An draft in the army in Russia: draft age. Defense from the army due to illness, weight and study in grade 11, college, university, upon admission: Law

An draft in the army in Russia: draft age. Defense from the army due to illness, weight and study in grade 11, college, university, upon admission: Law

Army service for someone seems to be a lost year of life, while others consider it their sacred duty. What you need to know about the call and service in the army read in this article.

For all young guys who reach the age of age, it becomes acute The question of service in the army. Someone with honor fulfills their duty, others are looking for loopholes to postpone this unwanted duty or avoid it at all.

Many mothers are worried about how to give it to the barracks to the barracks for official food. This article is intended for both future employees and their family- you will learn details in it about the service of young people in the army.

What gives a person’s service in the army?

Times are changing, a quarter of a century ago military service It was a mandatory and honorary mission to protect the homeland. Now this ardor has faded a little. But still, let's try to figure it out what is the army for a young guy.

Army service will only benefit the young man
Army service will only benefit the young man

Firstly, this is physical hardening and endurance - Training and discipline makes a real man out of a young man. Army service is usually remembered through the years. Often army comrades They meet in decades, recalling past exploits. Love to motherland They are vaccinated in the army from the first days of service, saying that the duty of each man to defend the Fatherland.

Many believe that the service seals a year of lifeBut ask the servants which of them spares after this period. It is unlikely that you will hear the words of regret from someone. Those who do not want to join the army because of your beloved girl, must understand that her beloved girl will wait for grief, and in joy and day, and year. While the one who did not love - he will not wait for a week and the matter is not at all in a distance. Moreover, the army can even be called a kind checking the senses.

The army forms a love of homeland and sports
The army forms a love of homeland and sports, teaches to value real values

The army instills youth love for sports. And it’s better to let men protect their native land, than they drink beer at stops and near the kiosks.

Unfortunately, now the protection of the homeland is considered something shameful, and all responsibility is put on the shoulders of professional military and police, but why will the entire male half of Russia not think that they have laid down genes of a defender and a warrior?

Supporting age in Russia

According to the law "On military duty and military service", namely Article 22 paragraph 1 The draft age in the Russian Federation for men is from 18 to 27 years old.

Recruitment age in the Russian Federation from 18 to 27 years
Recruitment age in the Russian Federation from 18 to 27 years

Many mistakenly believe that 27-year age Not a limit and up to 28 man can bring a summons. But in fact, this is not so - from the day of performance of 27 years a young man it becomes an unprecedented age.

Per these 10 years A young guy who has no health contraindications or other reasons should pay a debt to the state.

How many calls to the army in Russia and their terms?

According to article 25 of the Law "On Military Service" An draft in the army is carried out 2 times a year - in the spring and autumn. The service life is set for the period 12 months.

Employees of the military registration and enlistment office do not have the right Give the agenda for a medical examination or calling for time, which do not correspond to the spring or autumn draft period. Such actions in the presence of a summons, it is necessary to appeal in court.

There are two calls in Russia: spring and autumn
There are two calls in Russia: spring and autumn

Spring call It begins on April 1 and lasts 3.5 months - until July 15. For a spring call there are certain exceptions:

  • For residents of the Far North and teachers in any territory, the call takes place from May 1 and lasts 2.5 months
  • Residents of villages who are engaged in sowing work in the spring call do not participate

Autumn call it begins from October 1 and lasts until the end of the year. Exceptions in the terms of call:

  • For residents of the Far North and teachers of any region, the call takes place from November 1 and lasts 2.5 months
  • Residents of the villages who are engaged in sowing and harvesting work are being called from October 15 to the end of the year.

What is an urgent draft in the army?

An urgent draft in the army is one of the synonyms for the usual call service. That is, this is the call of male citizens from 18 to 27 years old In the spring or autumn period for military service.

Urgent call
Urgent call

To conduct an urgent call in each city center, a special commission, In which a comprehensive physical examination of conscripts is originally conducted. After undergoing the inspection, doctors give out a conclusion - suitable, not suitable or suitable with restrictions.

If a young man suitable, a decision is made to call for military service. The restrictions are suitable, it means that such an employee can be called only in case of mass mobilization.

If, according to medical indications, the young man is not suitable for service, his they are released from military duty.

Categories are not suitable in the army

In order to serve in the army, it is necessary to have good medical indications. Correspondence or inconsistency for the service is determined by medical examination by a special qualified commission.

In order to get into the army, you need to have good health
In order to get into the army, you need to have good health

Exists 5 categories of fitness young men to the service - a, b, c, d, D. For each symbol there is an explanation - A and d - This is suitable and not suitable accordingly. The rest are suitable with restrictions or temporarily not suitable.

For conscripts, the most desired letter is ATwhat it means limitedly. Under such conditions, the conscript can be mobilized only during hostilities. That is, it has certain diseases that free it from serving.

The most difficult is category D. If for medical indicators you have diseases of this group, then you are forever exempted from service in the army. Diseases that apply to the category of d - Stroke, serious glaucoma, HIV and others.

Category A means that the conscript is suitable for service
Category A means that the conscript is suitable for service

The difference between groups A and B is that in the first category an employee can serve in any group of troops, group b Gives some restrictions. At categories G. The conscript is given a certain time of delay in the treatment of the detected disease. And approximately six months later - a year The young man is again invited to a physical examination.

Most reasons lack of military ID The young man has a state of health. Some suitability categories give complete exemption from service, others offer an alternative service. The most terrible is category D. We sincerely wish that not a single young man find such a terrible disease.

Disease schedule for conscripts to the army

Depending on the complexity and category of the disease, you can either get defense from service in the army, or to be completely liberated. Before proceeding to the service, each conscript must pass medical checkup. After it, the result of the fitness of the young man to call is determined.

Medical commission of conscripts
Medical commission for conscripts

Exists 86 articles of disease, in which a soldier is exempted from military service. Here are generalized categories:

  • Infectious diseases
  • Blood diseases and endocrine system
  • Malignant formations
  • Mental illness and diseases of the nervous system
  • Otolangal and ophthalmological diseases
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Skin diseases
  • The consequences that arose after injuries, and others

You can read a more detailed list in the Law "On Military Service" Or just in open Internet resources. If the young man has violated the functioning of a certain organ or any other changes in the body, then this may become the reason for the restrictions in the service or unsuitability.

What does it mean not suitable in the army by weight?

“A healthy mind in a healthy body”, as a well -known proverb says, and if there is not enough weight in the body of a conscript, at a certain time, military service will be Forbidden.

A young man with weight less than 45 kg cannot become a soldier
A young man with weight less than 45 kg cannot become a soldier

Earlier, young men with low weight were not called into the army at all. But since the beginning of 2014 The reception framework has been tightened and since then weight loss is an indicator for delay From the army for six months. If the weight of a young man less than 45 kg, then, according to the list of diseases, he becomes not suitable for service.

The body mass index can be calculated online on the Internet or using tables in the Regulation on military medical examination. If the conscript of the body mass does not reach the mark 18,5, then he is given a delay from calling for term 6 months.

This time is given to form the necessary body weight and definitions of the suitability of a young man to serve in the army.

What does it mean limited to service in the army?

Category "B" fitness To military service gives the status of a conscript “limitedly suitable”. This mark automatically sends the young man to the supply of military forces. This means that when the country does not have any serious military events, the young man cannot be called up for military service, but in the case of any hostilities and total mobilization, this category falls into the list of calls.

Limitedly suitable young men are sent to the reserve of military forces
Limitedly suitable young men are sent to the reserve of military forces

Also for men category "B" the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and any power departments is prohibited. Such military reserves cannot be contractors or study in military schools.

In what cases do they give a delay from the army: law?

According to article 24 of the Law "On Military Service" Deading to the military is given in the case:

  • Recognition of unusability according to the order of military service
  • A close relative
  • Guardianship over minors
  • The presence of a child needing
  • Pregnancy of the spouse
  • Full -time learning
A delay from the army is given for many reasons
A delay from the army is given for many reasons

Also, a deferment from service is given to a citizen in case Special Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. If a criminal case has been instituted against the conscript, in this case, before resolving the issue of the conscript, they do not have the right to call for service.

Defense from the army in grade 11, college, university, when entering

With the approach of graduation, parents of many boys think about the upcoming draft in the army. Some of them suggest that joining educational institutions will give exemption from service. But in fact, this is not entirely true.

If students act in college after grade 9, then for them there is a delay in the call until the age of 20. Such a restriction on the fact that at this age the young men are already ending the college are calculated.

During the training period, the young man cannot be called to carry out service in the army
During the training period, the young man cannot be called to carry out service in the army

An interesting nuance is that students who act to college after grade 11, The delay is not provided. In fact, the law states that upon receipt of a young man to college, he is given a delay only if in the last year of the educational institution he will be fulfilled 18 years.

On admission To the university after grade 11 There is a deferment of a call until the end of training, including a magistracy or graduate school. But it is important to consider that the delay in receipt master's degree or graduate student given only in the case of study at the university for the first time and in the presence of the necessary accreditation of the educational institution.

Video: Defense from the army for study. Consultation of a lawyer

Army and graduate school

For young people who want to continue training in graduate school, since 2013 The law on postponement for graduate students entered into force. But such a norm is assumed only for those students who get knowledge in person.

One of the main criteria for a graduate student should be accreditation of the university. There are certain norms for accreditation by a higher educational institution. This is a fairly long and documented tedious process. But while the university does not have the necessary permits to prepare graduate studentsStudents can get an unexplored agenda.

If the university has the necessary accreditation, then its graduate student may receive a delay from the army
If the university has the necessary accreditation, then its graduate student may receive a delay from the army

Therefore, before entering graduate school, find out in advance preparation criteria And whether a delay from service is provided, so that on one of the training days the agenda does not become an unpleasant surprise for you.

How not to go to the army after the institute?

In this section we will not give some tricky tipsabout how to come up with an excuse from the army, but we will talk about the intricacies of the law, which makes it possible not to serve in the army after graduation.

First, until you received a diploma of graduation, you do not have the right to call to the military enlistment office. When studying on the agenda, the reason for the call can be indicated only "Clarification of questionnaires." With this formulation, you can safely go to the military registration and enlistment office, there only check your data as a potential conscript.

A university student can be handed a summons for data reconciliation, but not for a medical commission
A university student can be handed a summons for data reconciliation, but not for a medical commission

Violation of the law will be the reason "Medical examination". If, being a student, you received a summons with such an indication, you can safely ignore the invitation. Also, the presentation of the agenda can only be personally, a conscript for painting, But not to parents or any people in the apartment.

After receiving a diploma Each graduate has the right to write an application addressed to the rector with a request to provide vacation to master the main educational program. But only after these holidays, the student will be expelled.

Thus, if you received a diploma in May, during a spring call, such a statement will give you Deadment before the fall.

After graduation, you can write an application for vacation at the university and this will become a reason for delay
After graduation, you can write an application for vacation at the university and this will become a reason for delay

How legally not to join the army?

For those who do not want to get into another call and have legal grounds for that, we provide a list of those very grounds for reconciliation:

  • Change of registration - You can be registered in one country, and live in Russia. Thus, in the Russian Federation no one has the right to call you to the ranks of the military
  • Deregistration and rejection of citizenship - If you want to go abroad and change citizenship, you can submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office for sending on a long business trip. Provided that it lasts more than six months, you are automatically deregistered
  • Service in another state - If you have a document about the service outside of Russia, they cannot call you again
  • Difficult situation in the family -If you take care of a sick relative (I. II Gr. Prisistence) or have a child under 3 years old, you need to submit the relevant documents to the military registration and enlistment office and the call will not be extended to you
You can not go to the army for many reasons
You can not go to the army for many reasons
  • The death of a relative in the service - If a close relative died during military service, you are not entitled to be drafted into the army. Such relatives include mother, father, grandfather, sister or brother
  • Criminal case - Even for non -payment of a fine or insult that entailed an insignificant article, you will not be taken to serve
  • Study or work - If you are studying in the full -time department, work as a doctor or teacher in the village or serve in the state structure, in peacetime the call is closed for you

Study all these points, perhaps you have a legal opportunity to get a delay from the army service.

How to get into the army, if not suitable?

If you were equated during the examination in the category "Not suitable" or "limitedly suitable", then there is practically no chance of getting a summons in this case.

If this diseases of the category D, then with 100%confidence we can say that you will not be able to get a summons. If you consider categories of b-g, in such cases, there are certain restrictions due to the state of health, it is worth examining and obtaining competent treatment from a specialist.

If the young man is classified as D, then it is impossible to get into the army
If the young man is classified as D, then it is impossible to get into the army

If after a certain time your health improves, you can turn to the military commissarwho will prescribe a second medical examination. If health problems are resolved, hand you a summons.

How to get into the army for a girl?

Girls in the Russian army do not call for no fail. Therefore, the fair sex can only fall into the ranks of military personnel only if the contract is concluded on a voluntary basis.

Women are taken to the contract army at the age of 18 to 40 years With secondary, and for some types of troops and higher education.

There is no mandatory service for women in Russia, but a woman can serve at her own free will
There is no mandatory service for women in Russia, but a woman can serve at her own free will

Before starting the service, girls also undergo a medical board, a conversation with a psychologist and pass certain physical standards. Women, having a criminal record They do not take the army. But the presence of a family and children of military commissars does not bother.

In order to get to the service, the girl must provide the military enlistment office certain documents:

  • Passport and TIN
  • Filled questionnaire and autobiography
  • Copies of the work book, certificate, diploma
  • Photos 3*4 and 9*12

After all the documents have been submitted and a medical examination and physical preparation has been completed representative of the military forces of the Russian Federation.

Video: The pride of the Russian army: women officers

What to take with them to the army to the conscript?

So exciting came the moment of fees in the army. A young conscript arises a lot of questions, what things are needed. We provide advice with an optimal set of things, which are useful in the army:

  • The bag, in which you, accordingly, will need to collect things. Better if it is a sports big backpack
  • Thread of dark colors
  • Soap and toothbrush cases (naturally with soap, toothbrush and paste)
  • Bride and shaving foam
The conscript must take the first necessity
The conscript must take the first necessity
  • Socks, laces
  • Comb
  • Chancellery (notebook, pen and envelopes so that you can write letters home). If a mobile phone is allowed, then this item can be deleted
  • Hygiene items
  • Food for the road

Young people who want in every way "Roll up" from serviceThink well. After all, the army is peculiar school of life for a man. After the service, once still young men, the thinking and perception of the world and their role in it change fundamentally. You are definitely You will not regret this period of life, on the contrary, you will recall pleasant moments from the army service all your life, and you will also find faithful comrades there.

Video: Legal methods of exemption from service in the army

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