“So on”: Do you need a comma after a phrase?

“So on”: Do you need a comma after a phrase?

In this topic, we will study the issue of punctuation of the phrase “so on”.

Sometimes even the simplest compounds can be confused in the punctuation of the Russian language. In this case, the intervention of foreign expressions, the emergence of new words is possible, and the most banal rules are forgotten. Therefore, in this article we will consider the stable expression “so on” so as not to make a mistake with its punctuation.

Do you need a comma after or in front of the phrase “so on”?

Important: by the way, in literary speech, an abbreviated form of etc. is more often used, which is completely replaced by T.P. (the like).

We will study the situation when “so on” is at the end of the proposal. If the combination continues the list of proposals, without a repetition of unions, a comma is not needed.


  • I thought that I would grow up, I would begin to live according to my rules, drive in expensive cars, travel around the world, not to deny myself anything and so on.
  • Phonya performed in the circus, mixed the children, gave joy, smile, minute fun, and so on.
  • About competition, standardization, information and so on.
  • On the first Sunday, they light one candle, in the second - the second and so on.

Sometimes confusion occurs when the use of the “and” union is underway in the list of words. Therefore, we recall the school course, or rather 13 paragraph, paragraph 10 of the “punctuation director”, D.E. Rosenthal. Remember - a comma in front of the “so on”, even if there is a repetition of the particle “and” is not put!


There is one more point that also requires clarification - this is the design "so on and the like." We turn to the same paragraph, but 4 points. This expression can be replaced "and this way and this." Remember - This is a stable expression, so in its middle a comma is not needed. It is used to continue and enhance the significance of the list.


  • She began to take out pencils, notes, candy wrappers, spare keys, comb, brilliance and so on and so on and so forth from her handbag.
  • At the exhibition, sketches, sketches, modeling elements, paintings, applications, etc. were assigned. and so on.
  • You need to pay for utilities, hand over children to school funds, buy the younger sneakers and so on and so on.

But there are exceptions - this is the previous turn. If the “so on” is faced with the involved turnover, then it should be isolated with commas.


  • They collected calculations for a month, rejected receipts, tablets of employees who have worked for a month, and so on.
  • She tore off the fragrant lilac, wild leather, jasmine, wildflowers that managed to open, and so on.

When “So on” is at the beginning of the proposal - in this case, the comma is not put after this combination.Since it continues, or rather begins the speech itself. Remember - this is not an introductory design! And for verification you can replace the semantic load of such words as "Further", "then."


  • So forth cannot continue!
  • So forth, to lie was already unbearable.
  • And so on increasing.

As you can see, “so on” to a greater extent does not require separate isolation. This applies only to exceptional cases and the author’s arrangement, when a semantic load on the offer is required.

Video: Author's arrangement of a comma

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