10 commandments of God and 7 mortal sins of Christians in Orthodoxy in Russian with explanations for adults and children

10 commandments of God and 7 mortal sins of Christians in Orthodoxy in Russian with explanations for adults and children

How many of the commandments of God: explanation and list of all the commandments of God in Russian.

The article gives detailed explanations 10 commandments of God's and 7 mortal sins of Christians.

The first commandment of God is to believe in the one Lord of God: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

  • The significance of the first commandment is that God is one, and all living things exist by His will and, by his will, returns to Him. The strength and power that are in the Lord do not exist in any of the earthly and heavenly creations. The power of God manifests itself in the sunlight, in sea and river water, in the air, in frozen stone.
  • Whether the rain worm crawls on the ground, whether the bird flies, whether the fish is cutting off the depths - all this happens according to the will of the Lord. The germination of seed, rustle of grass, human breathing - a manifestation of unearthly abilities obtained by everything that lives, grows, exists thanks to God.
  • The first commandment, which God points to Himself, is one of the main ones for the believer, calling for love to love the only and true God with all his heart, with all his soul and all his thoughts. A person must be afraid and love the Lord at the same time, and at the same time not stop trusting Him, regardless of life circumstances.
The first commandment
The first commandment of God is to believe in the one Lord of God: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children
  • Only the Lord knows what we need and what fate is intended for us. The ability to do something is gained only by the will of the Lord, because he is a source of life-giving and powerful power that does not exist in a different form. Wisdom and knowledge come from the Lord, and each creature is endowed with a particle of the wisdom of God: an ant, a mucus, and a tit and an eagle, wood and stone, water and air also have their own wisdom.
  • God's wisdom encourages the bee to build honeycombs, the bird is sculpting the nest and nursing the chicks, the tree grows, directing its branches to the sun, and the stone is silent and retains its shape. No one gives rise to their own wisdom, since it is supplied by a single source of all kinds of wisdom-God. Life -making and great wisdom gives everything the Lord.

How to pray to the Lord? Here is the text of the prayer:

“God is gracious, inexhaustible, the only source of power, strengthen me, weak, give me more power so that I can better serve you. God, give me wisdom, so that I do not use the power received from you for evil, but only for the good of myself and my neighbors for the greatness of your glory. Amen".

How to pray to the Lord

Explanation of the first commandment for children:

  • The commandments of God are laws given by the Lord to all people. People need commandments in order to act correctly, not to confuse good and evil.
  • Belief with all your soul in a single Lord is as natural as you believe your parents, trust them, consult with them and reveal your heart before them. God not just created the world, He shows care for everyone who lives on earth. Love for the Lord and veneration is manifested in appeal to Him in prayer:

“Let only the Lord reigns in your heart,
And just open the door to him!
May God be the meaning of your life!
Let him control and rule in it! ”

Video: 10 ten commandments of God

The second commandment of God - do not create an idol for yourself: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

  • Do not make yourself an idol and no image of what is in the sky above, and what is on the ground below, and that in the water is below the earth.
  • There is not a single creation that can become for a believer with the same force that the Lord is. Having ascended a high mountain to meet with the Lord, you do not need to look at the reflection in the river flowing nearby. Having presented to the ruler, you do not need to look at his servants, hoping to hear advice from them or get help.
  • Do we turn to intermediaries in business where only the closest can help? Will the father remain indifferent to the experiences and difficulties of children? It is easier with servants who has a sin behind the soul. And the sinless does not turn off the eyes of his father, but boldly looks at the one who is more merciful than the servants.
  • The Lord incinerates sins in each of us, like the sun's rays, detectively on the harmful microbes that appear in water. The water is cleared of this, becomes suitable for drinking.
  • Therefore, the second commandment is a ban on idolatry and the creation of idols, idols for veneration. The second commandment the Lord prohibits the veneration of similarities or images of what we observe in the sky (sun, moon, stars), and that lives on the earth's surface (plants, animals, people) or to be in sea depths (fish).
  • However, this does not mean that the Lord forbids to worship the holy icons and relics, because this is only an image, the image of the Lord, Angels or saints.
    The holy images are given to us as the memory of the deeds of God and His saints, for the Ascension of our thoughts to God and His saints.
The second commandment of God - do not create an idol for yourself: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

Explanation of the second commandment to children:

  • It is very difficult for a child to understand what an idol is or why people create idols. It is necessary to find a comparison that is closest and understandable for the child.
  • The idol is what a person mistakenly takes for the most important and important in life. Worshiping idols or idols, a person can even forget about the Lord. But will the child change his mother to a doll or dad for a new bike? Recall the tale of Kae and Gerda. The boy believed that the Snow Queen was his idol, forgetting about simple things - kindness, love. But this did not bring him happiness and an ice castle with ideal regular cold pears became a cage for him, in which his soul died.
  • And only Gerda's love helped his heart melt and the boy remembered God. So any Christian must first love and remember the Lord, and only then - about close people.

“Let your Lord be the only god
Even though there are always a lot of different idols in life,
Serving only with all your soul!
Hope for God, not people! ”

Video: Children about the commandments

Third commandment of God - do not pronounce the name of the Lord God in vain: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

  • The third commandment forbids to pronounce the name of the Lord in empty senseless conversations, in jokes, games, when a person curses, pronounces an oath, deceives. You cannot also pronounce the name of God in every prayer to Him, glorify Him or thank you superstitious.

Explanation of the third commandment to children:

  • The name of God is pronounced with due attention and reverence. Even a short appeal to the Lord is a prayer. We seem to dial a phone number and wait for an answer at the Tom End.
  • Every Christian carefully stores the name of the Lord in the heart and releases from there only in special cases. Mentioning the name of the Lord in colloquial speech, say “have mercy” or “glory to you”. Then the appeal to God will take the form of prayer.

“The name of God is in vain you don't say!
Thy respect, let them burn in the words.
May your heart knock with love for him,
Gratitude and faith in it sounds forever! ”

Third commandment of God - do not pronounce the name of the Lord God in vain: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

The fourth commandment of God - always remember about the day of the Sabbath weekend: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

  • The fourth commandment tells Christians to devote all the days of the week to work and do things to which there is a vocation. And only the seventh day to devote God to the service and take Him to holy deeds, pleasing to the Lord: prayers, anxiety for the salvation of his soul, visiting the temple of God, studying the law of God, reading the holy letter.
  • Among other deeds to God are those that are considered useful for the soul: enlightenment of the mind and heart with useful knowledge, reading books useful for the soul, helping those who need: poor, prisoners, sick, orphans.

Explanation of the fourth commandment to children:

  • The seventh day should be carried out in prayers, reading the Bible.
  • The heavenly father listens to our appeals every day and only on the seventh day expects us to visit the temple, participation in worship and communion of Christ.

“With God, a Christian chooses life for himself,
And therefore, the church always visits.
He is very striving to know about the Lord more,
And from the Bible of the wisdom of God to learn. ”
Date time to the Lord - you will be successful,
And his eternal mercy is tenderly comforted. ”

The fourth commandment of God - always remember about the day of the Sabbath weekend: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

The fifth commandment of God is to read and respect parents: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

  • The fifth commandment of the Lord promises a long life in well -being to those who honor his parents. The respect of parents is manifested in love for them, respectful attitude, obedience, help.
  • The Lord also encourages only those words that I will delight parents, and also not to do what will offend them or upset them. During illness, parents need to pray for them. After their death, do not forget to ask the Lord for the salvation of their soul.

Explanation of the fifth commandment for children:

  • Dad and mom take care of their children and help them while they are small, despite behavior, assessments at school, abilities or their absence.
  • Therefore, children should help their elderly and weak parents on the slope of their years. Reading a mother and father - this means that you need to not only politely speak with them, but also provide real support. Indeed, in the declining years, parents need mental attention and participation.

“Treat with dad and mom!
Wisdom, parents' experience is attention!
Turn them with them, listen and obey!
How to do your character to do your own!
And then your life will be prosperous.
She will be long, and, at the same time, Neskuchny. ”

The fifth commandment of God is to read and respect parents: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

The sixth commandment of God - not to kill: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

  • The sixth commandment is a ban on killing in any way. The ban extends to both other people and oneself (suicide). The most terrible and grave sin is the deprivation of life - the greatest gift of God.
  • Suicide is one of the grave sins in which not only the sin of murder is seen, but despair and a daring riot against the providence of the Lord. The suicide cannot be repented after death and ask for salvation for his soul.
The sixth commandment of God - not to kill: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

Explanation of the sixth commandment for children:

  • The deprivation of the life of one person by another is the worst sin.
  • It is the same sin to torment animals, birds, insects. All of them are the creations of the Lord that a person should take care of.

“People kill people
Not only weapons!
And life is reduced
Sometimes not a gun
And a rude word
The act is thoughtless
Life destroys another
He is old or young.
Take care of people
Take care, love
Bless everyone
And give joy! ”

The seventh commandment of God is not adultery: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

  • Adultery is a violation of marital fidelity. Illegal unclean love is considered sinful. Violation of marital fidelity and love is prohibited by the Lord.
  • If a person is not connected by an oath of allegiance with a spouse, then he should adhere to pure thoughts and desires, remain virgin in deeds, words. What does this mean? It is necessary to avoid what generates unclean feelings: swearing, shameless songs, dancing, examining seductive images, spectacles, drunkenness.

Explanation of the seventh commandment to children:

  • A person should not cross through love, to betray a loved one connected by bonds or an oath of allegiance.
  • You can save the family only if both the man and the woman will store fidelity to each other.

“The years will pass. You will grow up. God will give you the spouse (a).
You will love. You will marry. Always be faithful, devoted to a friend.
Work on relationships. Wait for God's answer.
Do not change your love. Do not break the covenant. "

The seventh commandment of God is not adultery: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

The eighth commandment of God is not to steal: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

  • Theft, as well as appropriation in any way that belongs to another person, is prohibited by the Lord.
  • A theft is considered a bad act. If a person has found an expensive thing on the street and appropriated it for himself - it is also considered theft. It is more correct to try to find the one who has lost this thing. Such an act is a manifestation of fidelity to the holy God.

“The one who took people from people
Their things, by dishonest,
The man became a thief
This will become aware of this. ”

The eighth commandment of God is not to steal: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

The ninth commandment of God - not to lie: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

  • All lies, untruth, lumberries are prohibited by the Lord by the tenth commandment. To testify to a non -true trial for another person, informing, slander, gossip are unacceptable for a Christian.
  • You can not even lie in the absence of an intention to harm your neighbor. Since this behavior is not consistent with love and respect for the neighbors.

Explanation of the ninth commandment for children:

  • There are situations when the only way to avoid punishment can be a lie. But this method is just an illusion.
  • Following the path of lies, you can overcome individual difficulties, but in the end the circumstances will form so that the deception will be revealed. Also, you can’t talk about people untruth.

“Do not pronounce a lie about people!
For this, the help of God ask,
To see the good in your neighbors.
Not evil, but good to think about them!
Lies can bring misfortune with him,
And the truth is to lead to your victory. ”

The ninth commandment of God - not to lie: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

The tenth commandment of God is not to envy: interpretation, a brief explanation for adults and children

  • The Lord does not allow you to do something bad to others, and also prohibits bad desires and thoughts regarding others or loved ones. The tenth for a single one speaks of such sin as envy.
  • Anyone who mentally wants someone else's can easily cross the line that separates bad thoughts and bad deeds. The sense of envy itself already desecrates the soul.
  • She becomes unclean before the Lord, because through the devilish envy a sin appeared in the world. A true Christian must cleanse his soul from internal sewage, beware of bad desires and remain grateful to God for what he has. If a friend or neighbor has a lot, then you need to rejoice for him.

Explanation of the tenth commandment to children:

  • The tenth commandment God forbids people to envy. After all, this feeling prevents them from living joyfully: among loved ones and neighbors, among acquaintances there will always be the one whose life can seem better than their own.
  • But there are many examples in fairy tales that you cannot be greedy and always want more than you have. For example, a greedy old woman from Pushkin’s fairy tale “Golden Fish”.
    If your friends have something very good, then it is better to sincerely rejoice for them and thank the Lord for this.

“Do not wish anything that the neighbor owns.
Do not dream that someone has an extra item.
These thoughts will bring you suffering
After all, for a sin, you will bring yourself a punishment. ”

Video: 10 commandments of God.

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