10 famous actresses who smoke

10 famous actresses who smoke

In this article, we will look at the famous actresses who smoke, so as not to take an example from them.

Smoking is not only harmful, but also a dangerous habit. If you recall the films from the 90s, then the cigarette flickered in the hands of many “cool” guys and even girls. Now the situation has changed a lot. The propaganda of smoking is eradicated from the world of cinema. But here are some actresses who smoke, apparently do not know such changes. Or it is still difficult for them to overcome this so-called habit. Let's look at dependent, but still famous actresses in the world of cinema.

10 famous and dependent actresses who smoke

We will be frank, today not only half of the show business, but also a huge proportion of ordinary residents climb into their pocket for such a pernicious habit. But some actresses who smoke or do it periodically will very much surprise you.

Kate Winslet

The main movie star after Leonardo, Cape Winslet, is so openly abusing nicotine that she recently received a comic prize “The most friendly image of a smoker” from the English coalition of fighters for abandoning nicotine dependence. By the way, the film actress claims that she has never tried drugs in her life, and Nicotine is her only bad habit.

The actress smokes in life also defiantly
The actress smokes also defiantly in life

Uma Thurman

The actress has repeatedly tried to quit this bad habit, but her attempts were not married. The star of the “criminal reading” more than once complained that the cigarette was her most important enemy, because because of this she did not have enough strength and breathing to play sports. Due to the lack of fitness in the life of the actress, she often lost good roles, because her physical form was much worse than that of tight and slender competitors. To prepare for the film “Kill Bill”, the actress had to temporarily quit cigarettes for a while, but after some time she returned to Nicotine again.

The actress was able to
The actress was able to "kill Bill", but the habit of smoking is not

Kate Hudson

Film actress agents, as one claim that Cape does not smoke, plays sports and does not drink alcohol. However, sudden photographs of the paparazzi forced the star with a cigarette in his hands. Fans of the actress argue that all the stories of Hudson agents about the healthy lifestyle of the actress are empty and cheap PR, because there are many evidence that the opposite claim. There are rumors that the film actress began to smoke a lot during a relationship with the famous basketball player Alex Rodriguez. By the way, mother Cape has the same acute dependence on cigarettes.

War war with a friend for a wedding, and a smoke break on schedule
War war with a friend for a wedding, and a smoke break on schedule

Milla Jovovich

The main star of the saga "Abode of Evil" vaguely recalls the best school years, since almost all of them flew in a fog of smoke from grass. However, the actress also abused simple nicotine cigarettes. Years later, Mille began to lack the effort and time for grass due to a tight shooting schedule, but the cigarettes did not lose their relevance. Journalists complained that during many interviews, the actress, without hesitation, smoked a cigarette behind a cigarette. For a while, Mile Jovovich managed to quit the bad habit only once, and then during pregnancy in 2007. The celebrity admits that the smoking of cigarettes is her only way to relax.

Actress, which has repeatedly saved the world, has a bad habit
The actress, which has repeatedly saved the world, also has a bad habit

Jessica Alba

An impeccable figure and beautiful skin - almost always were the real virtues of the popular Hollywood actress. Unfortunately, the celebrity supports his figure by no means in the most healthy way. The actress tried to go against genetics and overcome excess weight. Over the years, Jessica noticed that smoking cigarettes greatly suppresses appetite and took this method by note. Paparazzi claim that the actress began to smoke like a steam locomotive after her second pregnancy. Apparently in order to lose a couple of three extra pounds.

Not the best way to lose weight was chosen by the actress
Not the best way to lose weight was chosen by the actress

Cate Bekinsale

Unfortunately, the actress is very different from her heroine from the popular saga “Another World”, and the fear of the death of a celebrity is familiar not in time. Despite its terrible diagnosis - cancer, Cape smokes cigarettes from adolescence. The actress threw a pernicious habit once after she gave birth to a daughter in 2000. Now you can often find Beckinsale in the company of cigarettes, because, according to a celebrity, without a couple of cigarettes, it becomes simply unbearable. And the connections in Hollywood, as you know, are very important.

Even a terrible disease prevents the actress to quit smoking
Even a terrible disease prevents the actress to quit smoking

Gwyneth Peltrow

The actress is very actively promoting a healthy lifestyle and proper care of herself, which is, unfortunately, only very wealthy people. The imposed ideal of the actress annoys and causes fierce indignation among fans. Gwyneth somehow admitted in an interview that she was not as impeccable as it might seem at first glance. The actress claims that for mental balance, she needs to smoke only one cigarette per week. Usually it falls on Saturday evening, under a glass of expensive red wine.

Such an ideal actress at first glance once a week pamper herself with a cigarette
Such an ideal actress at first glance once a week pamper herself with a cigarette

Mila Kunis

More recently, in an interview, the celebrity of the film "Friendship Sex" openly stated that she actively quit smoking. It is very difficult to believe in this fact, because more recently, the actress smoked a lot and quite often. Mila claims that smoking is an important component of her diet to maintain a slender body. At the very beginning of her career, Mila Kunis tried to hide the fact of her smoking cigarettes, but the paparazzi caught her so often behind this occupation that there was simply no point in hiding.

Mila no longer hides her addiction
Mila no longer hides her addiction

Kristen Stewart

The popular joke says that quitting smoking cigarettes is so easy that most are doing this many times. The actress of the saga about Vampires Twilight is a great example of this joke. In 2012, in an interview with the magazine, the celebrity confidently stated that she refused cigarettes, because she had no dependence on nicotine and, in general, to quit smoking was quite simple. However, today, Stuart can not only be found with a cigarette in many photographs of the paparazzi, but also see the image of a smoking actress in glamorous magazines.

Judging by multiple attempts to quit smoking actresses, it is really easy to do this
Judging by multiple attempts to quit smoking actresses, it is really easy to do this

Kira Knightley

Before becoming world -famous after the release of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean”, Kira Knightley began her career as an actress from the film “Play Like Backham”. Unfortunately, in real life the actress is not as sports as in many films. Kira is constantly photographed for the covers of magazines, and the paparazzi downs the star by surprise with a smoking cigarette in his hands.

One of the most welcome actresses also has a pernicious habit
One of the most welcome actresses also has a pernicious habit

Although most of the above actresses look good and fit, but you should never forget that nicotine corrodes us from the inside. And besides everything, he also holds tightly in his captivity. Therefore, to take an example from the famous beauties of Hollywood, who smoke, certainly is not worth it. And it is worth adding that this is not the entire list of smoking celebrities even among the female.

Video: Which of the famous actresses smokes?

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