100 interesting, amazing and unusual facts about dogs from around the world: List

100 interesting, amazing and unusual facts about dogs from around the world: List

Interesting and unusual information about dogs around the world.

Dogs are very interesting and unusual animals. In general, people are divided into lovers of dogs and lovers of cats. In this article, we will talk about the dogs, and we will tell a few interesting facts about them.

Interesting facts about dogs that you did not know


  1. Our smaller friends can carry out the simplest mathematical actions: count to 5. Their intellectual level is like that of two or three-year-old children who only know the world.
  2. Dogs may smell of chips. This is due to the fact that on paws, with prolonged non -compliance with hygiene, bacteria grow, which smell unpleasantly with corn chips. If you smell such a smell from your pet, you need to wash your paws with soap.
  3. In Russia, dogs have mastered the metro for their existence. With its help, they get from one point in the city to another. This allows them to find food.
  4. Dogs perfectly distinguish and hear an ultrasonic whistle.
  5. Paul McCartney specifically for his shepherd at the end of one of the songs recorded a long whistle.
  6. Dogs do not like when they are hugged and compressed. For them, this is a sign of dominance, so stop squeezing your dogs.
  7. Dogs need wet nose in order to excellently distinguish smells, it is a kind of radar.
  8. The collar with spikes was first invented in ancient Greece. This was not done for beauty, but in order to not attack the pets on the pets, and do not strangle them.
  9. The most interesting thing is that dogs drink, turning the tongue into a tube.
  10. Dogs have 1700 taste receptors.
  11. The heartbeat of an adult is 60-100 beats per minute, like an adult.
  12. The dog has three pairs of eyelids: upper, lower, as well as the middle - migratory. It moistens the surface and does not allow it to dry.
  13. In ancient China, dogs were the defenders of the emperor. The dog sat in his sleeve, if necessary, could pop up and bite the offender of its owner.
  14. Please note that dogs can not eat chocolate, it negatively affects the work of the heart and can cause a sclerosis of the pet.
  15. Dogs are 100,000 times better smells than people.
  16. Many of the dog owners believe that their pets are able to predict the weather. This is due to good scurry and hearing.
  17. The smallest dog on the planet is considered Chihuahua. Its weight is approximately 900 g, the size is like a can of coca-kola
  18. The Canary Islands were named after the dog. It is Canaris in translation that means a dog. But the canaries were named by the name of the islands themselves.
  19. The most interesting thing is that if the dog wags its tail in the left side relative to itself, this means that it is alarmed and is very attentive to your actions.
  20. It is worth noting that Chihuahua puppies are born with a soft number. Just like people.
  21. By about one year, the fontanel in dogs is overgrown, it becomes solid.
  22. Many dogs, if they quickly eat and drink, can also hiccup like people.
  23. The most basic health problem in dogs is obesity. Therefore, be sure to walk a lot with your dogs and control their physical activity.
  24. In Japan, in the 17-18th centuries there was a law that promised the murder of the one who offends the dog.
  25. Housewives in the USA, in the middle of the last century, were very concerned that dogs were sent into space and they die there. Therefore, they suggested sending to the moon the blackness.
  26. The most interesting thing is that dog owners are 66% more than all other people. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, get a dog.
  27. In Russia, the dog was worth like a herd of rams, 3 horses or a herd of sheep. It was so that dogs were appreciated there.
  28. Dogs in dogs are individual, like fingerprints in people.
  29. Dogs instinctively require the approval of the leader before any act.
  30. Dogs sweat paws, unlike people in whom armpits sweat.
Lovely dogs
Lovely dogs

Unusual facts about dogs


  1. The wool between the pads is often wet and smells unpleasantly due to sweat.
  2. Dogs are the only animals that can determine human emotions by one look. They do not need to say anything, they immediately understand how a person feels, and what pets need to do at this time so as not to angry or annoy their owner.
  3. In the United States, more than a million dogs are inscribed in the wills of their owners. Therefore, there are bogachi dogs who, after the death of their owners, receive a decent amount of money.
  4. Dogs are easily trained. They can learn from 200 to 500 words, distinguish between their meaning and understand what they say.
  5. The greyhounds are the fastest dogs that can develop speeds up to 72 km per hour.
  6. 14 times in the Bible a dog was mentioned.
  7. It is believed that dogs before doctors can diagnose cancer.
  8. There are studies according to which the dogs of the smell determine cancer of the lung, bladder or stomach.
  9. Dogs do not like to walk in the rain, not because they are afraid to get wet, or do not like cold drops. The fact is that the noise of the rain is very loud for dogs, and can ruin their sharp hearing.
  10. Dogs judge the objects first by their movement, then by their brightness and, finally, by their form.
  11. Siberian Husky are the most hardy pets, but not fast. In just a day, they can pass to 160 km.
  12. Husky mediumly develops a speed of 17 km/h.
  13. The fastest dog is the greyhound.
  14. Please note that in families in which there are dogs, children are less likely to suffer from colds, asthma and allergies.
  15. If your child is often sick, get a dog.
  16. The largest dog was born in 1981. Its growth from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail is about 2.5 m, and the weight is 155 kg.
  17. Please note that the most intelligent and easily trained dogs are colli, poodles, as well as a German shepherd.
  18. The most poorly trained are Afghan shepherds.
  19. Until a certain point, the collie was considered a vicious dog. This is due to the fact that the homeland is Scotland. For some reason, the Scots were considered uneducated, simple and stupid.
  20. The longer the nose of the dog, the more effective its internal cooling system.
  21. Collie became the queen's favorite breed, then she gained spread throughout the world.
  22. Medieval dogs were often accused of witchcraft, along with their owners.
  23. There are cases of hanging and public execution of dogs for witchcraft.
  24. Please note that the first one to fly was the dog.
  25. The daughter of the first space dog moved to the USA, to the presidential family.
  26. In ancient China, dog handlers were considered respected people. Now there is enough information on the Internet, it is not necessary to give the dog to the dog handlers.
  27. The renal failure of your dog can develop from a handful of raisins or chocolate tiles. Control food, do not allow eating forbidden products.
  28. Rumors of werewolves arose after the fall of Rome. It was then that the owners were forced to take care of their survival, and were absolutely not worried about their dogs. It was then that crowds of homeless animals arose that could devour even people.
  29. The dachshunds were bred to hunt for badgers. That is why they have a dense, long body and short legs.
  30. In ancient China, it was very popular to give Beijes. Such breeds were considered universal.
Amazing pets
Amazing pets

Amazing facts about dogs


  1. Beijes, in rich families, had their own servants.
  2. Basenji. It is this unique breed that differs in that it does not bark at all. Therefore, if you want to get a quiet pet, this breed of dogs is for you.
  3. Puppies are born deaf and blind. By about one month, they have vision.
  4. The main source of obtaining information from the surrounding world in puppies is touch. They have a huge number of nerve endings on their body, which allow you to feel danger.
  5. The first pets of people who were tamed are wolves. It is from them that all other dog breeds come from them.
  6. In the USA there is a church for dogs, which was built by the owner of 5 labradors. They helped to cure the owner from cancer.
  7. It is worth noting that dogs smell 100 times more than people per day. The amount of processed information is almost the same. Only people usually look around with their eyes, and dogs sniff. This helps them know the world, as well as see the danger.
  8. Dogs in about two days can feel the approach of storms, thunderstorms, bad weather.
  9. Pets very often wag their tail. Moreover, not every wagging indicates that the dog is glad. This may also talk about the opposite. There is a whole tongue of tail movements that decrypt differently.
  10. Dogs, like people smile and laugh. Only they do it not like people. Dog laughs are heard as x-x.
  11. Dogs do not distinguish between colors, they are color blind.
  12. Chihuahua dogs are named after Chihuahua in Mexico, where they were discovered.
  13. The dogs of the guide, when translating a person across the road, are not guided by the colors of the traffic light. They look at how passers -by behave, as well as vehicles.
  14. In individuals of the Lundehund breed, there are 6 fingers on the paws.
  15. About 45% of dogs sleep in the beds of their owners, even if they do not allow this. Dogs come to the bedroom after the owners leave or to the store.
  16. In the Far North, the dogs are one of the most important modes of transport. Because likes can pass for a very long distance.
  17. The development of the South and North Pole was carried out just with the help of dogs.
  18. Pay attention when the dog is hot, it sticks out her tongue, and cools in such an unusual way.
  19. Adult dogs have 42 teeth in their mouths.
  20. Dogs have very poor vision. Therefore, these animals are more likely to fall under the wheels of the car.
  21. Dogs are often similar to their owners. Although dog handlers think differently. It is a person who chooses a dog in his own image.
  22. Medieval Norway was ruled by the dog for three years. This is not a fiction. The fact is that the manager was angry with his retinue and awarded his dog with his powers.
  23. In ancient Egypt, dogs were mummed, like the pharaohs.
  24. There is information that dogs can fall in love with people.
  25. Dogs are very much attached to their owners, because they consider them leaders.
  26. Psam must order and discipline. Because dogs in their mental development are like small children. Consider this and begin to educate the discipline and obedience of the pet.
  27. It was found that children in families who have dogs learn better. This is due to the fact that the child often walks on the street, breathes air. Which stimulates blood circulation in the brain.
  28. The name of the boxer breed, the dog received due to the fact that he could imitate the movements of boxers with front paws.
  29. Poodle is not a French dog at all, but German. Because translated by the poodle means please - floating.
  30. The poodles were not bred in order to sit in the arms of lovely ladies, but as full -fledged hunting dogs. Which spent a lot of time in reservoirs. It was then that they began to cut them out, many algae, garbage were clogged in the wool.
  31. Some dogs are record holders. There is a real record. The maximum number of puppies that the dog led is calculated 23.
  32. Alexander Macedonian named the city in honor of the nickname of his dog.
  33. In the sanctuary of ancient Greece there were special nurseries where they contained dogs. This is due to the fact that there were days of sacrifice. It was dogs that very often exterminated in pagan places.
  34. Approximately 10,000 dollars are worth preparing a rescue dog for his service. This is its training, as well as the work of dog handlers.
  35. Three dogs who sailed in the first grade were saved from the side of the Titanic.
  36. Dogs hear 4 times better than people.
  37. The force of compression of the jaw in the dog is approximately 150 kg.
  38. The one-year-old puppy, in his physical development, is the same as a 15-year-old teenager.
  39. We all know the sign “@” as a dog, but in other countries it is a snail, a monkey, a strudel (in Hebrew), herring under the marinade (in Czech and Slovak) and a lunar ear (in Kazakh).
Cute animals
Cute animals

Love your pets and do not forget about their proper nutrition and health.

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Comments K. article

  1. Hello!
    It is not possible to withstand the beggars in the dog ... such eyes ... He put his head on his knees ... so alive, so warm, so furry ...- What a terrible sin into all this is not divided by a cookie ... you give a piece, I exaggerate a little, of course, plus the half of the hand ... not Think about the dog’s teeth ... (Do not think about a white crocodile ... cries, eats).

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