Morning by March 8 in kindergarten: a holiday script for the younger group. Competitions, songs, poems, dancing, games, riddles of scenes for the matinee on March 8 in kindergarten in the younger group

Morning by March 8 in kindergarten: a holiday script for the younger group. Competitions, songs, poems, dancing, games, riddles of scenes for the matinee on March 8 in kindergarten in the younger group
The article talks about how to spend a holiday in a kindergarten for children of a younger group. How to maximize the ability of each child to self -expression.
For the smallest children, fairy tales, songs, riddles and poems that understandable for this age need.

Scenario of a cheerful matinee on March 8 in kindergarten for a younger group in the form of a fairy tale

An example of such an understandable fairy tale for kids can be the Russian folk tale “Fox and Geese”. Of course, kids will not be able to participate in the production of fairy tales without the help of the teacher. And the task of the teacher will be to maximize the talents of each child. None of the children should sit or stand aside.

Fox fairy tale and geese
The fairy tale "Fox and geese"

The holiday will begin with the congratulations of all mothers from March 8. If the children themselves congratulate their mothers - this will be the best congratulation. For congratulations, children become facing mothers and every child calls the name of their mother. For example: "My mother's name is Tanya." After all mothers are named by the children in chorus pronounce the congratulations in verses.

Spring is knocking out the window
Winter! Go away!
I sing and dance
For my mommy.

  • The matinee in the form of a fairy tale will begin according to the teacher that she came to the meadow Fox And I saw grazing Geese
  • The teacher or one of the children can be in the role Foxes, and all the children Geese
  • Fox goes to the middle of the hall, waves his tail and says Geese: "Here I will eat you now!"
  • Geese They answer in chorus: "Do not eat us a fox, we will sing a song to you!"
Speech by kids in kindergarten
Speech by kids in kindergarten

Songs for the matinee in kindergarten for 8mart for the younger group

Children, especially small ones, think with images. And it is difficult for them to remember songs whose words, they do not understand. Therefore, songs for the smallest should be such that they have the maximum number of words that children know and use in colloquial speech. An example of such a song can be a cheerful and perky song “Two funny goose lived with the grandmother”, and we will choose it for the matinee.

Video: Song about geese

During the performance of this song, babies can show with hands how the geese were washed their paws or how they bowed to the grandmother. Another wonderful song about animals may be difficult to memorize, but children will be able to sing along, imitating the sounds that animals make.

Video: Song about animals

Poems for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the younger group

  • After Fox I listened to the song and praised Geese For a beautiful performance, she says that the song was good, but she was hungry and wants to eat Geese
  • For what Geese in chorus, they answer her: "Do not eat us fox, we will tell you poetry"

Poems can tell several babies, they should be very short and memorable. It will be easy for parents to learn short quatrains about mom or spring with children. Here are some of these verses:

Winter is over today,
I put toys in a bag.
I'll put on my jacket myself
I'm going to kindergarten and my mother.

If it is difficult for kids to remember quatrains can tell you very short verses of the duplicity:

My mother shines me like the sun,
The best Mom in the world!

Video: Small poems for children

  • After the kids told verses, Fox He says: “You told good poems, but you won’t be poems! I will eat you geese! "
  • Children answer: "Do not eat us a fox, we will make a riddle of you"

Riddles for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the younger group

Here are a few puzzles about the fox and geese:

  • Red tail, cunning eyes, rogue, call it ( Fox)
  • The birds went out into the meadows, shout "HA-ha" !!! Wings wave, pinch the grass, call this bird ( Goose)

You can make other riddles:

  • A cold candy on the street hangs, you can tear it off a piece. If you eat such a candy, mom will scold for it. ( Icicle)

Dancing for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the younger group

A dance to a fun song will undoubtedly cheer up both children and adults. Such a song can be song about dancing ducklings.

Video: Song about funny ducklings

Since kids will not yet be able to perform complex dance elements to the music, it is better to make this dance in the form of a round dance with stops and performing simple movements with arms and legs. Such dance elements can be clapping with your hands, tugging with your legs. You can decorate this dance with balloons or flowers that will be in the hands of children.

Video: Round dance in kindergarten

Scenes for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the younger group

A scene for such a matinee can be familiar to everyone song-groove about geese. Despite the apparent simplicity, this nursery rhyme will allow you to conduct a dialogue with children and will not let them get bored. For this scene, one of the kids can be a wolf that is hiding behind the mountain. The mountain can symbolize a chair with a dark bedspread on it. And the geese will run out of one end of the hall to another, bypassing the terrible wolf.

Video: Song-stoop about geese

Competitions for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the younger group

The competition at the festival on March 8 is easy to do, attracting the parents of the kids to it. Children and parents will be able to participate in this competition who want to demonstrate their ability to sing or dance with children. Such performances will need to prepare in advance, find backing tracks for songs or music for dance.

Beautiful duet - mom and daughter
Beautiful duet - mom and daughter
  • The performances should be short, one at one test, so that everyone can perform
  • Those mothers who do not see themselves in the role of artists can bake at home, also, together with children, cookies and treat all children and adults with this cookies
  • There may be small soft toys or sweets for participation in the competition
The main condition of the holiday is that the children are not bored on it
The main condition of the holiday is that the children are not bored on it

Games for the matinee in kindergarten for March 8 for the younger group

A game that will cheer at the end of the holiday both babies and adults can become player game. This is a game-improvisation, and this is its charm and humor. It looks as follows. Kids stand in the middle of the hall. In turn, one at a time they leave the crowd and demonstrate some gesture or grimace on the face, or they say a few words.

Movements and gestures can be absolutely any
Movements and gestures can be absolutely any

All other children are trying to repeat the baby shown. In the role of performers, you can attract all parents to this game. They can show children an example and explain the essence of the game with this example.

If the children laugh, then the holiday was a success
If the children laugh, then the holiday was a success

Sometimes it happens that the educators take on the role of leading, reciters, singers and dancers. You can argue with such a holiday, we can agree, but children should still feel at such a holiday not by the audience, but the main characters of this event.

Video: holiday 8 March in kindergarten

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