Why do I never go in a compartment car: 5 reasons to choose a reserved seat

Why do I never go in a compartment car: 5 reasons to choose a reserved seat

For and against a trip to a compartment car.

Many travels on the train are associated with a romance, a constantly floating picture and a distant horizon. In this article, we will tell you why you do not need to ride in compartment wagons.

Why do I never go in a compartment car: 5 reasons to refuse a compartment

Of course, in most cases, people will answer that they prefer to ride in a compartment than in a reserved seat. But this option is ideal only if you are traveling with friends and you can buy almost the whole compartment. In the case of a large, interesting, noisy company, a compartment is indispensable, and it is not worth changing it to a reserved seat.

This is much more convenient, because you will be limited from other passengers, you can talk about something of your own. There is no risk that someone in the compartment will take some valuable things from you. But this is not the only reason why people choose a compartment. They consider it safer, in fact it is not so.

Reasons to refuse the compartment:

  1. We do not recommend purchasing a ticket in the compartment if you are going alone, and you are a young pretty girl. This will be a kind of threat, it is not known which of the fellow travelers will come across to you in a compartment car. In this case, the door often closes, which can provoke violence, or theft.
  2. It is not known which of the neighbors will go, what will eat or drink. You may come across a very noisy company that drink men, or a person who will eat herring. Accordingly, all smells are undermined to undoubtedly in the reserved seat car than in the compartment.
  3. And of course, the main drawback of the compartment is its cost. This is especially true for traveling long distances. Most often, the fare in the compartment is two times more expensive than in the reserved seat. Therefore, if you often move, and use the services of the railway, we recommend that you purchase a reserved seat. This will help you save significantly. In this case, be sure to choose places that are not in the first car. Because it is here on the upper shelves that the guides often keep his things, for example, a bed, dishes or other utensils, it will be inconvenient and not very comfortable here.
  4. The best in the reserved seat are places from 5 to 11. There are not so many movements, smells do not spread from the toilet, and there is no unpleasant aroma. In a night carriage, people often sleep on the upper shelves without shoes, which provokes the occurrence of a strong smell of sweat in the car. At the same time, it is quite convenient to approach the conductor, as well as to the place where boiling water is poured into glasses.
  5. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the reserved seat is an ideal option if you move in the daytime and a short trip. It is approximately 5 to 10 hours. This time can be tolerated and driving on the upper shelf, not alarming anyone.

What places and shelves should you choose?

If you are traveling at night, then an ideal option is just the upper shelf. Nobody will disturb you and will not wake you, which often happens to the passengers who travel on the lower shelf. Indeed, quite often people who get into the toilet at night do it through the lower shelf, stepping on it. Accordingly, they can somehow wake up if you go below. At the same time, things are often placed in the compartment under the lower shelf. If your neighbors go out at night, they may wake you up.

The main advantage of the ride in the reserved seat on the upper shelf is that even people can be placed here, tall above 180 cm, which is almost impossible in compartment wagons. Passengers who move in the compartment suffer very much, because you can’t straighten your legs completely, since the length of the coupe does not allow. Accordingly, they sleep in a bent state and do not get enough sleep. If you are afraid that you will fall, it is worth asking the conductor a limiter or seat belts. They will be given out without problems, so the probability of falling will be reduced to zero.

The most unsuccessful places in the reserved seat are side shelves near the toilet. There is always a very lively movement and there is a constant smell of the toilet. Therefore, try not to choose places here. A bad option is the choice of the last wagons, because it shakes and rummages very much here.

Upper shelves
Upper shelves

Where is safer, in a reserved seat or compartment?

Another argument because of which it is worth taking a reserved seat is security. Because it is precisely the reserved seat car that the police very often patrols. You do not touch any pens, respectively, the probability of catching the diseases transmitted through the hands comes down to zero.

Reasons to choose a reserved seat:

  • The most significant argument is the price. If you do not want to communicate with the neighbors, the duration of the trip is about 3-5 hours, choose the side shelves, and the lower ones. Here you can calmly sit, relax, no one will get you with your questions, you will be able to do everything you want, you will be left to yourself. At the same time, you do not have to get acquainted with the neighbors. But this is a bad option if you go at night and you need to sleep. Resting here is not at all convenient.
  • Many parents are interested in, you need to travel with children in a compartment or a reserved seat, and how is it more convenient? It all depends on the nature of the child, as well as on your wishes. If there are two children, then the acquisition of three tickets on the compartment has a significant impact on the family budget. Accordingly, if you are limited in funds, it is better to purchase a reserved seat. If you do not want to communicate with your neighbors, then purchase tickets in advance, 45 days before sending the train. That is, as soon as they appear on sale. An ideal option is the purchase of places that immediately after the conductor compartment. In this case, the side regiments will not be occupied by passengers, because the conductor there stores linen. Therefore, this option will be much more convenient, you will lose your neighbors on the side shelves.
  • Many note that in the compartment you are very dependent on the neighbors, and how good or good -natured they will come across. Therefore, if good neighbors, then with the child in the compartment will go quite comfortably and conveniently. Children will entertain neighbors, and they are children. But this does not always happen if older people who want silence are going, the trip can become real flour. In this case, we advise you to purchase a reserved seat. There is less dependence on neighbors.

Each person chooses places on the train depending on their material capabilities, as well as on the desire to communicate with other people. You never know who comes from neighbors, so the road can be comfortable both in the reserved seat and in the compartment.

Video: Why should you refuse the compartment

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  1. A trip in the current wagons is a disgusting event. The sleeping places are narrow, uncomfortable. If I did not know what were before, one could still understand. Service at the lowest level, sale of tea at top of speculative prices.
    Only an extreme necessity can force a modern railway.

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