Leather jacket care: Basic rules. How to care for a leather jacket after rain and snow: tips and recommendations. Ways to smooth out folds on the skin: review and list of caring funds

Leather jacket care: Basic rules. How to care for a leather jacket after rain and snow: tips and recommendations. Ways to smooth out folds on the skin: review and list of caring funds

Instructions for leather jacket care.

A leather jacket is an excellent product that is very stylish and fashionable at any time of the year. When carrying out proper care of a leather jacket, you can carry it for a long time, preserving a new look.

Leather jacket care: Basic rules

There are many ways that help to care for leather clothes. In no case do not use products intended for leather shoes. Because outerwear is much softer. Such funds may simply not come up.

Several rules:

  • Before you go out in a new leather jacket, we recommend soaking it with a special remedy with a water -repellent emulsion. Thanks to this, the jacket will not get wet and will save its brilliance for a long time.
  • Please note that such funds are applied two to three times a week, if the weather is wet on the street, it is raining. If the street is dry, 2 times a month is enough.
  • Do not forget about caring funds. They give a beautiful glossy shine. Immediately before applying the product to the jacket, it is wiped with a soft, dry cloth. Further, caring products are applied and ground well until smooth.
  • Such means help to maintain a beautiful appearance for longer, which prevents spots.
  • The spots formed will be much easier to get out if you use water -repellent emulsions and caring products.
Leather Jacket
Leather Jacket

Folds, creases on a leather jacket: how to smooth out?


  • Usually leather clothes, even if it is wet, can simply be hung on a hanger, taking out heavy things, keys from your pockets.
  • In no case should you hang clothes near the sources of heating, because this can cause drying out, and excessive stiffness.
  • After the jacket dries, you can apply a caring emulsion. There are special species that give very beautiful gloss to leather things.
  • If the folds do not disappear after that, it is necessary to put the clothes on the ironing board, moisten the fabric and select the minimum mode on the iron.
  • Try to iron your jacket through wet fabric. Usually, when performing such manipulations, the skin is smoothed.
  • You can also smooth out a steam generator that can remove folds on leather clothes.
  • Please note that in the rainy season, as soon as you got into the rain, and dried your clothes, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer.
  • This will help to avoid the appearance of creases, folds, make the skin soft and shiny.
Leather Jacket
Leather Jacket

How to care for a leather jacket after rain and snow?

Please note that it is very harmful to thin skin products. Accordingly, a demi -season jacket made of thin leather should not be subjected to constant moisture. If you still get in the rain, you must properly care for your jacket.


  • First of all, it is worth removing the remaining moisture. To do this, take a large bath towel and put outer clothing on it. Cover with another towel, blur the product
  • After the jacket becomes relatively dry, it is necessary to pour into the sleeves rolled into rolls, soft towels
  • This is done so that the skin does not sat down during drying, and your jacket does not decrease
  • After performing such manipulations, the jacket must be hung on a hanger with soft shoulders
  • There is no need to hang a jacket in a wardrobe right away so that it does not acquire an unpleasant smell of dampness
  • Therefore, it is better to dry the jacket directly in the room or in a shady place
  • In no case should you hang leather products in the sun, because they can sit down, crack
  • After the jacket dries completely, process the lining with a special soft, moisturizing substance
  • Only after performing these manipulations, you can hang a jacket on a hanger in a wardrobe
Leather Jacket
Leather Jacket

Leather jacket care: preparation for storage, tips

Before hanging a jacket for the summer, in a closet, it is necessary to perform several simple care manipulations.


  • Lay the jacket on the table and wipe with a damp cloth in order to remove all the contaminants
  • After that, look at the condition of the jacket. If there are spots, try to withdraw them with a special stain for the skin
  • Further, a moisturizing lotion or means is processed
  • Only after that is a water -repellent coating is applied. Thus, the product will be fully protected
  • Further, it is necessary to hang the product on soft, wide shoulders, and put on a cover on top
  • In this position, the jacket can be stored until autumn. In no case should not be posted in a sunny place, as well as where it is very wet
  • The skin from such manipulations can deteriorate and lose its attractive appearance
Leather Jacket
Leather Jacket

Leather jacket care products: review and list of caring funds


  • Bone oil TRG Neatsfoot Oil
  • Restoring balm Saphir Medaille d’or Renovateur
  • Impregnation for combined leather saphir combi
  • Avel Savon Nettoyant leather soap
  • Cream for delicate types of leather Tarrago Premium Natural Cream

As you can see, it is not very difficult to care for a leather jacket. It is necessary to perform several simple manipulations and remove moisture in a timely manner, as well as apply a moisturizer.

Video: How to care for a leather jacket?

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