10 worst places on Earth: photo. The worst places on Earth for extreme

10 worst places on Earth: photo. The worst places on Earth for extreme

Top 10 terrible places in the world.

On Earth, there are enough terrible places in which it is quite possible to shoot horror films, and this is not only the castle of Count Dracula. There are still a lot of such corners of the world in which to stay terribly. In this article we will talk about such places.

10 worst places in the world

These places are popular among tourists who are tired of traveling to beautiful cities.

1. Cemetery of Chaucilla

They are located in a small town, in the southern part of Peru. The population is only 27,000, but in this small town there is almost always a huge number of tourists, because it is in this place that there is a strange cemetery. In fact, it is not at all like a standard cemetery. There is a lot of gutters that are lined with bricks, sticks and stones. Inside the fences, the dead are sitting.


The last of them were buried 11 centuries ago, but at the same time hairstyles, as well as the bones are preserved. In addition, clothes and even parts of the skin are preserved. The fact is that before buried, the bodies were treated with a special solution and embalmed. Therefore, many of them are very well preserved. The spectacle is quite terrible, because the dead sit in the pits.


2. Pripyat

This is a town located on the banks of the river of the same name located 2 km from Chernobyl. Until 1986, the city quickly, rapidly developed, because all the inhabitants worked at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. But after the accident, the entire population was taken out, evacuated. Therefore, the city has been without a single soul for more than 30 years. At the same time, absolutely everything is preserved: kindergartens, schools, hospitals, houses. People just threw everything and left housing. The city seems very strange, abandoned, because all this indicates the presence of a life, which in fact is not in this place.


3. Echo Valley (Sagada)

The place is located in the Philippines. This is one of the most unusual cemeteries in the world. There are not many tourists here, and the road is complicated here, because there is a cemetery in the mountainous area. At the same time, you will have to take a guide that will lead you along these paths and tell you how to get there, tell you a story. The place is a cemetery. This is nothing more than lime cliffs, to which ordinary coffins are attached. That is, the corpses are not buried here, they are previously embalmed so that they do not decompose and do not deplete the unpleasant smell. Then the dead are laid in coffins, which are encouraged and attached to limestone cliffs.

Echo Valley
Echo Valley

Thus, local residents believe that the higher the coffin is fixed, the faster the soul will fall into heaven. Now they are prohibited in this way to bury people, but gradually the number of coffins on the rocks is increasing, this suggests that traditions are not forgotten and the Philippine residents use them.

Echo Valley
Echo Valley

4. The island of dolls

This settlement is located near Mexico City and resembles nothing more than an island. The fact is that in the fifties of the last century the girl drowned here. The young man witnessed her death. He found a doll on the shore, since then he began to collect in the garbage dumplings, bastards of old dolls that he left on the island. He tied toys to the trees.

Puppet island
Puppet island

The guy believed that in this way it is possible to appease the spirits that would no longer take the bodies of young children. At the same time, in 2001, this man died in the same way as the girl. His relatives continued traditions and in the same way collect dolls and place them to the island. The spectacle is very strange and terrifying, because the dolls that are old from the effects of precipitation, wind, rain look very scary.

Puppet island
Puppet island

5. Count of the graph of the Dracula in Transylvania

This mansion looks very gloomy, is on the slope of the mountain at the cliff. It is made in the Gothic style, due to the special design of the chimney, with impulses of strong wind, there is a whistle and hum, which causes strange associations, scares all visitors. The inhabitant of this castle was called the "priest", due to the fact that he liked to seize the victims on the stake. Thus, they bleeded. The bedroom of Count Dracula looks most terrifying, on which he drank the blood of his victims according to legend. Not so long ago, a reconstruction of the castle was carried out. Thanks to the philanthropist, the estate now looks well -groomed and unusual.


6. Church of St. Irji

This is a very strange place that is located in the village of Lukov in the Czech Republic. In the last century, during one of the funeral service, the church caught fire and the roof fell on the head of all those present, which entailed a large number of deaths. But not so long ago, one of the local architects and sculptors who studied at the university decided to protect his thesis in this way. He made a large number of sculptures that he placed in the church, covered with white sheets. The spectacle looks very mystically and bewitching. The guy defended the diploma project, and the teachers were also imbued with the student’s idea.

Church of St. Irji
Church of St. Irji

7. Forest suicide

On the Japanese island of Honsu is the Fuji Volcano, and a suicide forest is located near it. This place is known from the Middle Ages. It was then that it was believed that ghosts and perfumes live here. Because in this forest there is practically nothing. Scientists concluded that there is a lot of lava around, which escaped from the Fuji volcano, flooded the area. There was only a small area - a forest that is as if in sound insulation. In the 19th century, it was here that the weak old people and children were left, whom the poor could not feed.

Ghostly forest
Ghostly forest

Therefore, abandoned people died here. For 60 years, suicides regularly occur in the forest. It is believed that you can come to this place, but it is impossible to get out of there. On the sidelines there are plastic cups everywhere, pill packaging, as well as ropes. Most often, life is completed here with poisoning, as well as gallows.

Ghostly forest
Ghostly forest

Cameras are installed along the forest in order to track potential suicides. The police patrol around him. In local stores, which are located near this place, they do not sell ropes, piercing-cutting objects, as well as poisonous tablets. So that none of those who wish could acquire a suicide tool. Once a year, a crowd of people gather, about 300, people who comb the forest and look for new bodies. Now a large number of bodies have been found that no one has applied for. They pay attention to people in the forest who are in business suits. This causes suspicions, because in most cases tourists come in sportswear that is ideal for travel. Potential victims are dressed in business suits, as well as beautiful dresses in order to commit suicide.

Ghostly forest
Ghostly forest

8. Jewish cemetery in Prague

The last bodies were buried here in the 18th century, but the fact is that the place in the cemetery was extremely few, and a huge number of dead. Therefore, a huge number of graves were placed on the small ground. In order to free up new places, the old graves fell asleep. Thus, it turned out 12 layers of graves, but due to the fact that the earth was sagging, the old graves began to peep because of the new ones. It turned out a terrible cluster of tombstones, as well as monuments. The sight is very terrible. Monuments are similar to people in public transport at rush hour. How many are there that it is impossible to even walk around the cemetery.


9. Swamps Manchak

They are located on the territory of South America. Many legends and beliefs are associated with these places. The evil queen, who was held captive, cursed the place because she possessed black magic. Trees in these places are a small amount. These are mainly the remnants of the boulence, grass, as well as water. In some places it is blue-black. There are a huge number of alligators in the swamps.

Swamps Manchak
Swamps Manchak

In the 19th century, they tried to drain the swamps here, clean them, but the entrepreneurs did not succeed in doing this. A hurricane and several villages that were built, so that the workers could drain the swamps, were erased from the face of the earth. The villages were never rebuilt, the swamps were not dried. So they still stand. In ancient times, slaves ran away from their owners towards these swamps. As the legend says, none of these places got out, died. You can move through the swamp exclusively by boat.

Swamps Manchak
Swamps Manchak

10. Coast chapel in Portugal

This small church was built in the 17th century. The idea was invented by monks who decided to emphasize the mortality of being, that life is fleeting. To build this chapel, it took 5,000 skeletons. The material for building the chapel was taken in the cemeteries of the town. Thus, the monks solved the problem with a huge number of dead and places for burial. In this town there are 42 cemeteries, despite the small size of the settlement. The bones and skulls were simply smoked by the wall. In the daytime there is a very gloomy light, so everything that happens in this church seems very terrible and unusual.

Coast chapel in Portugal³ ð ° ð ð ððð
Chapel in Portugal

In addition to bones, the church is decorated with two corpses of men, as well as a child who are simply suspended on chains. It is believed that the mother cursed her son and husband, said that they, they do not deserve to lie in the ground. Therefore, they are in limbo. A huge number of tourists come to this chapel, look at such strange places. In general, the construction style is very interesting and even chic, because the floor has tiles decorated with gold.

Chapel in Portugal
Chapel in Portugal

The worst places on the ground that should be visited by extreme

All of the above places are quite terrible, terrible, but absolutely safe. Any tourist can easily get into them. But on Earth there are also a huge number of terrible places that should not be visited. But still there are excess tourists who do not miss the opportunity to visit such terrible and terrible places that are dangerous for life and health.


  1. Desert Danakil. This is not the most ordinary desert. It is stones, the remains of volcanoes. Stones are made of lava. The desert has a huge amount of rivers with hydrogen sulfide, painted yellow. At the same time, the smell in the desert is terrible, the temperature reaches 50 degrees, while there is little oxygen in this air. Breathing is hard, air burns the respiratory tract due to a large number of poisonous gases. Visiting the desert is quite dangerous for health. In addition, tribes live in it, which are not averse to robbing travelers, and pick up water, money, transport from them.

    Strange desert
    Strange desert
  2. Dharavi, India. This is nothing more than a slumge that is located in the center of Mumbai. It resembles a garbage collection or a landfill on which a huge number of people live. They collect garbage for the purpose of processing or finding something interesting for themselves that rich people from a big city often throw away. At the same time, there is a terrible stink in the village, complete unsanitary conditions. It is dangerous to get there, because the landfill workers do not disdain rob a tourist and take money from him. We do not recommend visiting this place due to a huge number of infections, as well as a potential danger to white people.

  3. Mogadisho, Somalia. A terrible and dangerous place that is where the pirates work. The main earnings of young people in the city are piracy, as well as murder. In this city there is practically nothing to do, except to rob visitors and seize sea vessels. People live very poorly, but at the same time, drug use, trafficking in people. A larger number of inhabitants dies young due to murders, random death. Those who do not want to be in this place can leave, but this is quite difficult to do. Because you have to go through the desert. They die from a lack of water and food. Humanitarian help does not even go to this place, because no one can guarantee safety and return home.

  4. Sentrely, Pennsylvania. This place is very reminiscent of the one that was shot in the Silent Hill film. The fact is that only 9 people live in this city at the moment. Although 2,500 once lived. In the last century, local authorities regularly burned garbage, firefighters controlled burning, he was extinguished in time. But the last time everything did not happen as planned. After settling and burning out all the garbage, firefighters put out the fire. But the deep layers of landfills began to smolder, which penetrated underground shafts with coal. Accordingly, the whole city began to glow, many residents died, part left. The city still continues to smolder, due to the presence of minerals in the city and land of the city. The spectacle is very terrible and dangerous. Because in the center a huge break was formed, which goes deep underground. Everywhere everything is abandoned, an unpleasant smell is hovering, as well as puffs of smoke.


There are a lot of unusual and interesting places that should be visited in the world. Do not miss the opportunity.

Video: The worst places

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