Spray, ointment, cream, foam from sunburn Panthenol: composition, contraindications, instructions for adults and children, reviews. How does Panthenol work with sun burns and boiling water, how much do you need to keep a panthenol on a burn?

Spray, ointment, cream, foam from sunburn Panthenol: composition, contraindications, instructions for adults and children, reviews. How does Panthenol work with sun burns and boiling water, how much do you need to keep a panthenol on a burn?

The article will tell you in detail about how to use the drug Panthenol to treat skin damage.

How does Panthenol work with sun burns and boiling water?

Panthenol is a well -known therapeutic and preventive drug around the world, which is often used to heal weak and severe skin damage: cracks (lips, nipples, heels, elbows and other parts of the body), wounds (in any part of the body), sores ( On the mucous membranes and body), diaper rash (adults and childish), dermatitis (as well as any other irritations), slowsmen.

Most often, different types of burns are healed with panthenol:

  • Chemical (those that a person receives by getting on the skin of various chemicals).
  • Sunny (as a result of exposure to the skin of a large amount of ultraviolet rays).
  • Electric (those that a person receives as a result of exposure to the skin of high voltage).
  • Thermal (those that a person receives in bodily contact with high temperatures: hot objects, boiling water, steam, etc.).

Important: the drug has excellent healing properties, and its biggest advantage is not to leave scars.

You should know that the use of this drug is limited. The amount and frequency of applying the drug depends on how much and deeply you damaged the skin. If a burn of more than the second degree, then the drug may not be effective.

Important: the burns of the first two degrees most often people receive in everyday life: in the kitchen, when working with fire, when repairing cars, when breeding a fire, when burning under the rays of ultraviolet radiation.

Panthenol is used externally. There are several forms of the drug and in case of damage, any of the forms is effective. However, it should be noted that the spray is more convenient to use. It can be easily applied to the burn without touching the skin without causing pain.

The effectiveness of the drug is ensured dexpanthenol. This substance, absorbed into the surface of the tissues, is converted into another active component - “pantotenic acid”, stimulating the restoration of the integument. In addition to healing, panthenol has a powerful antiseptic property (i.e., reduces inflammation).

Excipients of the drug:

  • Petrolatum
  • Liquid paraffin
  • Lanolin

Important: all three components soften the skin and heal wounds of any nature.

Panthenol - healing

Spray, ointment, cream, foam from sunburn Panthenol: composition, contraindications

The ointment is the most “fat” form of all panthenol preparations, it contains the most auxiliary components (vaseline, lanolin, paraffin). The ointment maximally softens the skin and effectively use it to treat small local skin damage (boiling water, ultraviolet, hot surface).

Panthenol cream - the drug contains 50 mg of active substance per 1 mg. The cream is more “light” than the ointment in its texture. The cream is characterized by a deeper and light penetration into the skin and the fact that after it there is no fat film (as from an ointment). The cream is conveniently applied to the skin with sunburn.

Important: ointment and cream are usually applied with a thin layer, without rubbing in a sore spot. The product is used every 3-4 hours, but it depends on the severity of skin damage. It should not be applied to the place treated with panthenol. The use of panthenol for the treatment of skin damage is most often limited to 2.3 or 4 days.

Spray Panthenol - the drug contains 4.6 mg of active substance per 100 mg. The spray should be applied at a distance from the damaged place, spraying the substance for a few seconds. The spray differs in that a small cooling agent is able to.

The spray should be applied until the foam appears in the place of burn and thin film (it does not allow the skin to lose liquid). Apply a spray (foam) several times a day. The effectiveness of the drug is most strong in the first hours after skin damage. The drug is perfectly tolerated and an allergic reaction to it occurs very rarely.

Different forms of the drug "Panthenol"

Panthenol Spray: Instructions for use after burns

In addition to the active substance, the drug contains a number of additional components that help to penetrate dexpanthenolas deep as possible in the fabric:

  • Ethanol - disinfects the damaged place
  • Mineral oil - It serves as a kind of lubricant on the surface of the skin.
  • Wax - Creates a thin film on the skin, which does not allow moisture.
  • Purified water - It nourishes drained skin, necessary to create the necessary consistency of the drug.
  • On -product acid -it has a disinfectant property.

The Panthenol spray is used to treat skin damage:

  • Different burns (strong, weak, domestic, chemical, from the sun).
  • Scratches
  • Abrasions after falling
  • Diaper rash in children
  • Children's dermatitis (diaper)
  • Nipples of nipples for nursing mothers
  • Weathing
  • Frostbite
  • Ulcers
  • Praise

The spray should be used locally and apply it with a thin layer. Apply a panthenol spray to a damaged place from 1 to 4 times a day, depending on the size of the damage. Before you apply panthenol, you should use any other antiseptic.

Panthenol should be used in the first minutes after damage. It is important to know that the cylinder must be kept vertically. So the aerosol will be able to form a foam. Shake actively the cylinder before use.

Never spray the product before open fire and hot objects. Remember that the cylinder is always under pressure. When spraying, evenly distribute the product over the entire surface. Panthenol is not advisable to use too often and take breaks so that the skin can “wean” from the drug.

Important: Panthenol is always tolerated well and only in some cases can cause side effects. In case of use of panthenol, there is no need to use some additional external funds.

Spray Panthenol

Panthenol ointment: instructions for use for burns

The substance "Dexpanthenol" contains B vitamins, which, absorbed into the skin, have a healing effect. The ointment has an antiseptic effect, eliminates inflammation, restores the skin, nourishes it, protects it and makes it soft.

In what cases are the ointment use:

  • Chemical burns
  • Sun burns
  • Mechanical abrasions and scratches
  • Skin damage after surgery
  • Cracks on the skin
  • Rashes on the skin
  • Herpes
  • Ulcers
  • Overdried skin
  • Insect bites
  • Boils
  • Cervical erosion

How to use:

  • Apply the product to the skin immediately after damage, as well as 2-3 times during the day.
  • Before applying the ointment, rinse the wound (if it is an abrasion) and dry.
  • Panthenol ointment can be applied with a thick layer (this will improve healing and will rather restore the skin).

Important: many believe that the ointment of panthenol is harmful due to the high content of hormones, but this opinion is erroneous. The healing effect of the product is provided by a high content of vitamins V.

Ointment Panthenol

Panthenol cream, foam: instructions for use for burns

Like the ointment, the cream contains a high concentration of group B vitamins touching the skin, the active substance of the drug is instantly converted into panthenic acid, which is actively involved in all skin regeneration processes.

When the panthenol cream is effective:

  • Mechanical skin damage
  • Drying of the skin, peeling and cross
  • Abscesses
  • Any burns
  • Trophic ulcers
  • The seams of the operation field
  • Shortness (dermatitis)

Panthenol cream is a unique therapeutic agent. The cream is able to moisturize the skin without leaving a fat film. It is convenient to use cream by applying the product to the skin of the face, for example. The drug is often used in cosmetology to relieve inflammatory process.

Panthenol Cream

Panthenol Children's cream "My Sun": Instructions for use for burns

Children's cream with Panthenol "My Sun" is a soft healing agent allowed for use on children's skin. It is effectively used for children with diaper dermatitis (diaper rash from diapers and in the folds of the skin in full children). In addition, a powerful moisturizing effect effectively moisturizes the skin, eliminating dryness, peeling, irritation, and microcracks.

Children's cream with panthenol

How much do you need to keep a panthenol on a burn?

In the case of a burn, the product is immediately applied to the skin. Keep the drug on a burn for up to 1.5-2 hours. By this time, the skin is covered with thin oily film. After 1.5-2 hours, panthenol from the skin can be washed off. If it causes inconvenience, this can be done earlier.

Panthenol Spray for 2 degree burns

In the case of a 2 -degree burn, the panthenol spray is most effective. If the wound is not dirty, immediately shake the balcony and spray foam to the burn over the entire area of \u200b\u200bdamage. You should not wash off the foam, keep it as long as possible. After 1.5-2 hours, upgrade the layer of the product.

Panthenol burns remedy - how to replace: analogues

If the cost of panthenol does not suit you at its high price, you can purchase analogs of the drug:

  • Spray "Panthenol Vial"
  • "Pantenol" (production of Germany)
  • Pantoderm
  • Dexpanthenol
  • "Bepantel"
  • "Panthenol-Teva"

Which is better: Panthenol or Bepanten from sunburn

Panthenol is a drug designed to restore and treat skin damaged by sunny, thermal and chemical burns. In turn, Bepanten is a tool designed to heal the skin and exert an anti -inflammatory effect. Panthenol is in several forms, while Bepanten is only in the form of a cream.

Which panthenol is better for sunburn?

With sunburn, it is best to use a panthenol cream that has a large number of “moisturizing” auxiliary components: paraffin, petroleum jelly, creating a fat film on the surface. This film does not allow leather moisture evaporates. In addition, the cream is absorbed better than all other forms, which means it is more effective.

Spray, ointment, cream, foam from sunburn Panthenol: reviews

Arina:“There is always Panthenol in our first -aid kit: in case of a burn in the kitchen, an unsuccessful tan or other domestic injuries. Panthenol is the best healing agent for all case! ”

Darina: “The husband works with metal and burns happen from time to time. Panthenol helps eliminate unpleasant pain in case of skin damage and restore it as quickly as possible! ”

Alexei:“I sit confident: Panthenol is the salvation of the skin! The product really helps, does not dry, moisturizes, disinfects and delays wounds. I use a spray and cream. ”

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Comments K. article

  1. In addition to the listed, ointment Radevit helps from sunburn very well. I checked its effectiveness on myself and on children, although I try to be in the sun not for long.

  2. Grandmother's remedy for the consequences of the rampant tan - sour cream))) Radovite removes dryness well, I know that. It somehow did not occur to him to be applied to the charred skin.

  3. Larisa, but we, too, used to smeared sour cream or kefir. And then also the juice of aloe helps. But this is all home remedies! And if in the resort, in a foreign city? It’s easy to take with them in the tube of Radevita - for a reason.

  4. Such sprays are good from burns and with diaper rash in children. After all, dexpanthenol in the composition heals the skin and at the same time also has anti -inflammatory properties. I take the panthenolsprey, the original, from which all the pantenols went. There are few differences, but I determine the emoticon on the package (next to the name). I gave birth recently and did not buy ointments, I use it with redness: there is no fat film under which bacteria can multiply and it is absorbed well.

  5. I really like Panthenol in the form of a spray. It is convenient to apply it, and it is applied without contact with the skin, that is, it does not injure additional burned skin. It is absorbed well and quickly, significantly accelerates the healing in general. A great spray, I buy in a bottle with a painted emoticon, this is a distinctive sign of a real panthenol. The stove was burned recently and quite strongly, but everything has already healed.

  6. I also buy only an original spray with a smile and a sign is produced in Europe. And I try not to forget him on vacation, since my spouse and I cannot sunbathe without fanaticism, the matter always ends with sunburn, and so I apply the pantenolsprey and thanks to the Dexpanthenol in the composition the skin is restored.

  7. Correctly above, they say about the original panthenolsprey with smile and a sign made in Europe. I also prefer to take exactly this therapeutic spray and use it when processing diaper rash in a child.

  8. I also use Panthenol cream 9% for sunburn, I only buy Librederm brands, helps to quickly restore the skin, soothe and removes redness.

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