The seedlings of tomatoes grow well, does not grow, falls, perishes, the dicks after diving: what to do, how to save seedlings? How to care for tomato seedlings after diving? With what fertilizer, folk remedy to feed tomato seedlings after diving: recipes, tips

The seedlings of tomatoes grow well, does not grow, falls, perishes, the dicks after diving: what to do, how to save seedlings? How to care for tomato seedlings after diving? With what fertilizer, folk remedy to feed tomato seedlings after diving: recipes, tips

Causes of wilting and poor growth in tomato seedlings. Resuscitation stories. Preparations and recipes for feeding after diving.

Beginning and experienced gardeners are faced with a mass of nuances when growing seedlings at home. In addition to sowing, watering, care and top dressing, each plant requires attention and caring hands of a person.

Tomatoes during intensive growth in open ground are resistant to changes in the temperature of the day and night, the intensity of sunlight. They are grateful for feeding and tying the stems. However, from the moment of sowing of tomato seeds to transplantation, they expect a week of caring for young plants to the open ground.

It is not only about diving, but also the treatment of diseases, the organization of proper irrigation, temperature regime, and light intensity. The main tasks are to maintain seedlings, prevent its wilting, slowing down and development. Let's talk more about this in the article.

Why dies, disappears, does not grow or poorly grows tomato seedlings after diving: Reasons

Cheorvek transplants tomato seedlings into another container
man transplants tomato seedlings into another container

There are several causes of death and poor growth in tomato seedlings:

  • Errors during transplantation, when the root is incorrectly located in the hole or damaged; The earth is not tight enough sprinkled. In the latter case, the presence of air bubbles prevents the development of the root system of the plant.
  • Lighting. Direct sunlight often cause burns on seedlings, which negatively affects her health and growth.
  • Diseases, for example, a black leg. It develops due to watering tomato with cold water. Or a fungus in the ground that penetrates the stem and forms blood clots. They prevent the movement of juice with useful substances to the leaves.
  • Pests, for example, a spider mite. The lesions at an early stage are not noticeable, but when the colony grows, it is difficult to save the plant.
  • Errors of watering and drainage problems. The stagnation of water causes rotting of the roots of seedlings, and watering with cold liquid - the development of the disease, the so -called black leg.
  • Poor -quality soil with low content of minerals. For example, the lack of iron causes yellowing and dying of leaves, as well as a significant slowdown in the growth of seedlings. Small nitrogen content show excessively thin stems and sluggish leaves.
  • The high air temperature in the room extremely negatively affects the general well -being of tomatoes. If an excessive humidity indicator is added to it, the expected to form putrid processes in the soil. As a result, the root system and the whole plant will suffer.

What to do if the seedlings of tomato after diving falls, hammers, does not grow or grow badly: a set of measures

Young seedlings of tomatoes in a box on the windowsill
young seedlings of tomatoes in a box on the windowsill
  • If the cause is in the soil fungus, treat it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then make fertilizers of potassium and phosphorus.
  • Pay attention to the temperature and humidity in the room where the seedlings are located. They should not exceed permissible indicators.
  • An adult plant, affected by a black leg, will save the filling of the soil under the root. So new roots are formed and tomatoes will soon rise again and will grow.
  • The lack of lighting compensate for red and blue lamps. The duration of their effects is at least 10 hours a day. But leave time for the dark without tomato lighting. So blue light affects the development of the plant, its ability to flower, and red stimulates the formation of a strong trunk.
  • Feed your seedlings with a growth stimulant by preparing its aqueous solution. Sometimes there are not enough useful substances in the soil, as evidenced by the wilting of the plant, the fall of its leaves.

Tomatoes care, tomatoes after diving: description, tips

Tomato seedlings after diving on the windowsill
tomato seedlings after diving on the windowsill

Care is based on 3 points:

  • lighting
  • air temperature
  • watering

When you conducted the first diving tomato, place them in a cool room, for example, on a loggia or a glazed balcony so that a shadow is above them. The air temperature is optimal during the day +16 ℃, at night +13 ℃. Lack of contact with direct sunlight will preserve the health of seedlings.

  • Please note that when a temperature is reduced to +10 ℃ your tomatoes will stop in growth.
  • A week after the dive, pour seedlings and cut off the lower pair of leaves so that the barrel does not stretch too much.
  • When the plants get stronger, organize access to sunlight. The duration of baths is 10-12 hours, they can tolerate well.
  • Remember that good drainage is the key to the health of the root system and plant as a whole. Therefore, excess moisture, be sure to organize the exit through the holes at the bottom of the container.
  • Avoid the location of tomatoes on the windowsill over hot batteries. Better put them on the table at least a meter from the heat source. Seedlings should be hardened before planting in open ground.
  • Water abundantly and rarely. Use the water such that it has settled and acquired room temperature. A signal for watering is completely dry soil in pots.
  • A couple of weeks before landing in open ground, start hardening tomatoes. Put them at the open window/window for a couple of hours a day.

How often to water and how to water tomatoes, tomatoes after diving?

Watering young tomato seedlings under the root with a small watering
watering young tomato seedlings under the root with a small watering
  • The frequency of watering of tomato seedlings varies depending on the age of the plants. When the seeds gave out seedlings in all the holes, carefully pour the soil around the shoot, avoiding water from entering it. A pear for douching will help you.
  • Before the first diving, when 3 real leafs have grown, moisten the soil under tomatoes in 3 days.
  • After the first dive, pour it after 5-7 days, the second-10.
  • Further follow the soil. When it becomes dry, pour the seedlings abundantly with water at room temperature, which settled. Once every 7-10 days it may be quite enough.
  • Plan moisturizing the soil before diving in a few days. Then you will minimize the probability of damage to the roots.
  • Use complex mineral fertilizers as an additive to water for watering tomato seedlings once a month.

With what fertilizer, folk remedy to feed tomato seedlings after diving: recipes, tips

Liquid complex fertilizers for top dressing are added to the watering can for watering.
liquid complex fertilizers for top dressing are added to the watering can for watering.

The process of feeding seedlings is required for tomatoes. So you activate his strength for harmonious development and healthy growth.

Aqueous solutions are suitable from folk remedies:

  • chicken
  • wood ash
  • urea
  • yeast
  • nettle
  • mullein

Add several recipes for fertilizers with folk remedies.

Recipe 1 from nettle

A bucket with green fertilizer from nettles for feeding tomato seedlings
a bucket with green fertilizer from nettles for feeding tomato seedlings
  • Fill in the enameled container finely chopped nettle and pour water.
  • For 2 weeks, stir the future fertilizer daily so that the excess oxygen disappears until its color changes to light.
  • To neutralize an unpleasant odor to a net with nettles, add a few drops of valerian.
  • Prepare a solution for irrigation at the rate of 1 part for 20 parts of water. Distribute the liquid around the trunk under the root.

Recipe 2 with ash

Tied tomato stems and a glass of liquid fertilizer from ash for their top dressing
tied tomato stems and a glass of liquid fertilizer from ash for their top dressing
  • Dissolve the glass of ash in 3 liters of water and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Leave to infuse for half a day.
  • Find clean water to a volume of 10 liters and grate a little laundry soap.
  • Use fertilizer for spraying grown seedlings.

Recipe 3 with mullein

A bucket of finished fertilizer from mullein for feeding tomatoes
a bucket of finished fertilizer from mullein for feeding tomatoes
  • Fill a container half a mullein and pour it to the edges with warm water.
  • Cover the lid and leave to infuse for 7 days.
  • Stir the fertilizer and dilute it with ordinary clean water in a ratio of 1:15.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of liquid under each bush.

Among the complex products of industrial production, gardeners give preference:

  • nitrofosk
  • mineral Monal drugs - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
  • ammophosphate
  • "Ideal"
  • "Stropysh"

So, we examined the features of leaving tomato seedlings, revealed the causes of its diseases, and learned to prepare fertilizers at home.

Remember that the hard work, attentiveness and care of human hands often becomes the key to the abundant harvest of tomatoes in the future.

Video: Care for tomato seedlings

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