Dream Interpretation of the snake: Interpretation of dreams about snakes. What is the dream of a snake in a dream, a lot of snakes, what kind of event that snakes portend in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the snake: Interpretation of dreams about snakes. What is the dream of a snake in a dream, a lot of snakes, what kind of event that snakes portend in a dream?

Why is the snake dreaming? What does this symbol mean? Interpretation of sleep.

Snake is one of the most powerful and significant images in various cultures. It is enough to recall the biblical snake-abstract, the ancient Greek Medusa Gorgon or the Scandinavian dragons who lived in the caves.

In all these cases, the image of the snake has negative colors, but not everything is so clear. In dream books, the attack of snakes often means a struggle with oneself and does not portend any trouble.

Confirmation of this can be found in Vedic culture, where the snake symbolizes the laws of nature, fertility and power of the Earth. For epic heroes, depending on the situation, snakes became not only enemies, but also assistants. Therefore, if you had a dream with snakes, do not be scared.

What does it mean to kill snakes in a dream: dream book dead snakes

The victory over the snake denotes the victory over nature and its own instincts. Such a dream can foresee the end of a long illness, establishing relations in the family or promotion, if the cause of previous failures was insufficient self -control. For people who want to get rid of any addiction, the dream in which they kill the snake symbolizes victory and success. For married men and married women, such a dream prophesies that they can resist the temptation and remain loyalty.

When the dreams in which you kill the snake prophesies trouble?

However, the dream in which you kill the snake is not always a good sign. In accordance with Freud's dream book, the snake symbolizes sexuality and such a dream can be a signal that you suppress your own desires. Sometimes the murder of a snake in a dream means that you have clamped yourself in too close frames and completely do not pay attention to your own needs. The positive or negative interpretation of the dream depends on what emotions you experience by killing the snake: it can be the relief and joy of victory or on the contrary bitterness and devastation.

A dream in which someone else kills a snake: interpretation

If you dreamed that you were attacking a snake, but suddenly a defender appears that kills it, then you have this defender in real life. The image of the essence of the victorious snake symbolizes its moral qualities, for example, the dog means friendship and devotion, a horse - strength and hard work, and a warrior - heroism and nobility.

Dream Interpretation - Snake eats a snake: interpretation

Such a dream illustrates or portends any conflict to which you are related. Moreover, the size of the snakes symbolizes the scale of the troubles: small snakes are small troubles, huge - global shocks. According to dream books, the snake eats a snake to the disagreements that will come to naught without your participation. This dream warns that you need to try to maintain neutrality and not interfere in conflicts, because otherwise you can suffer.

Why dream of running away from snakes?

This dream shows the dilemma tormenting you. On the one hand, you want to please others, on the other hand, this is contrary to your own needs and desires that turn out to be depressed. If one of the snakes overtakes and stings, it means that one of the others will deeply touch your feelings.


Why see the skin of a snake in a dream?

To see the skin of a snake on the dream book of isop in a dream means finding a miraculous tool that will help get rid of a problem or illness. According to Loft's dream book, the same symbol denotes a rebirth and complete update.

Dream Interpretation - snake attack: interpretation of sleep

The alarming dreams in which snakes attack you most often indicate that you have to fight many problems in real life.

  • If snakes fall on you from the sky, then you have to cope with the mass of troubles
  • If you meet a poisonous snake that swayed from the side and tries to sting you, then in reality you will find a meeting with a cunning and dangerous enemy
  • If the snake from sleep is non -amended, then you can easily get out of the situation that disturbs you
  • In Vanga Dream Interpretation, huge snakes prophesies global troubles for the whole people or humanity as a whole
  • According to the noble dream book, huge snakes that block the horizon say that you are on the verge of great secrets, opening which you can no longer live peacefully
  • A snake that crawls, symbolizes a person with a weak will
  • A snake ball is a bad sign, a symbol of great danger. Can designate a whole group of people hostile to you who are welcoming at first glance, but actually conspiracy

However, according to the dream book of the snake bite in the leg, the hand is not always a bad sign. Such a dream also means an introduction to any secret or wisdom, hitherto unknown to you.

Dream Interpretation - keep a snake with you in a dream: interpretation

In the noble dream book of a snake crawling around and climbing under clothes, symbolize something new, exciting and previously unknown. A snake bite in this context means a sudden insight.

On this dream book, keeping a snake in a dream is a sign of good reputation and good glory. The snake that lies on the casket, casket, book or other valuable subject denotes access to some secret knowledge. This image echoes the rite of initiation, according to the laws of which, in order to grow and switch to the next level, you need to go through the ritual of death and resurrection. A snake from sleep symbolizes that very mortal danger.

Such a dream suggests that in order to get what you want, you must overcome yourself and cope with fear. A huge run on a tree is an ambiguous symbol, it can designate both wisdom and temptation.

A cave, a hall or a room with snakes is an image of a human soul, in which there are corners in which you yourself are afraid to look. But if you see a snake in your own house, then be careful, perhaps a person with an evil intent will try to penetrate into it during your absence.

A snake is a very complex composite image that combines good with evil. It simultaneously terrifies, amazes with greatness and is associated with ancient universal wisdom. Therefore, the dreams in which the snake appears very often and deserve attention.

How to interpret a dream about a snake: reviews of famous people

Bulgarian clairvoyant Wang

I considered the image of the snake negative. In her opinion, the snake clearly symbolizes evil and denotes demonic forces that are contrary to Christian morality. Thus, the appearance of a snake in a dream is a bad sign, but their destruction is opposite the revival of spirituality and the rejection of sins.

Sigmund Freud

He believed that the snake, like other reptiles, was a symbol of the masculine principle. And in the interpretation of all dreams with the participation of this creature put an erotic subtext.

David Aik and other followers of the theory of conspiracy

They also have their own opinion about reptiles. In their opinion, a group of people rules the world, with a special worldview and genes, which distinguishes them with these creatures. Thus, the serpentine entities are attached to the most important meaning.

Denise Lynn, traveler and author of more than 20 books from the field of mysticism and secret knowledge

He sees a deep and ambiguous meaning in dreams with snakes. In her opinion, these creatures denote the forces of nature and the potential embedded in man, they are a symbol of healery and secret knowledge. At the same time, the biblical concept gives this image with cheating and cunning, so seeing a snake in a dream is an alarming sign.

Video: Alena Kurilova about prophetic dreams

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