100 best affirmations for a desire card: a list of effective affirmations for each sector of the desire card. What needs to be done so that affirmations for a desire card begin to act?

100 best affirmations for a desire card: a list of effective affirmations for each sector of the desire card. What needs to be done so that affirmations for a desire card begin to act?

The necessary words that convey to the universe the message of the positive should be written on a map of desires. Let's get acquainted with these affirmations in more detail.

Affiramations, which are considered positive, have the power to fulfill even the most unusual desires. With their help, you can correctly formulate desires and direct them into space. They help to configure a person’s thoughts in a positive way. Guided by all these moments, your requests will begin to be brought into actions.

Affirmations for a desire card: how to make it correct?

The desire map is the main way that helps to use the power of space to realize your main goals.

The main task is based not only on the placement of pictures that depict your desires, in the right sectors, as well as correctly formulate affirmations for a desire cardso that they bear positive statements. Words should be clearly set out, and in the present tense, so that the universe was easy to understand what a person wants.
We always put the word “want” to desires, but the word “I have, possess” for affirmations.

This is how our desires look (in the picture below). Of these, it is easy to get affirmations, replacing the word “I want” with the word “I have”, “already”.

I have already raised my salary. I win the competition. I found true love, I am loved by my husband. I am beautiful and desirable, I am engaged in yoga. I am losing weight and have already lost 5 kg.


Affirmations for a desire card for the health sector

  1. I have no doubt have good health.
  2. Every day I get better and better.
  3. I have a beautiful, athletic, slender figure.
  4. I am healthy, balanced, I always have a good mood.
  5. I learned to swim, went to the gym.

Affirmations for a map of desires for the sector of money, wealth

  1. I increase my capital every day.
  2. I have a large apartment where there is enough space for all my relatives.
  3. I bought a new apartment and made a good repair there.
  4. I bought a new BMW car.
  5. I earn enough to keep and give everything to my family.

If it is important for you to find a good job for your dream, then in the picture below see the list of suitable affirmations.

Affirmations for a map of desires for the glory sector, recognition, success

  1. I was photographed on the cover of Vogue magazine.
  2. I received a swimming medal (or any other reward).
  3. I am a highly qualified specialist and each company invites me to work.
  4. My YouTube channel collected 1 million subscribers.
  5. I am invited to become a host on the TV channel.
  6. I am glad that I support my friends and receive recognition from them.
  7. I become a famous personality, everyone will recognize me on the street on the Internet.
  8. I act in films and get recognition and glory from my talent!
  9. I manage a large team and receive recognition from employees as a talented leader.
  10. I am awarded in a huge room with an honorary diploma, medal, order, certificate, diploma. I'm happy!
  11. I act as an expert to a large number of people. The audience listens to me with a huge undisguised interest.
  12. I stand on the podium of honor, as a winner!
  13. I am born to the winner!
  14. I feel that people admire me.

Affirmations for a map of desires for the sector of love and relationships

  1. I have harmony in relations with my beloved.
  2. My relationship with my spouse improves every day.
  3. All men look at me on the street.
  4. There are only worthy men in my environment.
  5. He loves me and offered me to marry a worthy man, with the best features of character and appearance.

Affirmations for a desire card for the sector of children

  1. I am proud of my child - he is the best in swimming and in class.
  2. I am glad for my son and for his achievements in sports, study.
  3. I am happy because I have 2 healthy children.
  4. I feel my children love and understand me.
  5. I have enough strength and tranquility to educate my children.
  6. I have mutually respectful relationships with children.
  7. I easily manage to raise good people from my children.
  8. I use the experience of successful educators to raise a successful and happy person from my child.
  9. I am happy to develop the talents and abilities of my children.
  10. I am happy that my child is happy and successful in this life.
  11. I feel like a good parent who devotes time not only to children, but also to myself, his own development.
  12. I am happy due to the fact that my children show kindness to people.
  13. I am happy due to the fact that my children succeed, for which they would not undertake.
  14. I am pleased that my children easily find a common language with others.
  15. I am satisfied with the fact that my child is always healthy.
  16. I rejoice that my child can stand staunchly with the disease and quickly recover.
  17. I am friends with my children.
  18. I gave birth to a smart, healthy child.
  19. My child is the most intelligent and gifted.

Affirmations for a desire for travel and relaxation

  1. I constantly travel and have fun with friends.
  2. I go abroad 3 times a year.
  3. I enjoy traveling to London.
  4. I go to the sea to rest twice a year.
  5. I meet my birthday on Bali.
  6. I always feel help and support from all people who meet in my way and from everywhere on my way.
  7. I always feel safe when I travel.
  8. I always find new friends and assistants on trips.
  9. On trips and traveling with friends, I always feel my friend’s shoulder.
  10. I am always delighted with impressions related to travel.
  11. I have the opportunity to travel as much as I want and where I want.
  12. I travel with my whole family 2 times a year.
  13. I rest on traveling in the best hotels in the world.
  14. I'm going to a costume carnival for Canaries.
  15. I enjoy the SPA procedures on vacation in Turkey.
  16. I am enthusiastic about the water park in Cyprus.
  17. I rest and receive medical procedures in a sanatorium in Yesentuki.
  18. I am engaged in shopping in Paris and Milan.
  19. I have fun with my family in Disneyland in Paris.
  20. I am on excursions in Mexico. I swim in the open ocean.

Affirmations for a desire for a map for a career sector, business and creation

Career and creation sector:

  1. I work in ... (the desired place).
  2. I have many customers who increase every day.
  3. I get a new position every year.
  4. My company is successful.
  5. I have no competitors.
  6. I share with the surrounding those benefits that I received from life in abundance.
  7. I am a leader, and leads to the success of people.
  8. I know that today I am a successful person, one of the best.
  9. I feel that I achieve more success in life than I expected.
  10. My enthusiasm is contagious to other people and leads all of us to success.
  11. I see the most attractive and profitable opportunities near me.

Affirmations for a desire card for the knowledge sector

  1. I have passed the car driving well and got the rights.
  2. I won the competition among artists.
  3. I received a diploma with honors.
  4. I graduated with honors from makeup courses.
  5. I received a certificate of good ending of English courses.
  6. I am happy to study the profession (your name of the profession) and transmit my knowledge to other people.
  7. My life experience is growing and helps my life to do even better.
  8. My knowledge is growing every day and improves.
  9. My intuition helps me study and improve.
  10. My knowledge that I receive every day help me earn money in the amount (your amount) rubles monthly.
  11. My knowledge that I get every day help me to be a happy, healthy and successful person.

Affirmations for a desire card for the family sector

  1. I am happy for each member of my family.
  2. I am happy in marriage.
  3. We often go to nature with the whole family.
  4. I have a trusting relationship with my relatives, husband and children.
  5. We have a good spacious house (apartment).
  6. I am endlessly happy that my child, spouse and parents are completely healthy and happy.
  7. I get joy, love and happiness from all my family members, from husband, son, daughter, mother, father.
  8. I am happy because the world, mutual understanding and love reign in my family.
  9. My family is happy and protected by the universe.
  10. My happy family gives me confidence in achieving success.

Affirmations for a map of desires for the hobby sector and creativity

  1. I can do makeup, and my friends ask them to make up.
  2. I play the guitar perfectly, many ask me to sing and play for them.
  3. I knit well and sell my work.
  4. I do what I like and what I love, and it brings me money.
  5. I easily and with joy in my soul are engaged in creativity.

If you want, you can be guided by these examples or create your own, and then they will clearly display your goals in life. All desires should be bright and sincere, so that the Universe feels and thank you.

What needs to be done so that affirmations for a desire card begin to act?

  • To affirmations for a desire card They started working, they should be correctly “planted”. Affirmations are a kind of harvest. Your thoughts serve as seeds, but the crop is desires that have come true.
  • But any soil requires preparation and cleaning from weeds in order to subsequently get a rich harvest.
  • Also with thoughts. It should be cleansed of bad thoughts, negativity, which is saturated with consciousness that prevent the movement forward.
To work
To work

What should be done:

  1. All your bad and good thoughts are transferred to the world. And therefore, do not look for someone to blame your troubles and problems. The attitude of others towards you depends only on you and your attitude to them. If you do not like the attitude of your friends to you, you should look for the reason in yourself.
  2. The attitude of others to you depends on you. Your negative thoughts and emotions indulge in them. Change yourself and the world will change.
  3. Fear is your most malicious enemy. It is realized only when you often think about it. Your negative thoughts accepts space and implements life.
  4. Set only correct and accurate goals.
  5. Do the right and deliberate acts. Give your neighbor to get you yourself.
  6. Don't think about bad. Thoughts and emotions should be positive. Your negative thoughts and desires block the intake of positive energy.
  7. It is worth repeating your desires and goals many timesSo that the space hears them and remembers them. It also happens with negative thoughts, if the Universe constantly think about them thinks that this is what you want.
  8. Your thoughts radiate energy. What exactly will it be depends only on you.
Goals and execution
Goals and execution
Common mistakes when working with affirmations
Common mistakes when working with affirmations

Do not forget what you think and is your life. You yourself are the owner of your life and are able to change not only yourself, but also the world around you. If you are configured, give people good, the Universe will give you good.

Useful affirmations for life, health and success for every day

Affirmations for every day
Affirmations for every day
Affirmations for happiness
Affirmations for happiness

Affirmations for women
Affirmations for women

You can affirmations, if they are good, read with poems and sing like a song.

Video: Cash affirmations for a desire card

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