100 interesting, amazing and funny facts about cats from around the world

100 interesting, amazing and funny facts about cats from around the world

In this article, we will consider very interesting facts about cats. As many as 100 facts, you may not even know about some of them.

Cats are the favorite pets of many people. These cute purring creatures are able to cheer up, in their own way support us and amuse us.

100 interesting, amazing and funny facts about cats from around the world

But how much do we know about these animals? We present to your attention 100 interesting and fascinating facts about cats.

  1. Everyone knows that cats love to sleep very much. So the cat's dream is about 15 hours a day.
  2. Murging creatures do not like sweets. In principle, cats eat sweets if they give it, but they do not feel like such a taste of sweetness, so they, as a rule, do not have addictions to the treats.
  3. Cats, like people, are right -handed and left -handed. It sounds unambiguously strange. But scientists, having conducted a number of experiments, noticed that cats for various manipulations are more often used by the right paw, and the cats are left to the left.
  4. These animals have a special structure of the claws and it is this feature that does not allow them to slow down from the trees upside down. To go down to the ground, they have to cling to the claws behind the branch in the position when the head is above and the legs are accordingly from below.
  5. Murging creatures actually know how not only to purr and meow. These animals are able to play about 100 different sounds, we just often do not notice this. Is it a lot or not enough? For comparison, you can take a dog, it is able to please us with about 10 different sounds.
  6. Some areas of the brain are very similar to ours. Moreover, these areas perform the same functions. For example, sites responsible for emotions are the same in our cats, which cannot be said about dogs.
  7. It is generally accepted that the ancient Egyptians have domesticated the cats, but in fact this information is not entirely reliable. Relatively recently, the remains of the oldest domestic cat were excavated in Cyprus.
  8. These cute animals were not always considered our friends. In the distant past, cats were recognized as assistants to the evil forces and, by order of Pope Innocent VIII, were massively destroyed. Such an unconscious destruction of these animals did not bring anything good and soon on the people living in that area, grief was more imminent. The number of rats increased rapidly, and this, in turn, aggravated the situation with the plague.
  9. Another very unpleasant ceremony was usually held in Europe in the Middle Ages. In those days, people were also sure that cats were messengers of evil forces, so on one of the holidays people massively caught poor animals and, placing them in bags, burned on fires.
  10. One legend says about the appearance of cats on the ground. When Noah built an ark, he asked God to protect the ship from the ubiquitous rats. God heard Noah prayers and ordered the king of animals to the lion sneezing. A cat appeared from the mouth of the animal.
  11. The jumpability of these animals simply cannot but surprise. The cat is able to jump to a height exceeding its growth by about 5 times.

    Interesting about cats
    Interesting about cats
  12. Cats know how to run very quickly. If necessary, for example, when the animal is in danger, it can develop speeds of up to 50 km/h. Agree, very good indicators for the pet.
  13. We are used to believe that the caress of the cat manifests itself when he rubs his face on our legs, arms. However, in this way, cats not only show their love for a person, but also mark their territory, because some of their glands are located just in the face.
  14. The purring of cats attracts the attention of a person, but we still do not know how the animal reproduces such sounds. It is generally accepted that the cat’s voice ligaments are involved in this process, which, due to vibrations, make similar sounds.
  15. Probably, everyone knows that the ancient Egyptians were very respectful about these animals, they revered them and loved them. Therefore, when a cat died in the house, all family members were very upset. They showed their grief on the animal shaving eyebrows and mourning. During the funeral procession, people drank alcohol and beat themselves in the chest. It was customary to embalmed the pet, and then put in a cemetery or in a family tomb.
  16. Most often, cats 3-5 kittens are brought into the light 1 time. However, the fact of the birth of 19 kittens was recorded at once, 15 of which survived.

    Interesting about cats
    Interesting about cats
  17. Not everywhere the meeting with the Black Cat worships failures and troubles. For example, Great Britain considers it differently. To meet a black cat on your way is to get good news soon.
  18. In the world there are a huge number of different breeds of cats. The most popular of which is Persian.
  19. Perhaps all people know about the dislike of cats to the water. However, it cannot be said that exceptions from this rule do not exist. Cats of the breed Turkish van are just an exception. Their wool differs from the wool of other cats and this is the reason for the love of these animals for water procedures.
  20. The vision of a purring being is much better than human, because cats see perfectly in the dark, unlike us people. At the same time, cats do not see the colors of the world around the world as we see them.
  21. The mysticism, with which for many years they associated the cats, found its reflection in creativity. The most famous mystical creature of this species can rightfully be considered a Cheshire cat, who was the character of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland."
  22. Cats cannot chew large pieces of food, since the structure of their jaw does not allow them to move it from side to side.
  23. Cats manifest their love of their loving more often to people than to other animals. Therefore, we often hear the cherished purr only when the animal interacts with a person. When the cat communicates with another animal, he makes completely different sounds.

    Interesting about cats
    Interesting about cats
  24. These creatures have a very flexible back. They have such an advantage due to the structure of the spine.
  25. The cat claws during her rest, in a state of safety are always hidden. This applies to all representatives of the cat, with the exception of the cheetahs. In the last animals, claws are released even when the animal is calm.
  26. People are so loved by purring creatures that sometimes this feeling crosses all the boundaries. Ailurophilia is the name of the state of a person who madly loves cats.
  27. Newborn kittens, like human cubs, sleep most of the time. The thing is that these animals are growing only in a dream.
  28. The average life expectancy of cats is 15-20 years, but a case was recorded when the cat lived as many as 38 years.
  29. These animals came to America as a means of combating different pests.
  30. A person boasts that the imprint of his finger is unique, and the cat boasts that the imprint of his nose is unique.
  31. Due to the densely growing wool and a number of other features, cats sweat exclusively through the pillows on the limbs.
  32. Today, few can be surprised that people carry their pets to various exhibitions. However, once it was something new and incredibly interesting. For the first time such an event was held in London and it dates from 1871.
  33. Due to the features of the location of the collarbone, the cat can climb into any hole in which his head will fit.
  34. In a calm state, the animal’s heart makes approximately 100-130 contractions, while a person has a heart per minute about 70-80 times.

    Interesting about cats
    Interesting about cats
  35. Cats, like people, first acquire with milk teeth, which they have 26 pcs. After changing the milk teeth to real ones, the cat can count them 30 pcs.
  36. Cats are able to give offspring very often. The record holder for the number of kittens given is a cat named Dusty. She gave the life of 420 kittens.
  37. These creatures are much more sensitive than people. That is why, an approaching earthquake, flood, hurricane, etc. These animals feel 10-20 minutes earlier than people.
  38. Not only people can receive inheritance. A man named Ben Ri loved his animal so much that he bequeathed to him 15 million pounds. From this we can conclude that it is this cat that is the richest cat on earth.
  39. The average weight of the cat is approximately 5 kg, the largest cat, which fell into the Guinness Book of Records, weighed 21 kg. Because of its weight, the animal did not live too long. The cat died when he was 10 years old.
  40. The body temperature in cats is slightly higher than that of people. If for a person a temperature of 38 ° C signals an ailment, then for these creatures this is their normal body temperature.
  41. The process of washing in cats occurs through the use of their own saliva. At the same time, the cat uses as many saliva for such procedures as it usually loses liquid during urination.
  42. These animals are guided in space, using not only their eyes. And to be more precise, the eyes can only be called an auxiliary organ. Its mustache are much more important for the cat, they serve as a kind of navigator.
  43. Cats are rarely afraid of heights. Often, these animals can quite calmly walk along the windowsill with an open window, climb on the highest trees, also jump from one tree to another at high altitude.
  44. There is information that almost 25% of cat owners, after bathing their pets, are dried with a hairdryer.
  45. The smallest cat in the world weighed only 681 g.
  46. The most expensive cat in the world cost its owner $ 50,000. Such the cost of the animal was not due to the breed of the animal and not uncommon, but by the fact that the creature was a clone of another cat. The thing is that the cat of this man died of old age, but he loved her so much that he decided to clone.
  47. In some countries, cats are hired as guards. For example, in England, these cute creatures are guards of food warehouses, storage facilities with grain crops. According to data obtained on the basis of studies, only 1 cat per year can save about 10 tons of grain crops. In such countries, animals are treated with special respect, they are given the right to lifelong maintenance, which is expressed in providing them with various foods, such as meat, milk, etc.
  48. A highly raised tail of the animal indicates that at the moment it is in a good mood. If the tail of the animal is completely lowered, this suggests that the animal is worried or tired.
  49. The movement of the tail from side to side suggests that the animal in thought. That is, the cat decides on what to do in a particular situation. While in a comfortable environment, the animal never waves its tail.
  50. Cats are strongly tied to their owners, so they know how to empathize with them. Very often you can see that the cat adopts the mood or well -being of its master.
  51. Not only dogs visited space. In 1963, a cat was sent from France, who safely flew.

    Interesting about cats
    Interesting about cats
  52. Cats have very flexible and rotary ears. Unlike people and many other animals, they can rotate them 180 degrees.
  53. Homemade cats, as a rule, live much longer than wild ones. Of course, the way of life of animals contributes to this, because in the wild, creatures have to survive, while pets are surrounded by the care and love of their owners.
  54. Cats are able to relieve stress and stress, so people who are subject to such conditions are recommended to acquire purring pets.
  55. These animals during their domestication practically did not change. We are talking about appearance and habits. Pets, like wild cats, hunt, know how to defend themselves, etc.
  56. Cats do not always go hunting for the sake of satisfying hunger. Often, the pet hunts just because of interest, and sometimes having caught the victim, and does not kill it at all, but only slightly strangles and plays it.
  57. Most of the purring pets do not like the smell of citrus fruits, so if you and your animal have problems in the form of a toilet in a wrong place, try to process this territory with lemon juice or use essential oils.
  58. In America, there is an opinion that a white cat brings good luck. The meeting of the White Cat during the wedding ceremony or in front of it is considered special luck. Such a sign omenses a successful marriage and marriage.
  59. These creatures, like people, can suffer from color blindness.
  60. Cats are able to see what is happening at a distance of 50-60 m.
  61. The color of the eyes changes not only in people. Kittens, like people, can be born with one eye color and change it in the process of growing up.
  62. Cats are very clean animals, so if they do not sleep and do not eat, then most likely at this time they are licked.
  63. The activity of these animals is much higher in the evening and night, during the day, as a rule, purring creatures prefer sleep.
  64. Whether your cat can be determined on the basis of probing its ribs. Take the cat and feel its ribs if you dealt with the task quickly and easily and the ribs are felt quite well, then the animal does not have any problems with excess weight. If the ribs are not felt, then it is time to reduce the amount of food consumed by a cat.
  65. As a rule, cats see much better into the distance than nearby, this is due to the fact that almost all animals of this species suffer from farsightedness.

    Interesting about cats
    Interesting about cats
  66. These animals are so picky and stubborn that if necessary, they can crucify for several hours. However, they will not need a vacation.
  67. The buds of these animals have a certain feature that gives them an advantage over other creatures. The peculiarity is that this organ in cats can filter salt, which means that the animal, if necessary, can use salted sea water.
  68. Immediately after the birth, kittens cannot see dreams. Such an opportunity occurs only 7-10 days after the birth.
  69. It is generally accepted that if a pet leaves his feces in a prominent place and does not try to hide, burp them, then he is in a state of anger and thus shows it.
  70. Cats are licked not only to be clean. Most often, the animal makes such manipulations to get rid of its wool from unpleasant unpleasant odors. For example, the cat will lick if a stranger strokes him or if a dog sniffs him.
  71. No matter how strange it sounds, but there is a city on our planet in which an ordinary cat was the mayor for 15 years
  72. Unfortunately, not in all countries of cats, they have been trained as pets. China is a country in which a huge number of cats are eaten annually.
  73. If you see that your cat’s ears are tightly pressed to the head, it means that the animal took a pose in which it will defend itself. As long as the ears are in this position, the animal will not attack. As soon as the ears from the previous position go to another - they will abruptly divorce to the sides, the cat will go to an active attack.
  74. If you think that cats are much friendly than dogs, you are mistaken. In America, approximately 40,000 cases of cats on people are recorded annually.
  75. Cats are not particularly picky in terms of food, but if 3 saucers with food with food of different temperatures are put in front of the animal, then, most likely, the cat will prefer the one in which the food will be at room temperature.
  76. In ancient Egypt, everyone who secretly exported cats from there was punishable for the deed of the death, since cats in Egypt were considered sacred animals.

    Interesting about cats
    Interesting about cats
  77. In ancient Egypt, the goddesses who were worshiped were often depicted with a human body, but with a cat's head
  78. In Japan, there is an opinion that dying, a cat turns into a spirit.
  79. Cats are able to survive after falling from a great height. A case was recorded when the cat fell from the 16th floor, but still survived.
  80. Almost all cats are very caring mothers, they not only feed and protect their kittens, but also teach them everything that will come in handy in life. Very often, cats after childbirth go hunting and bring their mice to their kids, and when they grow up, they take them to hunt with them.
  81. The roughness of the tongue in a purring creature is caused by the fact that in this language it is much easier for him to lick.
  82. Cat can have different eyes. For example, one eye can be green and the second is blue.
  83. Almost all the owners of the cats do not hide that they are talking to their pets and believe that they understand them.
  84. These animals, as a rule, never get at home. If they feel that they are very ill or feel an ambulance, then they leave home.
  85. The maternal instinct in cats is stronger than the instinct to hunt. The case is known when the cat sheltered the small mice and protected them.
  86. To date, on our planet, the largest representative of the cat is the Amur tiger.
  87. Many cats love raw vegetables, for example, potatoes and cucumbers.
  88. For some reason, it is generally accepted that cats are very fond of milk, however, this opinion is erroneous. Since cats suffer from lactose intolerance. This intolerance appears almost immediately, after excommunication from the mother’s chest.
  89. There is an opinion that all cats, without exception, love fish, but in fact, this is a matter of taste. There are a huge number of cats in the world that will rather eat cucumber than fish.
  90. The cat purred not only when he feels joy. The animal can make exactly the same sound during fear, excitement, etc.

    Interesting about cats
    Interesting about cats
  91. It is believed that cats are able to hear even ultrasound.
  92. Cats are afraid of closed rooms, so various closed boxes scare them very much.
  93. These creatures are very fond of everything that rustles, especially paper.
  94. Cats can boast of the presence of 18 claws.
  95. Siamese cats are more often than others with strabismus.
  96. Cats can prevent various human ailments, in particular heart attacks.
  97. In America, the purring pets are amused by the people. These animals are used there for entertainment in the form of races.
  98. The island of Fegzhost, which is also called the island of cats, is inhabited exclusively by representatives of the cat.
  99. The sense of smell in cats is much better developed than that of dogs.
  100. In London, the usual business is the work of cats in post offices. The purring creatures do not just guard the parcels, they are officially employed and receive wages, which, by the way, increases annually, taking into account the rise in price.

Cats are cute, and as it turns out the most useful animals that are able to cheer up and treat for ailments.

Video: 100 interesting facts about cats

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