The top 10 long-livers and the secrets of their longevity: Walter Bruning, Venus Pizzinato-Papo, Gertrude Baines, Bernis Madigan, Suzanne Jones, Maria Esther de Kapoville, Emma Moso, Misao Okawa, Violet Braun, Jeanne Kalman

The top 10 long-livers and the secrets of their longevity: Walter Bruning, Venus Pizzinato-Papo, Gertrude Baines, Bernis Madigan, Suzanne Jones, Maria Esther de Kapoville, Emma Moso, Misao Okawa, Violet Braun, Jeanne Kalman

Find out in an article about 10 long -livers of our planet and about the secrets of their longevity.

TOP-10 long-livers and the secrets of their longevity

With each century, the number of long -livers increases. This indicates an improvement in the level of medicine. However, not in all countries people live for a long time. It is known that the longest people live in Japan. The inhabitants of this country mainly live up to a century, even longer. Sometimes you can hear what Japan is called "immortals land."

In second place in terms of life expectancy Switzerland. Closes the three leaders Spain. Then go France, Australia, Singapore. The CIS countries, unfortunately, cannot achieve this level.

Important: the average life expectancy in Russia is 72 years. Men live on average 68 years, and women a little longer - 77 years old

What is the secret of longevity? Stories are known when people who drank alcoholic beverages and smoked tobacco lived for a long time, and the leading healthy lifestyle left this world without being elderly. Conversely, some live a long life, thanks to sports and a healthy lifestyle.

There is no universal secret, each long -liver has his own. We suggest learning about the 10 oldest long -livers of the planet and their secrets of longevity.

TOP-10 of the oldest people of the planet:

  • Walter Bruning, 114 years old;
  • Venus Pizzinato-Papo, 114 years old;
  • Gertrude Baines, 115 years old;
  • Bernis Madigan, 115 years old;
  • Suzanne Jones, 116 years old;
  • Maria Esther de Capovilia, 117 years old;
  • Emma Morano, 117 years old
  • Misao Okava, 117 years old;
  • Violet Brown, 117 years old;
  • Zhanna Kalman, 122 years old.

All these long -livers lived a record long life. We will find out how they lived and what they did in order to live for a long time.

Video: the oldest people planets

Long -livers of the planet and their secrets of longevity: Walter Bruning

Walter Bruning Born in 1896 in the USA, Minnesota. His family was very poor, they lived without electricity, water supply and sewage. In the family, besides Walter, there were 4 more children. Walter Bruning recalled that he had to go to school in terrible frosts. And at home, to wash, I had to warm the water on a wood stove.

Family living conditions were Spartan. After some time, parents divorced. Walter Bruning had to go to work early, at the age of 14 he was already forced to work as a tin. At 17, he began working at the railway station. Walter Bruning worked all his work as a railway worker.

At 26 years old Walter Bruning married. They lived with their wife for 35 years, but the couple did not have children. When the wife died, Bruning did not marry a second time. In an interview, he once said that the second marriage is not real.

At the age of 80, Bruning settled in the nursing home. He led an active life, was a member of the local club. For his age, the man looked good and was in good physical shape, had a clear memory and mind. At 111, he was forced to start using the hearing aid.

Walter Bruning attracted his attention after he became a long -liver, at 100 years old. He began to show him in television programs.

Important: Bruning said to questions about the secrets of his longevity that you need to keep your mind and body in good shape. The man believed that only this helps people to stay alive longer.

In the family of Walter Bruning were long -livers. Some of his relatives lived up to 90 and even up to a hundred years, but Walder overtook all his relatives. The man died in 2011.

Walter Bruning advised to follow his body and keep the mind in good shape

Long-livers of the planet and their secrets of longevity: Venus Pizzinato-Papo

Venus Pizzinato-Papo, Born in 1896 in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, on the territory of modern Italy.

As a child, Venus several times changed their place of residence with her parents. The First World War forced Venus to move to Milan. There she met her future husband. With the outbreak of World War II, the couple were forced to move to Nice, fleeing the Nazi regime.

After the war ended, the couple returned to Italy. However, there they changed their place of residence several times, then finally settled in Verona. The spouses did not have children. In 1981, the husband of Venus Pizzinato-Papo died, the long-lived then was 85 years old, and she did not think that she would live for so long.

Important: little is known about Venus Pizzinato-Papo. She died at the age of 114, not having lived only 108 days before her 115th anniversary. The president of Italy visited Venus Pizzinato-Papo in honor of her 114th birthday.

Venus Pizzinato-Papo changed their place of residence many times

Long -livers of the planet and their secrets of longevity: Gertrude Baines

Long -liver Gertrude Baines Born in 1894 in the state of Georgia. She was the daughter of liberated slaves.

The only daughter of Gertrude Baines left the world early, died at the age of 18 from typhoid. Gertrude worked as maintenance personnel. Until 105 years, a woman lived at her home. But then she was forced to settle in the nursing home.

At the age of 115, Gertrude Beins died in a hospital from complications after a heart attack.

Important: revealing the secrets of her longevity, the old woman said that only God knows this.

She said that she just cares about herself, makes as God ordered her.

Gertrude Baines considered her duty to take care of herself his duty

Long -livers of the planet and their secrets of longevity: Bernis Madigan

Bernis Madigan, in the girlishness of Emerson, was born in the USA in 1899. Bernis had a brother and sister whom she experienced.

With her husband, the long -liver lived for 50 years. She received a good education and worked in state authorities. Bernis Madigan was fond of politics, she was a republican. Ronald Reagan was favorite President Medigan.

Bernis Madigan attracted attention when she survived the 100-year line.

Important: on the occasion of its 110th anniversary, an interview with a long-liver was published in one of the famous newspapers. Bernis Madigan said she never took any medicines and vitamins.

Madigan died at the age of 115. Her death was calm and overtook a long -liver in a dream.

Bernis Madigan never drank pills and was fond of politics

Long -livers of the planet and their secrets of longevity: Suzanne Jones

Suzanne Jones Born in 1899 in Alabama. She was one of 11 children in a large family of African Americans. In search of a better life, Suzanne at the age of 24 moved to New York, where she began to work as a nanny.

She collected money and was able to transport all her family to New York. She always helped her family financially. Suzanne Jones got married, but soon divorced. She had no children, but there were many nephews. It is known that the woman had 100 nephews and nephews.

Suzanne Jones paid for the study of six of her nephews and helped them get an education. In the family, Suzanne was called "Miss Susie."

Important: Suzanne Jones I never drank alcohol and did not smoke. Perhaps this is what helped her become a long -liver.

After retirement, Jones led an active lifestyle. She spent the last 28 years of her life in the nursing home.

In 101, she was blinded, she began to hear poorly, moved in a wheelchair. But in general, according to her, she did not feel bad.

Suzanne Jones was a hard worker and led a healthy lifestyle

Long -livers of the planet and their secrets of longevity: Maria Esther de Kapovilya

Maria Esther de Kapovilia Born in 1889 in Ecuador. Her family was noble and wealthy, her father was a colonel.

Important: Maria was engaged in art, did not smoke and did not drink strong alcoholic beverages.

At 28, Maria became the wife of the widower Antonio Kapoville, who was her only husband. Maria's family was very large. In addition to 5 children, the woman had 12 grandchildren, 20 great -grandchildren and 2 great -great -grandchildren.

When Maria Esther de Kapovilia It was 100 years old, she almost died. The woman performed the rite of participles, but death bypassed her. After this event, she lived for almost 17 years.

The long -liver did not live only 17 days until 117th birthday. In December, the woman felt great: she moved without a wand, watched TV, read the press. But by March, her condition worsened sharply, she could no longer walk, stopped reading newspapers and did not talk.

In August, the long -liver died. The cause of death was pneumonia.

Maria Esther de Capovilia was engaged in art, had a big family and led a healthy lifestyle

Long -livers of the planet and their secrets of longevity: Emma Morano

Emma Morano She was an Italian. She was born in 1899, and died in 2015. Emma Morano was the eldest daughter in the family, where there were 8 children.

In the family of Emma, \u200b\u200bmany were long -livers. For example, her own sister died at the age of 102, mother and aunt, her brothers and sisters lived for more than 90 years. Therefore, one can consider longevity hereditary in this family.

Emma Morano She got married, gave birth to a child. By great misfortune, the child died, being a baby. The marriage of the woman was unhappy. She did not divide officially with her husband, but in fact she did not live with him.

In 2011, she was awarded the highest Order of Italy "For Merit to the Italian Republic."

Important: Emma Morano considered her loneliness and diet, which consisted of raw eggs.

Emma Morano with her portrait

Long -livers of the planet and their secrets of longevity: Misao Okava

Japanese long -liver Misao Okava Born in 1898. Her father traded manufactory. At 21, Misao married, she had 3 children. At 110, the old woman sat in a wheelchair and since then moved on it.

Important: in her opinion, there was a dream and a lot of land.

It is known that the Japanese eat a lot of fish, octopus, seaweed, soy tofu's soy cheese. These products reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and serve to prevent many types of cancer.

The woman died at 117. The cause of death was heart failure. The nursing home was the last refuge for the old woman.

Misao Okava in childhood (right)
Misao Okava in old age

Long -livers of the planet and their secrets of longevity: Violet Brown

Yamaisky long -liver - Violet Brown. She was born in 1900, and died in the 21st century in 2017. The woman lived full 117 years and another 248 days.

Violet’s mother also lived for a long time, she died at 96 years old. In total, Violet's parents had 4 children, but only one Weylet was able to cross a 100-year line.

Violet in marriage with her husband gave birth to four children. Her son fell into the record holders as the oldest person who has one of his parents still alive. He did not live 3 years before the centenary. Mother and son were very close, they lived together. The son of Violet considered her a very caring mother and claimed that he was alive for so long only because she cares about him.

Violet Brown became the second person from the Negroid race, who was able to survive until 117 years old. Her predecessor was Lucy Hannah.

Important: Violet Brown believed that there was no secret of longevity.

But she adhered to some principles:

  • Refused to use chicken and pork;
  • I did not drink alcoholic beverages.
Violet Brown had no secrets of longevity, but just lived

Long -livers of the planet and their secrets of longevity: Jeanne Kalman

The permanent record holder of long -lived for many years is Jeanne Kalman, a native of France. The year of her birth - 1875. The super -long -lived lived a lot - as many as 122 years old.

No one lived as long as Madame Kalman. Zhanna Kalman was born in the town of Arle. She lived all her life in this city. Married at the age of 21. The woman never worked. Her family was never in poverty. The only daughter of Jeanne Ivonn died at a young age. The cause of death is pneumonia.

Later, the husband of Jeanne Kalman died. The old woman lived with her son -in -law and grandson. However, they also died, the grandson died young. Since that time, Jeanne has been left alone. At an advanced age, she was forced to settle in a nursing home.

The old woman was until the very old age in a clear mind, with a good memory and a vigorous mood. She loved to joke. She said that God forgot about her. She also said that she feels like a girl, but for the past 70 years it just looks bad.

Jeanne Kalman in his youth and old age

France President Jacques Shirak called her grandmother all the French.

Important: Jeanne Kalman was not a love of a healthy lifestyle. She smoked until 117 years old, loved to drink a glass of red good wine, and also ate a lot of chocolate.

But at the same time, until the respectable age, the long -liver went on a bicycle and was engaged in fencing. She was an optimist in life, perhaps this also lies part of the secret of longevity. Some relatives Jeanne Kalman They were long -lived, but Jeanne survived all people not only in her family, but even on the whole planet. By the end of her life, the old woman stopped hearing and blinded, died for natural reasons in 1997 in the nursing home.

Despite the documented age of Jeanne Kalman, some scientists question her age. They believe that Jeanne died much earlier in fact. But who pretended to be Jeanne, in their opinion? The answer to this question, you will find in the video below. This story, apparently, is not yet over.

Many of the centenarians, probably, did not even think that they could live such a long life. However, they succeeded. It is impossible to solve the secret of longevity, it simply is not. Everyone lives according to their own principles and rules. It is difficult to say whether such longevity is happiness. After all, a person has to survive all his loved ones, see the death of his second halves, children, friends and relatives. Write your opinion on this subject in the comments.

Video: The Secret of Jeanne Kalman

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Comments K. article

  1. I think that indeed, Jeanne Louise Kalman lived 122 years, and in her last photographs she does not look 90-year-old. And why do two Russian scientists question 122-year-old age, and not 117-year-old .... Passes of other centenarians ???

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