Why do warts appear in children? The causes of the appearance and treatment of warts. A photo

Why do warts appear in children? The causes of the appearance and treatment of warts. A photo

The causes of warts and methods of combating them are considered. Several ways to remove warts in children.

Warts are benign neoplasms that arise due to the penetration of the papilloma virus into the body. The most interesting thing is that there are oncogenic types of virus that cause cervical cancer. But the result of the appearance of warts in children on their hands and face is a regular virus.

How did the warts on the face, on the hands, on the body appeared? The reasons

In childhood, many children were forbidden to pick up frogs, explaining this by the possibility of warts. But in fact, these amphibians have nothing to do with the appearance of light bubbles on the body.

The reasons for the appearance of warts:

  • contact with a human papilloma virus. Moreover, not necessarily the carrier of the virus has warts. With good immunity, the virus does not show itself and makes itself felt during some disease and weakening the body
  • through toys and household items. Your baby can easily pick up the virus in kindergarten or on the site during games
  • in a swimming pool

It is worth noting that the penetration of the virus into the body contributes to a decrease in immunity. It is also harmful to wear tight shoes. Because of this, microtraumas form on the soles of the legs through which the virus can penetrate. Often neoplasms appear on the body of a child after an illness. This is due to a decrease in the protective functions of the body.

Warts in children

Babies usually have warts of such species:

  • flat
  • ordinary
  • sharp
  • subject

Flat warts have a flattened shape, their surface is smooth. Ordinary warts are considered the most common, they have a certain roughness. To the touch, such a neoplasm resembles cauliflower.

If you look closely, you can notice some small scales or peeling on the surface of the formation. Subanary warts appear on the foot, they can interfere with the baby to walk. You should not joke with such a disease, you need to contact the surgeon. Long -term ignoring the disease can lead to problems of an orthopedic nature. Determine the nature of the neoplasm, you can use warts photo.

How to get rid of warts on your face?

In no case do not try to remove papillomas on the face yourself. Even if you do it carefully, there can still be a scar. In addition, at home, unknown people simply cut their education. Thus, blood with an infection spreads throughout the face, respectively, growths will appear on the skin again on the skin.

The optimal for removing warts on the face are the following methods:

  • cryodestruction
  • laser vaporization

The doctor will quickly remove the neoplasm and carefully treat the affected area with an antiviral drug. This will prevent the spread of the disease to healthy areas of the skin.

How to treat warts?

There are many ways to treat these benign formations. Usually resort to these methods:

  • electrocoagulation
  • cryodestruction
  • laser removal
  • chemicals
  • folk methods
  • surgical intervention

Often they treat warts with chemicals. They are based on acid or alkali, which dissolves the hard shell of the neoplasm. Sometimes they resort to electrocoagulation.

This is a simple method, and the removal equipment is available in almost any clinic. In the process of removal through a thin metal loop, an electric current is supplied. Thanks to this, it is possible to cut the formation and disinfect the surface of the skin.

Medicines for warts

Such drugs contain alkali or acid, as well as essential oils. A fairly effective and inexpensive drug is considered to be Feresole. This is an oily liquid that cauterizes the neoplasm.

It is worth considering that this medicine destroys the cells, respectively, it should be applied only to the surface of the neoplasm and avoid hiding on healthy tissues. You just get a chemical burn.

Antiviral drugs:

  • Groninosine
  • Panavir
  • Oxolin ointment

IMPORTANT: Groninosine is tablets that need to be taken orally

Thus, you are struggling with neoplasms from the inside. After a while, all warts will disappear, since the virus will stop breeding. Panavir and oxolin ointment are used externally. These drugs lubricate neoplasms.

Removing warts with a laser

Manipulation is carried out in a private clinic or in a cosmetology room. The wart in the literal sense of the word is burned under the influence of a laser beam. Among the advantages of the procedure, the availability and lack of scars after removal can be distinguished.

Thus, the laser can be used to remove papillomas from the face and mucous membranes. The procedure is carried out without pain relief or under local anesthesia.

For some time there will be a burn in place of the wart, and then a white spot. After a while, the scar completely disappears.

Removing warts with liquid nitrogen

This method is called cryodestruction. It is carried out in private clinics. To do this, use liquid nitrogen, the flow of which is directed to education. The wart is frozen.

You may need several procedures to remove it. That is why huge papillomas are not removed with cryodestruction. But then there are no scars after manipulation, this is a great way to remove small warts from the face and neck.

How to get a wart at home? Folk treatment of warts

At home, such neoplasms are removed using medicinal herbs. Also use juices of fruits and vegetables. But it is advisable to resort to the use of drugs based on acids and alkalis at home, so they quickly burn the upper layer of the neoplasm and prevent their repeated occurrence.

Traditional medicine offers many ways to combat warts. These are usually the following substances:

  • celandine juice
  • garlic juice
  • vinegar
  • tincture of thyme

The main disadvantage of folk methods is that the medicine must be used more than once, but for a long time. The treatment period can be several weeks and even months.

Cure for warts in folk medicine. Recipes

Usually in folk medicine, medicinal herbs are used to treat warts, but there are also very interesting approaches.

Recipes for getting rid of warts folk ways:

  • Dirty rag. You need to take a rag for washing dishes from the house or relative from the house. Grate all the formations with this fabric or sponge and bury the rags in the ground. When the fabric rotates, all papillomas will disappear
  • Cabbage juice. To remove warts, grate the cabbage on a grater and squeeze the juice. Moisten the gauze with juice and attach to the affected places. Cover the applique with paper for compresses and bandage. Such a manipulation of the case at night is desirable. Continue treatment until warts disappeared
  • Hydroperitis. You need to dissolve 4 hydraititis tablets in a tablespoon of warm boiled water. Using the ear stick, apply the solution exclusively to the surface of the neoplasm. Conducts processing 3-4 times a day until the bubbles completely disappear
  • Fuck with salt. Grate the horseradish root and put on the fabric. Squeeze the juice and mix in equal amounts with salt. Grease damaged places with this medicine. Try not to go to healthy skin. For treatment, you need 3 weeks

Celandine from warts

This is a poisonous plant that fights perfectly with papillomas. Most often use fresh grass. This is usually done during the flowering of the plant from May to July.

To do this, the stem is cut off, and the juice that stands out from the place of the cut is applied to the formation. Processing should be carried out 2-3 times a day. Ultimately, papilloma should turn black and fall off.

You can independently perform the blank of celandine juice:

  • For this, the plant is collected during the flowering period
  • No need to cut stems or flowers. You need to dig a weed and wash it
  • After the plant dries, pass it through a meat grinder and throw it on a dense fabric
  • Squeeze the juice and pour it into the bottle. Pill the lid and release the gas daily
  • After a week, the juice will stop wandering, now it can be used as a medicine


Tips and reviews on wart treatment

Important: first of all, make sure that the child’s neoplasm is really a wart in the child

Very often, such neoplasms are confused with malignant tumors. To remove papillomas from the child’s face, do not use acid -based chemicals and alkalis, this can provoke a burn of healthy tissues. It is best to seek help from a dermatologist, he will tell you the most effective way to combat such a cosmetic defect.

There are a lot of ways to combat warts, but it is desirable that a specialist is engaged in treatment. So, you will minimize the possibility of the formation of scars and the spread of the disease.

Video: Ways to combat warts

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  1. The son in the fifth grade had a wart on his finger. They deleted it themselves, having bought Werrukacid in the pharmacy. The solution was neatly applied to the wart in several stages, and after five days it disappeared.

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