Useful applications for iPhone: office, for navigation, for sports. What useful applications for iPhone are convenient for mounting or listening, watching music, video? Which iPhone applications are convenient for processing photos?

Useful applications for iPhone: office, for navigation, for sports. What useful applications for iPhone are convenient for mounting or listening, watching music, video? Which iPhone applications are convenient for processing photos?

In this article, we will give a review of the iPhone applications that can significantly facilitate the life of the phone owner.

The phone has long ceased to be a simple tool for making calls. Now many even simplest models are able to delight their owner with additional options. What can we say about iPhones that are insanely popular lately! We decided to make a list of the help of the most useful applications for this type of technique.

Office and business applications for iPhone

People who work in the field of business, iPhone can become a business partner . And thanks to what applications:

  • Pages - A magnificent alternative to the usual computer program Word. In the analogue installed on the iPhone, the user will be able to directly in his favorite phone write texts large volume and edit them. Available also diverse graphic elements for editing. Moreover, it is possible not only to provide a text document with a schedule or picture, but also add to it voice recording! Annotations They will also contribute to the creation of an original document. For users who need to write a resume, a report or a business letter, are always available templates.

Important: Pages supports files of any resolution - from PDF to DOC.

In this application, bookmarks can be added to the text, which in the future will help to navigate in the document
In this application, bookmarks can be added to the text, which in the future will help to navigate in the document
  • iBooks - readerwhich is most preferable for users of such phones. The most important argument for use is that Apple employees were engaged in its development. In addition, the application is completely freewhich also attracts attention. As for e-books, they can also be acquired differently, including free. You can download the thing of interest, for example, with the App Store or through itunes Download from the computer.
  • Print Agent Pro - Excellent addition for text editors. It allows recognize, print and store documents. Moreover, any format: both downloaded from the computer and simply photographed on the iPhone camera. Just a find for people who need to work with a mass of documents!
  • Consultant Plus -an application that serves as a lifesaver for people who often need to be drawn up with various codes - business, tax, etc. The telephone assistant will provide operational access to them at any time.

Important: you can find even outdated documents today, along with explanations and editors to them.

Consultant Plus - an ideal application for an iPhone for business people
Consultant Plus-an ideal application for an iPhone for business people
  • Numbers - The best program that allows you to create tables, diagrams. The user can use the necessary elements in the process of creating the necessary elements multipostroilia or increase, which greatly facilitates the task. Templates many and for every taste - more than 30. If several users need to work on the table at the same time, developers offer to use the function collective construction Right in real time!
  • Keynote - Very convenient application to create presentations. Now you can work on an iPhone on them! Beautiful diagrams in an animated style, smooth transitions, impressive text styles - All this is available to users of the application. In addition, it is possible to make own text styles.
Keynote iPhone application is indispensable for people who often need to create presentations
Keynote iPhone application is indispensable for people who often need to create presentations

Navigation applications for iPhone

The following applications will help to easily navigate anywhere:

  • Yandex maps - A real find for travelers. It is especially convenient that maps of interest in cities can save. This is useful if you cannot connect the Internet during a trip. The card saved in advance will definitely not allow you to get lost. Thanks to filters The user will be able to find the desired object as quickly as possible. The application is useful not only to motorists, pedestrians, but also to cyclists.

Important: which is important, this application will inform about any traffic jam or repair work taking place on the path.

  • Wikiplaces - is considered one of the most spacious bases for objects Not only one country, but throughout the world! You can find descriptions such objects, links their more detailed descriptions, reviews And, of course, a photo. Some of the information is really uniquesince it is added by users themselves. And all this splendor can be downloaded to the iPhone completely is free.
The Wikiplaces application for an iPhone will help find any information about any object on the planet
The Wikiplaces application for an iPhone will help find any information about any object on the planet
  • OffMaps - Extremely comfortable offline card, into which you can download the image of the area that will come in advance in advance in the near future. Again, this is very helpful if the Internet connection is absent or too expensive. You can easily configure the cache in such a way that the phone’s memory was not overloaded.
  • Find iPhone - will help if one of the phones disappeared. Therefore, if any of the family members or friends suffers from distraction, the application is indispensable.

Important: it is extremely useful that by activating the “loss mode”, you can temporarily block the lost phone before it is detected.

  • Inventory List - And this assistant will allow track the location of things that are somewhere at home. Of course, this will need to manually enter these things on the list - you can use the text editor, or you can photograph the subject. But the efforts of it are: in the case of the loss of objects, they can be found much faster than before.
Inventory List - a useful application for an iPhone for those people who constantly lose something
Inventory List-a useful application for an iPhone for those people who constantly lose something

Musical applications for iPhone

Music calms, inspires, gives energy, and the following applications will help to carry it with you:

  • Tunein Radio Pro - this is internet radiobut with some nuances. Unlike the usual radio, it is always possible put a pause. Or rewind back And listen to the removal composition. It is quite real in this way record a song yourself on the device. This application allows you to make choice from 50,000 radio stations! They are dedicated to various topics and are conducted in different languages. Even the most meticulous listener will be satisfied.
  • Shazam - a real find for those who are constantly tormented with the problem Music recognition. If the iPhone user has heard a melody, and now she constantly plays in her head, it is quite realistic to identify it. Moreover, this happens only in 20 seconds.
  • Garageband - This is real Sound record in miniature. Klavic, percussion instruments, guitar, DJs of sound processing, amplifiers, various effects - all this is now at hand at the user of an iPhone.

Important: a parallel recording of vocals is also provided.

Now you can play a piano anywhere and at any time thanks to the GarageBand music application for iPhone
Now you can play a piano anywhere and at any time thanks to the GarageBand music application for iPhone
  • MusixMatch - Wonderful find for lovers of karaoke. It is considered one of the most impressive catalogs of songs. Of course, it includes both music and texts. They are displayed on the screen synchronously. Also the application is determine the melody unfamiliar to the owner.

IPhone applications for working with photos

It is necessary to work with images not only to photographers, but also to lovers. What applications should you pay attention to for such purposes?

Hipstamatic - This is peculiar the camera on the phone. The program pleases even in the little things, with the design, recalling vintage devices. Pleasing to functionality: the user is invited to choose something suitable among a variety of options for outbreaks, lenses, films. In general, the complete stylization of old cameras in miniatures. The only negative: some of these various useful additions will have to be purchased separately.

This is what the Hipstamatic iPhone application looks like
This is what the Hipstamatic iPhone application looks like
  • 360 Viewer - one of the best applications that specializes in creating panoramic photos. A panorama is formed from several photos specially uploaded for this purpose in advance.
  • Gemini Photos - They will help out those who are often forced to take many pictures, but have no time for their filtering. The application will immediately help calculate the twin photos, Thanks to which they can be easily and simply removed.
  • OBSCURA 2 - This application will definitely please both ordinary lovers to take photos and professionals. It Not overloaded with excess functions. But then it helps to control exactly what is needed - the point of exposure and focus, endurance, ISO.

Important: unlike the last application, this is absolutely free.

Pictures with this application for iPhone are magnificent
Pictures with this application for iPhone are magnificent

IPhone applications for working with video

The same users of iPhones who often need to deal with the video can recommend the following applications:

  • V.I.K.T.O.R - The convenience of using such an application is that for the installation of video tolls there are it is not necessary to download anywhere in first anywhere. Processing process in this case automated To the maximum. Beginners will always come to the rescue hints, Thanks to which all installation will pass easily and at ease.
  • imovie - a convenient application through which you can watch films. The main screen is stylized as an old cinema. Available also pre -viewing function. This significantly saves time and not upload a video whose quality does not suit.

IMPORTANT: Also, this application allows you to mount the rollers yourself.

  • VLC - one of the best media players. He is able to support many formats, What will save the user from the need to download a lot of similar programs. The whole is also available a variety of sound paths, subtitles. You can also regulate speed video playbacks.
Thanks to the VLC iPhone application, the user will be able to adjust the video as it should
Thanks to the VLC iPhone application, the user will be able to adjust the video as it should

IPhone applications for sports people

For people who are concerned about their state of health, the following applications will be useful:

  • Moves - Shagomer, which will always control its activity. Minimalist and very convenient at the same time-in order to count the coveted 8000-10000 steps, the abundance of functions is not required. You can always understand how many steps were taken while walking, and which - during running. The user also has the opportunity denigrate your favorite routes.
  • Runtastic Pro - Appendix for fans of running. Thanks to him there is an opportunity to conduct measurement of speed, distance, time and even sported during sports Calorius! Thanks to the evasion of results, each run will become a kind of incentive for the next and give positive emotions. Moreover, you can set goals in advance and always control their achievement.

Important: thanks to the leaders table, the achievements of runners in the neighborhood are always visible - this is also an impressive incentive.

Running using this application for iPhone will now bring more benefits
Running using this application for iPhone will now bring more benefits
  • Runtastic Sleep Better - program to control your sleep. Now the user will always find out about the phases of rest, the effectiveness of past sleep, and wake up to pleasant melodies! A similar approach will help to cope with insomnia and start a day exclusively in a good mood.
  • Runtastic Pro push -ups - The perfect solution for fans of push -ups. Thanks to the application, the athlete will no longer get off the account. It is extremely convenient that the user of the program can lead accounting for their personal achievementsth for a week, month, year. And, of course, you can always compare them with the achievements of the same users of the application.
An application for an iPhone push -ups Runtastic Pro will help out all lovers of this sport
An application for an iPhone push -ups Runtastic Pro will help out all lovers of this sport

Now iPhone users are available such a variety of applications that the eyes are scattering! Not only beginners, but also users of this phone with experience are lost. We hope that our selection of useful applications will slightly facilitate the choice for both fans of iPhones.

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