The water in the aquarium is green: causes, methods of elimination. What to do so that the water in the aquarium does not green: preventive measures

The water in the aquarium is green: causes, methods of elimination. What to do so that the water in the aquarium does not green: preventive measures

The causes of the appearance and methods of lightening green water in the aquarium.

Green algae in the aquarium are a frequent guest of lovers of water elements. The fact is that sometimes the owners of the aquariums themselves are to blame for the fact that the water is very quickly polluted and cloudy, and also becomes green. In this article, we will tell for what reasons the water becomes green and how to deal with it.

Golden water in the aquarium: Causes

The reasons:

  • Excessive intake of artificial and natural light in the aquarium. The fact is that small green algae, because of which the water in the aquarium is green, is very fond of light. Therefore, in no case can you put the aquarium closer than one and a half meters from the window and illuminate it for more than 10 hours a day with artificial lighting. It is precisely because of an excess of light that green, small algae propagate that spoil water.
  • Excessive fish feeding. The fact is that the fish eat exactly as much as they need. The rest of the food settles to the bottom and begins to rot. It is because of this that the contents become cloudy, it smells unpleasantly, and the water in the aquarium is green. Therefore, adjust the amount of food for your fish and do not overfeed them.
  • One of the reasons for the appearance of green water in the monastery of fish is untimely, rare cleaning. Try to drain more water than during standard cleaning. If you want to stop the growth of green algae, you need to place a container with fish in complete darkness for 2-3 hours. Due to the lack of light, the algae will stop breeding for a while, their growth will stop. Accordingly, the contents of the house of the fish will turn green much more slowly.
  • Set up the inhabitants who eat green algae: daphnia, catfish.
Green water in the aquarium
Green water in the aquarium

The water is green in the aquarium - what to do: tips

We lighten the water:

  • Place a large amount of daphnia in the container, they will eat all small algae in a few minutes, the water will lighten.
  • Get special drugs, they are implemented in pet stores and help to clarify the contents of the house of fish. Make snails, shrimp in the aquarium. These creatures eat green algae, so the liquid will not become muddy for a long time.
  • If you want to sharply light up the contents of the container without harm to fish, dilute the streptomycin powder in water and add to the aquarium. Concentration of 3 mg per liter of aquarium water. The fish from such a solution will not die, but the representatives of the flora will settle to the bottom and the water will lighten.
  • Buy special filters to eliminate green contents. Effective is an ultraviolet sterilizer that kills algae using ultraviolet light.
  • The chemical filter is effective. It fights well with garbage and waste at the bottom of the aquarium.
  • Sometimes use coagulants that collect small particles and contribute to their sedimentation to the bottom. One of the best is hyacinth. It prevents water flowering. After that, water is cleaned with ozone.
  • Adjust the food of the fish, pour them exactly as many food as they can eat.
Green water in the aquarium
Green water in the aquarium

Golden water in the aquarium: prevention


  • Be sure to put the aquarium at a distance of more than one and a half meters from sunlight. In summer, the lighting period should be 12 hours, and in winter 10.
  • Turn off the lighting in the aquarium at night. This also prevents algae propagation.
  • Pour the soil into the aquarium along an inclined, closer to the front wall. In no case, when the water is green, do not take a lot of liquids from the aquarium. By selecting water, you only activate the growth of green algae. More often clean the filters and siphons.
Green water in the aquarium
Green water in the aquarium

Anticoagulants for water are very useful. Moreover, this substance was originally developed not at all for fish lovers, but for people who monitor their health and improve the quality of water. Using these funds showed good results. All garbage, green algae, nitrates and heavy metals are absorbed by a coagulant and settled on the bottom with a thick layer. The water in the container is brightened, becomes transparent. Such supplements are absolutely safe for the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Caring for the aquarium is not so difficult. It is only necessary to clean it in time and adjust the lighting.

Video: Green water in the aquarium

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