Why is the child sucking a finger, is it harmful, what to do to parents?

Why is the child sucking a finger, is it harmful, what to do to parents?

If the child sucks a finger, it is important to understand how dangerous it is. You will learn about this from the article.

Why is the child sucking a finger? How to react to a children's habit? Young caring parents ask similar questions.

Why is the child sucking a finger?

  • The first thing you need to know is sucking to reflex newborn children. During the period of intrauterine development, the babies are already mastering the first skills, among which reflex pleasure is sucking a finger.
  • Congenital reflexes are an integral part of development, so do not hastily wean the baby from sucking a fist or finger.
  • The reasons why the child sucks a finger Directly depend on the age of the child.

We highlight the main reasons why the children suck their fingers:

  • The need for food. A hungry child reflexively begins to suck his fingers. Adjust the diet, and the habit will gradually go into the background. If, after breastfeeding, the baby immediately begins to suck a finger, then perhaps he does not have enough milk.
  • Inferior contact with maternal breasts. If the baby spent not enough time near his mother’s breast, then he reflexively seeks to replenish the formed gap. In addition to nutritious function, the mother's breast is a way emotional contact. Breast feeding gives the baby a sense of safety.
  • One of the methods enjoy. When the baby boringHe is looking for a way for entertainment. Sucking the finger occupies it for a while and brings pleasure.
  • A means to calm. After active pastime, the baby needs to rest. Sucking the finger soothes, relieves excess tension and helps to fall asleep.
To calm down
To calm down
  • Research function. Each new day brings the baby another discovery. Finger sucking It is one of the stages of studying your body. In this case, the reflex is not constant.

The child sucks a finger: What is the harm?

  • If the child sucks a finger for a long period, then the habit can lead to unpleasant consequences. Constant fingers in the mouth corrects a children's bite, deforms the shape of the sky.
  • Long -term sucking of the fingers leads to incorrect teeth growth. Hands in the mouth are an irritant for the oral cavity and lead to dermatitis.
Can lead to ailments
Can lead to ailments
  • The child is in contact with the surrounding objects with his hands. Washed hands are untimely source of microbes and infectionswho fall into the stomach through the mouth.

To solve any problem, time is required. Parental love, patience and organization of high -quality pastime will help eliminate harmful behavior.

A small child sucks a finger: what to do?

  • Parents can easily establish the true reason, why is a small child sucking a finger. Depending on the root cause, measures are taken to eliminate the obsessive reflex.
  • To start adjust the feeding process. Let the baby enjoy your chest or a bottle with a mixture. Do not worry about a possible overeating. The child himself will stop at the right time.
Adjust the feeding process
Adjust the feeding process
  • Long -term contact with a bottle It can be partially replaced with a dummy. In this case, the need to suck the finger will completely disappear.
  • At the age of 4-6 months, the baby begins to bother the teeth. A finger in the mouth is a tool for scratching the gum.
  • Parents need to purchase a rubberized scam for gums and invite the baby to play with him. It is important to purchase convenient and high -quality device. The quality and shape of simple rubber toys is not suitable for these purposes.
  • Do not leave the baby alone For a long period of time. Give him more attention. Use interesting toys. Talk more with him. The gentle touches of the parents and their caring voice will give the baby a feeling of complete safety.
Do not leave one
Do not leave one
  • Analyze your behavior. Your excited behavior can cause children's anxiety. Minimize the influence of external stimuli For a children's mood.
  • Kids can copy behavior older children. Especially if it is a brother or sister. If two children in the family suck fingers, then they do not receive enough parental attention. In this case, parents need to visit children's  psychologist. Cold formal relations with the child are not enough for his comfortable development.
  • If you want the baby not to suck a finger, you need to offer him alternative. Otherwise, violent removing of fingers from the mouth will lead to nothing. To switch children's attention, sometimes it is enough to do a superficial massage of handles and legs.
To wean
To wean

An adult child sucks a finger: what to do?

  • If a the child sucks a finger At the age of six months, for many parents is perceived as a properly developing child. After a year, children's reflexes grow into alarming signals.
  • Finger sucking in an adult child speaks of the presence psychological problems. A doctor’s consultation will help to identify the character of a children's problem.

The primary task of parents is not to aggravate the situation.

  • Pointed parental attention In a children's habit, the child’s anxiety will strengthen. A mechanical obstacle to children's hands or acute comments from the parents will violate mutual understanding between you.
  • Another mistake of parents is comparison with other children. Each child is individual. No need to evaluate children's behavior according to general standards and criteria, and even more so express his indignation to the baby.
  • Resourceful parents lubricate their fingers with unpleasant substances, bandages their fingers and come up with other extraordinary methods. The listed methods become an injury for the child and do not lead to the desired result.
  • Parents must provide the child a comfortable calm life. Organize interesting joint pastime. The more time you devote to the child, the easier it is to establish confidential contact between you.
It is important that the child is comfortable
It is important that the child is comfortable
  • The reason for the negative emotions of the baby can be television, Internet, computer games. Entertainment on the playground will bring more positive emotions to children.
  • Games for the development of children's motor skills help to take the baby's hands. Take care of drawing, decoupage or modeling.

Video: What to do if a child sucks a finger?

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