Tandy, Suzanne Pleshchet and others.

A huge number of birds attack a small village in America. In the film, 2 storylines are terrible bird attacks and the love relations of the main characters.

  1. "It". Starring Bill Scarsgard, Finn Wolfard, Sofia Lillis and others.

The main character of the film is Bill Denbro, who, due to illness, cannot go for a walk with his younger brother. That evening his little brother will not. Without resigning to the loss, Bill begins his investigation with the same desperate guys like him. Meanwhile, more and more civilians disappeared without a trace in the town. Will the guys be able to understand what is happening on their own and will they survive after that?

  1. "Split." Starring James Makeva, Anya Taylor-Joy, Betty Bakley and others.

The film about the mentally unhealthy guy Kevin, who suffers from a split personality. To be more precise in the guy, 23 personalities live at once, at least so the attending physician thinks. Kevin holds 3 girls in his basement and “introduces them” to each of his inner friend.

  1. "Train to Busan." In the lead roles of Kon, Ma Don-Sok, Jung Yu-Mi and others.

According to the plot, Seoul is covered by an previously unknown virus that turns people into terrible monsters. The only more or less safe place remains bubbling. People going to Busan by train will face an epidemic of the virus right in transport, where everyone will be for themselves.

  1. "Demon inside." Starring Emil Hirsch, Brian Cox, Ophelia Lovibond and others.

The main character of the film becomes a pathologist who owns his own morgue and crematorium. Opening the corpse and its cremation, the usual fact for Tommy Tilden, but not in this case. The body of the girl who died during the massacre of the girl was delivered to the morgue. After opening, an experienced pathologist understands that something supernatural and not amenable to logic begins to happen.

  1. "Happy Day of Death." Cast Jessica Roth, Israel Brussar, Ruby Modin and others.

The film about the student is three Galbman, which falls into a very unusual situation. Waking up on Monday morning, on her birthday, the girl suffers from a hangover and the consequences of yesterday’s party, and already in the evening she is killed by a maniac, but the girl begins to resurrect and live a terrible day again and again. You can interrupt this vicious circle only by avoiding death, but how to do it does not know.

  1. "Living." Starring Rebecca Ferguson, Jake Gyllenhaol, Ryan Reynolds and others.

According to the plot, 6 experienced astronauts study the sample obtained from Mars. Inside this sample is nothing more than a unicellular organism - proof that life exists not only on planet Earth. However, the experiments of astronauts on this samples are shocking them, because the body is much more smart than they could imagine.

  1. "The murder of a sacred deer." In the lead roles of Colin Farrell, Barry Keogan, Nicole Kidman and others.

Events are developing around the family of a famous and successful cardiac surgeon, from whom the patient died directly during the operation. The doctor tries to help the son of the deceased, leads him to his family, gives gifts and all would be nothing, but the consequences of such assistance were unpredictable. The children of the doctor began to get sick unknown to this moment by a disease, in danger and the wife of a cardiac surgeon. The solution to the sacrifice that the doctor should do, and one of his relatives should become a sacrifice.

  1. "The underworld." In the lead roles of Dakota Fanning, Keith Harington, Karis van Houten and others.

A film about the life of a dumb girl Liz and her family. It is successful at work, in family life, however, everything changes at one moment with the arrival of a new reverend to their church. The life of her family and her herself is in danger, but it is worth being afraid not only of a new resident, but also the ghosts of the past Liz herself.

About a dumb girl
About a dumb girl
  1. "Don't breathe." Cast Stephen Lang, Jane Levy, Dylan Minnett and others.

Is it easy to offend a blind, lonely and harmless millionaire? Of course, unless he is a psycho-lone, who was waiting for the arrival of the "guests". A group of inexperienced robbers will greatly regret that she decided to look into the house of this psychopath.

  1. "Visit". Cast Olivia Devzhong, Ed Oxenbuld, Dianna Danagan and others.

Events are developing around his brother and sisters, whom the mother first sends to visit their grandparents. Due to the old insults, the mother of children does not communicate with her parents, and the children go to them alone. The woman’s daughter decides to shoot what is happening during a trip and visiting camera and notices that grandparents behave very strangely, hiding something terrible.

  1. "Real ghouls." Starring Jamain Clement, Taika Waititi, Jonathan Bru and others.

This film refers to the horrors and comedy, so its plot is very interesting, cheerful, but at the same time terrible. The film describes the life of 3 vampires and the difficulties that they have to face in the modern world.

  1. "Good night, mommy." In the lead roles Lucas Schwartz, Elias Schwartz, Suzanne Vesest and others.

The film is about twins who live with their mother in a house remote from all neighbors. The mother of the guys after the operation begins to behave strangely, and they come to the conclusion that it is anyone, but not their own mother. In order to find out the truth, the twins tie a woman and torture her.

  1. "Spell." Starring Vera Farmig, Patrick Wilson, Ron Livingston and others.

A film about a couple that practices various investigations of supernatural and unusual. The family living on a strange farm addresses them. This case will be special in the practice of a couple.

  1. "Okulus." In the lead roles, Karen Gyllan, Brenton Tueites, Katie Sakhoff and others.

The main characters of the film are the brother and sister who cannot just forget the death of their parents, because some otherworldly power from the mirror killed them. The guys decide to take revenge of evil spirits. Who will win this unequal battle?

  1. "The secret of the Dyatlov pass." Starring Holly State, Matt Stokou, Luke Olbright and others.

The film about the investigation of the terrible tragedy that occurred on the Dyatlov pass. To do a dangerous investigation is decided by a young student along with a group of his like -minded people.

  1. "Shed in a woods". In the lead roles of Kristen Connolly, Chris Hemsvort, Anna Hatchson and others.

Events are developing in a forest remote from settlements, in which a company of young people is poisoned for relaxation. However, something terrible awaits them in the forest, because there they will be alone with cruel and bloodthirsty monsters.

  1. "I Spit on Your Grave". Starring Sarah Butler, Jeff Branson, Andrew Howard and others.

The main character of the film is the young writer Jennifer, who, in search of inspiration, goes away from civilization to a remote village. However, her novel was never destined to be completed, because she liked the 3 perverts who burst into her house brutally rape her and leave her to die. Miraculously, Jennifer remained alive, and now the meaning of her life is revenge.

Film about revenge
Film about revenge
  1. "Child of darkness". Starring Isabelle Furman, Vera Farmiga, Peter Sarsgard and others.

A couple who has recently lost a child is decided to adopt a very young girl. But from the very beginning of their life together, the spouses notice something strange in the behavior of their daughter. Will they be able to find out what is happening and will they remain alive?

  1. "Welcome to Zombieland." Starring Jesse Aisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone and others.

The film about the onset of the Apocalypse due to the invasion of zombies. According to the plot, 2 guys combine their strength in order to survive and get to their destination. But will they be able to do this?

  1. "Thirst". In the lead roles, Son Kan Ho, Sin Hyun, Pak In Hwan and others.

The central figure of the film is the priest who works in a local hospital for seriously ill patients. Once, in order to bring this world even more benefit and good, he goes to Africa, where he becomes ill with an previously unknown virus that turns him into a vampire. Now the priest’s life is completely changing, he will have to learn to live in a new way.

  1. "Take me to hell". In the lead roles of Alison Loman, Justin Long, Lorna Raver and others.

Christina Brown is a young, successful and happy bank employee. Once a gypsy turned to her for help, but the girl refused her a service, which she received a terrible curse. Since then, the girl’s life went downhill, misfortunes began to pour into her mountain. Can Christina find a way out of this situation?

take me to hell
take me to hell
  1. "Triangle". Cast Melissa George, Liam Hemsworth, Michael Dorman and others.

Greg and his friends, going for a walk on a yacht, fall into a terrible storm. Everyone except Greg's friend manages to survive. In anticipation of help, the guys notice a huge liner that appeared from nowhere. Climbing him, friends understand that something was wrong around, the clock is standing, the ship itself is empty.

  1. "Let me in". In the lead roles of Korea Hedebram, Lina Leandersson, Per Ragnar.

The main characters of the film are an ordinary boy and a very strange girl - his new neighbor. The distinctive features of this girl are a pale and cold body, and she eats exclusively blood. Will a real feeling and friendship be born between these guys?

  1. "Mirrors." Starring Kififer Suserland, Paul Patton, Cameron Boyce and others.

Events are developing in a large shopping center, where a former policeman is arranged by a night watchman. Ben Karson begins to notice that something inexplicable and very terrible is happening around. Anna Esseker can help to solve the riddle of what is happening.

  1. "Rice Lake". Castle Railly, Michael Fassbender, Jack O’Connell and others.

A young couple in love goes on vacation in a truly paradise place, which is located far from the noisy city. However, their romance begins to interfere with unprecedented local teenagers. In one of the skirmishes, the teenager loses his favorite dog, well, and then something terrible begins.

Romantics in horror
Romantics in horror
  1. "Montstro." In the lead roles of Lizzy Kaplan, Jessica Lucas, Tija Miller and others.

The center of New York, the company of young people marks the departure of one of its comrades, but their triumph suddenly begins to interfere with what is happening around. The city seems to be transformed before their eyes, the military appears in it, which pursue something huge and incomprehensible. Can friends stay alive?

  1. "Play to death". In the lead roles of Liam Boyle, Jack Gordon, Florence Hall and others.

A quiet and non -strict guy named Phoenix suddenly arranges a gorgeous party about his birthday and invites all his friends to her. For some reason, the birthday person himself lingers to the celebration, but friends do not even realize that they are already in his trap.

  1. "Run, hide, die". In the lead roles of Alison Monda, Alicia Mendez, Ivy Bronwa.

A film about friends who decide to unwind and relax away from a noisy city. The beginning of the celebration did not foresee trouble until an unexpected guest joined them.

  1. "Babadk". Cast Easti Davis, Noah Wizman, Haley McElhinni and others.

Events unfold in the house of a single mother, whose son is afraid of an allegedly imaginary evil monster. The woman finds the reason for the fears of her son - a book about monsters and destroys her. But after that, life with his child becomes unbearable, the boy behaves quite strangely, and terrible and terrifying things begin to happen in the house.

An imaginary monster
An imaginary monster
  1. "Bride Frankenstein." Starring Boris Carloff, Colin Clive, Valerie Hobson and others.

The main character of the film is a monster who shows a desire to find a beloved. Dr. Frankenstein helps the monster and creates a bride for him. The denouement of the film is very unpredictable

  1. "Martyr." In the lead roles of Moryana Alaiu, Milena Jampana, Katrin Bedin and others.

Events develop in France. The little girl, who was considered missing, is a year later. The police finds the place where the child was and shock all this time. After all, no one kept the girl, and there are not a single trace of violence on her body. What happened to the child for a whole year?

  1. "A Nightmare on Elm Street". Starring John Saxon, Roni Blakeli, Hamer Langenkemp and others.

The guys, students in high school, share their dreams among themselves, and it turns out that they dream of the same terrible dream, where some abnormal kills them in turn. Mysticism lies in the fact that the dead in a dream dies in reality. It turns out the whole thing in the maniac Freddy Krueger, who was once brutally killed by the parents of his victims.

About a maniac
About a maniac
  1. "Hell Cannibals." In the lead roles of Robert Kerman, Francesca Kyardi, Perry Pirkanen and others.

Events unfold in the deaf forests of the Amazon, where a couple of reporters are sent in order to shoot the plot about the last cannibals. However, everything is not going according to their plan.

  1. "Deep at night." Starring Mervin Jones, Roland Kulver, Mary Merroll and others.

The protagonist Craig is a talented architect who invites a very peculiar client to his home. Once in the building, the architect understands that it is very familiar to him, although he had not been here before. A little later it turns out that this is just a nightmare, but you can get out of it only after listening to 5 heartbreaking and chilling stories from people living in it.

  1. "Witch from Blair: Coursework from the other world." In the lead roles of Hezer Donahu, Joshua Leonard, Michael S. Williams and others.

The film about young students who went to shoot material about the local legend about the witch, and disappeared without a trace. A year later, the video shot by them was found, the led by it simply shocked it.

  1. "Obsessed." Starring Isabelle Adjani, Sam Neil, Margit Karsensen and others.

According to the plot, the married couple gradually moves away from each other and the husband begins to suspect his wife in affairs on the side, however, after a while the man understands that something more terrible and terrible than simple betrayal is happening.

  1. "Queen of Spades: Black rite." Starring Alina Babak, Igor Khripunov, Vladimir Seleznev and others.

The company of adolescents calls a peak lady, not believing that such a legend is real. However, during the experiment, they are convinced that this is not an invention. Parents do not believe the children until the tragic and mysterious death of one of them, and after joint forces begin to fight with otherworldly strength.

  1. "The night is a virgin." Starring Javier Bodalo, Miriam Martin, Victor Amilibia and others.

The main character of the film is the young guy who decided that it was time to lose virginity. Going to one of the parties in order to find a suitable pair for this, he meets an adult and experienced woman. However, she is not the one for whom she had given herself and now the guy needs to think about the salvation of his life.

  1. "Board of darkness." In the lead roles of Zakhari Muren, Linara Washington, Kasper Van Dean and others.

Events are developing in an old non -working hotel, in which there are supposedly real income and where a team of people is sent for filming the film about the supernatural. Arriving at the place and starting work, the guys do not even imply what awaits them further, and meanwhile, the demon is already following them.

  1. "World of the Triassic period." Starring Shilli Sterling, Haley Juelims, Joseph Michael Harris and others.

The storyline transfers viewers to a super -secret laboratory in which scientists grow giant dinosaurs, however, the animals eventually become too smart and escaped. Now the whole team is in danger and it is not known whether they can withstand the strongest dinosaurs.

About dinosaurs
About dinosaurs
  1. "Deadly turn." In the lead roles of Shraddha Srinatkh, Roger Narajan, Radhika Chetan and others.

The main character of the film is a young girl, a leading report on the life of bikers. Quite unexpectedly for herself, she is accused of a terrible crime. However, the girl knows that she did not commit him and firmly intends to prove her innocence.

  1. "6:66 PM." In the lead roles of Jim Klok, Chad Ridzhley, Father Federichi and others.

The main characters are children involved in making films about different supernatural events. Once again they go to the house, where a bloody murder occurred not so long ago, after which the killer committed suicide right there. The company does not even suspect that it can become the subject of persecution of a restless spirit.

  1. "Bad Blood." In the lead roles of Mary Malla, Vikas Adam, Troy Halverson and others.

Victoria is a lonely woman, despite the existing family. But the main problem of the girl is that every full moon she turns into a bloodthirsty monster, and only special drugs help her from this. However, one ridiculous mistake and the converting monster goes hunting, now all the people around it are in mortal danger.

  1. "It came from the desert." Starring Mark Arnold, Harry Smith, Claudia Trusilo and others.

Events transfer us to the desert, where the 2nd comrades went to a cool party. However, during the entertainment, they find a much more interesting place - an abandoned base, which only at first glance seems empty. Very soon, the guys will meet with giant ants and regret their visit to them.

About giant ants
About giant ants
  1. "Servants of Satan." In the lead roles, Bronte Palare, Tara Basro, Dimas Adyatia and others.

Events take place in a large house in which grief recently happened - the mother died in the family. The father of the children leaves them at home, and he goes to work. Soon, the children feel the presence of the spirit of the mother in the house, but they cannot even imagine why she returned.

  1. "Child of Hollows." Cast Jessica McLeod, Hannah Chemes, John Emmett Trace and others.

According to the plot, one of the daughters of a decent family disappears in the forest, and then it also suddenly returns home on its own. After that, the second daughter begins to notice changes in the behavior of her consolidated sister and understands that she was no longer returned from the forest.

  1. "But save us from the evil one." Starring Eric Roberts, Grant Whitney Harvey, Puch Hall and others.

The film about revenge Lilith, which once for disobedience, God sent to hell. Again in the world of people, she will appear in the guise of a beautiful woman and will become a dream of every man, but what will she require in return? The fee will be unreasonably high.

  1. "Zero Island." In the lead roles of Lyle Robins, Adam Mclaflins, Terie Reeves and others.

Events transfer us to a small island, which is far from noisy cities and has a connection with them only thanks to the ferry running there. Once this connection is interrupted, and a bloodthirsty killer appears on the island.

  1. "Heretics." Cast Nina Kiri, George Cadens, Ryan Barrett and others.

Gloria is a young and beautiful girl who fell into the hands of a mysterious cult. Its members conduct an incomprehensible ritual for the girl with her participation, but at the same time they kill themselves, and leave her alive. Gloria does not even realize that everything that happens is not by chance, and the bloody rite is only the beginning of her problems.

  1. "Doll". Starring Bill Seij, David Mors, Rain Wilson and others.

According to the plot, a young girl is hired as a nanny for a doll. At first, the girl does not give much importance to her strange work, but a little later she realizes that she agreed to this vacancy in vain.

  1. "Incarnation." In the lead roles, Mark Henry, Aaron Eckhart, Thomas Aran and others.

The main character is a small boy obsessed with a demon. The evil forces inside the child are so strong that no strongest exorcist can cope with them. Help comes from a guy in a wheelchair.

  1. "Friend request". In the lead roles of Kimbirli Stark, Britt Morgan, Connor Paolo and others.

The film tells about a girl who decided to remove her annoying familiar from the list of friends on the social network, who for some reason imagined herself a good friend. However, even in a terrible dream, the girl could not imagine what, with her actions, she would push an annoying familiar.

  1. "Gifts of death." Starring Itan Embr, Deborah Ebbott, Praitt Taylor and others.

The artist’s family moves to the house with bad fame, however, such stories are not very embarrassing the young family. After a while, the man notices that his paintings became much darker and darker than the former, but he still does not know what horror he will face him.

  1. "The last rite." Cast Frank Grillo, Dave Davis, Jesse Yarboro and others.

Fasting events take place in the house, in which the company of young people went to conduct a spiritualistic session. During such an experiment, everyone except one guy died. The survivor claims that this mansion is nothing but the gates of hell.

  1. “Abateur. Labyrinth of fear. " Starring Jay Hugguli, Lin Shay, John Garcia and others.

The film about Julia’s journalist, who is investigating the mysterious death of his relatives. All these incidents are shrouded in mysticism and horror, but the girl does not give up and no matter what continues her own investigation.

The journalist is investigating death
The journalist is investigating death
  1. "Forest of ghosts." In the main roles of the Yukiesi Ozava, the gene, Terry Diab and others.

The storyline transfers viewers to a mystical forest, which is located at the foot of the Fuji Mountain and has bad fame. A desperate girl goes to this very forest in search of her missing sister. But can a brave heroine find a sister and will it cost her life?

  1. "Dizlaik." Cast Anastasia Akatova, Evgeny Dakot, Maria Wei and others.

The company of young and promising bloggers is happy to go to a luxurious party. However, none of them realizes that this is a trap, and they are the future victims of the killer.

  1. "Forbidden 3D zone." Cast Andreas Pape, Patrick Jans, Axel Martinez and others.

Two friends go in search of an old secret military base, built back in the Second World War. Finding this place, they did not expect to see such a sight, because there were already expected ominous forces.

  1. "Witch". Starring Julian Richings, Ralf Aineson, Kate Dicky and others.

The events of the film transfer the audience to the distant 1630. A new family settles in the wilderness of the forest itself. But the new inhabitants of this area do not even know what awaits them ahead, because evil forces captured the entire mysterious forest.

  1. "Dominia." Starring Thomas Jane, Lance E. Nichols, Kate Bosworth and others.

A young, until recently, a happy family, loses his son and in order to at least somehow heal the soul, adopts another boy. After some time, parents notice that the child does not want and is afraid to sleep and the reason for this was his "life-off" dreams.

About the life of the dreams
About the life of the dreams
  1. "Diggers." Starring Vladimir Kuznetsov, Andrey Levin, Evgeny Koryakovsky and others.

A group of people goes in search of their relatives and friends who disappeared under very mysterious and mystical circumstances. All action takes place in the subway, but the search group does not even realize that they have to survive.

  1. "Pride and prejudice and zombies." In the lead roles of Charles Dance, Robert Morgan, Lina Hidy and others.

The film was shot according to the work of Jane Austin. The main characters will face not only problems typical of their time, but also with the invasion of terrible zombies.

  1. "And the light goes out." In the lead roles of Rolando Boys, Andy Osho, Elizabeth Pan and others.

It would seem that the life of the mother and her child should be measured, calm and happy, however, not in this film. According to the plot, a family consisting of a mother and a child is constantly subjected to horrors.

  1. “Wigi. Curse of the devil's board. " In the lead roles of Lin Shey, Dag Jones, Gary Anderson and others.

The main character recently lost her husband and in order to earn a living began to engage in pre -thought -out and fake spiritual sessions. However, during her next session, something went wrong, and the caused demon settled into her daughter.

Demon in the daughter
Demon in the daughter
  1. "Saul son." Starring Christian Harting, Marcin Charnetski, Tamash Polgar and others.

Actions take place in the death camp of Aushwitz. The main character is engaged in terrible work in order to save his life - burns the corpses of his associates. At the same time, the guy decides to save the boy, who was loved as a native child.

  1. "The Seventh Gates of Hell." In the lead roles of Catrion McCall, David Warbeck, Montreal Chinsia and others.

Events are developing at a hotel in New Orleans. An angry crowd, bursting into one of the hotel rooms, brutally kills the artist who settled there, accusing him to Satan. But will such actions remain unpunished?

  1. "Carnival of the shower." Cast Kendes Hilligoss, Francis Feist, Sidney Berger and others.

Everyone except one girl dies in a terrible automobile disaster. After the incident, the survivor decides to move and a new life. However, a little time later she understands that ordinary people, as it were, see her, but notice only those similar to the dead and ghosts.

  1. "Descent". Starring Sean McDonald, Natalie Jackson Mendos, Alex Reed and others.

The main characters go for impressions to the mountains. There, friends find a grotto and go to the dungeon. However, suddenly the entrance to it is flooded with stones, and the girls are left alone with cold, hunger and unknown creatures.

  1. "Dracula." Starring Peter Cushing, Christopher Li, Michael Gof and others.

A desperate guy goes to the Dracula himself in order to kill him, but does not cope with the task and appears to the vampire himself, and after he himself becomes the prey of Van Helsing. The surviving Dracula goes in search of a beloved killed hunter and begins to survive her.

  1. "Disgust". In the lead roles of Katrin Denev, Ian Hendry, John Fraser and others.

The main character is a mentally sick girl engaged in manicure. As soon as she is left alone, she begins to torment her “revived” nightmares.

  1. "Black Christmas." In the lead roles of Olivia Hassi, Cyrus Dullea, Margot Kidder and others.

The film tells about the students of friends who are going to go home for the winter holidays. However, they still do not even realize that not everyone will survive until the morning.

  1. "God ordered me." In the lead roles of Tony Lo Bianko, Deborah Raffin, Sandy Dennis and others.

Strange things are happening in the city. Previously, normal and adequate people commit terrible and bloodthirsty murders. In their defense, they declare that God ordered them to do it.

  1. "Mlag". Starring Thomas Jane, Marsh Gay Harden, Lori Holden and others.

In a small city, an incomprehensible fog appears sharply, which envelops everything and everyone. The company, which was at that time in the store, decides to check what is happening, and thereby accepts the whole blow on itself, fighting with creatures located in the emergency that appeared.

  1. "Shelter". In the lead roles of Belen Rudad, Fernando Kayo, Roher Princess and others.

Laura is a happy wife and mother of a 7-year-old son. The woman lived in the shelter with all her childhood, and after many years she decided to restore the place in which her childhood passed. With the arrival of her son, her son changes before her eyes, but what the reason the woman does not even realize.

  1. "Silence of the Lambs". In the lead roles of Jody Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Brooke Smith and others.

A series of terrible murders occurs throughout the country. In order to stop this horror, the case is entrusted to the young and ambitious agent Clarissa Starling. The prisoner Hannibal Lecter should help her in this case, but only if Clarissa can agree with him.

Silence of the Lambs
Silence of the Lambs
  1. "Jacob Staircase." In the lead roles of Tim Robbins, Elizabeth Peasant, Danny Iello and others.

The protagonist Jacob returns from the war. However, terrible memories do not give him rest and begin to torment his mind more and more. A man loses control of himself and something terrible happens.

  1. "Other". In the lead roles, Nicole Kidman, Finola Flenagan, Christopher Eccleston and others.

Events develop on a small island where the mother and her 2 children are sent in order to wait out the war. It turns out that her children are sick with an unknown disease - they are afraid of daylight, sun and therefore a special regime reigns in their house.

  1. "Rebel from hell." In the lead roles of Andrew Robinson, Claire Higgins, Ashley Lawrence and others.

The main character acquires an unusual box. According to legend, demons live in it, who are able to do everything that the owner of the box asks. But in fact, the box is nothing but the gates of hell.

  1. "Fantasm." Starring A. Michael Baldwin, Bill Tornberi, Raji Bennister and others.

A curious guy Mike becomes an eyewitness to strange and terrible events in the cemetery. He tells his brother about what he saw, but he does not believe him. A little later with his comrade Mike will understand the horror of what is happening.

  1. "Defector". Starring George K. Scott, Trish Van Defere, Melvin Douglas and others.

Hard of heart and grief from the loss of family, John Russell moves from his house to an old estate, which was empty before his arrival for 20 years. After a little time, the man understands that he is not alone in the house.

  1. "Martin". Starring John Emplos, Lincoln Maesel, Christine Forrest and others.

The film is about an unusual vampire, which is completely different from its brothers. Its only similarity with them is a thirst for human blood.

Films belonging to the horror genre, really exciting and spectacular. That is why even old films do not lose their popularity to this day.

Video: TOP 100 horror films

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