Strange superstitions from around the world

Strange superstitions from around the world

In the article: a guide for superstitions of different countries.
While you read this review, someone knocks on a tree or shouts loudly "White Rabbit!" What for? To protect yourself from troubles and attract good luck. Even if you do not believe in signs, getting to know the superstitions of different countries will help to avoid unpleasant situations while traveling.

Superstitions common in European countries

Superstition widespread in the UK
Superstition widespread in the UK
  • In the theaters of the UK, they avoid pronouncing the word "Macbeth". The consequences can be the most sad: death will overtake one of the actors.
  • If the Englishman saw one forty, then he will fail. But a couple of forty will definitely attract happiness, as well as a bush of white heather, found on the wasteland. Very superstitious Irish believe that the magpie, sitting on the threshold of the house, prophesies death.
  • In England, it is also considered a bad sign to rename a boat or ship.
  • If the Irish girl washes dishes and splashes a lot of water around her, then she will get a drunkard into her husband. The same belief exists in some regions of Eastern Europe.
  • Another very common Irish superstition: if you stood up, and the chair on which you were sitting fell - to be trouble.
  • Casting a toast, the Spaniards always look into each other's eyes.
  • The Spanish housewives move to the new house with a new broom, so as not to transport old troubles with them.
  • Portuguese are afraid to go backwards, as this attracts evil spirits. But if you need to urgently defend yourself from the evil eye, local natives twist the “fig” of three fingers. Familiar protection, isn't it?
  • Italians are considered to be a bad sign to pour olive oil or put an inverted bread on the table. But see the spider at night - to money. In addition, not a single Italian self-respecting will marry or start a new business on Tuesday or Friday, especially on Friday of the 17th (yes, exactly the 17th!).
  • In the Dutch, scattered sugar warns of the arrival of uninvited guests.
  • The Germans do not dare to go between the two elderly Frau. Such a company can frighten off luck. In addition, a very bad sign is considered to raise a glass filled with water during toast. This indicates your very bad intentions.
  • Croats avoid eating chicken or rabbit during the New Year's feast so as not to scare luck. And the Romanians to attract this very luck are sure to dress something new and red on New Year's Eve.

Superstitions widespread in Asia and East countries

Superstition common in China
Superstition common in China

The East is a thin matter, and if it comes to superstitions, then uncompromising.

  • In Turkey, it is believed that a person who lives at night looking at the chewing gum at the dark turns into zombies.
  • In India, it is not customary to give a round amount ending on “0”. It is better to add 1 rupee from above “for good luck”.
  • Residents of Nepal do not buy new clothes on Monday.
  • The Chinese are afraid of the numbers "4", and the number "250" is associated with their insult. It is also considered a bad sign to bring a pear as a gift or leave sticks for meals in a plate with rice.
  • In Korea, it is not customary to treat the second half with chicken wings in order to avoid betrayal.
  • The Japanese avoid taking pictures of the three. There is an opinion that a person who stands in the middle will wait for huge troubles.

Superstition from Australia

  • Residents of Australia believe that having killed a spider, they can cause rain. And the number "87" is considered fatal in the Australian cry.
  • In addition, do not open an umbrella in the room. According to the Australians, this fails. For a long time, happiness and a meeting with a squinting person are frightened.
  • A bad sign is considered to put a box with new shoes on the table.
  • And the most interesting thing: do not cut your nails on the day of the week in the name of which there is the letter "R".

Superstitions common in Africa countries

  • The Egyptians throw a pinch of salt over the shoulder if they are going to cook something grandiose. Good luck with a local resident may scare a meeting with a rat or owl. In addition, a bad sign is considered to be open scissors that you do not cut anything. Sandals that fell up soles promise nothing good.
  • In Nigeria, they believe that it is impossible to cross the child lying on the ground, otherwise he will not grow. The same superstition can be found in Eastern Europe.
  • In Ghana, men do not do women's laundry, so as not to become stupid.

In addition, the inhabitants of the sultry continent believe that the palms are itching for money, and the feet - to the journey.

Superstitions widespread in the countries of North and South America

Superstition widespread in the United States
Superstition widespread in the United States
  • In Chile, they believe that exceptionally successful people accidentally step on a dog pile. And the Americans rejoice in bird litter on clothes. However, in Russia there is the same superstition of relatively bird's “greetings”.
  • If you think that in the real world there is no one who cannot be called by name, you are mistaken. In Argentina, the name of the former president Carlos Menem is not pronounced aloud.
  • Residents of Brazil believe that green grasshoppers are able to bring a lot of good luck. At the same time, the brave Brazilians avoid stepping on the tail of cats of all stripes. The luck of such mockery of cats does not forgive.
  • In some regions, the United States believe that the acorns left on the windowsill can attract lightning. The cowboys are sure that the cows fall to the rain.
  • Many Americans see a bad sign in a swinging empty rocking chair.
  • In some states, the United States recommend holding their breath, passing by the cemeteries. Otherwise, you can accidentally inhale the spirit of the deceased.
  • Residents of the Hawaiian islands avoid meetings with black butterflies. They believe that this is an earthly guise of spirits.

All that read above was just a small part of the great world of superstitions. When going on a trip, read not only with the laws of the country of interest to you, but also with signs and superstitions. After all, they are an important part of the culture.

Video: Fantastic stories. Signs and superstitions

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