Reed sugar, brown and ordinary: what's the difference between them? The history of the appearance of reed and beetroot sugar and the subtleties of their production

Reed sugar, brown and ordinary: what's the difference between them? The history of the appearance of reed and beetroot sugar and the subtleties of their production

Differences and similarities between reed sugar and ordinary.

Sugar is a well -known product that is used in the manufacture of confectionery. Now on the shelves you can find a huge amount of such a product. It can be in the form of a refinade, brown and even in sticks. In this article we will tell you how reed sugar differs from ordinary white.

The history of the emergence and subtleties of the production of reed and beetroot sugar

The composition of these two products in the advantage of sucrose is located, therefore, in general, the substances are very similar in composition and properties, but there are still some differences. Now a large amount of sugar, which is on store shelves, is made of sugarcane, which is not grown in our country and is not produced. For the first time, Columbus brought sugarcane to the island of Haiti, later it began to spread in the USA and other regions.

The reed sugar began to be made a long time ago, and it was at the very beginning that it was considered a sign of high prosperity people. Not everyone could afford it. After a while, he became widespread. The beetroot sugar was learned much later, around the 19th century, when the reed product was already made everywhere.

Beetroot sugar
Beetroot sugar

Now the plantations are specially equipped for growing this plant. In order to manufacture sugar, a peculiar semi -finished product is brought to factories. These are reed stems cut into several parts. Further, with the help of special, large, industrial juicers, the juice is extracted and amenable to multiple evaporation. As a result of this procedure, brownish substance is obtained.

Sugar acquires this shade thanks to the molasses. That is, the enzyme that remains after the evaporation of other substances. Thanks to this, sugar has useful properties and has a pleasant aroma. That is why brown sugar is often used during the preparation of homemade baking, because this allows you to give a unique color and smell ready -made goodies. In turn, sugar can be produced from beets.

For the first time, this process was described by a French scientist, then production spread to European regions, where a large amount of sugar beets is growing. Now on store shelves you can also find a large number of this product.

Cane sugar
Cane sugar

Reed sugar and ordinary: what's the difference?

Many do not even write that sugar is made of beets or reed, because the refined product is completely cleaned, is not much different in composition. What is made of sugar, which was subjected to maximum cleaning, can be found exclusively in laboratory conditions. Because it is practically no different in taste and smell.

It is worth noting that for some CIS countries, really manufacturing sugar from beets is a cheaper option, because there is no need to purchase reeds and process it. It is much easier to do this from your own beets, which grows in large quantities in the fields and is very inexpensive.


Differences and similarities:

  • In Soviet times, on the shelves of stores, one could find both white sugar and brown. The most interesting thing is that such a product was much cheaper and was considered a low -quality substance, because it possessed a pronounced Buryak aroma and an unusual taste. But at the same time contained more nutrients that are characteristic of beetroot juice.
  • Now they practically do not produce such a product, because the factories in the factory of modern equipment that allows you to produce the most clean refined product that does not contain any impurities and residues of beetroot juice.
  • If you compare refined products, then there will be no difference. Absolutely do not differ in any way in color or odor and 99% consist of sucrose. Therefore, only researchers can determine the difference. But as for the matter of the source products, the difference is very noticeable.
  • The fact is that reed sugar, when it is unrefined, is distinguished by a pleasant brown color, thanks to the molasses. It contains a huge amount of nutrients, as well as trace elements. Thanks to this, sugar is considered very useful. It is much more useful than refined products.
  • As for the beet sugar, the situation is absolutely opposite. Beetroot sugar that has not been completely processed has a very unpleasant aroma and taste. That is, in this form it cannot be sent to the counter, unlike reed.
The product in cubes
The product in cubes

Brown sugar and ordinary: similarities and differences

  • Now in proper food stores you can find reed, uncleaned sugar, with brown patholes. Moreover, the price for it is three times more than for a regular product that is located on the shelves, that is, for beet sugar.
  • As for the price, it is worth noting that brown sugar made of reed is quite expensive due to the presence of molasses and beneficial properties. The glass sugar, which is not subjected to cleaning, is not suitable for eating. It is quite difficult to use to sweeten tea and coffee, there is an unpleasant odor and taste.
  • Although in fact, a much more product is obtained from a tons of raw materials of reed wood than from beets. Therefore, such a high price for brown sugar is due only to fashion and a tribute to a healthy diet.
  • The product is not dietary, because it is highly calorie. Its energy value is approximately 413 kilocalories per 100 g. Therefore, in no case can this product be used in huge quantities.
  • But if you have a choice about which sugar to sweeten tea or coffee, select the unpeeled reed. Because it has a pleasant taste and much more benefit.

Choose a product that you can afford. If you have difficulties with money, purchase ordinary refined, beetroot sugar, which taste no different from refined reed. If possible, purchase uncleaned brown sugar.

Video: differences of refined and brown sugar

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  1. As I understand it, in fact there is no difference. The same high glycemic index and a high content of carbohydrates. Therefore, I try not to eat sugar at all .... Yes, there is no traction, because the blood sugar is stable. Olijim tablets help in this.

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