“At the same time” stands out with commas or not - at the beginning, end, middle sentence: rules, examples

“At the same time” stands out with commas or not - at the beginning, end, middle sentence: rules, examples

The rules of the Russian language are diverse and it is very difficult to remember them all. In our article we will discuss the question - whether the phrase “at the same time” is distinguished by commas in the sentence.

Often, when writing sentences, there is a doubt of the correctness of writing words, or rather, the production of commas. As a rule, difficulties arise at the stage of definition, the introductory word at all or not. We decided to figure out whether to highlight the phrase with commas "At the same time".

“At the same time” - is it needed a comma?

Do you need a comma?
Do you need a comma?

Immediately we will answer this question categorically - no, you do not need to put a comma. The fact is that this word is a dialect, and not an introductory element and therefore it is not required to separate it.

If the expression is used first sentences, then the comma is not placed. This word is considered to be praised, because after it the hand stretches to put a comma. It is never distinguished by commas, regardless of the location in the proposal. We just need to remember this and not make mistakes in the future.

- The situation at the same time demanded a quick and correct decision, but we could not accept it

- in the premises to settle raccoons, at the same time small pools for bathing should be placed

If with "At the same time" A union is used, then, if necessary, a comma will be put before the latter.

- She already received 2 higher education, but at the same time she wanted to get the third

- The dress was made beautifully and elegant, but at the same time it is very simple

Video: Russian in Russian. Commas in simple sentences

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