Inflammation of the appendages in women: what these are symptoms, chronic form, treatment, folk remedies

Inflammation of the appendages in women: what these are symptoms, chronic form, treatment, folk remedies

Inflamed appendages are one of the most common female diseases. Moreover, most often women of reproductive age are forced to contact the gynecologist.

If parallel development of endometritis occurs with inflammation of the appendages, then complications can be very serious, including And for those who want to become a mother. Further in the article you will learn about what kind of ailment it is and how to treat it.

What is inflammation of the appendages in women?

  • Appendages, which are essentially uterine pipes and ovaries, can become a focus of an inflammatory process coming from a small pelvis. The reason for this, as a rule, is various viruses and bacteriapenetrating into the area of \u200b\u200bappendages.
  • The possibility of such penetration is most often due to a decrease in the protective functions of the body as a result of its hypothermia.
  • If the inflammatory process develops in the ovaries, it is called ooporite, its presence in the uterine pipes is defined as salpingitis. But most often, inflammation affects all the appendages of the uterus, and then doctors talk about salpingoophoritis or adnexitis.
The picture of the problem
The picture of the problem
  • This disease is characteristic of young and middle -aged women, but for adolescents and women in the postmenstrual period, it is quite rare.
  • Confirming its etymology as an infectious disease, inflammation of the appendages Almost always accompanied by the detection of various microorganisms of conditionally pathogenic flora.
  • When the immunity is weakened, mushrooms often act as such microorganisms. If you list likely pathogens of pipe inflammation or ovaries, then they can include any of the types of bacteria, fungi or viruses, whether it is varieties of staphylococci or trichomonas, yeast -like mushrooms or chlamydia and many other microorganisms, including the intestinal stick.
  • In addition, in particular, adnexitis It is largely provoked by non -compliance with hygienic norms, infections characteristic of too stormy and erratic intimate life. The cause may be abortion or childbirth in which complications arose, etc.
  • It is dangerous that inflammation can “move” throughout the body: from the cervix to appendages, from the appendages to the small pelvis. In time, the treatment and a correctly made diagnosis reduces such risks.

Inflammation of the appendages in women: symptoms

  • Symptoms of inflammation of the appendages A variety of manifestations can serve: from vaginal discharge to signs that are inherent in any acute respiratory infections. In the presence and development of inflammation, appendages increase, and, as a result, can violated the patency of the uterine pipeswhat the appearance contributes to species.
  • In addition, an inflammatory secret accumulates in the appendages, a purulent liquid appears in the pipes, which can also be observed in the pelvic parts.
  • Acute inflammation of the appendages Most often, attacks of severe pain in the lower abdomen are inherent in a woman, a woman may well, there are rapid urination or generally dysfunction of the genital system.
Strong pain
Strong pain
  • If you do not properly react to all these signs and do not start treatment, then advanced inflammation with a huge degree of probability will take a chronic character.

Chronic inflammation of the appendages

  • A similar course of the disease not characterized by acute pain, it develops if treatment is not performed or the course of treatment of acute inflammation is not completed. For chronic inflammation of the appendages Moderate pulling pain in the lower abdomen, the manifestation of pain in the groin and lower back are characteristic.
Acquisitions of a chronic form
Acquisitions of a chronic form
  • In intimate relationships, discomfort may occur and soreness of sensations can also be manifested. There are also problems with the work of the bladder.
  • Possible interruptions in the menstrual cycle, and not only the irregularity of menstruation, but also the emerging discharge with blood in the intermenstrual period. A woman can feel weakness and malaise. At the same time, the temperature is usually not observed.
  • If speak about chronic form of salpingoophoritis, then it is characterized by a position in which the onset of pregnancy is impossible.

Inflammation of the appendages: treatment

  • The course of treatment is mainly based on use antibiotics type ofloxacin or norfloxacin. If the pains are pronounced, analgesics may be prescribed. Treatment is accompanied by detoxification therapy, physiotherapy and techniques aimed at the general strengthening of the body.
  • An intimate life during the treatment will have to be stopped, in addition, it is recommended not only to a woman, but also to her sexual partner, even if he does not feel any ailments.
  • The usual period for treatment is the order in such cases 10 days. Probiotics and antiseptic drugs also come to the rescue. It is best to complete the course of treatment in the sanatorium of the corresponding profile.
  • If conservative therapy does not have an appropriate effect, then it is not excluded surgery. Today, for this purpose, the method is increasingly used laparoscopy, which allows remove purulent formations and adhesions.
  • If the disease is very neglected and has acquired a critical form, it is possible that the appendages will have to be removed, and then carried out replacement therapy with hormones.

Antibiotics with inflammation of the appendages in women:

  • Depending on what caused inflammation of the appendages, doctors prescribe drugs with content azithromycin (if chlamydia is a source), metronidazole (anaerobic bacteria) or cephalosporin (in case of fees).
  • As a rule, with a mild course of the disease, treatment is carried out in the form of oral therapy, with more critical forms of the course of the disease - intravenously.
  • Metronidazole, prescribed at the beginning of the course, is replaced by a doxycycline or offloxacin at the discretion of the attending physician. If the disease is provoked by several microorganisms, the course of treatment is supplemented immunomodulators and antifungal agents (for example, fluconazole). In some cases, drugs from the aminoglycosides family are prescribed.

Anti -inflammatory candles with inflammation of the appendages in women

  • Such suppositories (vaginal and rectal administration) are quite effective and are often prescribed by doctors in the treatment inflammatory processes in appendages. Their advantage in rapid penetration into the foci of inflammation.
It is possible to use candles
It is possible to use candles
  • Anti -inflammatory suppositories include drugs such as hexiconaffecting pathogenic bacteria; Klion-D, Clindacin, Indomethacin - The appointment of a drug is the prerogative of the attending physician.
  • If we talk about the types of candles used in the treatment, then, in addition to the already mentioned vaginal and rectal, in the urethra or directly into the cervix, peculiar candles-sticks that have a rounded end are also introduced. All of them are subjected to melting inside the body, which is facilitated by a high enough temperature for this, which provokes the output of the active substances contained in the candles.

Inflammation of the appendages: folk remedies

  • Of course, it is impossible to treat inflammatory processes in appendages with the help of traditional medicine alone. But as additional therapy, moreover, consistent with the attending physician, this method is quite effective.
  • One of the plants contributing to the treatment of inflammation of the appendages is borow uteruswhich is also called ortilia one -sided. It is sold in pharmacies and can serve as the basis for the infusion. It must be chopped and poured with boiling water, and after the infusion cools, it should be taken a third of a glass per day (the course is up to 5 days).
  • Another option may be Alcohol tincturewhich is prepared, the bay of 50 g of plants of 0.5 liters of vodka and insisting at least two weeks. 30-40 drops of tincture three times a day-this is the norm of admission.
  • Another wonderful grass - badan. It is also crushed and poured with boiling water. In order to brew, the medicine will need night. Having strained the infusion and diluting it in the proportion of 2 tbsp. l. For 2 liters of water, conduct douching. You can also use a tamped water in the infusion, as well as take 1 tsp three times a day for a day.
  • Sea buckthorn oil with inflammation of the appendages It may become the basis for vaginal candles. Mix it with bee wax and proton in a water bath, adding a drop of pine resin. Tomach, without allowing the mixture to boil, but having received a homogeneous mass, pack it on ice molds.
  • When the mixture thickens a little, manually remember it, giving a form convenient for introducing into the vagina. Enter such a candle at night. It is better to store them in a cold place.
  • And remember that the use of folk remedies can provoke a miscarriage, so pregnant women should not resort to such treatment.

Video: On inflammation of the appendages

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